
Our Sick Angel

Coups – *cough cough*who’s there

I can’t let them see me like this; they need a powerful leader right now on whom they could lean on I can’t be weak

??-I know you are in there don’t even try to hide yourself ………come out hyung


Coups –*wide eyes* jihoon-ah what are you doing here? I told you guys to stay at home? Are all of you guys here?

Jihoon – ok first of all do you really think we could just peacefully sit when our angel is in the hospital do you think so low of us*judging stare**noticed the puffy eyes*

Well that aside look at yourself. What do you think you are doing, hurting yourself? This isn’t your fault hyung. If you even try to think like that we will all start thinking that it’s our fault .now now do you want that to happen?

*hug*when will you start to learn that you don’t always need be the strong leader that everyone knows, you don’t always have to be S.COUPS OF SEVETEEN you can be our choi seungcheol *sniff sniff* now hyung stop crying like a four year old baby*chuckle*and far as hannie hyung is concerned we won’t let him keep his problems to himself anymore. and stop saying sorry for every small thing. 

Now cheer up and smile

Coups – thanks jihoon-ah I really needed to let it out…sorry you had to see me like this

Woozi - *glare* what did I say earlier….*creepy smile*do I need to repeat myself

Coups-*swallow*o-okay I g-got it...*awkward laugh* I’ll see you outside the room….b-bye

Woozi- haha the oldest my foot haha he is like five year old kid


Outside the room

Everybody was sitting on the chairs some were deep in thoughts boo was crying hansol was comforting him

Jun looked somewhat troubled

An old man around 60 came out of the room

Doctor- who is here for Yoon Jeonghan

Coups- we are here doctor

Joshua- what happened to him doctor

Doctor- he did not have a proper meal for approximately 3 weeks. *gasp in the background*I might even be wrong but I think I know you guys you are from that group what was it three teen no was that two teen

*fits of laughter*

Coups –sir it’s seventeen

Doctor-oh! Sorry for my poor memory I’m old

Coups- doc you were saying something about Jeonghan

Doctor-*serious face*I think he is suffering from…..

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sorry guys i need to find my kick to write the next chapter!!


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edy111980 #1
Chapter 7: Plz update! Your story is interesting... Take Care! : )
MemeXV #2
Chapter 7: HIT!!!

jensniek #3
Is it completed?
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
794 streak #6
Chapter 7: I suppose Jun's kind words didn't dig deep into Jeonghan. He still hurt himself more by not talking or eating. Jun must feel so guilty fot ever telling the other members. ´>﹏<`
794 streak #7
Chapter 6: So Jun knew for awhile now? Darn, that's just so sad. I wonder who hates him - he might be lower on the list, but he's still loved by all Carats. He cares so much for the other members, he sometimes forgets to care for himself. v_v'
794 streak #8
Chapter 5: Wahh, depression? Darn.. what could be going wrong for our little angel? I hope he's not being bullied or anything. He needs his parents and Seventeen hugging and kissing up on him right now. It's just so sad ┗( T﹏T )┛
Phoepe #9
Chapter 5: Oh God he is suffering from depression ??? That is so saaad T-T