*not a chapter*

Our Sick Angel


so this might not be related to the story but just listen i just need to let it all out and all of my 'friends' dont understand me

 you know i go to school in a van and there we kind of like tease everyone on anything its pretty normal

one day my friend was talking about a model who she has a crush on so i just jokingly said that i have 20 crushes (life in a multifandom) they already know about my craze of kpop they started asking names so i told them jun's stage name cause he is my ub and his stage name is quite simple for anyone to say but they started chanting like jan to dec like these are your 12 crushes what are the others monday to sunday (jun's name is like june)

there was also some random stuff cause i get protective over them so i had some small arguments with them cause i was offended

i just let it go cause they were obviously teasing they were  like did you talk to jun how is he like i personally know him(i wish i could talk to him though) i also played along  but then  they started like commeting on how he might  have looked and some more comments so i said see his face first then be the one to judge

 so after that continous teasing one day one of them took the drivers phone (we are not allowed to bring any kind of gadgets at school)and searched up jun when they saw him and they said 'omg you like these girly looking boys'
 'they both will walk on the road wearing lipsticks'

and all that judging stuff but he is like the most innocent and goodlooking hard working caring handsome like almost a perfect human i have ever seen 

i then thought about it do people really need to judge someone like that?are they that stupid?or cause its because of different beauty standards around the world?

i just cant 

but then it suddenly it hit me that why do i give a flying f**k about it i love them its my choice
so please anyone out there tell me your views 

and if there are some indian carats reading please tell me is it common 

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sorry guys i need to find my kick to write the next chapter!!


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edy111980 #1
Chapter 7: Plz update! Your story is interesting... Take Care! : )
MemeXV #2
Chapter 7: HIT!!!

jensniek #3
Is it completed?
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
794 streak #6
Chapter 7: I suppose Jun's kind words didn't dig deep into Jeonghan. He still hurt himself more by not talking or eating. Jun must feel so guilty fot ever telling the other members. ´>﹏<`
794 streak #7
Chapter 6: So Jun knew for awhile now? Darn, that's just so sad. I wonder who hates him - he might be lower on the list, but he's still loved by all Carats. He cares so much for the other members, he sometimes forgets to care for himself. v_v'
794 streak #8
Chapter 5: Wahh, depression? Darn.. what could be going wrong for our little angel? I hope he's not being bullied or anything. He needs his parents and Seventeen hugging and kissing up on him right now. It's just so sad ┗( T﹏T )┛
Phoepe #9
Chapter 5: Oh God he is suffering from depression ??? That is so saaad T-T