Memories of a More Pleasant Time

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]


Quick Background about Mahoukotoro


Mahoukotoro is unique from other wizarding schools in that it offered a day program to students ages seven to eleven years old. These day students are called the Wakai’s. The program they go through is designed to be rigorous and strenuous and to prepare them for the demanding life of a Mahoukotoro student. The program, known to be insanely selective, only selects thirty to forty students a year to become Wakai’s.


Throughout the four years, the Wakai’s are ranked within each year, creating a tough competitive atmosphere that matched the competitiveness Mahoukotoro.


After completing the four years in the Wakai program, the fourth year Wakai’s, also known as the ascending Wakai’s, become fully fledged Mahoukotoro students and officially become first years. The top Wakai also automatically becomes the First Meijin.


Meijins are titles given to those that are at the very top of their year. Every semester, the ranking for each year is revealed for all the students to see and the competition to become a Meijin is tough. The top student of the first year is called the First Meijin, while the top student of the second year is called the Second Meijin and so on. Being a Meijn is an extremely honorable position and acknowledged by all in the Japanese Wizarding world.


Does all that make sense?

Basically, Wakai's are:

  •  day time only students who are aged 7-11.
  • They are ranked.
  • there is a top Wakai for each year
  •  there are four years.
  • The fourth year Wakai's become ascending Wakai's as they turn into first year students.
  • Wakai's are not officially Mahoukotoro students
  • therefore they don't get the robes either

Mejin's are what we call the top student of each year <- only applies to mahoukotoro students. 


Okay? Got all that? Good, let's go.



Tiffany tells Yuri and Jessica the story of how they discovered the Kodama...


“Afterwards, we researched as much as possible and found out that these creatures were called Kodama. However, we couldn't find anything else on it,” Tiffany explained. “We had to flip the entire library upside down just to find its name. We actually didn't even know if it was the Kodama we saw for sure until you confirmed it for us the other night in the Forest.”


Jessica let the silence hang for a minute as she processed everything while Yuri wore a funny expression as she digested the information. Jessica inhaled slowly before releasing a deep sigh. “Tiffany was right. That was the tree’s blood. Kodamas are Japanese spirits that live in trees. When a tree holding the Kodama dies, it bleeds.”


The first one to react was Yuri, who immediately scrunched her nose in disbelief. “You tree blood?” she asked Hyoyeon in awe and disgust. “What is wrong with you?”


“Watch your mouth,” Hyoyeon growled back while Taeyeon rolled her eyes, having asked Hyoyeon that exact question many times.


“Look,” Hyoyeon hissed defensively. “We told you what we know. Now it’s your turn,” Hyoyeon threatened as she stepped closer to Jessica and Yuri. Yuri instinctively raised her wand in defense.


“Calm down,” Yuri stressed, staring Hyoyeon down. The message in her eyes were clear. ‘Come any closer and I’ll blow you to smithereens.’


“I don’t know much,” Jessica cut in to ease the tension between Yuri and Hyoyeon. “But Kodama are bad news. They are omens of darkness and only appear in times of great danger. Something horrible is happening.”


Suddenly, Jessica backtracked.“Wait, this was last spring?”


Taken aback, Tiffany could only nod. “Yeah, why?”


When last spring?” Jessica pressed, inching forward. Tiffany backed away slightly, intimidated by the sudden aggressiveness in Jessica.


“U-uh, around April?” Tiffany stammered, obviously flustered under Jessica’s intense stare.


“Mid April?” Jessica continued to press, oblivious to Tiffany’s panicking.


Taeyeon stepped forward as Jessica leaned even closer to Tiffany. She didn't like the way Jessica was pressuring her friend. Putting herself between the two, Taeyeon stared up at the slightly taller girl.


“Yes, mid April,” Taeyeon answered steely for Tiffany.


Realizing her positioning, Jessica relaxed, backing up from the two Gryffindors, but her emotions were anything but relaxed.


Taeyeon watched anxiously as the emotions flew across the usually calm Slytherin’s face. Jessica was clearly in distress, muttering under her breath.


Yuri put a hand on Jessica’s shoulder in worry and noticed the girl was slightly shaking. “Jessica?”


Jessica couldn't concentrate. Her mind was racing at a million thoughts an hour. ‘That’s not possible. There's no way the two things are connected. But the time frame…’ The sight of a girl lying lifeless on the ground invaded her mind. Scenes of bright flashes, high pitched screaming, and blood spewed everywhere flew through her mind.


“Sooyeon, forgive me.”








Jessica snapped her head up in surprise. “I'm sorry,” she apologized shakily. “I got a little distracted.”


Hyoyeon eyed the girl suspiciously. “Is there something you're not telling us?”


Jessica looked down. “No.”




“What now then?” Tiffany spoke up. “What do we do now?”


Jessica shook her head. “I’m not sure. Keep your eyes peeled and ears alert.” She took a deep breath. “We’ll probably have to go back into the forest.”


“Oh hell no.”


“Oh hell yes!”


Taeyeon and Yuri both turned to glare at Hyoyeon.


“Why do you want to go in there?!” they both hissed at the girl, and then glared at each other.


Taeyeon sighed. “Remember last time we went?” she spat, at Hyoyeon. “You didn’t even help fight back when the wolves came.”


Hyoyeon flinched at the accusation and visibly deflated, making Taeyeon feel slightly guilty.


“Tae,” Tiffany called softly, telling Taeyeon she went too far this time, as she put a reassuring hand on Hyoyeon.


‘That’s right,’ Hyoyeon thought in dismay. ‘I was a coward then. Which is why this time will be different.’


“It’s still too dangerous,” Taeyeon finalized. “We almost died last time.”

“And, whatever attacked Jessica is still out there,” Yuri added in.


“Wait,” Tiffany redirected her attention towards Yuri. “Jessica was attacked?” Without even waiting for an answer she gave Jessica a once over, scanning her up and down. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Who would attack you?”


Jessica shook her head to signal that she was fine.


Yuri and Jessica glanced at each other discreetly. Jessica had told McGonagall to keep the attack on the down low. While no one knew what was going on, it was better not to alert the students and send them into panic. Only Yuri, Jessica, Sunny, and Yoona knew about the attack.


“It’s a long story, but someone or something had attacked Jessica while she was near the forest. We don’t know who or what did it, but whatever it was, is definitely still out there,” Yuri explained seriously. “Jessica said she saw it disappear into the forest.”


“Doesn’t matter,” Jessica finally cut in. She hated being treated like someone who needed to be protected. “If we want to figure out what’s going on, we’ll have to go to the forest.”


“Why can’t we just let the staff handle it?” Taeyeon asked unbudgingly.


“Have you ever asked them about the Kodama?” Jessica questioned back to which Taeyeon nodded slowly, coming to realization.


“We did tell them...but no one knew what it was and called us crazy,” Taeyeon murmured. “They won’t believe us. We’ll have to do this ourselves.”

Jessica nodded. “Tomorrow night, can you bring us to where you first saw the Kodama?”


Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, and Tiffany gave each other uneasy glances, but each eventually relented.


“No,” Yuri interrupted. “You’re still recovering. You nearly died yesterday! If we are going, we’re waiting at a week before we go.”


Jessica frowned, ready to protest that time was of utmost importance, but decided to keep shut. Yuri could be quite stubborn when she wanted to. Besides, rest didn’t sound that bad to Jessica. It would give everyone time for this to sink in.


“Fine.” She turned back to face the three Gryffindors. “Next Friday night. 11pm. Edge of the forest. We’ll see you then.”


“We’ll see you in Charms, dumbo,” Hyoyeon chided thoughtlessly and was instantly reeled away by Tiffany before Jessica’s glare could do any real damage.


“See you in Charms Yuri, Jessica!”



After the meeting, the two groups separated and went to their respective dormitories.


Once Jessica and Yuri reached their rooms, Jessica was about to go straight to sleep when she saw Yuri frowning at a piece of parchment.


“What’s wrong?” she asked.

Yuri didn’t answer immediately. “Nothing.” She rolled up the parchment and tucked it under her robe. “Good night.”


As Jessica closed her eyes, letting the tiredness wash over her, she could’ve sworn she heard Yuri whisper, “Mischief managed.”


Yuri, unlike Jessica who fell straight asleep, laid awake in bed, her mind thinking back to the name she saw in the library. How did she not notice the name when they first sneaked out to the library? She just hoped that their secret meeting didn’t have an extra pair of ears listening in.


‘Choi Sooyoung.’




Seohyun was surprised when she found Sooyoung eating breakfast in the Great Hall. The girl rarely woke up earlier than Seohyun.


“Good morning,” she greeted as she took a seat next to her roommate. “Why so energetic today?”


Sooyoung remained mum for a couple seconds, slowly chewing on her cereal. Suddenly, she swallowed, cleared and blurted, “Seohyun, what’s a Kodama?”


Seohyun frowned. “What?”


“Kodama. Tree blood. Bad omens. Tiny spirits. Chocolate frogs,” Sooyoung rambled.


Seohyun raised an eyebrow in confusion. None of the words Sooyoung said made any sense. Sooyoung was normally...abnormal, but today she just seemed crazy. “Uh, are you alright? Did you not sleep last night?” she asked worriedly.


Sooyoung stared at Seohyun unblinkingly, unnerving Seohyun. Finally, Sooyoung blinked, turned away, and muttered, “Nevermind.”


Seohyun eyed Sooyoung. ‘Weird.’


Suddenly she felt Sooyoung tense next to her. Looking up, she noticed Sooyoung looking at the entrance of the Great Hall. Turning her head ever so slightly, Seohyun saw the two infamous third year Slytherins, troublemaker Kwon Yuri, and transfer student Jessica Jung. She noticed Yuri glancing their Sooyoung. Sooyoung remained tense until Yuri looked away.


“What was that?” Seohyun asked.


“Huh?” Sooyoung was startled. “Nothing.” As if to prove her point, Sooyoung began stuffing her face with her blueberry muffin. 


“Uh huh.” Seohyun didn’t know why Sooyoung bothered lying to her, and badly at that. Seohyun wasn’t the most observant student for nothing. “Sure.”


However, the sudden arrival of the morning owls hindered Seohyun deterred prodding any further.



Usually, Jessica slept in on Saturdays. Until noon if possible. And if she was lucky, until two in the afternoon. Yet here she was, sitting on the bleachers, outside in the cold, fighting the harsh winds, in only her robes, watching Yuri at Quidditch practice at eight in the bloody morning.


“I promised McGonagall I wasn’t going to let you out of my sight.”


“No one’s going to attack me in my bed!”


“That wasn’t the promise, now was it?”


“What? Wasn’t the whole point of the promise to keep me safe?”




“Yah! Yuri!”


“You’re coming with me whether you like it or not.”


“Kwon Yuri!”


Jessica sighed. She picked up on the clues that Yuri still wasn't done with her antics in persuading her to join the Quidditch team. Unfortunately for Yuri, she had already made up her mind.


Looking out onto the field where the Chasers were practicing basic passing skills, Jessica sighed again. She couldn’t even fall asleep here on the bleacher if she wanted to. It was too cold.


‘Wait a minute.’


She nearly gave herself a facepalm. What was she doing? She didn’t feel cold. Did all the harsh training of controlling the elements back in Mahoukotoro go to waste?


Breathing deeply, she let her magic flow through her body and instantly felt herself warming up. For extra measures, she even created a wind barrier around her.


She zoned out once more, watching the Beaters perform their aiming exercises. How long had it been since she had last played a real Quidditch match? It felt like ages ago when in reality it had only been less than eight months. Only eight months ago, she’d won the Junior National Quidditch Cup with her team for the second time in a row.


‘What is this melancholy?’


Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something white fly towards her. Instinctively, she reached her hand out.


The white origami bird flapped closer and landed carefully on the back of Jessica’s hand. Bringing her hand closer to her face, Jessica recognized the bird as a dove, Krystal’s signature messenger bird.


Quickly unfolding it, Jessica immediately indulged herself in the letter.



Hey Unnie!

    You finally wrote to me! I’m glad to hear that you’re doing fine at Hogwarts. After everything that has happened...I only wish the best for you. By the way, Appa was so sad when I told him you decided not to play Quidditch there. But I understand that you don’t want to take your friend’s position (Have you considered becoming a Chaser? You know Appa would cry tears of joy if you did). Are you at least still dueling? I heard there was a dueling club at Hogwarts. I think they established it a couple years ago, though it’s probably nowhere near Mahoukotoro’s level, but Omma thinks it would be interesting to learn the Western style of dueling. You better practice Unnie. If not, I’ll get better than you~~~

    Don’t worry too much about the press. Our parents can handle them. You know how smart Omma is. And the headmistress won’t allow them anywhere near me or Mahoukotoro, so I’m fine too. They won’t ever find out where you are. No one here bothers me about it anymore either. They know to keep their mouth shut now.

    Anyways, guess who’s the first Meijin! Me! Not that that’s surprising, considering the fact that I was the top Wakai last year. I was able to pass all the tests smoothly. My Onee-chan is really cool too. Her name is Sakuragi Rin-san. Do you know her? I think she’s friends with your Onee-san isn’t she?

    Winter break is coming up for you in a month, isn’t it? Will you come back and visit during break so we can watch the Cherry blossoms together again? I miss you, Unnie.


With Love,



P.S. I did some searching around. I don’t think the Kodamas have been acting weird lately. At least, there’s nothing in the news. Why the sudden curiosity? Did happened again? Please stay safe Unnie.



Jessica smiled. Leave it to her sister to always cheer her up. She read over the last paragraph again.


‘I shouldn’t tell her. I don’t want to worry her.’


Jessica sighed. She re-read the letter again and again.


‘First Meijin, huh? Congrats, my dongsaeng. That certainly brings back memories from my first year…”





Two years ago in Japan...


“Sooyeon, hurry up! Soojung is waiting for you!”


“Coming Omma!” Sooyeon shouted from upstairs. With half her pink robe hanging off her shoulder, hair flying everywhere, and her bag flinging haphazardly behind her, Sooyeon skid down the stairs, popped in her shoes, and quickly ran outside to where Soojung had been impatiently waiting atop her Giant Storm Petrel.


“Finally. I thought you fell asleep brushing your teeth again,” Soojung mumbled as she watched her Unnie hop on to her own Giant Storm Petrel.


“You ready?” Sooyeon asked, once she was settled.


Soojung rolled her eyes. “Been ready, Unnie.”


Sooyeon smiled, knowing that underneath Soojung’s “I don’t care” act, Soojung was actually excited about finally being able to go to school together. “Let’s go then.”


Sooyeon then looked down and petted her Giant Storm Petrel. “Ready Ai? Off we go!” Ai chirped brightly and took off. Soojung and her bird, Mei followed after.


“Bye Omma! Bye Appa!” they both shouted from the air.


“Bye kids~ Soojung don’t forget to take care of Sooyeon in case she gets lost,” Mama Jung shouted back.


“Mom! Isn’t it supposed to be the other way~” Sooyeon complained while Soojung smirked proudly.


“Don’t worry Unnie, I’ll take good care of you,” Soojung teased. 


The flight to the island of Iwo Jima took around an hour by giant bird. Once they got near the island, they were required to take the ferry across the lake to the main island where the main building of Mahoukotoro, the giant jade pagoda, stood in its majesty and mysteriousness.


Soojung clutched her sister’s hand as the ferry neared the jade palace. She tried to hold in her excitement, but her body was practically shaking in anticipation. She finally was able to go to school with her sister. It had always been a dream since she was younger - going to school with her Unnie. 


“We’re here,” Soojung whispered as the ferry landed.


Sooyeon smiled as she looked up at the jade palace in wonder. It looked no less majestic to her now than it did when she first stepped foot on Mahoukotoro when she was merely seven years old as a first year Wakai, a day student.


“It’s been a while,” Sooyeon mumbled under her breath. She hadn’t seen Mahoukotoro since she quit from the Wakai program after only two weeks.


“Is that Soojung?”


Sooyeon and Soojung both turned to see a girl with pale skin, long black hair, chubby cheeks, and a bright smile, waving excitedly at Soojung.


“Go,” Sooyeon nudged Soojung toward her friends.


Soojung shook her head stubbornly. “No. I want to walk with you,” she said as she clung onto Sooyeon’s arm.


“Silly. You shouldn’t keep your friends waiting.” Sooyeon patted Soojung’s head affectionately. “Go.”


Soojung pouted, not wanting to separate from her sister, but her friends were calling her. “Will you wait for me after the ceremony?” Soojung asked, a cute pout forming on her lips.


Sooyeon laughed, adored by her sister's clingyness. “Of course. And we can go watch the fairies in the Cherry Blossom Forest like I promised you.”


Soojung smiled brightly before running to her friends, immediately falling into a conversation about their summers.


“Who was that?” Sulli, the girl who was waving to Soojung earlier, asked.


“My Unnie,” Soojung answered simply. She couldn't stop smiling because she was finally able to attend school with her Unnie close by. 


“Unnie?” Sulli tilted her head in question.


“Ah, my bad. Unnie means sister in Korean," Soojung explained. 


“Oh, like Nee-san. Wait, you have a sister?” Sulli asked incredulously. Despite being friends with Soojung for more than three years, she had never seen Soojung’s sister.


“Yeah. She’s a first year.”


“Huh…” Sulli hummed in thought as she eyed the older Jung. They didn’t look alike...yet they did. They gave off a similar aura, but Sooyeon’s was sharper while Soojung’s was softer, probably because Soojung  was younger. But if Sooyeon was a first year, then they were only two years apart.


Suddenly, Sulli frowned.


‘Weird...I don’t remember seeing Soojung’s sister in the list of ascending Wakai’s. Does that mean her sister wasn’t a Wakai?’





Soojung kneeled with the other Wakai’s on one side of the room. Soojung, as the top Wakai in her year, sat in the front row. Sulli, who was second in their year, sat right behind her.


Facing them from across the room were the current students of Mahoukotoro. In the front row of the students sat the six Meijins, all perfect examples of a Mahoukotoro student.


Soojung gulped as she scanned the first row. ‘The aura of a Meijin is seriously no joke.’


Finally, at the very end of the room, sat twelve witches and wizards in flowing golden robes, which shined so brightly Soojung could feel the power radiating off of them. They were the teachers or Sensei’s, the reknowned professors of the prestigious Mahoukotoro.


In front of the Sensei’s, stood one lone figure, tall, proud, and overbearing - the headmistress. With a countenance that demanded respect, a figure that screamed elegance, and eyes that shone with wisdom, she exuded an intimidating and great aura of power.


They all waited in silence for the grand doors to open so they could welcome the new first years.


Finally, the golden doors to the ceremony hall burst open and every sat up a little straighter on their knees.


In walked the familiar students in flowing pink robes. They were last year’s fourth year Wakai’s and now the top students of the incoming first years.


At the very front, leading the other first years walked the top ascending Wakai, and now also First Meijin, Im Jinah.


It was very rare for a foreigner, or a student of non-Japanese descent to be first ascending Wakai. It was rare for a Wakai to be foreign in the first place.


Despite this, the Korean Meijin held herself proudly as she strutted to the front of the hall, standing before the headmaster before kneeling and assuming a bow. The other ascending Wakai’s followed her example.


After the ascending Wakai’s had all taken their positions, it was time for the other first years to walk in. Soojung tried not to smile as everyone else tried their best to hide their curiosity.


It was extremely difficult for a student to become a first year without going through the Wakai program. These other first years were selected from thousands of other applicants and had to go through countless rounds of testing in order to get accepted into Mahoukotoro.


Everyone was always curious of these so called “outsiders,” because no one knew what to expect, only that if they were able to pass the test, they must be skilled. Only three or so pass each year, however, they often drop out, unable to stand the pressures of a Mahoukotoro student.


This year, among the so called “outsiders” was the one and only Jung Sooyeon.


Soojung smiled proudly as her Unnie walked past her. She eyed the First Meijin who was still kneeling in the front.


‘Im Jinah, or Nana, whatever you call yourself, you will not be first Meijn for long. Unnie will surprise you all.’


Once all the first years were lined up and kneeling, the headmaster stepped forward.


“You may rise.”


The first years all stood up.


“Welcome to Mahoukotoro, where we excel in magic and strive for perfection.” The Headmistress’s cold voice cut through the air like a knife. “I expect great things from all of you.”


She scanned the crowd of first years, first meeting the determined eyes of the First Meijin, Im Nana who met the gaze with a fiery passion. Her eyes continued further back, until they landed on eyes that reflected her own, Jung Sooyeon.


The Headmistress barely managed to contain her surprise.


‘Jung Sooyeon, so you’re back.’


The Headmistress recalled the day the young girl quit being a Wakai. It had surprised the teachers greatly. The girl seemed to hold great promise yet she dropped out within only a few weeks.




Her eyes remained fixated on the now grown up girl.


‘With talent like yours, I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay long.’



Was the Mahoukotoro part too confusing? let me know and I'll try to clarify it

We all of a sudden got a glimpse of Mahoukotoro and Jessica's past.

I'm making up alot of the stuff about Mahoukotoro. The pink robes, the giant storm petrel, the jade pagoda, and the island were all canon. Everything else I kind of made up. Hope you guys will enjoy the world I create. :)

Till next time, 



btw I failed my midterms too >.< lol ah well

also happy bday to irene! there may be some seulrene in the future here cuz they are just too cute.


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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭