Chp 2

Our Royal Blood
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 “Taeyeon!!” shouted the Vampire Queen after seeing her daughter faint while crunching onto her chest…


Khun: Hey Princesse.. open your eye.. Princess.. Taeyeon..

Taeyeon: Khunnie? Khunnie is that you? Where are you? Where are we?

Khun: Silly girl, you have to open your eyes to see if it is really me, princess.

As Taeyeon tiredly open her eyes, all she could see were haze, so thick that it is blocking her view. Straining her eyes and trying to see the furthest end her sight could lead her, was a figure. There stand a figure so familiar to her, a figure that had been with her since she could remember.

As her view clears, she ran towards Khunnie, her protector since birth. Whenever Taeyeon faces a problem, Khun was always there to help her resolve it. Be it physical risk or emotion balancing, Khun was always around to take care of Taeyeon

Although Vampire do not grow old and die, they still go through the growing process that stops when they reach 25. So when they reach 25; the vampire peak, time stops and they stay in that state forever.

At the age of 16, Taeyeon already knew how to hunt for animal blood so that she won’t lose control over it and go for human blood, all thanks to Khun.

Never did she know that, as the princess of the vampire blood, Taeyeon had been in great care since birth only for a certain reason. She was the only Pure Blooded Vampire that went through natural birth, the gem; rarest, amongst vampire. It is rare for vampires to fall in love let alone to fall in love with another vampire and then giving birth to a vampire kid. Well, that happened to Taeyeon’s parents, the Royal.

Khun had been the royal vampire’s protector since the last King. After Taeyeon was born, Khun had been Taeyeon’

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Killerjoy #1
Chapter 35: Aww! I went to the concert as well and I wanted to cry when she cried huhu
1129 streak #2
Chapter 33: Hahaha jelly Tiffany ^_^
tipco09 #3
Chapter 32: Yes. I would like to read a one shot. I hope you don’t rush the ending to this fic.
ta3nyshipper309 #4
Chapter 32: Yeeeeeyyyyyyy,...... Finally your back again

Take your time author-ssi,,,, one shot is ok
tipco09 #5
Chapter 31: Take your time, authorshi. You health and work are most important. We will still be here when you manage to update.
tipco09 #6
Chapter 30: So short!
hardcolors #7
Chapter 31: Rest well, will be waiting
Chapter 31: Its ok, first is your health, we understand, see you next time..
Ladies and gentlemen.. I apologize for the lack of update to this story. Had been really busy with life. Changed job, need a cope with the new environment and scopes of work. Also, I've been having some medical issue that require me to rest slightly more as compared to previous. The medication is also kinda causing me to lose focus on thgs. So it's kinda difficult to write the continuation of this story according to the promised schedule. I'll still keep this story alive and update a frequently as I can. I seek your understanding in this.
HiroTakahasi #10
Chapter 30: Taeny and Yulsuc? Can't wait. Hope u update soon.