
The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

Soojung stood at the mini pavilion at the edge of the bright crystal lake, waiting for her older sister to show up. They’d planned on meeting here after the Choosing ceremony. Sooyeon was late but Soojung wasn’t surprised, not after what had just happened.


There was a rustle through the trees as the wind picked up, creating a pink river of Cherry Blossom petals swirling through the air. Soojung watched silently as they landed disarrayed atop the surface of the lake, rippling the image of her reflection.


She tensed as she felt a hand move to take something out of her hair, only to relax as she realized who it was. She turned around and smiled at her sister before pulling her into a hug.


Sooyeon smiled back and opened her hand after pulling away from the hug, revealing a lone Cherry Blossom petal. Soojung watched as the the wind blew the lone petal towards the lake with the others. Once it landed, she turned back to her sister.


“Congrats,” she spoke softly, knowing that she and her sister were of little words.


“Thanks,” Sooyeon grinned back before taking a step to stand next to Soojung. She rested her gaze on the lake below them, eyeing their reflections.


“Mom and dad are going to proud,” Soojung stated, as she leaned her back against the edge of the pavilion.


“They were going to be proud no matter what,” Sooyeon replied and Soojung smiled at the hint of exasperation in her tone. "You know how they are." Their parents were always so proud of them, no matter what they did.


“Have you sent them an origami?” Soojung asked.


“I did,” Sooyeon replied simply. “Though I’m sure I didn’t have to. They were probably watching the live broadcast.”


Soojung chuckled a bit before sombering. “You always seem to do the impossible.” There was admiration in her tone, though Sooyeon also picked up a hint of something else. Although she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was in words, it worried Sooyeon.


“What clan do you think will choose me?” Soojung asked quietly.


Sooyeon shrugged, though her mind was still wary, picking up on any clues Soojung was giving off. “It’s difficult to predict which clan you will end up in.”


“Do you think I’ll end up in the same clan as you?” Soojung asked, trying to keep her tone light, though she knew failed.


There was a second’s pause before Sooyeon murmured, “Maybe.” But Soojung knew Sooyeon was just humoring her. They both knew it wasn’t likely.





Krystal woke up with tears in her eyes. She missed her sister a lot, but this was the first time she dreamed about her. She wondered why she had that dream. Why did her mind decide to bring back that particular memory? Was it because it was that time of the year again?


Groaning, she pushed herself off the bed. It was still early. Breakfast wouldn’t be for another hour. Normally, she would’ve gone back to bed, because let’s face it, both Jung sisters loved their sleep, but today, she was feeling a little nostalgic.


Krystal quickly changed into her robes, pausing as she the pink silky material. It’s unfortunate, she thought, that she only got to spend two years here with her sister. And even without her here, she had left some pretty big shoes to fill.


Krystal slipped out of the dormitories, the cold air biting into her skin. Winter was coming soon. She walked to the edge of the waters, pulled out her wand, and conjured up a small wooden boat. Using magic to propel the boat, she drifted by the main island where the Jade Pagoda towered over her in its majesticity. She stopped by the edge of the Cherry Blossom Forest.


As soon as she stepped off the boat, it sunk back into the lake, where it waited until another student summoned it.


She took a second to take in the beauty that was the Cherry Blossom Forest. Eternally in bloom, the Forest was her favorite place here at Mahoutokoro, whether it was to study, sleep, gather her thoughts, or duel it out with other students. It was also Jessica’s favorite place.


Her feet led her to a clearing with a small lake. It was the same place as the one in her dream. To her surprise, the pavilion by the lake was not unoccupied.


Uncertain whether or not to approach or just quietly leave, Krystal fidgeted in place. She was about to turn and leave when the person looked up and caught her before gesturing for Krystal to come.


Blushing, Krystal stalked towards the pavilion, half rushing and half walking, with rigid steps. She bowed at once upon arriving at the Pavilion. “Good morning, Headmistress Ueno.”


The woman smirked, before signaling for Krystal to stand.


“What brings you here, Jung-san?” Headmistress Ueno asked. She was wearing her usual kimono, white with black and read flowers. Her hair was up in her signature style, a style once common to the ladies of court in feudal Japan. To Krystal, the headmistress was someone who radiated power and not to be messed with.


“I couldn’t sleep,” Krystal spoke, making sure she wasn’t murmuring but speaking clearly. “So I decided to take a walk to clear my head.”


The headmistresses nodded understandingly and by the look in her eyes, Krystal felt that the headmistress understand more than she said.


“How is your family?” Ueno asked. “They are doing well, I hope?” It was common courtesy to ask about the health of one’s family, but Krystal understood the implications of the question.


“Both my parents are healthy, thank you for asking,” Krystal responded. She paused, seeing if that was enough to satisfy the headmistress but upon seeing Ueno’s expectant gaze, she continued. “And my sister is doing well too,” she added quietly. “She is having fun at Hogwarts.”


Ueno let out an easy smile and Krystal wasn’t too surprised to see the usually stoic headmistress soften. She always did have a soft spot for Jessica. “That’s good. She is laying low, I hope?”


Krystal nodded, knowing that Ueno was worried for Jessica’s safety. “She is in neither the Quidditch team nor the Dueling Club. She’s spending her time as a normal student.”


“That’s unfortunate,” Ueno breathed out before turning around to face the lake once more while Krystal stood there, trying to comprehend what the headmistress meant by that. What was unfortunate? That her sister got expelled from Mahoutokoro? That she can’t enjoy her hobbies as fully as she used to? That she’s far away from her family? From her?


‘Yeah, it’s unfortunate,’ Krystal agreed. Her eyes wandered to the back of Headmistress Ueno, noticed how her eyes were downcast at the lake, and wondered briefly what the Headmistress was doing here so early. Was she also perhaps plagued by what happened? Did she also come to clear her mind? What troubled the almighty headmistress of Mahoutokoro?


Before she could gather enough courage to ask, a stern voice interrupted her thoughts.


“You should head back soon, Jung-san. Breakfast is starting.”


Taking it as a dismissal, Krystal bowed before bidding the Headmistress farewell. As she left the clearing, she couldn’t help but glance back. Headmistress Ueno seemed smaller as she stared almost forlornly at the lake and Krystal couldn’t help but wonder what she saw down there besides her reflection.




Double Update! (except not really because this is one super short).

I know I promised the next chapter was going to be about Quidditch but this barely even counts as a chapter so...yeah

I just wanted to give a quick look back into Mahoutokoro and Krystal.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!



Also, don't forget to leave comments in the comments section. There is a chat box, where you guys are free to chat to each other, but don't forget to comment your thoughts also in the comment section. Thanks!



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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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0 points #1
author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭