Chp 9

Our Royal Blood
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"Shut up and prepare me my breakfast. We need to leave for school soon." ordered the moody princess.


Although there isn't a need for vampires to sleep, they still need to rest. And when they don’t get enough ‘food’ in the form of blood and ‘sleep’ in the form of resting, they will faint

Taeyeon is obviously not a fan of school going. Especially, when she have been to most part of the world and experienced all from first hand encounters. Schooling to her is just listening to the same old stories over and over again with a different set of mouth, in different accent.

Over the hundreds of years, the two have collected endless amount of antiques that could last them till they need to. Money was never an issue to them as long as the black market and the banks are still around. Changing of identity is even simpler since Sunny had hundreds of years to brush up on how to do it. They now do it themselves just for the fun of it.

Having to move a full cycle from all the countries, Sunny and Taeyeon are back in Korea again. Inherited the land and the house of Taeyeon’s great great great grandmother, which was she in a hundred years back. The cycle continues with them inheriting their own possession after decades, faking their own death certificates and birth certificates, legal letter, etc.. They know everything, almost.

Prior to the move back to Korea, they have already enrolled themselves into one of Seoul’s university. Having to have graduated from over 100 over universities from around the world, they can already be call the all-rounder. Since they have taken all of the available courses the schools can provide.

Music still the favorite of both, they decided to enroll themselves in the course of music. Another reason will be because there most probably will not have homework for this course. And they can spend their time gaming or hunting.

The morning was quite a rush for them even for the fact that they left house earlier. Sunny got lost driving their way to the campus. Since they have not been back for a long time getting lost was something they have predicted. Not to the extent of going down the wrong highway or even not exiting the highway when they should.

Seeing the same posh vehicle going round and round on and off the highway, the highway cops decided to stop the vehicle and check if the driver is in need of

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Killerjoy #1
Chapter 35: Aww! I went to the concert as well and I wanted to cry when she cried huhu
1129 streak #2
Chapter 33: Hahaha jelly Tiffany ^_^
tipco09 #3
Chapter 32: Yes. I would like to read a one shot. I hope you don’t rush the ending to this fic.
ta3nyshipper309 #4
Chapter 32: Yeeeeeyyyyyyy,...... Finally your back again

Take your time author-ssi,,,, one shot is ok
tipco09 #5
Chapter 31: Take your time, authorshi. You health and work are most important. We will still be here when you manage to update.
tipco09 #6
Chapter 30: So short!
hardcolors #7
Chapter 31: Rest well, will be waiting
Chapter 31: Its ok, first is your health, we understand, see you next time..
Ladies and gentlemen.. I apologize for the lack of update to this story. Had been really busy with life. Changed job, need a cope with the new environment and scopes of work. Also, I've been having some medical issue that require me to rest slightly more as compared to previous. The medication is also kinda causing me to lose focus on thgs. So it's kinda difficult to write the continuation of this story according to the promised schedule. I'll still keep this story alive and update a frequently as I can. I seek your understanding in this.
HiroTakahasi #10
Chapter 30: Taeny and Yulsuc? Can't wait. Hope u update soon.