Our Sick Angel


one time when seventeen's official angel is sick? what happens?

okay so this is my first fanfic so sorry for any mistakes 

and just to remind you english aint my first language


well just expect some fluffy and cotton stuff towards hanie from sebongies

sorry guys i need to find my kick to write the next chapter!!


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edy111980 #1
Chapter 7: Plz update! Your story is interesting... Take Care! : )
MemeXV #2
Chapter 7: HIT!!!

jensniek #3
Is it completed?
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
794 streak #6
Chapter 7: I suppose Jun's kind words didn't dig deep into Jeonghan. He still hurt himself more by not talking or eating. Jun must feel so guilty fot ever telling the other members. ´>﹏<`
794 streak #7
Chapter 6: So Jun knew for awhile now? Darn, that's just so sad. I wonder who hates him - he might be lower on the list, but he's still loved by all Carats. He cares so much for the other members, he sometimes forgets to care for himself. v_v'
794 streak #8
Chapter 5: Wahh, depression? Darn.. what could be going wrong for our little angel? I hope he's not being bullied or anything. He needs his parents and Seventeen hugging and kissing up on him right now. It's just so sad ┗( T﹏T )┛
Phoepe #9
Chapter 5: Oh God he is suffering from depression ??? That is so saaad T-T