Fight For Love
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The subsequent matches were very smooth sailing and Rin had already gotten into the momentum. She won almost every match with high score. But Xu Jiao had also snatched away part of the attention.

“This young girl from China is very attention-catching.” Reporter Yang commented while watching the match.

“But why is her move so similar to Lee Rin?” Reporter Yoo commented. “She looks like she is copying Lee Rin.”

“I know right.” Reporter Yang replied. “The first match is so out of our expectation! Lee Rin actually KO-ed Kato Sakura at the last few seconds! Too fascinating!”

“Of course! She possesses the skills of both her parents!” Reporter Bang snorted.

“Although she was nervous at the beginning, she still managed to overcome her nervousness and perform at such great potential! She just needed to win this match and she would be able to enter the quarter final and final.”

“The Japanese reporters seemed demoralised.” Reporter Yang took a glance at the Japanese reporters corner. “I guess nobody would expect Kato Sakura to lose her first match.”

“Tournament is always unpredictable.” Reporter Bang commented. “Now all the Japanese reporters are hoping Lee Rin to get into the final. If Lee Rin were to enter the final, Kato Sakura would get to participate in the revival round to get her bronze medal.”

“BAM!” The Thai athlete was seen flying off the mat after Xu Jiao sent her 18th double flying kick at her.

That arrogant murderous aura.

“Hahaha!” Xu Jiao raises both arms in the air when the referee announced her victory. Her eyes were burning like a hungry leopard.

“Psssh! She is still a loser to my senpai!” Rosie snorted.

“Yup! She can’t win Rin at all! It would be extremely disgracing when she got defeated by Rin!” Boram added.

“Don’t underestimate the opponent!” Baekhyun reminded.

“I’m hungry!” Kris yawned. “I want to go out to have my lunch. Which one of you want to go with me?”

“Me!” Boram stood up, followed by Baekhyun and Taeyeon.

Rosie was hesitant.

“Let’s go!” Boram pulled Rosie up from the mat. “Rin will definitely win that Paraguay opponent! Don’t look down on your senpai!”


The last match of the morning was going to take place. Rin was making her way to the mat and looking at Jaejoong at the same time. His face was getting paler and paler. She could even see a light tint of green in it.

Before she went for her match, she held his hand and she could even feel the cold sweat on his palm.

He must be unwell. When she recalled how he tried to curb his coughing last night, she couldn’t help to worry about him.

“Haaa!” When her Paraguay opponent threw a flying kick at her, Rin could only suppress her worry and focus on her match.

This match wasn’t a tough one and she was in the lead of six points at the end of the second round.

When she headed back to her resting area, Jaejoong was already standing there, waiting for her.

“Sit down.” Rin put her hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down to his seat. The moment she touched his shoulder, she felt a surge of coldness hitting her. At the same time, she could also feel that Jaejoong didn’t have any strength to resist her anymore.

Jaejoong was sitting on the chair with his eyes close. He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn’t say anything except shivering slightly on his seat.

“Oppa!” Rin called out worriedly.

“… I’m fine.” He replied with a hoarse voice.

“Go… go finish your last round.”

Rin didn’t know how she finished her last round. When the referee announced her victory, she ran off to Jaejoong’s side without bowing at her opponent.

“Oppa!” She cried, supporting his falling body. “Oppa, are you okay?”

“… I’m just tired… let’s go back to the hotel.”

“We should go to the hospital!” Rin said as she supported him towards the exit.

The organising committee was calling out for her but she didn’t even hear them.
The distance to the door was actually pretty short but no matter how fast Rin tried to walk, she couldn’t seem to reach the door quickly. As she made her way to the door, she could feel Jaejoong’s body getting colder and heavier until she collapsed to the floor with Jaejoong on top of her.

“Oppa!” Rin shouted and found Jaejoong already unconscious. “Help! Someone, please call ambulance!”


The ambulance was on the way to the hospital. Rin was holding Jaejoong’s cold hand tightly and watching him breathe slowly into the oxygen mask. She hated herself to the core.

She was aware that he was unwell on the day of departure, and the day before her first match, he was trying his best to suppress his coughing and he chose to head out for a walk so that he wouldn’t affect her sleeps. He has been showing so many signs and yet she didn’t take care of him well.

She shouldn’t have insisted on finding the bracelet that day. If not, his condition wouldn’t have worsened.

The ambulance stopped in front of the hospital.

The doctor and nurses were already waiting for their arrival. Once Jaejoong was rolled out of the ambulance, the hospital staff quickly wheeled him into the emergency ward. After some treatments, the doctor and tournament committee walked out of the emergency ward.

“Miss Lee Rin.” The committee member spoke. “The doctor is asking for Mr Kim Jaejoong’s medical records.”

“What medical records?” Rin frowned. “Why is he asking for that?”

“His condition isn’t suitable to participate in any vigorous exercise especially Taekwondo. Do you not know about it?” The Japanese doctor scolded.

Rin was stumped when she heard what the staff had translated.

“What illness is he suffering from?” Rin asked.

“I’m sorry. I don’t really understand what illness is he suffering from. But the doctor said to wait for the patient to wake up and observe for one to two days.” The staff told Rin.

“Remember! Don’t let the patient do any vigorous exercise. He needs to rest for a long period of time, if not, he has to undergo a surgery.”

“I understand.” Rin bowed at the doctor.

After the doctor left, Rin told the committee member to write the Japanese words down for her. She stared down at the slip of paper for a few minutes before she kept it in her bag.

She sat quietly by Jaejoong’s bedside and she was still wearing her wet Taekwondo robe and protection gears. Time was ticking away but Jaejoong was still unconscious.

His brows were knitted together tightly like he was trying to wake up from his dream.

“You should go back first.” The committee member told her. “You still have a match at 2pm. You don’t need to worry. There are doctors and nurses that will take care of him.”

Rin shook her head.

“I had asked the doctor. The medication they gave the patient is a kind of tranquiliser that would make him sleep. He wouldn’t be up after 2pm.” The person said. “You don’t have to stay here.”

“I want to accompany him.” Rin said blankly.

“But you will miss your match!”

“It’s okay. Nothing is more important than him.” Rin said, holding Jaejoong’s cold hand.

The lady let out a sigh

Time kept ticking away one second after another.

The unconscious Jaejoong seemed to get more and more restless; his head was turning around on the pillow and his mouth was moving like he was trying to say something in his sleep.

“Is he in pain?” Rin thought and when she was about to press the bell for assistance, she heard loud coughing sound next to her.

“He is awake!” The lady was shocked because the doctor had told her that the effect of the medication would only die off after 4pm.

Jaejoong was still lying o

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15 streak #1
Old stories are gold
Chapter 58: It took me days to finish reading this fanfic. But i am so impressed and ofc happy!! All i think of is how well the characters developments are. From weak to strong or vice versa, from not having a spirit to have it just because there is a reason to do it, or even from single to married hahha. I'm enjoying every chapters of this fic. Im so glad i found this piece. Thank u for writing it, Author-nim. Fighting!!
Suuhaanaa #3
Chapter 58: Just want to say that i really love your story!!!!
Chapter 58: I just love it......?
I totally in love with your story...Both of them survive their ordeal... What a wonderful story.. Fighting. Amazing.. I love your poster too Jaejoong & Park Shinhye oc LeeRin
Wait! I just noticed it now! It's already done! Congratulations! I really really love it!
Chapter 58: Time flies. They have their own daughter.
lintayu #8
Chapter 57: OH MY TT TT TT
Chapter 57: You made me cry! Ughhh
Chapter 56: Pleaseeee, I really do hope they'll make it thru!