
Our Sick Angel


He saw that Jeonghan was struggling to walk down the stairs. He was practically standing with full support of the railing, skin pale with bloodshot eyes and he looked like his soul left his body. But still he somehow managed to look angelic (we all know he can do that). He still didn’t noticed Jun standing there and was slowly trying to walk.


Jeonghan looked up startled and slipped. Jun catched him just in time. He picked him up . Jun noticed that his body was very hot, he has a fever.

Jun-hyung what happened speak up .......is he unconsious...hyung...hyung

He carried him to the living room where every one was sitting.

Jun-yah! Stand up from the couch.

Svt- oh my god! What happened to him?

Coups- ya! seriously,stand up first!

Jun- he has a high fever

Seungkwan- ya! Choi Vernon take that earphone out and stand up!!

Coups- yah!! Call the manager to bring the van.

Mingyu- I’m on it

Coups - seriously how many times I have to scold this kid to take care of himself

Joshua- don’t worry cheol

*ring ding dong*(sorry not sorry)

Dino – I will take it.



Hyung it’s the manager

Cheol picked hannie up and placed him in the backset with Jun

Cheol –ok! Any two of you can come with us.

Joshua, wonwoo, woozi  take care of the kids

Seokmin and seungk-*looked at chan’s puppy eyes*……Chan you can come with us

Woozi- update us immediately






At the hospital

They rushed to the hospital where the docs took hannie inside the room

Jun - everyone sit down and calm down

Dino – hyung what happened to hannie hyung *sad face*

Coups – *hug* don’t worry he will be fine you know how stubborn he is when it’s about his health now cheer up he will worry if he sees you like this

Dino - ok hyung I won’t make him worry

Coups – cheer up I will just go to the washroom real quick



In the restroom

Coups pov

How can I let this happen?


 , just how did I notice


 What kind of a leader am I?

*drip drop**sob*

???-hyung you there


okay!! the feed isnt enough for me 


its all thanks to you i stan 13 amazing perfect cute and talented boys who are all older than me 

at first i was just captivated by his/her beauty so i wanted to know who this beautiful person is then i got to know its a he the first song i heard of seventeen was aju nice

you are the reason all my bones are broken cause 2 years ago i fell too hard in diamond life

seriously how could he be so perfect 

i just hope good for seventeen and carats future

i love my fellow carats more than oreo dipped in milk*dont ask :)*

that aside just forgive me for this messy story i dont even know how to write my feelings and ideas out properly im just learning

ok i might just update all together today cause its angel's birthday but it depends 

thank you for reading 

love ya 

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sorry guys i need to find my kick to write the next chapter!!


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edy111980 #1
Chapter 7: Plz update! Your story is interesting... Take Care! : )
MemeXV #2
Chapter 7: HIT!!!

jensniek #3
Is it completed?
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
Hmmm. Smells Junhan incoming huh. XD
795 streak #6
Chapter 7: I suppose Jun's kind words didn't dig deep into Jeonghan. He still hurt himself more by not talking or eating. Jun must feel so guilty fot ever telling the other members. ´>﹏<`
795 streak #7
Chapter 6: So Jun knew for awhile now? Darn, that's just so sad. I wonder who hates him - he might be lower on the list, but he's still loved by all Carats. He cares so much for the other members, he sometimes forgets to care for himself. v_v'
795 streak #8
Chapter 5: Wahh, depression? Darn.. what could be going wrong for our little angel? I hope he's not being bullied or anything. He needs his parents and Seventeen hugging and kissing up on him right now. It's just so sad ┗( T﹏T )┛
Phoepe #9
Chapter 5: Oh God he is suffering from depression ??? That is so saaad T-T