Chp 22

Our Royal Blood
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“Not very sure, but she did sounded serious. Think we should get back in soon. 4hours of running is more than enough for her current state. Let go back and stop her before she hurt herself again”


The four walk back into the training room, with Taeyeon still on the machine.

“Hey Tae, we are back and you should stop. Soo said you wanted to talk to us? And ‘us’ as in me and Soo or us all?” Sunny asked as she step foot into the room.

“Yes, stop running Tae. I am serious. You are still injured and healing from the attack. We do not need you to be even more injured then you already are.” Soo continued as Sunny finished her’s.

Hearing the seriousness in the tone of Sunny and Soo, Taeyeon step down from the machine she had been on for the last few hours.

“I was planning to even if you guys did not ask me to. Well, ‘us; depends on the decision of the two of them.” She said while signaling to both Yuri and Tiffany standing behind Soo and Sunny. “But I’m assuming they are still with us since they are both back in this room. But before I continue, do you guys have anything to ask or to clarify before we continue from her. Because what you guys will be hearing, anything that I will be saying from the council will be confidential and should not be spoken of outside of this apartment. And most importantly, once you guys are in, there’s no out in it.”

“I’m in.” said Tiffany once Taeyeon made herself clear to the two. All eyes now on Yuri, who seem to be having a great thought over what she has been told,

“Yul? Yuri?” Tiffany tried to shake her off her thoughts.

“Huh?” Yuri asked Tiffany who is standing beside her with a worried look.

“Oh, of cause I am in since you readily agreed, princess and, Taeyeon? Can I talk to you in private for a while? Please?”

“Sure. We can go into one of the rooms out there if you want to.”

“Yes. Please.”

“You guys can wait here while Yuri and I have our chat outside. Ti… Tiffany, please make yourself at home and you can feel free to order both Soo and Sunny around if you need to or want to. Soo, Sunny, get Tiffany what she needs. Yuri? Let go.”


In the room (Taeyeon & Yuri)

T: So, what do you want to talk to me about?

Y: First of all, I’ll like to apologize for misunderstanding you a while a ago.

T: Apologize accepted. Is there anything else?

Y: Well, yes actually. I’ve heard from Sunny that you have done up a plan for both Tiffany and me. But I was hoping that you can tone down Tiffany’s training.

T: Can I know the reason behind this?

Y: As tough as she may seem, she actually isn’t. I’ve always been the one protecting her since as far back a I can remember. Although she really wanted to train and hunt with me after we changed, but she is still a princess no matter what. We all had been through a lot, and I no longer know how much more she can take physically and mentally. So I hope, you will take it light on her. I don’t not mind you training me like a bull, I wouldn’t even complain. But please, if you will, don’t do this to my princess.

T: I won’t push her to her limit. That was never my plan at all. And I am sure she is tougher than what you think she is, if you could just believe more in her. Believe me when I say I do still see her as a princess. But the purpose of all the training will be required for survival. I promise you that I have no intention to secretly punish you guys. However, it is better for you all to train up and be prepared for combat the earlier the better. Our world is no longer the same as previous. And

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Killerjoy #1
Chapter 35: Aww! I went to the concert as well and I wanted to cry when she cried huhu
1130 streak #2
Chapter 33: Hahaha jelly Tiffany ^_^
tipco09 #3
Chapter 32: Yes. I would like to read a one shot. I hope you don’t rush the ending to this fic.
ta3nyshipper309 #4
Chapter 32: Yeeeeeyyyyyyy,...... Finally your back again

Take your time author-ssi,,,, one shot is ok
tipco09 #5
Chapter 31: Take your time, authorshi. You health and work are most important. We will still be here when you manage to update.
tipco09 #6
Chapter 30: So short!
hardcolors #7
Chapter 31: Rest well, will be waiting
Chapter 31: Its ok, first is your health, we understand, see you next time..
Ladies and gentlemen.. I apologize for the lack of update to this story. Had been really busy with life. Changed job, need a cope with the new environment and scopes of work. Also, I've been having some medical issue that require me to rest slightly more as compared to previous. The medication is also kinda causing me to lose focus on thgs. So it's kinda difficult to write the continuation of this story according to the promised schedule. I'll still keep this story alive and update a frequently as I can. I seek your understanding in this.
HiroTakahasi #10
Chapter 30: Taeny and Yulsuc? Can't wait. Hope u update soon.