*6* reupload

Our Sick Angel

They quietly made their way for the gate, in order to not wake anyone up. they walked side by side in the cold morning breeze, jun intertwined their hands as he knows their angel gets cold easily.

he hummed a song to fill in the silence which was nowhere near as uncomfortable.

they walked slowly as they reached the park, Jun made Jeong Han sit on the bench and sat by his side.

"Hyung," he said softly trying not to break the calmness "are you ready to talk about it...."

Jeong Han nodded his head and looked up from his lap where he has been staring blankly for the past minutes and looked at jun "junnie...do you think I deserve to be in seventeen "he said with teary eyes.

"where is this coming from Hyung, you do deserve it and I won't have it any other way " 

"you know ever since I have cut my hair I feel pretty useless, back then they used to like me for my appearance but now they don't see any worth in me, I feel ugly, I feel fat every time I look into the mirror. I try hard I work very hard to show them that they are wrong I'm not useless I'm not a self-centered and I  genuinely love you guys but they always end up hating me," he said with slowly trying to stop from crying.

"Are they right? Am I really talentless? Am I a burden to you guys? Do you guys get annoyed at me if I talk? Is my voice irritating? "(half of this is what goes around in my mind about myself)Jeong Han said now fully sobbing into his hands.

jun shifted closer to his Hyung so he could hug him, he wrapped his arms around him so Jeong Han can rest his head on his shoulder

"I'm sorry Hyung,  I'm so so sorry," he said while caressing his back.

"what are you sorry for junnie," he said while still sobbing on jun's shoulder. (okay now don't attack me my fellow stays I noticed this during editing doesn't this scene seem familiar... no good? okay bye DoN'T kILl mE)

"no hyung hearing what you have to say now, it really is all our fault we should have noticed all those fake smiles, we could have helped you and this would have never happened,....... even when you were really struggling I should have been there(sorry not sorry), you do not deserve to struggle alone like this, its really dangerous Hannie."

"but junn-" "listen here Hyung " jun pulled back from the warm embrace placed his fingers on Jeong Han lips shutting him up."do you trust me" 

Jeong Han slowly nodded his head.

"Now listen, I love you, Hannie we all do, you like it or not I won't let you suffer like this. You are literally the most beautiful human being I have ever seen in my entire life. You may not know but when I say I love you I am not kidding. If I ever found all those people saying all that crap about you I wouldn't mind keeping my idol image aside and punching them in the face. They deserve it anyway.

Meeting you was the most beautiful thing that happened to me and seventeen. Neither I nor rest of Seventeen  cares what the those haters say about you, you know you can share anything with me right, you always help me with my problems ,you helped me with my Korean,  you were there when I wanted to improve my dancing skills and you never even try to share your problems with me, I don't know if I can make it end Hannie but I can make it easier for you to walk through all these difficulties. All you need to do is express your true feelings don't block them. If they are bottled up inside it will only do worse." jun said while gently holding Jeong Han face between his hands.

"so please Hyung try to trust me and others, I don't consider any of those people as our fans who hate on you or any other of our members, they are just envious of you because we love you so much," he said while wiping Jeonghan's remaining tears with his thumbs.

Jeong Han blushed a pretty pink, and gave jun a grateful hug  "junnie can I ask for a favor"

"ask away angel," Jun said while tucking some stands of jeonghan's hair behind his ear.

"could please not tell the others about this, I don't want them to worry," Jeonghan said while looking back down on his lap.

"look up hannie," Jun said while pulling his chin up gently by his fingers and looking straight into his eyes" I am saying this again and I will say this more than a thousand times if that's what it takes for your cute little stubborn head to understand it. You know they are our family right, they will never judge you.you are perfect the way you are. But if you want it I won't tell them."

jun held his hand one more time" but promise me just one thing......."

Jeong Han hummed in response for him to go on.

" if this happens again, if you feel like this ever again come to me, don't let it in and hurt you or do anything. don't harm yourself. stay healthy for me and for yourself . just remember we all love you, me the rest of seventeen and carats" jun said while giving jeonghan a last hug before standing up and shouting "YOON JEONGHAN I LOVE YOU".

Jeong Han busted into laughter, he stood up and took jun's hand. 

"come on junnie, others will wake up soon" 

they both walked back to the dorms silently watching the sunrise........



im alive 

sorry to anyone who looked forward to this story  i never got the inspiration to continue   until now 

and my writing style improved a lot 

and finaly 


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sorry guys i need to find my kick to write the next chapter!!


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edy111980 #1
Chapter 7: Plz update! Your story is interesting... Take Care! : )
MemeXV #2
Chapter 7: HIT!!!

jensniek #3
Is it completed?
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
794 streak #6
Chapter 7: I suppose Jun's kind words didn't dig deep into Jeonghan. He still hurt himself more by not talking or eating. Jun must feel so guilty fot ever telling the other members. ´>﹏<`
794 streak #7
Chapter 6: So Jun knew for awhile now? Darn, that's just so sad. I wonder who hates him - he might be lower on the list, but he's still loved by all Carats. He cares so much for the other members, he sometimes forgets to care for himself. v_v'
794 streak #8
Chapter 5: Wahh, depression? Darn.. what could be going wrong for our little angel? I hope he's not being bullied or anything. He needs his parents and Seventeen hugging and kissing up on him right now. It's just so sad ┗( T﹏T )┛
Phoepe #9
Chapter 5: Oh God he is suffering from depression ??? That is so saaad T-T