Chapter 4: Smiles

Her World


“Argh I can’t sleep”, the images of Jamie’s tears is in my mind. I faced the sleepless night looking at the ceiling. Thinking about her voice i had no words to describe. 

“She’s better than I think” I said as both of my hands supported my head still looking at the ceiling until i fell asleep.

The night swept away, and the morning greets me. Walking to practice like always with my spare piece of clothes. Walking in seeing her laying down in the wooden floor. 

I tilt my head seeing her shut her eyes as the side of her forehead showed the intense work she have done. I walked closer and closer to meet up with her tired self, sleeping away on the cold floor. I got my clean towel I brought from home and covered her like a piece of blanket. 

“Oppa” she twist and turned, her dream became uneasy and rowdy. A tear dropped down and she called “Oppa, don’t leave I’m begging you. stay” she grabbed my arm and all I could do was stay still with miss ugly duckling. 

“Who is it that makes you hurt this much” he said while wiping her sweat and tear away, he left a water bottle and left before she woke up. 


I shoot up breathing heavily from my dream, I woke up with a towel wrapped around me and a drink bottle next to me. I looked around. Left and right. No one was there. I know it wouldn’t be who I wanted to be. 

“Maybe it’s my brothers members” I wondered, but my question is still left unanswered. 

My muscles hurts and everything is sore, I’ve been doing this for 5 months now. As the other trainees start to arrive I sat in the corner 

“Jamie!!” Yerin yelled excitedly 

“Want to go to the movies today, the incredibles 2 is out and I really want to watch it”, I smiles knowing I love Disney movies I can’t help but to not agree for 14 years on waiting for that film. 


“Popcorn ?” Yerin asked 

“Of course” I smiles smelling the buttery and salty scent making my mouth wanting to stuff as many of them in as I can. 

“ isn’t that Yerin and Jamie” V ran up to us and he left the rest oh his friends behind. 

“Hiii” V waved with his dorky smile I looked over his shoulder to see the other 6 behind him walking towards us. 

“Hi ugly duckling” Jungkook said, I rolled my eyes and turned around to talk to jimin 

“You guys watching the incredibles 2 as well” I asked him 

“Yea, so excited” we bunches up as a group and sat down altogether. 

Sitting down, Yerin and jimin was next to me. As the film went all I laughed and awed with all the cute and funny scenes. It was the only time I felt light, like everything at those moments lift for a moment. 



This is the first time I fully seen her enjoy herself, the first time I see her smiling. That sadness aura around her lifted as nothing was worrying her. I wondered what happened to her brother that cause all these pains to arise. 


She was next to me, seeing that angelic smile. My heart started to race. I wanted to see her like this every time. Her smiles suit her very well. I wanted to hold her hands like what people do on dates. But this was no official date, but maybe .. maybe soon when I get to know her abit more. 


The movie finished all but smiles were shown on my face. 

“I’m hungry” said Yerin 

“I know a place” said Jin 

“I probably need to head home” I said, to everyone 

“But Jamie, you haven’t eaten yet” Yerin said pointing 

“I think I need to be somewhere today, I’m in a good mood thanks to you guys” I said walking to the nearest exit 

“Yerin do you still want to go” rapmon asked 

“Of course I’m starving” as they walked to the direction of food, Jungkook excused himself 

“I probably need to check on my mums request for some grocery to make tonight’s dinner” Jungkook waved goodbye and ran. 


I ran to keep up with her, my mind wondering why she needed to suddenly needed to leave. 

“I’m gonna be late for Oppa’s birthday” she said 

She ran and went straight to the company, she sneaked in the celebrities practice room. Hugging all four of them. 

“Just in time” they said as they welcomed her with mountains full of food 

“Is she that close to them” I wondering, expanding all my question. 


I couldn’t miss oppa birthday, I had so much fun today. I went home smiling, as I opened the door destruction came my way. 

“What happened here” I shouted as everything was scattered everywhere, the lamps crashed on the floor, plates were smashed into tiny pieces and I saw my sister sitting in the dark. 

“Unnie, what’s happening here” I looked at her, seeing her loneliness. 

“Go away why would you care” she said half heartedly 


“WAE!!!” She retaliated 

“What’s going on” 

“Your not home why would you know about anything” she said stood up and walked to her room 

“STOP!” I ran to her and held her hands 

“What’s wrong” I said gently 

“Why do you care, you think I’m one of the reason he killed himself because I don’t want him to be a singer” she said as tears form 

“YOU DON’T THINK I LOVE HIM TOO, DO YOU THINK I DON’T HAVE REGRETS!!!” She yelled out I automatically hugged her 

“Unnie, please tell me what’s going on I don’t want to lose you too” I said squeezing her not letting her go 

“Your soon to be brother in law cheated alright, I called it off after a fight” she dig in to my arms 

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t think of how you felt, I just mad and in pain” I said crying we both cried together and decided to sleep next to each other in this hurtful night. 


The happy day turned into a chaotic and painful night. As my Unnie slept soundly I decided to clean the house 

“I know her boyfriend was no good, no one ever listens to the youngest when we have advice” I said sweeping the glass on the floor and accidentally sliced my finger 

“Great” I said taking the first aid kit and doing a flimsy job. 

“Unnie have some breakfast” I said placing some pancakes drizzle with syrup 

“You love sweets so dig in” I said 

“I’m going to go ohk,so call me if you need anything” I said smiling

“Are you going to the company” I stopped slowly turning to her. She didn’t say anything and I started leaving. 



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Jongda1 #1
Sorry guys for the long wait, I had finish the story so hope you guys enjoy
Jongda1 #2
Sorry guys i’m In the middle of an important exam week so I won’t be updating for the next 2 weeks but I hope you guys have enjoyed so far and I’ll definitely come back and continue the story ^_^, hope everyone is enjoying it so far feel free to leave any comments
Chapter 6: to be in beteenntwo awesome boys that's not good Hhhh
Elizabethxnndd #4
Chapter 5: I love your story please update soon. I’m curious on what is going to happen next
rinifitri #5
Chapter 5: I still dont know who jamie's brother is?
Chapter 5: awww it's confusing between those two it's not fair
Jongda1 #7
Sorry guys I’ve been busy with exams week and not able to write but when my schedule allow it I will upload ASAP I hope you guys are enjoying chapters 1-4 so far.
Yours truly: jongda1
Chapter 4: amazing
I can feel her pain really
and I have a feeling that her unni is about to become a good supporter ♡
but .... jungkook or Jimin??? hmmmm I don't know it's HARD to choose
Chapter 3: can't wait for more
are jungkook and Jimin racing for her ???
hhhhhh sounds fun
Chapter 2: I'm so curious what will happen to her ?