Chapter 5: Heart Blow

Her World

3 months later 

The constant routine continues, rotating between home and the company. Today was different it felt gloomy, the night filled with an atmosphere so dull. It’s the day where the company also remembers the pain me and my sister goes through. Today we remember him mainly me. 

“You feeling ohk today” my brother members asked as they passed along 

“I should manage” I said slightly smiling oh their brotherly care 

“It’s his birthday today” I said and the company filled with memories of him on the boards and LED screens filled with his voice 

“Arghh not this again he wasn’t that great of a singer to call him a legend” I halted anger filled my heart so did all the pain 

“WHAT ” I raged at Tzuyu 

“What do you want” She sassily said 

“I said take that back!!” My hands curled into a ball 

“Why are you a fan” she mocked me 

“Take that back now!!” Everyone’s eyes stared to look at the loud noise 

“He’s anyways, why waste your time remember someone who took their own life, pathetic, he’s family is pathetic and he was pathetic” all my rage I can’t hold it anymore my hands swings and contacted her face 

“WTF ARE YOU DOING” She barged in and I also didn’t want to lose the fight I became fierce and the boys had to stop us. Jimin hold me, held to of my arms leaning eye to eyes so I can calm down, I rushed out I can’t take it I need some fresh air. The rooftop was my escape route, pouring rain. 

I kneeled down as the rain clashed against my skin digging my hands into my face

“I can’t, I can’t let anyone say that about you” 

Jungkook and jimin ran knowing the place I would hide they heard thunder worried about me. Steps was storming up to the rooftop. 

He looked at me miserable, Jungkook arrived before jimin did he opened the umbrella and shield me until I finished.


I opened my eyes, he stood there wet shielding me. Eyes so red he leaned down 

“Why you always crying” he said he used his hands wiping my eyes. 

“You should really grow up, maybe I should call you a crybaby instead” he said, I leaned into his chest and cried even harder he caress my hair, this big bully and meanie is comforting me, it felt good. 



I saw him, I knew he liked her too, every guy will tease a girl they like when they were a kid. Jungkook was just the same, a kid who likes Jamie teasing her so he can feel more comfortable and don’t act nervous. 

“I’m always one step late” he turned around and went back to the training room. 


I stopped I looked at Jungkook still holding me in his hands, I wonder if my brother had at least that one person he can lean on. 

“Thank you” I said I stood up weak as ever, he was so kind so gentle not like the first time I met him. He’s always been by my side and his nagging and mean self sometimes hit me with reality, I realised I have to let go of my brother, I know he would want me to be happy and not mopping all the time it’s been 2 close to 3 years of pain, but then again I can’t help myself but to feel that way, I can’t be fully happy just yet I just can’t, especially today I felt like I was repeatedly stabbed my Tzuyu her words how can she say such inhuman words 

“Maybe she’s right maybe I am pathetic not to stop this from happening” I said out loud, Jungkook heard and was confused of my words 

“What you mean pathetic, she didn’t call you pathetic” he said trying to bring up the bright side of things, but one thing he doesn’t know she did called me pathetic because I am his family and I wasn’t able to notice or stop it. 


I came home told my sister about what happened today 

“She what?!?” Her anger exploded she saw my puff eyes and brought me in her embrace, she saw little scratches on my arms 

“It must be hard on you” she said 

“Losing him is hard enough but you in that environment, I worry about you, but I know you always wanted to do this follow in his footsteps it was both of your dreams after all, and I’m supporting you all the way this time” 

“But just promise me I’ll become your diary and know every feeling you have so I know... so I know you’ll be alright” she said as both of our tears fell 


“Jimin-ah I know your anger and disheartened about what she said about him but you can’t do that here” said the PD 

“I understand, I was also in the wrong” I said 

“I hope this won’t happen again, I don’t want this stuff to leak outside” he said 

“I understand, I’m very sorry” I bowed my head and went outside 

“Serves you right being scolded for” Tzuyu walked pass and I had no energy to even think about it 

“Want some ice cream” the stick appeared against my cheek, I turned around to see jimin again trying to cheer me up 

“Thanks jimin” I grabbed the ice cream and consumed the sadness away. 

“How you feeling” he asked 

“I guess you can say I’m in a mess right now” I laughed slightly 

“Your just in a season right now” he said 

“Season?” I was confused 

“Yeah, a rainy and stormy season but you know what every season have to change and soon it will be sunny again” he said 

“I like that analogy” I said smiling 

“I must been in winter for very long now” I said 

“You’ll be fine eventually” he said as his arms wrapped around my shoulders 

“What about we have a play day to get rid of all this” he said 

“Play day?” He grabbed my hands and dragged me out of the company. 


He won a big teddy bear, as big as I was. It felt like the worries have lifted out of my body. 

“Thank you jimin” I said, it went quiet as he walked me home I stopped a few houses before mine 

“Jamie-shi” he said, he held my hands 

“I know, things is hard on you but... I like you and I want to ask if you want to know each other more” he asked. I was standing still not knowing what to say. 

“I ... I have to think about it” I said I said my goodbyes and waited until he left the street and walked in my house. 

“Jimin just asked me out” I said my back leaning against the door. 

“I don’t know what my heart is feeling, I’m confused and was not expecting any relationship” I said to myself 

“What’s this all about” my sister over heard my stupid thoughts I always say out loud. 

“Jamie, your old enough now to date” she said 

“But I don’t know if I’m ready” I said

“Just follow your heart” she said 

“But I left my heart with Oppa, it broke when this all happened. I wasn’t interested in anyone ever since” I said 

“I think our brother will want us to move on Jamie, I’m sure he want to see you happy and to see you in a relationship” she said 

“Maybe ... I don’t know yet” I said leaving me to think all night 



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Jongda1 #1
Sorry guys for the long wait, I had finish the story so hope you guys enjoy
Jongda1 #2
Sorry guys i’m In the middle of an important exam week so I won’t be updating for the next 2 weeks but I hope you guys have enjoyed so far and I’ll definitely come back and continue the story ^_^, hope everyone is enjoying it so far feel free to leave any comments
Chapter 6: to be in beteenntwo awesome boys that's not good Hhhh
Elizabethxnndd #4
Chapter 5: I love your story please update soon. I’m curious on what is going to happen next
rinifitri #5
Chapter 5: I still dont know who jamie's brother is?
Chapter 5: awww it's confusing between those two it's not fair
Jongda1 #7
Sorry guys I’ve been busy with exams week and not able to write but when my schedule allow it I will upload ASAP I hope you guys are enjoying chapters 1-4 so far.
Yours truly: jongda1
Chapter 4: amazing
I can feel her pain really
and I have a feeling that her unni is about to become a good supporter ♡
but .... jungkook or Jimin??? hmmmm I don't know it's HARD to choose
Chapter 3: can't wait for more
are jungkook and Jimin racing for her ???
hhhhhh sounds fun
Chapter 2: I'm so curious what will happen to her ?