The Nightmare

Day Before The Fall

The Nightmare

The truth has always been a dilemma of every living things, causing conflicts and troubles. However, it has also been a matter one neglect or refuse to tell. Lying and ignoring seems to have been the norm nowadays, as it is seen as the easier option.

Rain pouring down the streets of the Avenue Montaigne, cars honking but eventually stopped, silence... where blood and water meets drifting around the body. Siren was heard, almost ear wrecking to the ones around. There she stood, right beside the body, she could not comprehend her surroundings neither could she accept, there he lies in front of her, with much effort, he let out " Until now, I'm still deeply, madly in love with you... And I promised you I'd love you forever, well, I've made it didn't I? " he chuckled, attempting to lighten up the tension, he hushed her and with his remaining energy, he pat her head, knowing how she loves it when he does that, and kissed her hand gently as much as he wanted to reach to her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, her lips... he was unable to. He stared oh so dearly at her, didn't want to miss even a second nor a chance to admire her " Remember that first night, we were stargazing at the square in Montreux? Look at the sky now, isn't it just as beautiful? " he paused a moment, holding onto her as he knew, it would be the last time he'd ever get to, and with his last breath " But it wouldn't have been perfect without you. My life is, was a whole with you. Never have I thought that I have such luck that my last moment, the last sight is of you. I love you Amaryliis. Forever and Always, hold on to that and continue to live your life for the two of us. ". His hands were caressing and cupping her cheeks, it was just until his eyes getting teary, knowing that he will never be able to enjoy these moments with her again, his hands fell, his body fell into an eternal sleep. He's gone. Forever.

That scene, the siren, the rain, that street, traumatised her day and night. Endless insomnia haunted her after that happening. The once bright star as he described, became the darkest ebony sky. She was diagnosed depression soon after, whenever siren echoed, she would suffer from panic attack, the irony of it, she was soon known to be the siren, attractive yet dangerous.

Despite being crowned the goddess by many, not a single soul dares to approach her. There was just this dark aura that surrounded her, every time she enters the room, everyone would stop whatever they were doing just to catch a glimpse of her, yet no one dared to stare longer that 5 seconds as the ambiance of the premise has already turned ice cold. That situation lasted for 2 years, until her best friend James could no longer tolerate her behavior any longer. Having both beauty and brains, she could have achieved so much, and yet he found himself in the same position for the past 2 years, he did what he had to with effort and time, he can't bear to see her wasting her years on something, someone that is gone forever, that has no contribution realistically speaking, in her life anymore, and it broke his heart to witness scenes with her not being able to handle the pain. He snapped her out of it, he'd wake up early in the morning drag her out of bed all the way to Jardin Clemenceau to enjoy the morning dew from the leaves dripping on their skin, with a coffee in their hands. He'd start applying jobs, including her with charity work, just to keep her life moving, to keep her... well, distracted. James would have to spend hours forcing her to get some nutrients in her body, as she never have the appetite, despite that, she would still try to entertain him every time she catch a moment of her best friend's worried expression when he is trying so hard to conceal it with his snarky remarks and arrogant attitude, but who were they kidding, these two know about each other more than anyone ever would in the entire world, yet they couldn't bring themselves to confront reality. One was broken, one was worried sick and all James wanted was for his best friend to return, to feel alive again, and not living to count down her days for the rest of her life, not dreading for every each morning opening her eyes. He neeeded her to know that there is more to this world, just like how he used to open her eyes, reminding her not to look at the shadow casted below her, instead remember that where there is shadow, there is the sun behind you, and he was her light, her eyes will lid up to be the brightest stars. James tried his best to fulfill his place but in a much different role, trying to show her a different perspective of life without him, may it be the stage in life she is in, he wanted her to know that life isn't a bed of roses, they are no longer in their school days to fool around, not caring about the world collapsing, it is time for her to accept the world and society around her, because he believes that even though she sees her life to be empty now, one day she will be shining on her own, one day she will find something, someone and herself, and a goal to look forward to, that pushes her, motivates her. She was so protected over the years that she grew dependent on him, he was there when she was a blank canvas and he drew a beautiful world on her. For a brief moment, James resented him for giving the life she had when she was with him, for making her life like a dream, a fantasy, for disguising the ugly truth of the world with butterflies and unicorns, for not giving her the time to learn how to say goodbye... but James knew that his death was not by choice so he shouldn't be angry with him, even though he was, for leaving him this mess he knew he had to clean up, because one more thing James knew about Amaryllis was that she would never open up to anyone but himself. The once ball of sunshine has became the ball of Snow she is now, however with shards, an accurate description would be shards of ice, and behind that facade lies the truth of how she became what she became, she will spend her life hiding it, just so nobody knows about her weakness, just so she can live her life in denial and lie to herself for awhile, just so she can get through the days for awhile, just so she wouldn't be teared into pieces again and again in a cycle of torture. She just wanted the pain to be gone and if the black hole can swallow her pain, she'd gladly follow it. Even though James didn't manage nor does he have the power to bring the sun shining to her world again, but having her alive, that will do for the moment.

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megangoldberg 0 points #1
This silence between us is getting a little too loud. Let's see if our bodies can speak a more interesting language... with a touch that ignites a fire that lingers long after the last word is spoken.
Chapter 1: That mysterious guy is making her rethink lot of things and come to many realisations. Who he is? Maybe her future lover, and saviour for sure.