Chp 17

Our Royal Blood
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"This smells really good. Thank you, Hyo", and Tiffany flashes Hyo with her signature eye smile, causing Hyo to slightly blush while retreating back to the counter.


After finishing her coffee, Tiffany went over to Hyo who was standing behind the counter.

“Hi Hyo, I would like to make a payment for my coffee please.”

“Oh, no payment is required. Coffee is on the house. Ms T had informed us during the opening of the café that the first customer who ordered ‘Recordare’ and actually enjoyed the unique fruity yet lightly scorched taste of the coffee; his or her bill will be waived. Ms T said its fate that brought someone to our café and a deeper connection for the person to order ‘Recordare’ and enjoy it as it is a drink that Ms T really enjoyed brewing”, explained Hyo to Tiffany.

“Wow. I would really hope that I will have the chance to meet Ms T and try her version of ‘Recordare’.

“Hey, since everything you ordered will be free, would you like to pack our cakes back to try?” asked Hyo to Tiffany.

“Oh… Can I?” Tiffany asked, surprised and embarrassed as Hyo directed her towards the cakes showcased.

“Can I please a piece of the ‘Choco-Tunnel and ‘Pink-cess’. Thank you, Hyo”

As Hyo packed the cakes into the boxes, Tiffany cannot help but wonder what kind of person Ms T is and, what will be behind the door of level 2 of this café.

 “Here you go. Thank you for coming and hope to see you again!” Hyo greeted as Tiffany exited the café, back onto the busy streets of central Seoul.


‘Beep Beep’, the sound of the lock unlocking notifies Tiffany on the return of Yuri from school. Tiffany had been waiting patiently in their apartment since returning from the café few bus stops away from their house.

“Yuri-ahhhh! You are finally home!!” announced Tiffany loudly from the sofa.

“Yes Princess, I’m home. I am sure the whole building will know that I am home too.”

“Yay!” and Tiffany punch Yuri on the shoulder as she sat beside the princess on the sofa.

“I was just joking. Forgive me my princess. I really appreciate having someone welcoming back home. So, wanna update me on what have you been doing when I was not home?”

As Tiffany updated Yuri on what she had been doing when she skipped school, Yuri can only smile at the princess when she was talking animatedly on her trip out.

‘I am glad you are feeling better and back to your bubbly self. I really hope that I can protect you against all harm and sadness so that you can be the bubbly and smiley princess for as long as I am around.’, Yuri thought to herself while smiling at the animated girl that is still talking about her day and the free cake she brought back from the cafe.

“Why are you smiling at me like that?” Tiffany asked when she saw Yuri still staring and smiling at her after she finished her story.

“Oh… It’s nothing. I am just glad you enjoyed your day at the café. So when can we try on the cakes?” asked Yuri.

As Tiffany went to the fridge to bring out the cake she brought home from the café, Yuri went back into her room to change into something comfortable. Both the girls sat on the floor beside the short coffee table where the cakes are placed. Yuri had the ‘choco-tunnel’ whereas Tiffany had the ‘Pink-cess’.

“So Yul, what was it that you wanted to tell me about?”

“Oh ya…I went ahead and updated Sunny and Sooyoung on what had happened to us after they changed you. They were shocked that we had not encountered any other vampires over the years. There are actually others like us living amongst the… humans, “explained Yuri.

“That is indeed surprising. I always thought that everyone else had been killed by our guards when the war happened and we were the lucky or should it be unlucky ones.” Tiffany ended the sentence with a slight hint of disappointment.

“There’s more that I found out, Yu

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Killerjoy #1
Chapter 35: Aww! I went to the concert as well and I wanted to cry when she cried huhu
1130 streak #2
Chapter 33: Hahaha jelly Tiffany ^_^
tipco09 #3
Chapter 32: Yes. I would like to read a one shot. I hope you don’t rush the ending to this fic.
ta3nyshipper309 #4
Chapter 32: Yeeeeeyyyyyyy,...... Finally your back again

Take your time author-ssi,,,, one shot is ok
tipco09 #5
Chapter 31: Take your time, authorshi. You health and work are most important. We will still be here when you manage to update.
tipco09 #6
Chapter 30: So short!
hardcolors #7
Chapter 31: Rest well, will be waiting
Chapter 31: Its ok, first is your health, we understand, see you next time..
Ladies and gentlemen.. I apologize for the lack of update to this story. Had been really busy with life. Changed job, need a cope with the new environment and scopes of work. Also, I've been having some medical issue that require me to rest slightly more as compared to previous. The medication is also kinda causing me to lose focus on thgs. So it's kinda difficult to write the continuation of this story according to the promised schedule. I'll still keep this story alive and update a frequently as I can. I seek your understanding in this.
HiroTakahasi #10
Chapter 30: Taeny and Yulsuc? Can't wait. Hope u update soon.