Tensions Arise

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

“I believe it’s your turn now, champion,” Jessica said through a clenched jaw, her eyes fixated on BoA, as if trying to pin the girl down with just her gaze.


BoA smiled easily. “Yunho,” she called to the Gryffindor dueling champion who sat next to her. Yunho turned his head to BoA in acknowledgement.


“The new Dueling Champion for next year is set,” she smirked confidently.


Yunho frowned. “We’ll see,” he muttered. “She still has to join first,” he commented coolly, referring to Jessica. Yunho had long figured out that BoA was only acting this way to get the girl to duel and join the club. BoA was only interested in keeping the Slytherin streak going. 


“Oh, she’ll join alright,” BoA smirked. “I have my ways.”  BoA smiled as she took in the sight of a proud Jessica Jung glaring at her.


BoA eyed Taeyeon who was still fighting the aftereffects of facing such an intense duel, before her eyes swept over Jessica’s figure and complexion.


It was only BoA’s sharp eyes that caught the slight tenseness in the younger duelist’s form. Everyone else was too blinded by her previous duel to see that Taeyeon was not the only one who suffered effects from the last duel.


BoA quickly ran through her options. She could either go all out or relent. Her heart quickened in excitement as she imagined going all out against Jessica in a duel.


‘It would be the greatest duel Hogwarts has ever witnessed.’


But now wasn't the time to go all out, despite how much she would've liked to against such a formidable opponent.


BoA sighed in pity as she eyed the tight grip Jessica had on her wand. ‘Next time then. I will duel you Jessica Jung, sooner or later, for the title of Hogwart’s dueling champion.’


She raised her hands in mock surrender. “I guess you’re not just talk, after all Ms. Prodigy. Are you sure you don’t want to join the club? You are an excellent duelist.”


Jessica’s eyes burned with what seemed like hatred to BoA.


Jessica glared at the Slytherin head, dissatisfaction biting at her from all sides, filling her with frustration. The nonchalant smile annoyed her. ‘What was that?! Why go through such lengths to provoke me only to avoid dueling me? What is her problem?’


Jessica bit the insides of her lip in frustration, wanting nothing more than to transfigure her into a weasel and throw her around, but she couldn’t and wouldn’t strike someone outside an official match.


Sighing, Jessica turned around so her back was to BoA. “No. What you do here in this club of yours is not dueling. I shall have to deny your request. If you would excuse me.”


BoA watched Jessica’s back as the girl strided to the exit with Yuri following hurriedly afterwards. ‘Well, that didn’t go the way I wanted to. All that acting for nothing…’ Her eyes softened the slightest degree in worry before hardening again.


Jessica was also unaware of more than just BoA’s eyes on her. Her new friends and acquaintances, all had their eyes on the retreating blonde.


Yunho turned to BoA who had returned to the seat next to him. “That worked out so well,” he drawled out sarcastically with a calm smirk.


BoA ignored him.


“I’m guessing your little plan to have her join your dueling table failed. Too bad. Guess Gryffindor will dominate again this year.” Yunho grinned.


BoA scoffed. “We’ll see. I have my ways.” She paused. “Besides, as long as I am here, I will not let Gryffindor take the title of Hogwart’s Dueling Champion. Not to you, or Taeyeon.”


Yunho rolled his eyes, already used to BoA’s calm confidence after having been rivals ever since they’d both stepped into Hogwarts seven years ago.




“Jessica!” Yuri called after her friend as she chased the brunette out of the Room of Requirement.


Jessica bit her lip as she slumped against the wall for support as soon she was in the corridors. Yuri rushed to her side immediately, grabbing her arm to help support her weight.


“What’s going on? Are you okay?” Yuri fussed. Jessica seemed fine, but as soon as she stepped out of the dueling hall, the brunette looked pale and weak.


“I’m fine,” Jessica groaned, feeling her body heat up.


“No, you’re not!” Yuri protested. “We need to take you to the infirmary. What is going on?”


“I’m fine!” Jessica growled. “It’s just the potion.”


“What?” Yuri questioned, clearly confused and still panicked. Jessica looked like she was about to faint.


“I drank a potion to heal the scars on my back,” Jessica explained while fighting the dizziness. “My body is trying its best to heal itself which takes a lot of energy.” She groaned. “I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t have used that spell against Taeyeon. It drains too much magic. My body is completely exhausted.”


“Are you sure it’s just that? Is it supposed to have such a strong effect?” Yuri asked skeptically. She had never heard of a potion draining someone’s energy this much before.


“Yes,” Jessica lied through gritted teeth. ‘Curse my anemia.’ She slid down against the wall so she was sitting with her back propped up.


“I was too hasty. That Slytherin made me so angry,” Jessica fumed and Yuri took a step back, surprised. She had never seen the brunette so furious before.


‘Kwon BoA must’ve really gotten on her nerves,’ Yuri thought.


“Can you carry me to my bed?” Jessica asked weakly, her head slumped against her knees. “I just need some sleep.”


Yuri nodded before silently bending down and carefully picking up the girl to piggyback her. Jessica leaned her head on Yuri’s back and within seconds, fell asleep.


Yuri rolled her eyes. ‘Such a sleepy head.’


She sighed as she reached the stairs.


They were on the seventh floor.


And the Slytherin dormitories were in the dungeon.


Silently groaning, Yuri shifted Jessica until she was in a more comfortable position and started her trek down.





“Watch it!” Hyoyeon growled as yet another curse missed her head by mere millimeters. “That’s the third time you nearly killed me!”


“You need to work on your defences,” Taeyeon shot back coolly. Hyoyeon sighed in annoyance and hopped off the dueling platform.


“Where are you going?” Taeyeon growled.


“I’m going to practice with Fany while you calm down!” Hyoyeon shot back. “Geez, you lose one duel,” Hyoyeon muttered under her breath.


Taeyeon recoiled indignantly. “What did you say?” she shouted defensively.


“Taetae,” Tiffany cut in worriedly. “Maybe we should take a break.”


“We don’t have time for breaks,” Taeyeon argued back, though her tone softened by a fraction as she addressed Tiffany.


“Look Taeyeon,” Tiffany started calmly. “I know your duel with Jessica affected you a lot.”


“I am not-”


Tiffany shot Taeyeon a firm look who fumed silently, but allowed Tiffany to continue.


“But, you’re over pushing yourself. We’ve been dueling for two  hours now. I think we should stop here for today. Besides, you and Hyoyeon still have Quidditch practice tomorrow morning,” Tiffany reasoned. The three of them had stayed after Dueling Club to “prepare” for Friday and were clearly exhausted.


“You guys can go,” Taeyeon declared firmly. “But I’m staying.”


“Taeyeon,” Tiffany stated with finality. “We are all going to stop now. No more dueling.” Her eyes were resolute. For a second, the room was still and Hyoyeon was scared of a best friend argument erupting.


But Taeyeon finally gave in. “Fine.”


Tiffany shot her a quick smile, relieving of all the tension in the room. “Good. Now let’s go.”


Hyoyeon sighed in relief. When Tiffany gets serious…that’s when you know you’ve crossed the line. ‘Thank Merlin’s for General Hwang.’ She joked to herself as she followed the two to the dining hall. Boy, was she starving.




“Oh, what’s wrong with your little friend, Kwon?”


Yuri growled at the three Gryffindor boys in front of her as she came to a stop, with Jessica still on her back. “Get out of my way.”


The boys merely smirked, having no intention of moving. Instead, they pulled out their wands.


“Did you really think we would just leave you alone and miss this perfect opportunity?” Taecyeon smirked.


Yuri frowned, realizing who they were. These were the same fourth year boys that had picked on Jessica when she first arrived. Yuri felt her legs quiver as she tightened her hold on Jessica who was still fast asleep on her back. She wouldn’t be able to hold Jessica on for much longer, much less fend off three guys bigger than her.


“Jessica,” Yuri whispered urgently, trying to shake the girl on her back awake. “Jessica. Wake up now. Pleaaaaseeee. Jessica now is not the time for sleeping,” Yuri all but growled.


But Jessica wouldn’t budge. She was out cold. Yuri mentally sighed. And to her luck, there wasn't a single soul in sight. Nothing was stopping a full on brawl from happening. ‘Let’s see, how am I going to get out of this unscathed?’


Her wand was in her robe pocket. She could reach for it, but with Jessica on her back, she would be hexed before she could even pull it out.


‘I could run for it,’ Yuri thought before immediately rolling her eyes mentally. She would get at most two steps away before they jinxed her.


Yuri gulped. There didn’t seem to be a way out. Any movement and she was screwed.


“Any last words?” Wooyoung smirked.


Yuri glared him down despite being cornered. She would never give them the satisfaction of going down without a fight.


Yuri took a deep breath. As soon as she saw their hands twitch, she jumped into action.


First a sidestep to the left, then a slight duck forward. Midstep, she looked up and felt adrenaline rushing through her chest. She had managed to dodge two spells, but was seconds away from being hit head on by a stunning spell.


‘As long as Jessica doesn’t get hit. She already fainted.’


Yuri braced for impact, ready to fall in a way to avoid hurting Jessica.




Yuri blinked.


She was still standing.




Three wands clattered onto the ground.


Yuri turned to look at her savior, a ‘thank you’ ready on her lips, only for all words and thoughts to escape her as she realized who it was.


Yoona glared at the guys, wand still raised. “Leave.”


Taecyeon scoffed, but retreated. The other two followed suit. They knew better than to cross wands with the one of Hogwart’s most popular student. “We’ll get you back one day. You and your friend, Kwon,” Taecyeon taunted.


Yuri stuck her tongue out  in reply as she watched them leave. She turned back around, this time ready to thank Yoona, only to see the girl staring straight at her.


Taken aback, Yuri muttered, “U-um. Thanks.”


Yoona shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. You know I hate bullying.”


Yuri gulped. Oh, how she knew perfectly well how Yoona detested bullying.


“Is Jessica okay?” Yoona asked glancing worriedly at the brunette who had managed to sleep through the whole ruckus.


Yuri smiled, as her eyes subconsciously glanced back.  “Yeah, she’s fine. Just tired.” When she turned to look back at Yoona, the girl was staring at her suspiciously.


“What?” Yuri asked, wiping the smile away instantly.


Yoona eyed Yuri for a second more, making the tan girl grow uneasy.


“Nevermind. Do you need any help?” Yoona changed the topic.


Yuri shook her head, partially not wanting to bother the girl any longer and partially because as much as she didn’t want to admit it, the Hufflepuff intimidated her. ‘But ONLY just a little…’


Yoona hummed, giving her one last look over as Yuri prayed that the girl wouldn’t see her legs shaking from holding Jessica for so long.


“Well you better get going then,” Yoona teased with a small smirk.




“Er, right, see you around then,” Yuri stuttered. Yoona gave a friendly nod and Yuri took it as her cue to leave (more like escape from any more teasing). It was moments like these that Yuri was glad she was tanner than most. It helped hide her blush.


As she turned the corner, she swore she heard the echoes of a light chuckle.





It's been a while! Sorry for the short (and late) update. 

As some of you know, I'm in HK for the summer and it's quite difficult balancing work and play and writing. Good news is, I have started writing again, and have some future scenes written. 


On a completely different note:




*raises my hands aggresively

So, basically, I HAD to update with all this excitement going around. Whoo!

Till next time, 


P.S. I'm on instagram as Sosh now! Follow me at sosh_022. Y'all can see more random parts of my life <3 ^^


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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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0 points #1
author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭