Chp 28

Our Royal Blood
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The group moved from the dining table back to the living room for talk more about the movie marathon that they will be having later that night.


Who would have guessed it, a resident evil movie marathon was the plan. A group of the undead watches another group of undead getting killed in the movie.

Just before night falls, they decided to break themselves into 3 groups. One group will be out hunting for more blood to stock, the other group to do the usual patrolling of the parameter and the last, to prepare the house for the event later that night. Sunny suggested the names for the grouping and noise were heard,

Hunting group:  Yuri, Jessica

Patrolling group: Krystal, Sunny, Soo Young

Housing group Tae Yeon, Tiffany

Jessica: Why am I required out for hunting? Why can’t I be home with Taengoo?

Sunny: Well, Tiffany needs to be home as she is not skilled enough to hunt. She too can’t go on patrol as we will be worried about her when we are patrolling. So the best is to keep her at home. Taeyeon is hurt so it is not the best for her to be on duty right now. And out of us all, she is the only one that can cook. Ice Princess, can you cook?

Jessica: Then why am I partnering with Yuri? I don’t even know her combat level, what if we cant work together?

Soo: I can assure you, Yuri is combat ready. Out of the few of us; excluding Taeyeon and Krystal, you and Yuri are the best choice for kills.

Jessica: Then why is my sister out with the two of you?

Sunny: We too need someone to protect us. Krystal will keep us safe.


Before Jessica can launch herself onto the two irritating vampires, Yuri held onto her elbow and dragged her out of the house.


Yuri: That was why I dragged you out, to keep my friends’ head on their neck. And I am sorry you have to go hunting with me. I will try to keep up with you and not let myself burden you.

Jessica: You better!


[Still in the house]

Taeyeon: Tell me you didn’t pair them up on purpose.

Sunny: Well, I actually did. Don’t you think the princess should be tamed by someone capable?

Krystal: Smart move, Sunny Unnie. But I am not sure you and Soo Unnie will be alive when she comes back from her hunt.

Sunny: Don’t worry. We will be just fine. Let’s go patrolling so that we can have the movie marathon with a peace of mind.

And the trio left for their duty, leaving Tae and Tiffany alone in the house preparing for the night.

[Yuri & Jessica]

Yuri was walking behind Jessica, hoping that she will not further upset the princess who had been walking in front of her since they left the apartment. A sudden stop from Jessica caused Yuri to bump onto her back,

Jess: YAH! Watch where you are going will you! If you don’t focus on the surrounding, you will be the one getting us killed during the hunt.

Yuri: I.. I’m Sorry

The both continued walking in silent until the awkwardness was too much for Jessica to take. She decided to make the first move trying to talk to Yuri, else when she goes back, she might be called a bully by the others.

Jessica: Did… Did you bring the empty packs out for the storing of blood from the hunt?

Yuri: Yes

Sensing the nervousness in Yuri’s tone, Jessica tried to talk in a gentler tone towards Yuri.

Jess: Look. I apologize if I am not as nice and friendly as the rest. I… I just… I just feel nervous meeting someone new after so many years. This, making new friend thingy, makes me lost. I do not know how I should act around you. You and Tiffany are friends with Tae and the rest and I do not want them getting hurt trusting any random vampire they come across, especially not when I am not sure if there is a hidden agenda for getting close to Tae.

Yuri: If that is the case, Hi! I am Yuri, nice to meet you. We have never met before so I guess you do not know me. Tiffany and I just returned back to Korea a couple of months back. We met Taeyeon and the rest on the first day of school. It had been just me and Tiffany since the last I could remember. We just want to lead our life peacefully and assure you that both Tiffany and I do not have any hidde

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Killerjoy #1
Chapter 35: Aww! I went to the concert as well and I wanted to cry when she cried huhu
1120 streak #2
Chapter 33: Hahaha jelly Tiffany ^_^
tipco09 #3
Chapter 32: Yes. I would like to read a one shot. I hope you don’t rush the ending to this fic.
ta3nyshipper309 #4
Chapter 32: Yeeeeeyyyyyyy,...... Finally your back again

Take your time author-ssi,,,, one shot is ok
tipco09 #5
Chapter 31: Take your time, authorshi. You health and work are most important. We will still be here when you manage to update.
tipco09 #6
Chapter 30: So short!
hardcolors #7
Chapter 31: Rest well, will be waiting
Chapter 31: Its ok, first is your health, we understand, see you next time..
Ladies and gentlemen.. I apologize for the lack of update to this story. Had been really busy with life. Changed job, need a cope with the new environment and scopes of work. Also, I've been having some medical issue that require me to rest slightly more as compared to previous. The medication is also kinda causing me to lose focus on thgs. So it's kinda difficult to write the continuation of this story according to the promised schedule. I'll still keep this story alive and update a frequently as I can. I seek your understanding in this.
HiroTakahasi #10
Chapter 30: Taeny and Yulsuc? Can't wait. Hope u update soon.