Chapter 6: Beating faster

Her World


“As everyone remembers the legend of what singer jjong have left behind, we will always remember his beauty and his voice that gave us hope and enjoyment. Many fan have placed flowers in remembrance of him and wanted to make clear that the fans still remember him by placing flowers in front of the company” 


I walked into the cemetery cleaned his picture 

“The greatest brother in the world” I said while reminiscing. 

“Jjong Oppa” I said while crying 

“Can I move on, can I start healing my heart” i kneeled down asking him. 

The light shone like he wanted to give signs to me, his voice rang in my ears 

“You did nothing wrong, you should move on, I would always be here to support you no matter what, find yourself, find someone that would love you more than I would” I wonder if those words is what I put together in my head, I remember the exact same words when I had my heart broken when I was 12 years old having a breakdown on some boy, jjong Oppa sang to me and comfort me with that very words. 

I smiled “Oppa you’ll look out for me won’t you” I said as tears fell. 


“WHAT JIMIN ASKED YOU OUT?!?” Yerin screamed 

“SHHHHHH, not sooo loud” I said covering  

“Did you say yes” she whispered in my ears 

“I haven’t answered” I said 

“Omg this is so exciting, finally some Romance in this place” said Yerin 

“But I don’t know ...” I said 

“What do you mean” she ask 

“It’s just his nice and all but .. I don’t know” I said banging my head on the table 

“It will be nice if Oppa is here evaluating my feelings like he always does” I said pouting. 



I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, I heard everything “so jimin hyung already asked” my mood was damper, I saw her in the dance room 

“Hey crybaby” I said, she looked at me rolling her eyes

“You look happy today” I asked her 

“Smiling once in awhile isn’t a crime” she said, I don’t know why even teasing her today wasn’t good, I couldn’t laugh or smile even though she was for a change. 


He didn’t look happy, when he tried to tease me there was no smile or laughter. I tilted my head wondering what was wrong with him. 

“He’s acting strange today” I said looking at his every move

“What’s up” v Oppa asked him he just brushed it off and didn’t speak a word, I followed him out 

“Heyy !! Jungkook” I didn’t realise I called him, yet alone I was surprised I did. He turned around 

“Is anything wrong” I asked, he was surprised 

“Why do you care” he turned away but I grabbed his hands 

“Wait” I said 

“I ... I feel like ice cream do you want to go with me” I said wanting him to say yes 

“I’m not in the mood for ice cream” he said 

“C’mon please, fine come with me” I dragged him to arcade that was streets away from the company 

“If I beat you in the basketball game then would you treat me ice cream” 

“Call, I don’t think you’ll beat me” he said 

“Oh I will” I said 

The game started and both of us threw the ball into the hoops like crazy, the only thing he didn’t know is that me and jjong Oppa do this every time and I’m an expert at it. He was frantic looking at me and the score I had, he tried to quickly catch up until it was end of game. 

“I think I’m the clear winner here 300 and 130” I said smiling 

“Thank you for the ice cream” I whispered in his ear. 

“Fine since I lost” he said with a smile he grabbed my hands and walked out but I stopped 

“Omg that’s so cute, I want one” my hands against the glass as inside hid a cute fluffy plushie, and the monster which have claws is my only way to get it. 

“You want it” he asked 

“Yes it’s sooo cute, I’m gonna try to get it” I said inserting the coin 

The claw went up and then turned right I pressed the button but the claw let go of the plushie, my lips pouted as I was disappointed I turned and Jungkook stopped me in my tracks 

“Here I’ll get it for you” he said, he inserted a coin I saw his swift movements and he grabbed the plushie and put it came

“Here for you” he said, I don’t know, I hugged him but my heart raced fast. 


I hugged the big teddy bear and we arrived at the ice cream shop he ordered it for me, I can’t look into his eyes for a moment. 

He brought the ice cream with a big grin 

“Why you looking at me like that” I had pink flushes on my cheeks 

“You should eat your ice cream before it melts” he said, what’s wrong with me I haven’t felt like this since I was 12. 



Her cheeks had a slight pink flush, it was cute. 

“I don’t like it when girls cry, this side of you is better” I said. She looked at me like her heart has stopped beating. 

I walked her home as she was holding the big teddy bear. She stopped and I knew we arrived at her place, this was the only time,

“Why don’t you date me instead of jimin hyung” I said. 


I gulped and tried to hide behind the bear, my heart beat so fast

“I wasn’t like this for jimin Oppa what’s wrong with me” I thought, I looked at Jungkook wondering why he can be so mean, nice and sweet at the same time like a perfect balance he could make me angry, he could make me smile and he can make me forget about all of the negative stuff by him just being by my side. I thought about jimin Oppa he’s a nice guy and I don’t want to hurt him he’s like my guardian angel but it doesn’t feel the same like I feel towards Jungkook. I don’t know what to do but I know who my heart already chose. 

“I’ll ... think about it” he smiled and jumped he quickly kissed me on the cheek and ran for it. My eyes still shocked my heart still racing and ran inside. 

“So who was that guy” my Sister asked

“I think, I think ... my heart is back in place again” I said

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Jongda1 #1
Sorry guys for the long wait, I had finish the story so hope you guys enjoy
Jongda1 #2
Sorry guys i’m In the middle of an important exam week so I won’t be updating for the next 2 weeks but I hope you guys have enjoyed so far and I’ll definitely come back and continue the story ^_^, hope everyone is enjoying it so far feel free to leave any comments
Chapter 6: to be in beteenntwo awesome boys that's not good Hhhh
Elizabethxnndd #4
Chapter 5: I love your story please update soon. I’m curious on what is going to happen next
rinifitri #5
Chapter 5: I still dont know who jamie's brother is?
Chapter 5: awww it's confusing between those two it's not fair
Jongda1 #7
Sorry guys I’ve been busy with exams week and not able to write but when my schedule allow it I will upload ASAP I hope you guys are enjoying chapters 1-4 so far.
Yours truly: jongda1
Chapter 4: amazing
I can feel her pain really
and I have a feeling that her unni is about to become a good supporter ♡
but .... jungkook or Jimin??? hmmmm I don't know it's HARD to choose
Chapter 3: can't wait for more
are jungkook and Jimin racing for her ???
hhhhhh sounds fun
Chapter 2: I'm so curious what will happen to her ?