Fight For Love
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"… we have decided to send Dara to represent Sung Bok for the female category." Jaejoong's voice sounded across the training hall.

The hall was in dead silence, as if none of them dared to breathe. Everyone was staring at Rin and Dara alternatively. Rosie came up to hold Rin's hand when the latter just flashed her a smile before she retracted her hand and went up to Dara.

"Dara sunbae, chuka hamnida!" Rin stretched her hand at the older girl.

But Dara just slapped Rin's hand away. "I don't need your wishes!"

"Noona!" Cheondong went up to his older sister, holding her by the shoulders.

"What?" Dara snapped. "She is being a faker! She must have taken stimulants before the competition just like her father! If not, she wouldn't have defeated me!"

"Dara sunbae…"

"NOONA!" Cheondong shouted. "How can you say such thing?"

"Why are all of you siding her?" Dara hollered. "It's true that her father had taken stimulant so she must have done the same too! If not, how did she manage to win?"

"Sandara Park! You could insult me for all you want but you shouldn't drag my father in as he got nothing to do with this competition!" Anger was brewing inside Rin and she was clenching her fists very tightly by her sides. "If this is how you feel after losing to someone in a competition, then I don't think you are fit to even learn this martial art."

"Who do you think you are? You don't even fit to stand in this hall and talk to me like this! If not because your father came to beg chungsa-nim, do you think Sung Bok would want to have you around?"

"Enough!" Jaejoong shouted angrily.

Dara went silent and stared back at Rin angrily.

"Is this how a senior should behave when your junior come up to congratulate you? Is this the true spirit of Taekwondo?" Jaejoong questioned.

Dara was breathing heavily and stared right at Jaejoong. "Why is everyone siding an outsider?"

"Dara sunbae, Rin is not an outsider! She is part of Sung Bok now!" Rosie retorted. "You have already gotten the chance to represent Sung Bok in the tournament so why are you still so angry?"

"Did you tell Jaejoong sunbae to choose me because you found me pitiful?"
Rin just kept quiet and stared unbelievably at Dara.

"Why? You are guilty right? That's why you are so quiet!"

"Are you done?" Rin asked. "Do you have to make the situation so awkward? Why can't you just accept the result? I accepted the fact that you are being chosen and did I say anything? Why do you have to be so pessimistic about you getting chosen is because people sympathize you? Why can't you think about it from another point of view?"

Dara went frozen on Rin's reply.

"I know you dislike me but I have already joined Sung Bok so just it up and accept the fact!"

The others went agape when they saw how Rin lectured the older girl.

"I am going to stay in Sung Bok unless chungsa-nim ask me to leave!"

"Well-said!" Someone commented and everyone turned to see Joon-gi walking towards their direction in his Taekwondo attire.

"I agree to what Rin had just said. Dara, you shouldn't be so pessimistic. There is a reason for Jaejoong to choose you. You should have more confidence in yourself." Joon-gi smiled and Dara's face went red when she saw the smile.


"Okay! Everything is settled now! Jaejoong, I hand it back to you!" Joon-gi said while the younger man shot him a glare.

"Gather!" Jaejoong announced and the entire group gathered into their formation.

"I have a request." Joon-gi said.

Jaejoong turned to look at him with a raised brow.

"I would like to spar with Rin." Joon-gi pointed at Rin with a smile on his face.

Rin stared back at the older boy with widened eyes and Rosie's mouth dropped open when she heard that request.

"Rin, you can choose not to accept his request." Jaejoong said coldly.

"Yah! It's just a spar not a duel! Nothing to worry about." Joon-gi pouted.

"I accept." Rin said.

"Nice! This way please!" Joon-gi beamed, gesturing Rin to the centre. "Jaejoong, you will be the judge."

The other disciples sat down by the side, waiting for the fight to begin. "I can't believe senpai is going to spar with my idol!" Rosie squealed.

"Ready?" Jaejoong asked and the two nodded their heads, getting into positions.

"Begin!" He announced.

Rin took the initiative to make the first move and Joon-gi dodged her first attack smoothly.

"Again!" Joon-gi smiled.


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15 streak #1
Old stories are gold
Chapter 58: It took me days to finish reading this fanfic. But i am so impressed and ofc happy!! All i think of is how well the characters developments are. From weak to strong or vice versa, from not having a spirit to have it just because there is a reason to do it, or even from single to married hahha. I'm enjoying every chapters of this fic. Im so glad i found this piece. Thank u for writing it, Author-nim. Fighting!!
Suuhaanaa #3
Chapter 58: Just want to say that i really love your story!!!!
Chapter 58: I just love it......?
I totally in love with your story...Both of them survive their ordeal... What a wonderful story.. Fighting. Amazing.. I love your poster too Jaejoong & Park Shinhye oc LeeRin
Wait! I just noticed it now! It's already done! Congratulations! I really really love it!
Chapter 58: Time flies. They have their own daughter.
lintayu #8
Chapter 57: OH MY TT TT TT
Chapter 57: You made me cry! Ughhh
Chapter 56: Pleaseeee, I really do hope they'll make it thru!