Chapter 7: Stage

Her World

My heart still beating it’s like those words can not get off my mind. 

“JEON JUNGKOOK” I screamed into my pillow and kicking my legs like a little kid. 

“How am I suppose to face him tomorrow” i can’t help but smile and then I realised 

“Jimin ..” I knew by my reaction, I liked Jungkook more.

 “I needed to crack it to jimin.. I can’t lead him on and hurt him he’s to precious like a brother looking after his sister, his eyes reminds me of Jjong and that’s why I liked him, he reminded me of my brother that sweet aura he pursued, his caring nature. 


“Jimin oopa” I called, sitting outside as I told him I can’t that I looked up to him like i do to jjong oopa. I told him who I was and he understood my sad nature

“I know you try to cheer me up, and I like you for that you are really like a loving brother to me .. I know these are the words you don’t want to hear but I think my heart knows that to me you are just a caring loving brother and ..” I couldn’t finish the sentence. 

“And Jungkook you mean took over your heart” he said, my eyes widened as he knew 

“I’ll be happily be your brother he said, you been through a tough time so let’s make your dream come true becoming a great singer like your brother” he said, I smiled and felt guilty but I’m glad he understood. 



How can I not know she was jjong sister, her sensitivity whenever he was mentioned, it explains why she was sad on the day of his death and badly hurt when Tzuyu talked bitter about him. I want to protector if not a boyfriend as a brother at least. So I was happy to still be apart of her life, have an important role a brother it isn’t that bad ... just need to learn how to control it. My feelings that is. 


Announcement was made, the company is going to debut 2 groups. A two member girl duet and a 7 member boy group. My desire had grown and it was time to show what I have to the world. What my brother had taught me, how jjong was always important and his legend will rise once again. The songs that jjong and I wrote together will be what I wanted to showcase. 



I can see it in her eyes the fire to begin and take every opportunity she gets. I wanted to help her I walked up to her 

“Hey, let’s dance together” she looked at me, more nervous than before, more shy than before. Her cheeks turns red, those plumped cheeks the same cheeks I kissed. 

We worked together for months hard as we could to make the cut, hand in hand my feelings for her only grew. Her smile, her eager and how focused she was makes her shine like no other. She fell from exhaustion from all the high intense dance moves. 

“Slow down abit” I said while playfully flicking her forehead. 

“I can’t I want this so badly” she jjong sunbaenim song

“I have to do it for him”she said, I was confused 

“I need to show the world the songs me and him made” she said smiling of the thoughts of their song 

“Songs.. made together ?!? You and jjong?” 

“I’m just telling you this, because I trust you” she said 

“Jjong oopa is my brother” it all makes sense all the sunbaenim of the same group giving her comfort and the closeness they had it clicked. 



I wanted to tell him, I didn’t want to hide who I am and why I wanted this 

“This all makes sense now” he said he grabbed my hand

“Then let’s show them the songs”he said smiling I decided to rest on his shoulders 

“Thank you Jungkook, your mean and now caring nature really make me feel at ease” I shut my eyes and fell asleep in his presence 

“You’ve been through a tough time haven’t you” he kissed me while I was half asleep and I just knew my heart was now really at ease and I have made the right decision all this time. It’s funny how someone that was so mean, was the reason I can restore myself and gain back my heart. No more deadness. No more sorrow. Just hard work and love. 




Up on stage together to perform in front of everyone, the camera focused on me I started singing the meaningful song with both yerin and bts together on stage. 


People are there for you when your are facing hard times and people who support you for your every decision. 


Jjong you were my support and I’ll show to the world what you meant to me and who you really are. And thanks to the people who love and support me this song that me and you wrote become even more meaningful. I LOVE YOU. 


I mouthed I love you to Jungkook who took my hands as we bow and thank you to everyone around me hugging Jimin, it’s good to have such great company in this world, I wish everyone realise that, I really wished jjong realised that but life goes on and everyone deserves to be happy. 




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Jongda1 #1
Sorry guys for the long wait, I had finish the story so hope you guys enjoy
Jongda1 #2
Sorry guys i’m In the middle of an important exam week so I won’t be updating for the next 2 weeks but I hope you guys have enjoyed so far and I’ll definitely come back and continue the story ^_^, hope everyone is enjoying it so far feel free to leave any comments
Chapter 6: to be in beteenntwo awesome boys that's not good Hhhh
Elizabethxnndd #4
Chapter 5: I love your story please update soon. I’m curious on what is going to happen next
rinifitri #5
Chapter 5: I still dont know who jamie's brother is?
Chapter 5: awww it's confusing between those two it's not fair
Jongda1 #7
Sorry guys I’ve been busy with exams week and not able to write but when my schedule allow it I will upload ASAP I hope you guys are enjoying chapters 1-4 so far.
Yours truly: jongda1
Chapter 4: amazing
I can feel her pain really
and I have a feeling that her unni is about to become a good supporter ♡
but .... jungkook or Jimin??? hmmmm I don't know it's HARD to choose
Chapter 3: can't wait for more
are jungkook and Jimin racing for her ???
hhhhhh sounds fun
Chapter 2: I'm so curious what will happen to her ?