Fight For Love
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The second day after Rin joined Sung Bok officially, Minsoo had been invited to be the special ambassador for the promotion of Taekwondo in Canada. He would be away for a long time so he had instructed Jaejoong to stand in for him and to be in-charge of every single matter in the school.

Before the disciples could even relax themselves since their teacher would be away for a long time, Jaejoong had decided to announce that there would be a internal competition within the school on Saturday whereby they could choose two male disciples and one female disciple to represent Sung Bok in the upcoming Inter-School Taekwondo Tournament.

Everyone was holding their breaths when they heard the announcement. Ever since they failed to enter into the second round, the entire Sung Bok had never stopped practising just for this long awaiting tournament.

Ever since Jaejoong announced the date for their internal competition, all the disciples were extremely motivated.




The training hall was fully of their shoutings and their kicks were much powerful than usual. The annual Inter-School Taekwondo Tournament has been a holy war on the eyes of every Taekwondo disciples.

This tournament was extremely important to everyone in Sung Bok because Sung Bok had become a second-class Taekwondo school in Seoul so this tournament has become their only hope to rebuild Sung Bok's reputation. But every year they didn't manage to get far in the tournament but this year they knew it would be different.

Even Rosie wasn't as lazy as before, she would attend all trainings punctually. Every night after her trainings, her legs would be full of bruises.
"Ouch! Painful!" Rosie winced but Rin ignored her and continued to run the ointment on her friend's leg. To be honest, this was her first time seeing her friend being so diligent in her trainings.

"Senpai, don't be so hard! It's painful! Stop stop stop! Enough already! Enough already!"

Rosie yelled and heaved a sigh of relief but she started yelling when she saw Rin putting the stopper back into the bottle. "Yah! Don't put it back! I have yet to apply the ointment for you!"

"No need! I am going back to train." With that she went off to change into her Taekwondo attire to train with Kris. Although Kris always looked like lazy in the usual days, he still agreed to help her in her extra trainings.

She knew she was disturbing Kris' sleeping routine but she really wanted to train more because she remembered her father told her about her lack in the experience of fighting an actual opponent so now that Kris was willing to help her, she must make full use of this opportunity to train with strong fighter like him.

"Oh… then you go ahead! I can't train anymore! Too painful to even move." Rosie said and plopped herself onto her bed. "Senpai, do you know I love the inter-school Taekwondo tournament! This is the event that will make everyone united as one to fight towards the same goal!"

How would she not know about this?

Although Kwon Seung would always be the last in this annual tournament, Rin could still see how diligent and united everyone in Kwon Seung would become. Their abilities may be weak but the determination to win the tournament would still be present in their hearts.

But she was never given a chance to participate.

"Although I know I won't be able to represent Sung Bok, I still want to cheer for the seniors!"

"Okay. Don't wait for me! Go to sleep first! I'll be back after my training! Good night!"

"Oh ya! Senpai, I won't give chance to you on Saturday." Rosie said suddenly with a serious look. "Although we are best friends, I will give my best to fight with you!"

Rin smiled and showed a thumb-up at her friend. "Me too."

No matter how close the two friends were, they would become opponents when they were in a match and giving the best in the fight would be the best respect you gave to your opponent and friend. This was what her father has been teaching her.

"Hahahaha! Fighting, Lee Rin! Fighting Rosie!" Rosie laughed.

For the upcoming internal competition, everyone in Sung Bok has been training very hard and Rin was the most diligent one among them.

She would always be the first one to wake up and the last one to sleep. At times she would be training on her own in the night, the lights in the training hall seemed to lit up all the time. There were times when Jaejoong would look at the girl in the shadow. Her face was full of sweat but her eyes were burning with passion and determination when she looked at a particular point in the air. She repeated every move time after time before she stopped and looked up at a particular spot in the air.

A frown appeared on Jaejoong's face. He wasn't why was the girl standing motionlessly on the same spot but her next move stunned her on the spot. She ran and leapt into the air with a twist, kicking her leg outwards and as if she had hit something in the air, she turned around very quickly to give a second kick with her left leg and then she did a somersault in the air before she did her third kick and landed back down on the mat.

Jaejoong's eyes went wide when he saw that series of actions. "With just one leap and she could do three kicks in the air. It seems like she has far more potentials that I could imagine."


It was already Friday afternoon. Rin wanted to get back to Sung Bok with her fastest speed so that she could have more time to train for tomorrow internal competition. But she wasn't sure why were there so many people in the school. She has so many difficulties trying to get to the school gate. "What's going on?" Rosie frowned, trying to tiptoe to see what was going on in front.

Rin inhaled a deep breath and told herself to stay cool because her father has always warned her that being hot temper was a taboo in Taekwondo.

"Over there." The moment Rin cooled herself down; she saw Rosie pointed at a particular direction. It was about several meters away from the school gate when the students seemed to be surrounding something in the centre and more and more people were gathering at that area.

From where they were, they could already hear people shouting excitedly. It was as if a famous idol had come to the school.

"Probably an idol." Rin thought and since they were of some distance away from the crowd, she could really see who was being surrounded. But she could feel that there's some kind of alluring aura that was attracting people to that side.
Rosie and her took quite some time to squeeze themselves out of the school gate and ran back to Sung Bok to clean up the school before they gathered at the training hall. That was when they sensed the same aura again.

Rin looked towards the training hall to see the other Sung Bok disciples gathering around someone. She couldn't really see their faces but she could tell that there were two persons in the centre. One boy and one girl. Despite with so many people blocking her view, she could still see bits of dazzling lights sipping through the gaps, blinding people's eyes.

Jaejoong was standing outside of the crowd.

His posture was still as tall and straight as before; his eyes were looking at the ground like he didn't really bother about the two persons among the ground. But Rin seemed to see something different about him and started staring at him unknowingly.

The Jaejoong today seemed different as the Jaejoong from the usual training. Although he looked indifferent and distance, his whole body seemed to be in an extremely tensed mode.

Jaejoong looked up and both their eyes met. Rin could see the coldness and indifference in them. She continued to stare back at him until he looked away from.

"Ahhh! Now I know why is the school so crowded today! It's Joon-gi oppa and Eunjung unnie!" Rosie's excited voice snapped Rin back to her senses. "No wonder the school was so crowded just now. They must have come back from China. I bet they must have learnt a lot of things from Chang Hai."

Rin looked up to see Rosie already among the crowd.

"What is there to learn in Chang Hai?" Hyuna spoke. "None of them in Chang Hai is Joon-gi oppa's match."

"Yeah! Yeah!" The others cheered in agreement because they all thought the match between Xu Jiao and Rin.

"Nothing great about Chang Hai!"

"Yeah! Few days ago, they came to our school for an exchange but they ended up losing!"

"One of their female disciples couldn't win us and started crying after losing

"Yeah! Yeah!"

"Given their standards, I don't think they can be Joon-gi sunbae's match even if four or five of them were to fight him at the same time. Maybe Chang Hai had finally realised that we have improved tremendously and are worried that they couldn't win us in future so they invited Joon-gi and Eunjung sunbaes over to learn from them!"

"Yeah! That's right!"

"Oppa and I had heard about it before we flew back." The girl's voice was gentle and elegant like the spring breeze blowing past the water surface. "It's a girl by the name Lee Rin that defeated Xu Jiao right?"

"Omo! Eunjung unnie, you have also heard about it!" Rosie squealed. "Yes! It's senpai who defeated that arrogant Xu Jiao! My senpai is the best! She's..."

"Senpai, you are here!" Rosie turned her head around and saw her friend standing outside of the crowd. "Come over quickly! They are Joon-gi oppa and Eunjung unnie! They are from Hyun Woo! You must have heard their names before right?"

The other Sung Bok disciples quickly made way and that was when Rin could finally see the legendary Lee siblings from Hyun Woo, Joon-gi and Eunjung.
This was the first Rin saw the siblings.

The young man was handsome and dazzling like the sun. His eyes were looking at her and a smile spread across his face, as if he had seen an extremely interesting person.

The elegant looking girl stood in front of the group and flashed her most gentle smile at Rin, asking. "You are Lee Rin?"

Rin nodded.

"Before I came back, Xu Jiao insisted me to spar with you to see where exactly is your standard and why did she lose to you." Eunjung said as she walked towards Rin and scanned the slim and lanky girl from head to toe. "Are you a newbie? I didn't see you before."

"Yes, I joined Sung Bok not too long ago." Rin shifted her gaze from Joon-gi back to Eunjung.

The two siblings were extremely gifted and they were being labeled as the Taekwondo geniuses since they were kids. Last year, the siblings took part in the International Youth Taekwondo Competition in US. Eunjung managed to get to the top eighth of her category while Joon-gi beat his opponents from China, US and Iran, emerging champion for his category.

When the news was spread to the outside world, newspapers from around the world couldn't stop mentioning about the siblings' names. She had onc

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15 streak #1
Old stories are gold
Chapter 58: It took me days to finish reading this fanfic. But i am so impressed and ofc happy!! All i think of is how well the characters developments are. From weak to strong or vice versa, from not having a spirit to have it just because there is a reason to do it, or even from single to married hahha. I'm enjoying every chapters of this fic. Im so glad i found this piece. Thank u for writing it, Author-nim. Fighting!!
Suuhaanaa #3
Chapter 58: Just want to say that i really love your story!!!!
Chapter 58: I just love it......?
I totally in love with your story...Both of them survive their ordeal... What a wonderful story.. Fighting. Amazing.. I love your poster too Jaejoong & Park Shinhye oc LeeRin
Wait! I just noticed it now! It's already done! Congratulations! I really really love it!
Chapter 58: Time flies. They have their own daughter.
lintayu #8
Chapter 57: OH MY TT TT TT
Chapter 57: You made me cry! Ughhh
Chapter 56: Pleaseeee, I really do hope they'll make it thru!