Chapter 15: The Sun and The Moon

Walking On Sunshine

Byul made it back to the farm an hour later. She was carrying three bags: one from the fish market, one from the best soup shop in town, and one from the little shop she dragged SeulGi into, with a present for YongSun. She stopped in to the kitchen first, her mother preparing dinner already, Byul and YongSun were supposed to get dinner in town but she left early. Byul handed her mother the bag of fish. “Have you seen YongSun?” She asked as she set the soup down on the counter. “I brought her soup since she isn’t feeling well.” 
Her mother gave her a look. “I haven’t seen her since you two left after breakfast.” She shuffled some ingredients around. “She wasn’t feeling good?” 
Byul nodded. “She came back an hour ago.” She put the soup in a bowl and put it in the microwave. “Maybe she just went to lay down, I’ll go check.” 
YongSun however, was no in Byul’s room. Byul hid the gift she got her in closet and closed her door behind her. She swung into her sister’s room, they had the bigger room because they had to share. “Have either of you seen YongSun?” They were both laying on their beds looking at their phones. 
YeSol sat up a bit. “I saw her walking toward the barn like an hour ago.” She shrugged. 
“Thanks, the fish is here so make sure to ask mom if she needs help with dinner.” She got a wave of SuelGi’s hand before she swung back out of the room.

YongSun was indeed in the barn. Just one step in and Byul could see her up in the loft. Byul grabbed a blanket off of a bale of hay and threw it over her shoulder, making her way to the latter to climb up.  
YongSun was sitting near the window, in the same spot they were sitting yesterday, her knees pulled up to her chest, looking out the window. Byul sat down beside her, throwing the blanket over YongSun as she did. “What are you doing out here baby, I thought you weren’t feeling well.” She went to move some of YongSun’s hair but she leaned away from her. “That is the second time you’ve done that today.” She shifted closer. “Is everything okay?” YongSun wasn’t looking at her, she would only look out the window. “Unnie?”  
“How long have you had a crush on SeulGi?” She asked flatly. 
Byul scrunched her brow. “What makes you say that?” Sure back in the day she did have a little thing for SeulGi but that was years ago and when she was just figuring herself out. 
YongSun turned her head a little. “As soon as you ran into her it was like I wasn’t even there. I saw the way you looked at her.” She could see tears lining her eyes. 
“Hey,” She said making YongSun look at her. “I am not going to lie to you, I did have a crush on her in high school.” YongSun’s face fell, she looked away again. “Unnie look at me.” She did. “The girl who liked Kang SeulGi was a different Byul, a younger Byul who didn’t know what she was doing falling for her straight friend.” She put her hand on YongSun’s arm. “There is only one girl I have a crush on.” She wiped a tear away from YongSun’s face. “There is only one girl I love, and her name is Kim YongSun.” YongSun lifted her head a bit. “She is cute, funny, silly, and kind of a fool.” YongSun swatted at her and Byul laughed. 
She lifted YongSun’s head with her hands. “Only one girl, you got that? You have nothing to worry about Unnie.” 
YongSun sniffled and wiped her eyes. “Are you sure?” 
Byul pulled her on to her lap, bringing her close for a hug. Pressing their bodies as close as she could get them. “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” YongSun pulled back and they laughed together. Byul wiped the remaining tears from YongSun’s face. “Is this why you came home early? You were worried about this?” YongSun put her forehead in the crook of Byul’s neck and nodded. “I’m so afraid of losing you.” She whispered. Byul wanted to say she had no idea where that fear came from but she felt it to, she loved YongSun so much that she was afraid she is going to wake up one day and it will all be over. 
Byul wrapped her arms around YongSun’s waist, and YongSun tightened her grip on Byul’s neck. And they just sat there for a long moment just holding each other. Feeling each other’s presence. Memorizing it. “You are never going to lose me.” She said into YongSun’s hair. “I will always be here.” She lifted YongSun’s head so they were looking at one another. “Always.” She pulled YongSun in and kissed her. She kissed her as if she were glass and was going to break under her lips. YongSun’s hands wove into Byul’s hair, pressing her closer. Byul’s hands started moving up YongSun’s back. 
It wasn’t long before YongSun’s hands were forcing Byul’s shirt up her body, fingers feeling every inch on their way up. Once Byul’s shirt was on the floor, Byul started fiddling with YongSun’s. Before she got it half way up, Byul stopped and pulled back. YongSun gave her an odd look. “Are you sure?” YongSun was breathing very heavily along with Byul. She nodded. Byul kissed her again, pulling her lip back a bit when she stopped this time, causing YongSun to growl a bit. “Tell me when to stop.” She warned. 
YongSun answered with one word. “Don’t” Byul tossed YongSun’s shirt as far as she could. She wrapped her arms around YongSun’s and pulled her down on to the hay covered floor. 

Byul could not stop smiling. She and YongSun were laying on the loft floor, under the blanket that Byul had brought up, still . Byul had no idea the feelings she had could get anymore strong but they had. YongSun looked like she was having trouble keeping her eyes open and Byul could feel herself struggling as well. Byul reached out and pulled YongSun in closer so she could rest her head on Byul’s shoulder.  
Byul didn’t think it was perfect, it was a mess and new and different. They still had a lot to learn and explore, which Byul was very much looking forward to. But this moment, the aftermath, with her girlfriend laying bare in her arms, her soft skin brushing Byul’s. Feeling the warmth of each other while they rested on the floor. This moment is what Byul would describe as perfection and she wouldn’t have trade it for anything else in the world. 
Byul fiddled with YongSun’s hair, taking a piece of hay out of it, then gently brushed it back. “I suppose we should get dressed.” Byul sighed. “We’ve been out here for awhile, dinner should be soon.” She brushed her lips over YongSun’s forehead. 
She felt YongSun sigh deeply. “I don’t think I can move.” She said with a sleepy tone as she snuggled in closer to Byul.  
Byul let her lay there for a moment longer, savoring the feeling as she ran her fingers over YongSun’s back. “Someone might come looking for us.” She whispered to her. YongSun sat bolt upright, clinging the blanket to her chest. Byul could not help but laugh at loud. “I knew that would work.” She said sitting up with her. YongSun smacked her and she laughed again. Byul leaned in and kissed YongSun’s bare shoulder from behind before she started grabbing for her clothes. “I was being serious though.” 
YongSun began to move with her, collecting her lost clothing and putting them back on. 
Soon they were both standing, fully dressed… except for one thing. “ByulAh, where is my shirt?” YongSun asked while scanning the floor. 
Byul tried to think back but it wasn’t like she was paying particular attention to where she was throwing YongSun’s clothes. “I don’t know.” She answered. 
“Well you’re the one who threw it.” She crossed her arms. 
Byul went to the edge of the loft, looking blew them on the barn floor. Byul pointed to it. “There it is.”  
YongSun looked down as well. “Why did you throw it so far?” There were a lot of greasy answers she could come up with but she said none of them.  
Byul was the first down the latter. She scooped up YongSun’s shirt, and like a good girlfriend, she played keep away with it. Leaving YongSun scrambling around the barn behind her in just her bra, shrieking at Byul to give it back. Finally Byul turned and grabbed YongSun by the waist and spun her around until she giggled. When she let her go she gave YongSun back her shirt but only because they really did have to get going. With both girls now fully clothed, they exited the barn together, hands laced while they walked toward the house. 

Byul had a lot of energy at dinner. If she were alone with YongSun she would probably say she was running on the energy of YongSun’s love just to make her cringe but she only thought it to herself. The fish was amazing, it reminded Byul of all the things she was missing being in the city, and having a great home cooked meal. Byul kept sneaking looks at YongSun, and YongSun was doing the same, when they caught each other’s eye they would smile and laugh a bit. “You two seem to be in a good mood.” Her mother mused. “Are you feeling better YongSun?”  
Byul could see YongSun’s cheeks turning red, probably thinking of what exactly made her feel better. “Yes Mrs. Moon, I am feeling much better now.” She gave a small smile and Byul was trying hard not to laugh. “Dinner is awesome by the way.” She said with a thumbs up.  
“That is a high compliment.” Byul added. “Unnie loves meat but she is not a big fish person.”  
YongSun swatted her again. “Hey, don’t say that.”  
Byul made a face at her like a fish, causing YongSun to laugh. She could even see her mother laughing a bit. “Well I’ll take the compliment.” She added.  
“Since you like it so much.” Byul teased. She took a chunk of her fish and held it out for YongSun to bite. “Have some more.” When red faced YongSun actually took the fish, Byul pinched her chubby cheek, laughing as she did so. 
Something slammed on the table. “Would you two just stop already?” It was SeulGi, hand flat on the table, face full of anger. “It is disgusting.” She practically spat. 
“Hey, SeulGi.” Byul muttered. She could see YongSun’s confused and hurt face, she wanted nothing more than to scoop her up in her arms, this is not something either of them need to hear.  
“Moon SeulGi!” Her mother yelled. “You apologize right now!” She had her no nonsense face on. YeSol just sat there open mouthed. 
“I will not!” She yelled back and marched out of the kitchen, front door slamming behind her.
Byul’s mother got up but Byul held up her hand. “Let me talk to her.” She said. She gave YongSun’s shoulder a squeeze on her way by, the girl looked like she wanted to cry, which just fueled Byul’s anger more.

Byul marched out the front door, allowing it to slam behind her. SeulGi hadn’t made it far. In fact she was sitting on the front porch, face in her hands. Just one look at her and Byul’s anger evaporated, this was her little sister, her best friend. She sat down next to her. “What is going on SeulGi? This isn’t you.”  
SeulGi wouldn’t look at her. “I know what you two were doing in the barn.” Was all she said. Byul could feel her face heat a bit, it wasn’t what she was expecting. “Don’t worry, I only came in when YongSun Unnie couldn’t find her shirt, but I put two and two together.”  
Byul let out a breath, at least she didn’t scar her. “So… that is why you are upset, because you know what YongSun and I were doing in the barn?” She was so confused. When SeulGi didn’t answer Byul kept going. “I don’t understand SeulGi. You were the first person I came out to.” Byul remembered that night, she was so relieved when she didn’t yell at her. “You held me while I cried. You held my hand while I told mom and dad.” SeulGi had been her number one supporter from the beginning. “What changed?”  
“You!” She almost yelled. “Unnie, I have no issue with your uality. I have no problem with YongSun Unnie.” She took a deep breath. “But ever since you left for Seoul it is like I don’t matter anymore. Ever since Kim YongSun came into your life it is like I don’t matter anymore. You’ve barely paid any attention to me since you got back.” She looked up at Byul with tears in her eyes. “I feel like I’ve been replaced.”  
So that is why SeulGi was mad, she thought Byul replaced her with YongSun. “I am sorry I made you feel that way.” She started. “Look, when I first got to Seoul I was so lonely SeulGi. I had basically no one. Then I saved YongSun and we started hanging out. She became a really big part of my life.” She wasn’t sure she was explaining it right. “It is like… when YeSol was born, before that it was just you and I. She didn’t replace you, she didn’t become more important than you, we just added to our family, right?”  
SeulGi rubbed her face. “I guess.”  
“It is the same thing. YongSun was just added to my family, she didn’t replace it.” She leaned in and hugged SeulGi. “She didn’t replace you, no one could ever replace you.” She smoothed SeulGi’s hair as they hugged.  
SeulGi broke into sobs. “I am so sorry Unnie.” She said in between crying. “I didn’t mean to hurt either of you. I just miss you so much and the only time I get see you is once a year.”  
Byul shushed her as she cried. “You do know YongSun is the reason I am here right?” They pulled away a bit and Byul wiped her tears away. “If she didn’t buy me the tickets and arrange my work schedule for me I wouldn’t have been able to come.”  
“I know.” She said. “And I am grateful for that.”  
“Good.” Byul said. “I am going to need you to apologize to her. She did nothing wrong and you hurt her.” SeulGi nodded. “Besides I plan on keeping her around for a long while and I don’t want her to think she is not welcome here.”  
“Okay Unnie, I will.” She snuffled a bit.  
Byul leaned over to her again. “Good, I have something I need to show my best friend.” She added pulling the present she got YongSun from her jacket pocket. “Something I need a sister’s opinion on.”  
When she opened the box SeulGi gasped. “Unnie” 

They returned to the table not long after. Tension in the air so thick. Byul could still see the sad expression on YongSun’s face and even water in her eyes. Byul’s mother watched them very closely as they walked in the room. Byul made eye contact with her, she gave her a slight nod, telling her she solved it and that her mother didn’t need to say anything more. Before she sat, Byul pulled YongSun from the room. In the hall she gave YongSun a quick explanation about what had just happened between her and her sister, just so YongSun didn’t have to feel bad anymore. Byul could tell YongSun still wanted to cry. Ever since they started dating, Byul was sure they both had the same feeling when people found out about them, they expected them to act the way SeulGi had, only worse. That however, didn’t mean it didn’t still hurt when it happened. Byul hugged YongSun for a few seconds before they returned to the kitchen and took their seats. 
SeulGi cleared and everyone looked at her. “I apologize for what I said.” She was looking at YongSun when she said it. “I was redirecting my anger at you since you have got here and that was wrong. I’m sorry if I made you feel bad or like you didn’t belong.” Byul’s mother grabbed SeulGi’s hand over the table. “You are part of this family.”  
YongSun looked taken aback. “Th-thank you.” Byul grabbed YongSun’s hand and laced their fingers. 
“Well,” Byul’s mother said. “I think that is enough excitement for one day. Let’s finish the food before it gets cold.”  
Dinner resumed with a problem. They made casual conversation but the cloud of what SeulGi had did still hung in the air above them. Like a taste of what they could expect from people in the future. Byul still held YongSun’s hand under the table as they ate, making sure she knew she would not be alone. 

YongSun woke up to Byul kissing her neck. It had to be either really late into the night or really early in the morning. Not long after the disaster that was dinner happened YongSun and Byul disappeared into her room where Byul just held her. The both were feeling very odd about the whole dinner thing, it was putting a damper on the memory that was the time they spent in the barn. 
YongSun had her back pressed up against Byul’s chest. It was not their usual position, YongSun was used to having her face buried in Byul’s neck. Byul continued to make her way up and then back down YongSun’s neck, sometimes using her teeth, sometimes her tongue. YongSun tilted her head so Byul had more room to continue what she was doing. Byul chuckled against her neck, YongSun could feel the vibration of it on her skin. “I take it you are awake now?” She purred in YongSun’s ear. YongSun shook her head, even though she knew it meant she was showing Byul she was awake. Byul laughed again. She leaned forward a bit and kissed YongSun’s collar bone. “How about now?” YongSun’s response was something between a growl and a purr. YongSun rolled over so she was facing Byul, eyes still closed she found Byul’s neck with her hands and pulled her in, kissing her slowly. It was time for Byul to growl. “Unnie,” YongSun kissed her again. Byul had to put a hand on YongSun to stop her from what she was doing. “I woke you up for a reason.” Byul added. YongSun tired to lean in again but Byul stopped her. “Not for that reason.” Byul laughed when YongSun pouted at her, she leaned in for one more quick kiss but then she got out of the bed, leaving YongSun grasping for the blankets against the chill in the room. Byul tossed clothes at YongSun, it was then she notice Byul was already dressed. “Get dressed and meet me down stairs.” Byul didn’t wait for an answer, she just left YongSun to follow.

Byul was leading YongSun through the farm grounds. YongSun managed to check her phone as she got dressed, it was somewhere near four in the morning. YongSun was walking with her head rested on Byul’s shoulder, their arms were links as well. “Where are you taking me?” YongSun whined. Byul gave her no indication, no instruction, Byul did have on a backpack but that was it. 
Byul kissed her head. “You’ll see when we get there.” Was all she said, driving YongSun’s frustration higher.  
After about fifteen minutes of walking up a slow incline, they came to flat open area. It was on the edge of a cliff. One single bench sat there overlooking the forest below and the skyline. Byul dragged YongSun over to the bench. She pulled her backpack off and produced a very large blue plaid blanket and a thermos. Byul sat them down on the bench and wrapped the blanket around their shoulders. The thermos she brought was full of hot chocolate and she poured them both a cup. “Are you going to tell me what we are doing here… at four in the morning?”  
Byul took a sip of her drink, she wrapped her free arm around YongSun’s waist. “This farm has been in my father’s family for a few generations.” She began. “Ever since my father was a child, this overlook was his favourite place on the land.” YongSun hear the love filled way Byul talked about her father. “He loved to sit here and watch the sunrise.” Byul pointed to a nearby stump. Atop of it sat a tiny little white lighthouse. “My mother bought him that on their first anniversary. He took a whole week placing it it the exact location to capture the sunrise. There is a heart cut out in it so when the light catches it, the light of my mother’s love will show.” 
YongSun laughed. “Know I know where you learned to be greasy.”  
Byul smiled. “This is where my father proposed to my mother, where my mother brought him to tell him that she was expecting my sisters and I.” She sighed. “This place is so full of their love, it is like the lighthouse is a beacon for it.” She squeezed YongSun tighter. “A beacon I wanted to share with you.” 
YongSun smiled up at her. “It sounds like a beautiful story.” She placed her head on Byul’s shoulder. Together they waited. YongSun was having trouble staying awake in the warmth but she was so invested in the story that she wanted to see Byul’s beacon of love. 
When the sun began to creep up over the horizon, YongSun’s eyes kept darting between the lighthouse and the sunrise, trying to catch the formation of the heart inside. YongSun kept thinking that something should have happened by now. She lifted her head. “Nothing is happening ByulAh, is it broken?”  
Byul tilted her head. “I don’t know.” Byul exited the blanket and dashed over to the lighthouse. She opened the little window that should hold the heart, she curiously pulled out a box from it.  
Confused look on her face she brought it back over to YongSun. With it gone, YongSun could see the beginning shape of the heart being cast on the ground. “What is that?” YongSun asked as Byul joined her back under the blanket. 
“I don’t know.” Byul said passing it over to YongSun to examine. “It was blocking the heart.” 
YongSun held the tiny box, turning it over in her hands. “Should we open it?” 
“Be my guest.” Byul said in an odd tone. 
The box was about the size of YongSun’s palm, it was light blue with a ribbon on top. She wondered if it was something Byul’s mother or father left here, and if it was okay for her to open but Byul didn’t stop her. YongSun pulled the ribbon free, dropping it on her lap. She pulled off the lid and put it next to the ribbon, she was doing everything so gently so she didn’t break anything. She moved the tissue off of the top… and dropped the box. Her hands moved in front of and she turned to Byul. Speechless. 
“Are you not going to look at it?” SHe asked sounding very nervous. 
YongSun picked the box back up. Sitting inside were two rings. One was a bit bigger than the other, the small one had a sun etched into the front and Yong written in english on the left. The bigger one had a moon etched in it and Byul written in english on the right. YongSun held them in her palm, still in the box, afraid to touch them. “I can’t tell what you are thinking.” Again she said it nervously. 
It was then YongSun realized she was waiting for YongSun to say something about the rings. “Y-you got these?” Tears were staring to cloud her vision, she blinked them away so she could see the rings. “They are so beautiful.” 
Byul breathed a sigh of relief. “So you like it?” 
“Byul I love it!” She threw her arms over Byul’s shoulders, pulling her into a hug. “When did you get these?” 
“Yesterday in town.” When YongSun gave her a look so elaborated. “After you left, I told SeulGi about us. She was wondering why I was so worried about my friend.” She looked at the rings. “They have a couple ring place in town where you can etch your own so I asked her to help me with the design.” Byul pointed to the rings. “Yong, and then a sun for sun. A moon for my last name and Byul.” She laughed a bit. “I never really thought about it before, the sun and the moon, and even my name which is star, our names were written to be put together Unnie. Like it was meant to be.” 
YongSun still had no words, she was just watching Byul explain it, hoping it wasn’t a dream. 
“This is my favourite part.” Byul pulled YongSun’s ring out so she could see the underside of it. Etched into the back of the ring was 놓지않게. “So you know that you are not alone, that I will never let you go.” 
YongSun was crying now. “ByulAh.” Was all she could manage. 
Byul held out her hand, asking YongSun for her’s, she gave it over eagerly. Byul slid the ring onto her finger, kissing it when she put in place. “We can move it to a different finger so people don’t ask too many questions.” Byul offered. 
YongSun shook her head aggressively. “Never, I will never be ashamed of this.” She took out the other ring and slid it on Byul’s finger, copying her kiss. 
“I am glad this didn’t go badly.” Byul added. 
YongSun laughed. She shook her head, she almost forgot about the lighthouse. She looked over at it to see the heart full now, casting the glow on the grass near their feet. She rested her head back on Byul’s shoulder, their now ringed fingers resting on Byul’s knee. They sat in silence for awhile, enjoying the moment. YongSun’s eyes kept looking down at her new ring, proof the Byul was indeed her’s, she couldn’t keep a smile off of her face. “Are you happy?” Byul asked her. 
YongSun lifted her head again so she could look at Byul. She racked her brain for the best way to describe how she was feeling but she couldn’t come up with the best words. “I am so happy I feel like I could walk on the sunshine.” 
Byul burst out laughing. “Now who is being the greasy one?” 
YongSun pouted and crossed her arms. “It is the best I could come up with. I am tired, someone pulled me out of bed at four in the morning.” 
Byul laughed again and pulled her in for a kiss. “It was a good description Unnie.” YongSun leaned back as Byul wrapped her back up in her arms so they could finish watching the sunrise together. 

Byul lead them back to the farm an hour later. A huge weight had lifted from her chest since YongSun loved her present so much. It was her sister’s idea to put the box in the lighthouse, making it more of a surprise. Byul send a quick text to her on the way back to tell her it went well. To both of their surprise there was a breakfast feast waiting for them when they got back. It was a bitter sweet morning because Byul was so happy but after breakfast, she and YongSun had to march back up to her room to pack. It was finally time for them to head back to Seoul. 
Byul didn’t want it to end. She didn’t want to leave her family behind, but her life, her jobs, her school and YongSun’s family were in Seoul and they had to return. Soon they were at the train station, eyes full of tears while they all said their goodbyes. Byul gave a final hug to her mother and sisters, telling SeulGi and YeSol to come visit her in Seoul over the summer. YongSun was less nervous giving Byul’s mother a hug this time, and she even hugged both of Byul’s sisters. 
It took everything Byul had not to start balling the moment the train pulled away from the station. She and YongSun found their seats. YongSun let out a huge yawn when they did. She was still very tired from that morning and because she tried to help the Moon sisters with their chores, tiring herself out.  
Not more than ten minutes into their ride and YongSun was fast asleep. Her arms were wrapped around Byul’s waist and her head on the front of Byul’s shoulder, more on her chest. Byul draped her jacket over YongSun. This trip had changed her too, she remembered only a few short days ago on their way to the farm when she would be too afraid to be seen like that. YongSun’s soft breaths danced across Byul’s collar bone. Byul reached over at smoothed YongSun’s hair as she slept. Yet another perfect moment for Byul to be thankful for. It was moments like this that she was at a loss for words. The love she felt, the happiness she felt. Everything was a big ball of light bursting out of her chest. Byul laughed at the corniness of her own thoughts. She rested her head atop of YongSun’s. It was at this moment that Byul thought back to that morning, to the words that YongSun had used to describe her feelings. As silly as they had sounded in the moment. Byul thought they rang true for her in that moment. The feeling of it, the perfection of it. With her girlfriend sleeping next to her, her warmth spreading onto and through Byul, swelling her heart. Byul looked out the window at the world passing them, it gave her strength for the future, for the troubles that she and YongSun may have to face. They were just at the beginning of their relationship but it felt like a lifetime since she save YongSun in that alley, a lifetime since they met again at her store. It had got to the point that Byul could barely remember a time without YongSun. This whole mindset of Byul’s. It turley was as if she was walking on sunshine.


A/N: That was the end! There is one more extra chapter up next that also could have acted like the ending but I didn't realize till after I wrote it so...

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svela2233 #1
Chapter 16: Naaaawwwwwww 🥲🥲🥲
sadandlonely #2
sadandlonely #3
Chapter 16: I just saw this fic now. It was such a treasure to have come across this story, thank you for writing this ❤️
Chapter 16: Wahhh thank you for this amazing story💖
La_Joke26 #6
Chapter 13: This story is so adorable. I know I haven’t finished reading yet, but I just want to comment now. Their interactions are cute and what Yong did for Byul is just so sweet. Keep up the great work author! 😊
Chapter 16: wow! it is really a heart-warming love story <3
RubiaAO #8
Chapter 16: É uma história incrível, obrigada!!!

Fique bem!
Chapter 16: I really love this story ♥️ thx author-nim
I cannot stress how much I loved the way in which you told the story of Byul and Yong‘s love ❤️ Thank you for writing such a heartwarming story