History Repeats Itself

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

When Jessica woke up, she found Yuri sitting on her own bed across from Jessica’s, staring intensely into space while looking uncharacteristically and incredibly tense.


“Yuri?” Jessica called, her voice cracking halfway due to both grogginess and hesitancy.


Yuri looked up, her eyes taking a second to recognize Jessica’s form staring back at her.


“Oh, you're awake,” Yuri commented mindlessly. “That's early.”


Jessica frowned and glanced at the clock next to her bed. It read 8:50am in red digits. They only had ten minutes until classes started. Jessica definitely had not woken up early.


“When did you wake up?” Jessica questioned slowly as she eyed Yuri worriedly.


“Same as usual. 8am,” Yuri answered blinking innocently.


“Have you just been sitting there?” Jessica asked, concern seeping into her voice.


“Yeah, why?”


“Yuri...it's almost nine. Don't tell me you've just been sitting there for an hour staring into space? Yah, zoning out is my specialty.”


Yuri’s head snapped to the clock, her eyes widening comically as she read the time. “Bloody hell! We’re late!” She turned towards Jessica accusingly. “Why didn't you wake me up?” she cried as one hand flew up to her hair in frustration.


“What?” Jessica blanched at the sudden accusation.


“Nevermind, let's go!” Yuri cried, bending over to grab her back before striding over to Jessica. Jessica felt herself get yanked out of bed.


“Wait!” Jessica yanked back against the iron grip on her wrist. “Are you feeling okay?” she asked. She noticed the visible dark bags under Yuri’s eyes and frowned. Something was bothering her friend.


Yuri let out an uneasy smile. “Yeah, sorry, just had a lot of thoughts on my mind lately. Now come on, let's hurry.” Her demeanor suddenly changing from nervous to serious, though still tense nonetheless. “It's today.”


Jessica hummed silently to herself. ‘That's right. Today's Friday. Is Yuri nervous about tonight?’ Eying the back of her best friend as they hurried to class , Jessica wondered if it was more than just tonight's mission that had Yuri on edge.





Throughout the entire day, Jessica felt like everyone was holding their breath. The tension was so tangible Jessica had the constant urge to fidget. It wasn't just Yuri either. The Gryffindor trio also seemed tense. At least, when they passed by each other in the hallways Taeyeon would barely meet her eyes, Hyoyeon didn't even bother sparing them a glare and Tiffany beamed her usual smile but it wasn't accompanied by her usual greeting of “Hey Jessi! Mornin’ Yuri!”


It was so bad, lunch and dinner went by in complete silence and Yuri actually managed to stay awake throughout all of her classes, probably too high strung to fall asleep Jessica figured.


Finally classes were over for the day and immediately Yuri and Jessica made their way to the front gates and out to the front lawn near the Forbidden Forest. Luckily for them, it was normal for students to hang out there so they didn’t have to bother about looking suspicious even if the weather was getting colder as it was nearing winter.


Out of the corner of her eye, Jessica spotted the three Gryffindors also stepping out of the castle. With a quick eye contact and a subtle nod, Jessica her heels and headed towards the Forest with Yuri hot on her heels. The three Gryffindors waited five more minutes before quickly disappearing down the same path into the Forest.


“You ready?” Jessica asked as the three approached them. They nodded wordlessly.


“Let’s get this over with,” Taeyeon muttered under her breath not liking the fact that they were once again back in the forest.


“Well, lead the way then,” Jessica motioned and Hyoyeon overtook the group.


“I’ll lead,” she announced confidently while Tiffany rolled her eyes.


“Do you remember the way?” she asked Hyoyeon who turned around sheepishly.


“Oh, right. I don’t. Where is it again?” Hyoyeon laughed awkwardly causing Tiffany to sigh.


Typical Hyoyeon.


“I remember the way. I’ll lead,” Tiffany announced as she started to stride ahead. Jessica let the other Gryffindors go ahead before following. Yuri brought up the back of the group, lingering a few seconds to eye the entrance of the forest.


“You coming, Yul?” Jessica asked as she noticed Yuri hesitating when she looked back.


“Yeah, coming!” Yuri called back before turning around with one last look. Wordlessly, the five of them descended deeper into the forest.




“This is it…” Tiffany observed the empty spot with furrowed brows. “I could’ve sworn the tree was here. It was a big tree. Right here.” She pointed to a darkened spot on the ground.


“Are you sure this is right, Pany-ah? I don’t see a tree,” Hyoyeon remarked the obvious.


“No,” Jessica mumbled stepping forward. “She’s right. The tree wouldn’t have survived until today if it were bleeding like you described. The fact that there’s no tree here makes sense.”


The four girls took in the information silently as they glanced at their surroundings. Now that they were here, what do they do now?


“So...we brought you here, now what?” Hyoyeon asked skeptically.


Jessica bent down to briefly ghost her hand over the dark spot on the ground before her eyes looked up to observe similar spots spread throughout the forest ground.


“Look,” she said pointing to the dark circles. “This means there were more of them. The Kodama. I bet, there are still some around.”


“So, you’re saying we have to go deeper into the Forest,” Taeyeon frowned at the increased risk of danger. “No,” she shook her head. “I’m not going.” She stopped and corrected herself. “We’re not going.”

They all turned to look at Taeyeon in surprise, especially Tiffany who looked like she had a rant prepared to escape her lips.

“What? Why TaeTae?” Tiffany inquired, not understanding her friend’s sudden change of opinion.


Taeyeon clenched her jaw. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s dangerous and potentially life threatening. Clearly it’s bigger than something we can handle. We’re only third years. Plus, I don’t see why we have to get dragged into this. We showed you where we saw the Kodama last year, so our job is done. If you want to continue this search for whatever this is, be my guest, but we are leaving,” she told Jessica firmly, grabbing both Hyoyeon’s and Tiffany’s wrists as she said so.


Jessica didn’t look too surprised at Taeyeon’s withdrawal.  Tiffany however looked indignant.


“What? You’re just going to leave?” Tiffany yanked her hand back.


“Pany, it’s too dangerous. What are we even doing? We’re just a couple of third years chasing after a weird apparition all because this one girl said so?!” Taeyeon pointed as Jessica accusingly. “Why should we even trust you?”


Jessica merely raised an eyebrow at the finger so firmly directed at her.


“Jessi didn’t drag us into it, Taetae. We dragged ourselves into it when we found the Kodama last year and continued to look for it,” Tiffany scowled.


“So you’re just going to listen to her?” Taeyeon shot back. “Remember last time we were in the Forest? You almost died! We’re lucky we haven’t run into anything yet. We are not going further into the forest and we are not continuing to play along with those Slytherins. Forget about the Kodama!”


“Well, I didn’t die!” Tiffany growled. “Jessi saved me. And I do trust Jessica. I don’t why, but I do. And if there is something wrong happening and Hogwarts is in danger, then I want to help!” she screamed back.


Taeyeon and Tiffany stared at each other both heaving from anger. Neither were backing down.


“I’m leaving,” Taeyeon scoffed and turned around causing TIffany to scoff as well. Taeyeon turned to glare at Hyoyeon. “Are you coming?”

Hyoyeon took a deep breath. She had never seen Tiffany and Taeyeon fight like that. This whole Kodama mess was honestly her fault. It was because she was so insistent on finding out what that weird apparition was and Taeyeon and Tiffany were always dragged into her plans. However, Taeyeon did have a point.


Why were they associating themselves with these Slytherins? She was against working with them in the first place so a part of her wanted to walk out with Taeyeon.


Yet another part of her, the part that was always so attracted to danger and risk, held her back. Hyoyeon liked showing off. She liked danger. And most of all, she liked the idea of being a hero. If Hogwarts was really in danger, than she wanted to be the one to save it.


She looked at the two best friends who were both staring at her with hardened expressions.


“I-” Hyoyeon wasn’t able to finish her sentence when a startling high pitched screech ripped through the silence of the woods.


All five of them tensed immediately, readying their wands up in anticipation.


“What was that?” Taeyeon questioned darkly, cursing under her breath.


“Your argument must’ve alerted them,” Jessica commented calmly. “We should hurry and hope they don’t find us.” She turned around and started running deeper into the Forest following the darkened spots on the ground.


Yuri hurried after her without another word. Tiffany gave her best friend one last look before following them.


Taeyeon looked helplessly to Hyoyeon who shrugged. “If you don’t want to get killed I recommend you follow the group,” she said as she ran after them leaving Taeyeon behind.


Taeyeon groaned before hurrying after them. She wasn’t going to let Tiffany get killed by whatever was out there and she didn’t exactly trust the Slytherin girls to protect her friends, even if Jessica had managed to out duel her the other day.





Jessica ran swiftly through the forest. Her footsteps were soft and silent.


The girls behind her were a different story. They had trouble keeping up with Jessica’s speed while also staying stealthy.


‘Damn,’ Yuri cursed in her head as she brushed away a branch from her eyes, trying her best to keep Jessica within her view. ‘Since when was she this fast?’


Suddenly, Jessica halted to a stop causing Yuri to ram right into her back. Luckily, Jessica was able to stabilize herself from falling. Tiffany, Hyoyeon, and Taeyeon slowed to a stop as well and craned their necks to see what had caused Jessica to stop.


Tiffany gasped at the sight in front of her. Even Taeyeon couldn’t hold back a flinch of surprise next to her.


In the open clearing in front of them stood over a hundred Kodamas sitting on rocks, climbing trees, and running on the ground.  


Some Kodamas were playing around in a lake. The thing that most surprised Tiffany however was that the lake was made of blood. All of the surrounding trees were drenched with the heavy red liquid.


It looked like a murder scene and Tiffany had to fight back a gag at the sight. Next to her, Taeyeon was covering in shock. 


“Oh, this is bad,” Jessica gulped as the Kodama peered at them curiously. “This is very bad.”





Jessica bent down so her eyes were staring straight into the Kodama in front of her.


“What’s wrong?” she asked softly. She extended her index finger to timdly the white creature. “What’s wrong with the Forest?”


Suddenly, all the Kodamas froze and perked up, all looking to the east of the Forest before suddenly springing back to life as they all scrambled to get back to their host trees, dispersing in a matter of seconds.


“Uh...where are they going?” Yuri asked nervously. She got the apprehensive feeling that something was coming. 


“We should run,” Jessica murmured as a familiar screeched sounded throughout the forest, much closer than the last.


They didn’t need to be told twice. They immediately sprinted towards the west.


“Now what?” Taeyeon yelled, furious at the situation. "I told you we should've gone back!"


“Try not to get killed,” Jessica responded calmly.


“Why you-” Taeyeon growled but heeded her words.


Running proved to futile however as a pack of giant spider looking creatures scuttled into the clearing. Their eight legs easily overpowering the five girls.


“Acromantulas,” Jessica cursed under her breath.


Tiffany on the other hand looked like she was about to pass out. Her eyes bulged out past their sockets. 'Omg, giant bugs. I'm going to faint."


“B-b-bug,” she began to whimper and would’ve released a fully powered screech if it weren’t for a reassuring touch on her shoulder. She looked over and met Taeyeon’s firm stare. Tiffany felt her shakiness slowly settle and released a slow breath. Even if they had fought, they still had each other backs. Tiffany shivered and let out a shaky smile directed towards her best friend.


“Your plan, Ms. Brilliant Tactician?” Hyoyeon sarcastically remarked. Her wand was out and pointed firmly at the pack of Acromantulas in front of her. 


Jessica furrowed her eyebrows in thought. “Aim for their legs. Team up. Don't engage them one on one. Watch each other's backs. Be constantly on the move,” she listed mindlessly as they backed up towards each, forcing them into a tight circle.


Hyoyeon frowned. “That was actually pretty helpful. So it’s a melee, then. Fight until we win?”


Jessica nodded and Hyoyeon grinned. “My favorite.”

“Nowhere to go now, eh?” the biggest Acromantula grinned down at Tiffany who grimaced at the ugly sight. It apprached her and Tiffany felt herself stiffen, a scream ready on her lips.  Suddenly a bright light blinded Tiffany’s eyes as the Acromantula in front of her was blasted away by a powerful spell.


She turned to see Jessica with her wand raised and a determined expression on her face. With the wind blowing through her brown hair, Tiffany swore her heart swooned at the sight.


With that one spell, the fight began.


It was absolute chaos. TaeNy and HyoRi teamed up against what seemed like an unending stream of giant spiders while Jessica took on three Acromantula at once, blasting them away before turning to the next ones.


Whenever an Acromantula got too close to Tiffany making her let out a tiny squeak of surprise and fear, Jessica or Taeyeon would turn around and blast the creature away.


Eventually, the number of Acromantulas lessened causing Jessica and Taeyeon to stand up front as the main offense while the other three took care of the stragglers. Still they were being pushed back, deeper and deeper into the forest. 


As Tiffany, Hyoyeon, and Yuri teamed up, Tiffany couldn’t help glancing over at Jessica and Taeyeon. Even without looking, the three girls could feel the magical power being unleashed by the two oldest witches. It was quite a sight to take in, watching the two young girls take down enemy by enemy with seamless teamwork. 


‘They must be the two strongest third years in the school,’ Tiffany mused. ‘If only they got along more often.’





Eventually, they were able to push the colony back. As soon as the last Acromantula was out of sight, they collapsed onto the ground in exhaustion.


“Yah,” Hyoyeon panted as she leaned against a tree. “We’re pretty amazing, aren’t we?” she grinned. “We took down a whole colony of Acromantulas.”


The other girls all let out a small smile at the remark, all silently admitting to themselves that it was no easy feat.


"Don't get too cocky," Jessica muttered heavily. "It was only part of their colony. They probably went back to regroup. We should move soon unless you want to be spider bait."


“So what's next?” Yuri breathed out, her chest heaving. They all turned to look at Jessica, who was sitting with her back against a tree. Light perspiration was visible on her forehead but she looked fine otherwise.


Jessica closed her eyes in contemplation. “We could go back,” she drawled, “but I think we need to go further in. You saw the Kodama. There must be something wrong with the Forest.”


She paused and Tiffany took the opportunity to ask Jessica a question.


“Jessi, there's more to the Kodamas that you're not telling us, isn't there? What do they mean? And why do they matter so much to you?”


Jessica inhaled deeply, letting silence seep into the conversation as she pondered how to answer the question. She figured she owed everyone an explanation if Taeyeon's outburst was any indication of mistrust.


“I honestly don't know much about them besides the fact that they are a very, very bad omen," she stated honestly. She paused, mentally and emotionally preparing herself. “Despite being very rare, they also appeared during the last few months of my time at Mahoukotoro.”


Another deep breath, this time much shakier than the one before.


“In fact you could almost say that I got expelled because of them.”


There was an audible collective gasp.


Jessica frowned, hiding her face behind her knees as she brought her legs in to sit in a curled up position.


“They appeared at the beginning of April. And since they appeared, everything went wrong,” Jessica recalled darkly. Her hair covered her eyes so no one could make out her expression.


They waited but Jessica disclosed no more.


“We should decide what we want to do,” Yuri got up to her feet, dusting her clothes off. “Whether to continue to head back…” Yuri found herself looking up at the sky.


The sun was setting. It was winter so days were shorter. It wouldn't be too soon until night fell and they would be alone in the Forest... in the dark.


Everyone else looked up, noticing how late it was.


“I still vote we head back,” Taeyeon spoke up and this time, no one came to object. They've all had enough, from the running, to the Kodama, to the melee. Everyone was exhausted. Yuri glanced over at Jessica who slowly got up to her feet. The girl said nothing.


As each girl nodded to Taeyeon's suggestion, they slowly made their way back.


Yuri kept an eye on Jessica. She couldn't help but feel that the girl had wanted to keep going deeper into the forest.


The five girls had ended up going quite deep into the forest so the journey back was going to be a long one. They walked in silence, mostly due to tiredness but also due to wariness of their surroundings. The dark meant more creatures, creatures of the night.


Something rustled in the trees next to them and everyone froze. It continued to rustle. Suddenly out of nowhere, the wind picked up, causing the girls to clutch tightly onto their robes as their hair and clothes wildly flew about.


“What’s happening?” Hyoyeon screamed, staggering from trying to stand upright.


“Is it some kind of storm?” Yuri asked.


“I don't think the Forbidden Forest has storms like these,” Taeyeon shouted in reply. She too was struggling to just keep walking in a straight path and not hit any trees. 


“It's okay!” Tiffany exclaimed. “It's blowing us towards the exit anyways. Let's use it to our advantage.”


The harsh winds continued to blow as they staggered towards the exit. After five minutes of silent struggling, Yuri noticed something was missing.


Or rather, someone.


She whipped around in alarm. “Jessica?!” The other three girls stopped and looked around. Surprise marred their faces as they realized they lost a member amongst the wind.


“What the bloody hell!?” Yuri cussed, pissed at herself for letting her guard down and not keeping an eye on her friend.


“Shhh,” Taeyeon shushed her harshly. “Stay quiet. We don't want any unwanted ‘visitors,’” she stressed but Yuri continued whipping around in worry, searching for the brunette.


Until she remembered something.


Her mind immediately flashed back to the time she dragged Jessica to Quidditch practice. The winds were particularly harsh that day, but Yuri couldn't help but notice that they didn't affect the girl sitting in the stands.


She didn't realize it then but her mind suddenly came to epiphany.


“It's Jessica,” Yuri breathed out in awe as she stopped struggling from the wind, instead choosing to lean against a tree for support.


“What?” Taeyeon frowned, not understanding Yuri’s madness.


“It's Jessica!” Yuri shouted excitedly over the wind. “She can control the wind!”


"What do you mean control the wind?" Taeyeon shouted.


“Where is she and why is she trying to kill us?” Hyoyeon shouted frustratedly as she continuously fought the wind.


“Because,” Yuri murmured solemnly. “She's not trying to kill us. She's trying to save us.”


It was Tiffany’s turn to come to a realization. “Jessi...she went back didn't she? The wind...it's to push us out so we can't follow her.” Tiffany suddenly felt sad. Did Jessica not trust them? ‘Why would you push us away Jessi? We want to help you.’


Suddenly, the wind stopped.


“Finally!” Hyoyeon huffed and hurriedly went to fix her hair.


“Why'd it stop?” Tiffany asked. They were still far from the exit. Did Jessica change her mind?


“I don't know,” Yuri frowned. She observed their surroundings but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There were just trees as far as the eye can see, no sign of Jessica. 


Suddenly, a shrill dolphin like scream cut the night silence.


“Jessi!” Tiffany and Yuri immediately ran after the voice. 


“Wait Pany! Aish!” Taeyeon ran after her friend. 


Hyoyeon groaned. “Great. More running,” she complained but ran after them nonetheless.





“It came from over here!” Yuri screamed. Her hands wildly pushed away the low branches and leaves in her way. Being stealthy was the last thing on her mind right now. Jessica's safety came first. 


“Jessi!” Tiffany screamed helplessly into the darkness hoping for an answer of sorts. 


“Shhhh! Let's try not to wake the whole forest,” Hyoyeon muttered. “Microphone Fany, I bet all the creatures are awake now.”


“Jessi!” Tiffany ignored her friend.


“Lumos Maxima.” Taeyeon increased the light intensity at the end of her wand and waved it around. “I don't see her,” Taeyeon exhaled loudly in frustration.


“That can't be,” Yuri frowned. “I swear the scream came from right here.”


She continued her frantic search only to trip and fall. 


“Yuri!” Tiffany gasped and went to help the tanned girl up. “Are you okay?”


“I'm fine,” Yuri muttered, glancing briefly at the small cuts on her hand she got from stopping her fall. She merely brushed them off against her robe.


“What did I even trip on?” Yuri’s voice died in as she looked down.


There laid Jessica Jung passed out and completely covered in blood.


“Jessica!!!” Both Tiffany and Yuri screamed in horror, kneeling down in front of the brunette. Yuri immediately went to check her pulse. The other three waited in suspense.


“She's alive,” Yuri breathed out in relief. “But her heartbeat is faint.”


“Where is she bleeding?” Tiffany asked, nearly on the verge of tears. “Taeyeon can heal her. She knows some minor healing spells.”


Yuri checked her friend over and frowned while shaking her head. “I don't see any open wounds.”


“So it's not her blood?” Tiffany asked hopefully, her voice cracking from unshed tears.


“I don't think so,” Yuri murmured. She pondered for a second before picking up the unconscious girl bridal style.


“We have to go back quickly and bring her to Madam Pomfrey just in case,” Yuri announced seriously.


“Those are the words I've been waiting to hear all day,” Taeyeon muttered, clearly relieved that they were finally going back.


Cautiously, they made their way out of the forest.





“Yuri?” Jessica croaked. Her head was heavy with a throbbing pain and it was difficult to open her eyes. Her voice barely came out too. Her limbs felt like lead.


“Jessica,” Yuri muttered breathlessly, her voice laced with relief and exhaustion. They had been running for about twenty minutes now. The Hogwarts castle was finally in sight. Just a few more minutes and they were home safe home.


“Yuri,” Jessica mumbled, trying to raise her head despite the sudden wave of nausea.


“Don’t,” Yuri warned weakly. “Don’t move.” Her voice cracked midway. 


Jessica smiled softly as she noticed the tears welling up at the raven haired girl’s eyes. She gently lifted a weak arm and brushed the tears away gently with her thumb. Yuri closed her eyes at the feeling.


“I was so worried,” Yuri told the girl, her voice low with worry and Jessica immediately felt bad for making the girl so worried for her.


“I wasn’t the only one too,” Yuri murmured, her eyes darting briefly to the quiet somber faced Tiffany. Jessica followed her eyes and took in the dark shadows cast across the girl’s face. Tiffany looked like she aged a couple years in just one night.


Jessica leaned her head back into Yuri’s shoulder as she closed her eyes, trying to block out the image from her memory. “Sorry,” she murmured. And she was. Guilt ate her alive.


In just one night, they had faced endless dangers, all because of her. Taeyeon was right. Jessica closed her eyes.


I shouldn’t involve them in my problems any further. I shouldn’t have made friends here. History will only repeat itself.’





They ended up not going to Madam Pomfrey’s. Jessica convinced the girls that there was nothing wrong with her, that she was just tired. They looked unconvinced, especially since Jessica looked sickly pale under the moonlight, but the girl had no visible external wounds. Once Taeyeon removed all the bloodstains from the girl, the girl looked relatively normal. Kind of.


Thus, they decided to go their separate ways once they reached the castle. Jessica stayed tight lipped about her encounter in the Forest, and everyone else, although curious, also knew how stubborn Jessica could be. That, and they had enough troubling information for the night.


“This ends here,” Taeyeon announced, as they split ways. Her eyes bore straight into Jessica’s tired ones. “We are no longer going to help you in your...schemes to save the world,” Taeyeon mocked. They were nearly eaten by Acromantulas; their lives were in danger multiple times that night; and Jessica had fainted due to some mysterious cause. Taeyeon had enough. No matter how big the danger was, it shouldn't rely on only their shoulders to solve everything. After all, even Harry Potter had the help of the rest of Hogwarts when he faced Voldemort more than ten years ago. 


“Tae,” Tiffany frowned, ready to protest, but Taeyeon wasn’t having it.


Turning her back to them, Taeyeon bid them a swift good night before leaving without another word. Hyoyeon eyed Tiffany and the two Slytherins before following Taeyeon. Tiffany clenched and unclenched her jaw before turning to Jessica who was standing unsteadily next to Yuri.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tiffany asked. She was unable to take her worried gaze off of Jessica's weak body. 


Jessica nodded with a tight smile. She leaned against Yuri for support. “I’m fine. Go get some rest.”


Tiffany frowned but nodded and left anyways. When she entered her dormitory, she saw Taeyeon staring at her in the dark from her own bed.


“What?” Tiffany scoffed, slightly pissed at her best friend.


Taeyeon’s eyes softened as her lips formed a sad smile that was hidden in the dark. “I just don’t want you or Hyoyeon to get hurt. They’re bad news. Stay away from them," Taeyeon confessed feeling conflicted at heart. All she wanted was for her friends to be safe. 


Tiffany didn’t say anything. Instead, she roughly threw off her robe, changed into pajamas, and threw her covers over her body, turning her back to Taeyeon in an angry huff.


Taeyeon mutely stared at her best friend’s back before quietly settling in bed. “Good night,” she whispered sadly into the darkness knowing she wasn't going to get  a response.


Tiffany bit her lip, clearly also conflicted at being cold to her best friend, but she just didn't agree with Taeyeon's opinion. For some reason, Tiffany felt that she had to help Jessica. 


Tiffany doubted she could sleep that night. Her heart was still beating fast from all the running and near death experiences they had. She glanced at the clock. It was nearly 1 am. They'd spent over four hours in the forest.


However, as soon as she calmed down, she fell fast asleep, not waking up until her alarm clock woke her up at 8 am. She woke up groggily to see Taeyeon frowning at her. Immediately sensing something was wrong, Tiffany mumbled a quick, “What’s wrong?”


Taeyeon shook her head before breaking the news to her.





“Nana,” Sooyeon exhaled in dread. Coldness swallowed her entire body. This couldn’t be happening. “Why?”


Nana raised her head languidly, eyes coming up last and body devoid of any tension, as if she were a puppet. Sooyeon inhaled sharply as empty eyes met her own.




This was all her fault.


The corners of Nana’s lips curved into a twisted smirk upon recognition. “Well if it isn’t Sooyeon.”


“Why?” Sooyeon’s voice barely came out. “Why, Nana, why? Why would you do this?”


Nana scoffed in a mocking laugh. “Why?” she laughed hysterically before stopping suddenly. The mirth from earlier was completely gone. Nana raised her wand menacingly as she stared Sooyeon down, rooting her to the ground with its intensity.


There was a sudden flash of light and a familiar scream before everything went dark.



Jessica gasped, shooting up in bed, her hands grasping wildly at the empty air. “W-what?” Her heart and mind were hammering too fast for her to comprehend her surroundings. She shivered. Her entire back was wet. So was her forehead. She must’ve sweated a bucket.


“You okay?” Yuri asked with furrowed eyebrows, reaching out a gentle hand to feel Jessica’s forehead.


“I’m fine,” Jessica breathed out, eyes still glassy as she was still seeing scenes from a different time.


“You sure?” Yuri pressed once more. Jessica nodded, too tired to do anything else. She pressed a hand onto her forehead, hoping to ease the pain and focus on the present.


Yuri frowned, knowing the girl was not telling the whole truth but let it slide anyways. They all had had a rough night. 


“What time is it?” Jessica mumbled through her palm.




Jessica groaned. It was too early to be awake on a Saturday morning. "Aren't you supposed to be at Quidditch practice then?"


Yuri frowned solemnly. “There is no practice today.”


Jessica furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Why not?”


“They were canceled,” Yuri elaborated.


“Why?” Jessica asked.


Yuri looked out the window. “Last night…a student disappeared and never came back.”


Jessica felt a chill run straight to her core freezing her in place as her worst nightmare started to appear right in front of her. Her thoughts from last night came back to haunt her. 


'History will only repeat itself.'


“Who?” she asked breathlessly, her mind immediately flying to the three Gryffindor girls. Her heart was already racing at the possibilities. 'No, it can't be. It can't be happening again. Why?'


Yuri’s frown deepened and when she spoke, Jessica could’ve sworn she caught a hint of guilt in the girl’s voice.


“A third year Ravenclaw. Choi Sooyoung.”


AN: Happy Update! It was relatively long, nearly twenty pages. 

The plot is moving faster now, too fast imo. I just sat down and wrote this all in one sitting. Lol idk what I'm doing. I hadn't originally planned for Sooyoung to disappear, but look at what happened. Idk what's going to happen. We'll all see I guess. 

Anyways, I kinda rushed this chapter, but hopefully it doesn't seem so. There were a bunch of scenes sort of crammed together. 

Leave your thoughts and comments! I love reading them!

Also, side note: SNSD on variety shows are hilarious; Red Velvet's Red Room concert slayyyed; Jessica's new album is gooollddd (like her golden stars); aaaanddd today was my birthday! lol that's kinda why I updated.

Till next time!



EDIT: Lmao i accidentally wrote that "classes were cancelled" but it was a Saturday so I changed it to Quidditch practice. whoops. Surprised no one called me out on it lol

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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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0 points #1
author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭