
The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]


Jessica sat by herself in the dining room, bored out of her mind. Yuri had Quidditch practice, so Jessica was left to fend for herself for two hours. Looking up at the magically enchanted ceiling, Jessica squinted against the artifical sunlight. Suddenly, she had an idea. She quickly headed out of the main hall, her feet leading her to the entrance of the castle. 



The weather was perfect. It was sunny, and there was a cool breeze. The air was crisp, and the trees were sporting colors of red, yellow and brown, signaling the unevitable arrival of winter. Everything just felt so peaceful. 


Taking a deep breath, Jessica walked out of the castle and onto the lawn. There were only a few other students out here lazying on the grass. The others probably preferred to stay indoors, where it was much warmer. 


Making her way to a secluded spot a while away from the students just now where no one could see her, Jessica pulled out her wand and a sheet of paper from her robe pocket. With a simple wave of the wand, the paper folded itself into a crane.


“I'm counting on you.” Jessica whispered as she brought the paper crane up to her lips and gave it a quick peck, a blessing for the long journey.


‘Please, make it to Soojung.’


Extending her arms, Jessica let the crane fly away and watched it disappear against the blue skies.


‘I miss them.’


Jessica stood there, relishing in the rare warmth of the afternoon sunlight. It reminded her of the spring days in Mahoukotoro, the days she spent sitting under the eternal cherry blossoms, watching the clouds drift by with her beloved sister as the fairies braided flowers into their hair.


‘Those were the days…’


Suddenly, Jessica felt a searing hot pain in the middle of her back, exploding, burning, splitting, raging, and torturing. Panic and agony overwhelmed her senses as alarms blazed inside her conscious, cutting off any and all rational thinking. All she could think about was surviving.


Too weak to even cry out in surprise at such an intense heat, Jessica fell down, forcing her body to turn so that she could at least catch a glimpse of her attacker only to catch the fading sight of a hooded figure retreating into the Forbidden Forest.


The fire spread quickly, engulfing her entire being. Jessica gasped for air and as she forced her hand to move, to find her pocket, to get her wand. She had to survive. She had to live.


The fire felt like it was ripping her apart as if every nerve inside her was on fire. Jessica felt like she was thrown into a pot of boiling hot oil, only worse. It felt like the fire was not only burning her outer flesh but also her insides, her soul, her being. Just what kind of fire was this?


Jessica tried to call for help but every time she opened smoke would force itself into her lungs as well as some sort of liquid. Was it her blood? Her sweat? Her tears? A mixture of all three? She coughed, with every cough piercing . Her clothes and even her skin felt sticky and heavy.


She had to do something. She was going to die. Panic bubbled inside of her. She was thrashing, or at least trying to thrash about, but Jessica could tell this was no ordinary fire.


Suddenly the pain stopped and all she felt was fear, cold, cold, fear.


She was going to die.


She stopped fighting, too weak to move or even think.


A horrified scream broke through to her thoughts. Forcing her eyes open, Jessica found herself peering into blurry brown eyes of a girl, a girl with eyes so familiar and so full of warmth. Suddenly, she felt her body wash over with cool relief.


“You’re going to be okay,” the girl whispered urgently but firmly, and Jessica felt herself relax from the fear. Her vision started to fade, her mind too tired to stay awake, but she fought to keep her eyes open. She didn’t want to tear away from those brown eyes. In the moments before her vision faded away, she saw brown, mixed with yellow, black, and spots of red. So much red.


‘Those eyes…’




All feeling disappeared.


Jessica Jung succumbed into the darkness.





“It’s a good thing you were there, or else…”


“I just hope that I was fast enough.”


“Madam Pomfrey said we made it just in time, right?”


Voices. Jessica Jung heard voices.


“I hope she wakes up. Though after what she went through...”


“She will wake up. Jessica is a strong girl.”


Two to be exact.


The voices were getting louder, clearer too, like they were faraway background noises before but getting gradually and gradually closer until they were right next to her.  Jessica didn’t recognize any of them either. Or at least, she didn’t think so.


“I wonder what had happened… How do you think she-”


“I don’t know.”


No, one of the voices sounded vaguely familiar.


“Yah! Is she stirring?”


“She’s waking up!”


Jessica felt hurried movement to the right of her body. Groggily, she slowly opened her eyes. She was on a bed in the infirmary, she presumed. Her sight landed on a girl with long dark brown hair and big brown doe eyes. The girl was gorgeous, almost angelic, surrounded by all the white and yellow in the room.


‘Those eyes….Soojung?’


Her vision cleared and her mind focused.  It was not Soojung. It was not her little sister.


The girl smiled at Jessica.


“Hi. How are you feeling?” she asked kindly. Jessica closed her eyes again, suddenly feeling very drained. Even though she just woke up, she was tired beyond imagination.


“She’s probably exhausted,” Jessica heard the familiar voice speak up. Forcing her eyes open again, Jessica shifted her gaze until they landed on a girl with short blonde hair. She blinked. No, pink hair?


“I’ll go get Madam Pomfrey. Sunny, you stay here,” the girl who Jessica mistakened as Krystal spoke up. She got up to leave, and Jessica could only watch her leave in wonder.


“She looks a lot like her, huh?” Sunny murmured, eyes soft as she observed Jessica.


Jessica could only offer a stiff nod. Sunny’s hair was red.


Suddenly the doors burst open and Yuri came barreling in like a whirlwind.


“Are you okay? What happened?” Yuri immediately rushed to Jessica’s bedside in three big strides. “I came as soon as I heard. Are you hurt? What were you doing?” Before Jessica could answer any of the girl’s questions, Yuri turned towards Sunny.


“You! What did you do to her?” Yuri demanded as she grabbed Sunny by her collar. Jessica sat up in alarm, only to fall back and cry out in pain. She had never seen Yuri so mad. The girl practically radiated anger. Her eyes were dark and clouded over with unadulterated rage.


“She-” Jessica rasped out only to start violently coughing. scratched like she tried to swallow a bunch of staples.


Yuri watched in horror as her best friend convulsed in agony before turning to glare at the only other person in the room with raw rage. “What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?” she seethed, bringing her face closer and closer with each word until it was mere centimeters away from Sunny’s.


“I didn’t-” Sunny struggled to answer as Yuri held her in a death choke.


“Let her go!”


Yuri turned to the newcomer, immediately relaxing her grip on Sunny as she recognized the face to which the voice belonged to.


“Im Yoona...”


Jessica eyed her friend curiously. Yuri suddenly changed from an angry lion ready to devour its prey to someone that seemed almost...scared. The girl seemed to freeze at the sight of Yoona.


“Let. her. go,” Yoona repeated. Gone were the kind eyes that Jessica had initially saw in the girl. They were replaced with hardened eyes, cold with accusation.


Yuri immediately let Sunny go. She averted her eyes, refusing to meet the burning eyes that were still fixed on her.


Madam Pomfrey, who had been standing behind Yoona the entire time, spoke up. “No fighting in the infirmary,” she stated in finality and eyed each of them, particularly Yuri, as if asking if she was making herself clear. “Now, why don’t we check if Miss Jung is okay?”


The three girls let Madam Pomfrey do her job as they gathered awkwardly at the foot of Jessica’s bed. Yuri was intent on avoiding Yoona’s gaze no matter what and stayed as far as possible from the girl. Yoona busied herself with checking on Sunny and Sunny was just smiling like nothing happened, trying to reassure her friend that she was fine.


Why Jessica found herself in so many uncomfortable, delicate moments was beyond her.


Finally, Madam Pomfrey spoke up, breaking the tense silence. “You’ll be fine.” Jessica thought she saw Madam Pomfrey’s shoulder relax in the tiniest bit in relief. “Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about your scars.”


Jessica frowned. What scars? She did not want scars on her back. They were just plain unattractive


“They’re all over your back. Burned flesh,” Pomfrey elaborated and paused, as she let the information sink in.


Jessica gulped. Her beautiful skin...


“Which in unusual. Usually, I can take care of scars easy,” Madam Pomfrey muttered to herself. Jessica watched the older witch frown in confusion and frustration as she seemed to mull over a possibility.


“That’s probably not possible. There’s no way…” Madam Pomfrey continued to mutter under her breath. “But whatever.” The seasoned witch looked up. “You are alive, and that’s all that matters.” She turned to face the other three people in the room. “Your friend is fine, but take it easy on her, okay?” She turned to look back at Jessica. “Stay overnight so I can maintain an eye on your condition. And do your best to down the glass of water by your bedside. It would do your throat some good.” Without another word, Madam Pomfrey left them alone.


“So,” Yuri glared at Jessica with her arms crossed as soon as Pomfrey was out of hearing range. “An explanation, please.” She uncrossed her arms, only to throw them up in the air in exasperation. “What in Merlin’s happened to you!? I was gone for two hours. Two hours! And I find out you almost got burned alive? What in bloody hell were you doing?”


If Yuri wasn’t so mad, Jessica would’ve laughed. She’d never seen the girl so worked up, and truthfully, it was quite touching. No one outside of her family had ever worried so much over her before.


Still, Jessica let out a small chuckle, which only infuriated Yuri further.


“Why are you laughing? You almost died. Ugh. I hate you.” Yuri pouted and glared at her friend as she crossed her arms in frustration.


“Sorry,” Jessica apologized lightheartedly. “I couldn’t help it.” She looked down. “As for what happened…” Jessica clutched onto the bed covers as she tried to recall what did happen. She couldn’t find it in her to speak.


“We found you...basically burning alive outside the castle,” Sunny spoke up, breaking the silence, as her eyes saddened in concern. “You were completely engulfed in flames.” She swallowed. “You were screaming in pain and I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared. I-I.” Sunny paused as she choked on her tears. Yoona rubbed Sunny’s back as she whispered soothingly to the shorter girl.


“If Yoona wasn’t there with me, I-” Sunny sobbed. Everyone looked down, feeling their hearts get laden with worry and empathy. Even Yuri’s eyes had softened at Sunny’s cries.


“I,” Jessica began. “I was outside, just enjoying the weather, when suddenly something struck me from behind. Before I knew it, I was on fire.”


Yuri frowned. “Did you see who did it?”


Jessica shook her head. The image of a fleeting hooded figure invaded her mind but she pushed it away.


“Who would do such a thing?” Yuri growled in agitation. “I swear, I will find them, and I will kill them.”


“You will not kill anyone,” Yoona admonished critically.


“Watch me,” Yuri shot back harshly.


“Okayyy~” Sunny pushed the two apart, preventing another fight. “Look, no more fighting. Jessica just woke up after nearly being burned alive. She needs her rest.” She turned to her fellow Hufflepuff. “Let’s go?”


Yoona nodded, but turned to Jessica first. She bit her lip in hesitation before speaking softly “Don’t worry about the scars. I’ll get you something that can take care of that.”


Jessica furrowed her brows in puzzlement. “But Madam Pomfrey couldn’t even heal them.”


Yoona grinned and Jessica saw the friendly girl from before come back. “Don’t worry. I have a friend who’s pretty good with potions. She can take care of that in a jiffy. I’ll let her know.”


Speechless, Jessica could only utter a thank you.


It was Sunny’s turn to speak to Jessica.


“What am I supposed to tell them?” Sunny asked desperately, eyes deep with sympathy.


Jessica shook her head. “Don’t tell them anything.”



“Please.” Jessica’s voice came out weaker than she intended and she hated it. She was not going to show weakness.


With a nod of understanding, Sunny offered one last smile. “Fine, but at least tell McGonagall. You got attacked. At Hogwarts. That’s not normal and incredibly alarming.” Jessica nodded in agreement. "Good. Take care of yourself, okay? Drink the water. See you."  The two finally took their leave.


Yuri and Jessica watched them go,  continuing to stare at the closed door even after they had gone.


Finally Yuri turned towards Jessica. “You know them?” she asked in confusion. 


Jessica shook her head. “I only know Sunny. She is...a family friend.” Jessica paused as she processed the presence of familiar face from Japan. "I didn't know she was here. I haven't seen her in years..."


“Oh.” Yuri said no more and instead chose to stare at the ground. It was only then, that Jessica finally figured why Yuri was so uncomfortable around Yoona. It wasn’t fear in Yuri’s eyes when she saw Yoona.


It was guilt.


“Are you okay?” Yuri asked softly, eyes still focused on the ground.


Jessica hummed. “I am.” And she was. Sure she was a little shaken up from almost being killed, but that being said, it wasn’t her first time in a life threatening situation. It wasn’t her first time almost dying.


“I swear I-”


Jessica grabbed Yuri’s hand and caressed it slowly. Yuri looked up and it was only then, that Jessica saw the tears.


Jessica smiled, small, but powerfully. “I’m okay.”


Yuri sniffed. “Idiot,” she mumbled before launching herself into Jessica’s arms. “Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.”


Jessica scoffed in good humor, amused by how emotional Yuri was getting. “Still smarter than you anyday.”


And Yuri laughed.

AN:  Short, but necessary update. Woah! You got both Yoona AND Sunny! ayyy the crew's all here now! HUFFLEPUFF IN DA HOUSE! 

Sunny and Jessica know each other??? And what's up between Yoonyul? Bad break up or something? lol jk (or am I?)

Let's see. What happened in this chapter? Let's recap together :) You got some more hints about Mahoukotoro (though very little). Who attacked Jessica? Is it someone we know? What's up with that fire? Who is that friend Yoona is referring to ;) ;) ;) lol

The pace is starting to pick up.  

Fun Fact: Also I wonder if you guys ever picked up on some small things from these past couple of chapters:

1. Yuri has the Maurader's map 

2. Sunny is a metamorphmagus

3. Also, the releasing of the crane scene was a reference to Jessica's releasing of the dove in The Boys era.

Till next time, 


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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭