Fight For Love
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The evening sun was shining over the whole building with the window panels reflecting the gigantic orange egg yolk on it. Rin was standing by the window, looking at the kids playing at the playground.

"Losing is just a lesson in life. You don't have to be upset about." A familiar voice spoke from behind.

Rin turned around to see her father making tea. "Who say I lost?"

"Then why do you look so upset?" Byung Hyun looked up at his daughter with a confused look.

"I won but I didn't get selected." Rin sat down in front of her father.

"Oh… so you are still upset…"

"No. It's something else that is bothering me."

Byung Hyun raised a brow and stopped whatever he was doing. "What is it?"

"A guy said he want to woo me." Rin rolled her eyes.

There was a moment of silence before Byung Hyun put his teapot down. "Who is he?"

"Appa, what do you want to do?" Rin asked because she couldn't decipher the look on her father's face.

"Who is he? I promise I won't go beat him up."

Rin eyed at her father suspiciously. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, very sure."

"Lee Joon-gi from Hyun Woo. But actually if you want to whack him, you can go ahead and do it! I personally feel like punching him too! Hurhur!"

"Ahhh! He is a Taekwondo genius! You should talk to him more often since he is still staying in Sung Bok."

"No way! He will think that I am interested in him too!"

"Hahaha! My daughter is so pretty! I am not surprised that there are guys pursuing you!" Byung Hyun laughed.

"Appa! I just want to focus on my studies and Taekwondo! I am not interested in having a relationship!"

"Okay! Okay!" Byung Hyun laughed.

"Appa." Rin began. "Aren't you upset that I didn't get to represent Sung Bok in the tournament despite the fact that I had won?"

Byung Hyun shook his head. "Ever since that stimulant incident, I had learnt not to take thing so hard! Winning is no longer the key to success! The ability to learn from your defeat is the key to make you successful!"

"Appa, you didn't take the stimulant! You won that competition fair and square! You were being framed!"

"Araso! Araso! You don't need to be so agitated! I had already put that bad memory down so you should do the same as well," said Byung Hyun.

Rin let out a sigh but deep in her heart, she swore that she would try her best to return her father's innocence.

"So tell me how did you win the internal competition?" Byung Hyun asked, trying to divert her attention away from the past incident.

"I KO-ed Dara sunbae."

"Very good. You indeed have more potential than appa could imagine. I am sure you will be very successful in future

"I was just lucky, appa! I may not be so lucky if I were to participate in other tournament in future."

"That's because you have yet to polish up on your skills. You possess all the required traits of a Taekwondo athlete. You will be more successful than the Lee siblings in future."

Rin laughed. "Haha! Appa, your joke is very funny! Haha! I can't stop laughing! Haha!"

"You have the gift to read others' moves and your strength is better than many other female Taekwondo athletes! Are you calling yourself a joke?" Byung Hyun's face turned serious instantly.

"The gift to read others' moves is because of your training. Appa, hard work and gift are two different things!"

"Rin-ah, it's not hard work. Appa noticed it long time ago and so I focused on training you to read others' moves."

Rin blinked.

"Your observation skill is way better than what you thought you are. You are using this skill in your day-to-day life and that's why with just a tiny movement, you are able to see the next motion with ease. Have you not wondered why were you able to dodge all my moves everytime when you sparred with me?"

Rin went silent upon hearing her father's reply.

"So don't say that you will not be successful. You just needed a chance to prove yourself."

"Then what is the strength that you are talking about? Rosie always got bruises everytime she sparred with me."

"Strength is the basic quality for a Taekwondo athlete. Tell me what does it mean by KO win."

"KO win means one party had knocked the other party out for ten seconds and then the the first party will win the competition regardless of the earlier score." Rin answered.

"Then have you ever wondered why is KO win included in the rules of all Taekwondo competition?"

Rin was stunned for a second and her eyes sparkled like she had understood something that she has been trying to decipher.

"At the beginning, Taekwondo is just a physical fitness exercise and it shows great power in combat and battle. But after Taekwondo became an official competition event and as long as one managed to hit an effective part of the opponent, points would be awarded accordingly. Slowly the candidates began to forget about using their strength and only focused on techniques." Byung Hyun explained slowly. "So as long as they hit the effective area, they wouldn't bother about the strength used and then Taekwondo has become a show and lost its true meaning. This is why the association added KO win to the rules; this is to tell all the candidates that only those who possesses the ability to knock the opponent out would be the true victor."

"For the female players, majority of them focused more on techniques and they lacked in the area of strength." Byung Hyun continued. "But you are different. Ever since you started learning Taekwondo, your trainings had been on your basic moves and strength, which helped in strengthening your body constitution. This is your strength so you have to be proud of it!"

"Thanks, appa!" Rin nodded with a smile.

"Why are you thanking me? If not because of me, you would have gotten plenty of championship."

"Appa, don't even think of starting this again."

"Hahaha! Alright! Alright! Aigoo! I don't understand what Joon-gi sees in you! You are so fierce!"

"Haha! He better be afraid of me so that he could forget about wooing me!" Rin smirked.

"Psssh! It's a good thing! You should give him a chance as long as it doesn't affect yo

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15 streak #1
Old stories are gold
Chapter 58: It took me days to finish reading this fanfic. But i am so impressed and ofc happy!! All i think of is how well the characters developments are. From weak to strong or vice versa, from not having a spirit to have it just because there is a reason to do it, or even from single to married hahha. I'm enjoying every chapters of this fic. Im so glad i found this piece. Thank u for writing it, Author-nim. Fighting!!
Suuhaanaa #3
Chapter 58: Just want to say that i really love your story!!!!
Chapter 58: I just love it......?
I totally in love with your story...Both of them survive their ordeal... What a wonderful story.. Fighting. Amazing.. I love your poster too Jaejoong & Park Shinhye oc LeeRin
Wait! I just noticed it now! It's already done! Congratulations! I really really love it!
Chapter 58: Time flies. They have their own daughter.
lintayu #8
Chapter 57: OH MY TT TT TT
Chapter 57: You made me cry! Ughhh
Chapter 56: Pleaseeee, I really do hope they'll make it thru!