Fight For Love
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The news broadcast for that night was showing the arrival scene of Chang Hai Dojang at Incheon Airport. All Sung Bok's disciples were watching excitedly in from of the television. The current chiefs of several major dojangs were also there to welcome Chang Hai troop and Minsoo was one of them as well, but Rin didn't see anyone from Kwon Seung at all.

There was around sixteen of them from Chang Hai troop and they were all wearing their Taekwondo uniform out of the arrival hall. Four of them were the coaches and the rest were the disciples, ranging from age 10 to 18.

The broadcaster had briefly mentioned about the top disciples from Chang Hai had been having their closed-door training in their country to prepare themselves for the China's Taekwondo National competition so they were not coming for this exchange, and the troop that they had sent for this exchange shouldn't be underestimated.

The camera then focused on a few of the senior disciples and the broadcaster continued to introduce the qualifications of these disciples...

"Ehhhh... why didn't they talk about Sung Bok Dojang?"

"Shhhh!" Rosie waved at the others, telling them to keep quiet and went closer to the television to check out on the Chang Hai disciples that were here for the exchange. And then she realised many of them had taken part in many major competitions before.

Other than the sounds coming from the television, the entire training hall was so quiet that they could hear the sound of. They could only hear the sound of the beating hearts

Rin decided to go back to the room because she still has homework that has yet to be done. If not, she wouldn't have time to clean the training mats since they would start their training after the news. Discreetly, she shuffled her way out of the crowd only to see Jaejoong looking intently at the screen, Kris was yawning next to Jaejoong and Hyuna turned to glare at him.

"Probably Jaejoong, Kris and Hyuna sunbae would be the one representing Sung Bok." Rin thought to herself. "It's going to be an exciting Sunday."


For the whole of Saturday, everyone in Sung Bok was exceptionally enthusiastic in their training and even Rin was also very enthusiastic in pulling the weeds on the field. She would clean every single corner of the dojang to ensure everything would be sparkling clean on Sunday.

Rosie had scolded her for few times, saying Dara was actually making thing difficult for Rin and she shouldn't clean every single pebble at all. Actually Rin knew about it, she just didn't want to argue with Dara since she was the one living in Sung Bok so that she wouldn't see herself as a pest leeching on others.

When evening came, people in Sung Bok were busy discussing about the result of the sparring session between Chang Hai and Hyun Woo.

Chang Hai won two rounds and Hyun Woo won one round out of the three.
Everyone in Sung Bok was shocked by the result. This sparring session had already showed the true strength of Hyun Woo; if not, Chang Hai Dojang wouldn't send its disciples to stay in Hyun Woo directly.

"Wah! Hyun Woo actually won one round out of the three! Daebak!" Rosie squealed excitedly while lying on the bed. "Rin-ah, it seems like Chang Hai isn't that fantastic after all! If Hyun Woo were to send Joon-gi sunbae and Eunjung sunbae, Hyun Woo would have won all three rounds together with Jonghyun sunbae!"

"That's because the top fighters from Chang Hai are staying in China for their closed-door training. It's still uncertain which side would win the sparring session if both sides were to send their top fighters.

"Errrr..." Rosie scratched her head. "You are right too but Joon-gi sunbae is superrrrrrr fantastic! I don't think there is anyone from Chang Hai can win him!"

"Are you sure?"

"What? You don't know that Joon-gi sunbae won the world championship last year? Champion okay! So this was why China specially invited him and Eunjung sunbae to Chang Hai for exchange and it lasted for more than one year!"

Rin pulled her blanket higher, staring at the ceiling and thinking about Joon-gi's name. How could she not know this name? He was the well-known Taekwondo genius in Seoul.

"Ah! I know!" Rosie let out a rather loud gasp. "No wonder Chang Hai chose to go to Hyun Woo first, it's probably because Joon-gi sunbae is too outstanding so they wanted to see how good is Hyun Woo! Joon-gi sunbae is definitely a sure-win! As for Eunjung sunbae..."

"What's wrong?" Rin asked, unsure why was Rosie hesitating on. From what she knew, Eunjung has been the best female Taekwondo fighter ever since she debuted and no one had won her before.

"Chang Hai Dojang has female Taekwondo genius by the name Liu Yifei. I heard she is very very very very fantastic!"

"How fantastic?"

"She is fantastic to the extent..." Rosie paused for a few seconds before she continued. "No no no! I think it's a pack of lies! It's impossible for her to be so strong! I don't think she can win Eunjung sunbae! So Hyun Woo can definitely beat Chang Hai! Our country's level is high! Wahahahahahaha!" Rosie laughed but when she realized Rin wasn't laughing with her, she showed her friend a pouty look. "Yah! Why aren't you laughing?"

"If Hyun Woo is able to beat Chang Hai, I will be very happy! But Chang Hai is coming to Sung Bok tomorrow so they won't be fighting with Hyun Woo anymore." Rin pointed out.

"Errrr..." Rosie went frozen upon hearing Rin's reply. Suddenly she saw the fate of Sung Bok losing tomorrow's fight. "Ehhh! Jaejoong sunbae isn't too bad!” Rosie snorted. "Although Jaejoong sunbae always lost to Joon-gi oppa, he has been improving himself for the past one year and he has been winning the top fighter from the other Taekwondo schools. There may be a possibility of him winning Joon-gi oppa too! So he may win those people from Chang Hai!"

"Jaejoong sunbae?" Rin muttered. She had watched him fight with one of the seniors from Kwon Seung. His footwork was exceptionally fast and his aura was overwhelming, totally different from his usual indifferent self.

"Tomorrow..." Rosie closed her eyes and prayed. "I hope Sung Bok could show our true talent and beat Chang Hai! No! No need to win. At least win one round is good enough! Jaejoong sunbae, Kris sunbae and Hyuna sunbae! Hwaiting! Rin-ah, pray together with me!"

Rin threw a soft toy at her friend and went to bed. But her heart was hoping that one day she was able to fight with a true Taekwondo fighter at a competition.


The moon was setting and the sun was rising up from the horizon. The birds had already started chirping on the trees.

All the disciples of Sung Bok were already waiting at the courtyard for the arrival of Chang Hai troop. Rin could see the passion and desire in their eyes while waiting for the aces to come.

Minsoo had also changed into a new set of Taekwondo uniform, standing gracefully like a deity descended from heaven.

Jaejoong and other disciples were standing right in front. His expression was his usual indifferent look except for the eyes that have become brighter than before. Kris and Hyuna were standing behind Jaejoong. Kris looked as if he didn't sleep for the whole night and yawn non-stop while Hyuna couldn't stop shooting death glare at him.

On the other hand, Rin was at the side of the courtyard, sweeping. At times, she would turn her head around to look at the entrance. For once, she was grateful to Dara because if not for her, she wouldn't even have a chance to see the practice fight between Sung Bok and Chang Hai.

Just then the sound of an oncoming car could be heard. Rin looked afar and saw a car coming towards Sung Bok's direction. She could feel her heart beating rapidly inside her as if she would be one of them participating in the practice fight later.

Minsoo led the group forward to welcome their guests at the entrance and then Rin saw two sedan cars stopping in front of the entrance.

"Why are there only two cars? Aren't there sixteen of them?" Rin thought.

The door of one of the cars opened and a middle-aged man came out of the car, followed by a girl who looked like she was around 15.

As for the second car, three other kids came out from it and they looked like they were around 12.

A total of five persons.

Rin's mouth dropped open when she saw the four kids standing behind the middle-aged man. "What is this? They are sending four kids to challenge Sung Bok?"


All the doors of the training hall were opened and the sun was shining into the hall with the spring wind blowing the belts on the disciples's waists.
Minsoo and the coach from Chang Hai were sitting on the floor in front of their disciples.

Minsoo looked extremely calm and composed like the representatives sent by Chang Hai didn’t shock him. He was smiling as he conv

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15 streak #1
Old stories are gold
Chapter 58: It took me days to finish reading this fanfic. But i am so impressed and ofc happy!! All i think of is how well the characters developments are. From weak to strong or vice versa, from not having a spirit to have it just because there is a reason to do it, or even from single to married hahha. I'm enjoying every chapters of this fic. Im so glad i found this piece. Thank u for writing it, Author-nim. Fighting!!
Suuhaanaa #3
Chapter 58: Just want to say that i really love your story!!!!
Chapter 58: I just love it......?
I totally in love with your story...Both of them survive their ordeal... What a wonderful story.. Fighting. Amazing.. I love your poster too Jaejoong & Park Shinhye oc LeeRin
Wait! I just noticed it now! It's already done! Congratulations! I really really love it!
Chapter 58: Time flies. They have their own daughter.
lintayu #8
Chapter 57: OH MY TT TT TT
Chapter 57: You made me cry! Ughhh
Chapter 56: Pleaseeee, I really do hope they'll make it thru!