First Day

The Girl From Mahoutokoro [Not an update sorry! ]

Tiffany smiled until she couldn’t feel her cheeks. She'd had a relatively mundane summer and was more than ready to board the train back to Hogwarts where there was rarely ever a boring moment.


“Kim Taeyeon!” Tiffany shouted excitedly, having spotted her short friend among a crowd of bewildered first years. She quickly waved her friend over and smiled as she remembered feeling the same way the first years were feeling when she was their age.


“Fany-ah!” Taeyeon cheered as she slipped her way through the crowd. As soon as she was within vicinity, Tiffany engulfed her into a bone crushing bear hug.


“I missed you!” Tiffany spoke. “How was summer? You spent a week in Korea right? How was it? Was the food good? Did you meet any cool wizards or witches? I got your owl.”


Taeyeon merely smiled at the verbal barrage that Tiffany let loose. “It was good. Learned some interesting things,” Taeyeon noted. "The food was good."


Tiffany nodded excitedly. “That’s good. You have to tell me the details. Now c’mon. Let’s go before they run out of empty compartments.” She let out a small excited squeal and grabbed Taeyeon by the arm who just shook her head at her best friend’s hyperness.


“Slow down, Fany-ah. Hyo’s already in there. I told her to save us a seat,” Taeyeon called out as she was pulled along by Tiffany, but Tiffany didn’t slow down.


“Oh Hyo! I missed her too! I brought her favorite too! Chocolate frogs!” She sped up, and Taeyeon could only sigh as her arm started to ache from being pulled.


She’s still the same as ever.




Jessica stared at the ticket in her hand.


Platform nine and three quarters.


She frowned.


Really?...Why were British wizards so...extra?


She came to stop in between platforms nine and ten. She observed as a young boy approached a brick wall with a trolley and a barn owl (He was clearly not a muggle. Seriously, how obvious could you be?) looked around not so discreetly and then charged straight into the column and disappeared.


Jessica raised an eyebrow.


So, so extra.


Sighing, she glanced down to the three paper cranes sitting atop her trolley and walked through the same wall the boy had just disappeared through.


The first thing Jessica noticed on the other side was the noise. It was abuzz with chatter and filled with people. Jessica unconsciously shut the noise out, making sure not to make unnecessary eye contact.


She glanced up at the clock.


Just in time.


Leave it up to Jessica to almost oversleep and miss the train to Hogwarts. That would’ve left  a good first impression.


Jessica walked up to the train. “Looks like this is where I leave,” she said, talking to the three cranes. The flapped their wings and flew onto her shoulder.  


“I hope you make it home safely,” Jessica whispered. She then picked up the smallest crane, and brought it to face level.


“Especially you. Don’t get into too much trouble when I’m gone okay?” Jessica softly chastised. The crane flapped its wings twice and Jessica felt herself smile slightly.


“Good.” She stepped forward onto the train as the cranes flew off her shoulder.


“Bye, Umma, Appa. Bye Krystal.”


The doors closed and not a second later, the train started to move.


The three cranes stood there as they watched the train get smaller and smaller. Once the train was out of sight, they disappeared.


Apparated out of sight.





Jessica walked through the train, keeping an eye out for any available compartments. She saw one with only one girl in it and decided to try her luck. Knocking lightly three times, she opened the door.


“Good day. I was wondering if I could…” Jessica almost bowed, forgetting that she was in London and that people don’t do that here. Out of embarrassment, she opted to just pointing at the empty seats across the girl. Luckily the girl seemed to understand and was nice enough to beam her a smile.


“Of course. Be my guest. I’m Yuri by the way, Kwon Yuri,” she introduced herself as she stood up and stuck out her hand for a handshake. Jessica awkwardly reached out and grasped the outstretched hand.


“Jessica Jung.”


“Nice to meet you. Come sit,” Yuri gestured and Jessica could feel the confidence oozing off of the girl in front of her, though her eyes also had a certain twinkle of mischief.


Jessica stepped forward, intending to enter the compartment when something suddenly jumped out of nowhere and landed straight on her face.


She shrieked. It was high and piercing and ear splitting.


“I’m so sorry!” Jessica heard a girl say, but she was too busy panicking to be sure.


She slapped the offending object away and only then did she realize it was a chocolate frog. She glared at the offending object, contemplating whether or not it was worth pulling out her wand and jinxing the stupid thing when the sound of someone cracking up in laughter invaded her ears.


She looked up and saw two girls standing in front of her. One was straight out laughing and leaning against the wall for support while the other looked like she also wanted to laugh but was too polite to. Jessica decided immediately that she already liked the second girl more.


“Hello, I’m so sorry about that,” the second girl stuck out her hand and beamed her a smile. “My name is Tiffany.”


Jessica took the hand hesitantly. “Jessica.”


“Nice to meet you, Jessica!” Tiffany gave her a toothy grin. “This is my friend Hyoyeon. She’s the one who let loose a whole bunch of chocolate frogs. We were chasing after them.”


“,” Hyoyeon rasped out in between laughs. “I’m sorry,” she laughed once more. “But your face was priceless.”


Jessica glared at her. The laughing stopped immediately.


“Sorry,” Hyoyeon muttered sheepishly, letting her laughter fade into an awkward grin.


Tiffany, sensing the awkwardness, quickly jumped in. “I haven’t seen you around before. Are you a first year? You don’t look like a first year.”


Hyoyeon elbowed Tiffany. “She could be an upperclassman,” Hyoyeon reminded.  


“Oh right,” Tiffany giggled. “My bad. We’re both third years. Gryffindors. What about you? What year are you?”


“I’m a third year...” Jessica answered.


“Oh how come I've never seen you around then?” Tiffany asked, surprised.




Hyoyeon elbowed Tiffany again. “Hey, it’s not like you know everyone.”


Tiffany blushed and chuckled a bit in embarassment. “Right. I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to assume. Anyways, do you have a compartment yet? Do you want to sit with us?” Tiffany asked. “We have room for one more person in our compartment. You can meet our other friend, Taeyeon.”


Tiffany’s smile was so hopeful that Jessica almost felt bad about turning her down. Almost.


“I’m sorry, but I already have a seat.” Jessica gestured toward Yuri, who had been silently watching this interaction the entire time. Jessica caught the slight widening of Hyoyeon’s eyes at the sight of her seat mate.


“Oh, okay. Well it’s nice to meet you,” Hyoyeon spoke hurriedly. She gave a tight smile and Jessica could see she was forcing it.


“Yup! It was nice seeing you and I hope we could be friends, Jessica. See you, then,” Tiffany grinned. Jessica noted the lack the unnaturalness unlike her friend.


The two turned around and started to walk away. As Jessica stepped into Yuri’s compartment, she swore she heard the girls whisper, “Don’t go looking for trouble Fany-ah. If she’s friends with that Kwon Yuri…”





“You’re new, aren’t you?”


Jessica was surprised, but she tried her best not to let it show. She looked up into the eyes of the girl across from her. The mischievous twinkle was gone, replaced by something more serious and Jessica stopped herself digging any deeper. It wasn’t her business anyways.


“I haven’t seen you around before, and I know everyone in the third year,” Yuri continued as she scrutinized the new girl.


Jessica remained mum.


“You don’t talk much, huh?” Yuri asked amusedly as she leaned back into her seat, mischief once again reflecting in her eyes.


“I wonder what one would have to do to start Hogwarts as a third year. That’s a bit peculiar, don’t you think?” Yuri asked as she smirked.


‘I chose the wrong compartment,’ Jessica thought to herself. Yuri was sharp. Too sharp for her liking. Nosy too. She didn’t like people digging into her past.


This is going to be a long ride.





“First years, this way! Ah, Jessica Jung, right? Follow along too. Yer need to be sorted.”


Jessica bid farewell to her new friend Yuri. She laughed to herself at the word. She couldn’t believe that she was using that phrase already. She thought back to the conversations she had with Yuri (mostly Yuri telling Jessica about Hogwarts). Jessica was surprised with how easily she admitted to being friends with the raven haired girl. She never really made friends easily, at least, not back in Mahoukotoro.


Once inside the castle, the first years were lead through four long tables, green, golden, maroon, and blue. Jessica was able to recognize the houses and the colors thanks to Yuri’s very long and very detailed lecture about Hogwarts on the train.


Her eyes wandered across the tables and noticed Yuri smirking at her amongst her fellow Slytherins, and the two Gryffindors she met on the train, Tiffany and Hyoyeon.


Tiffany caught her eye and instantly beamed a smile at her. Hyoyeon shook her head at her friend.


Jessica quickly took her seat as headmistress McGonagall took the podium. After the opening speech, the sorting began.


It was time for her past to be revealed.




“This year, we have a third year transfer student from Mahoukotoro. Jessica Jung, please step forward and be sorted into one of the four houses," headmistress McGonagall announced.


The effect was immediate as murmurs broke out instantly across the dining hall.


A new girl? And from Mahoukotoro, the magic school located in Japan?


This was new to everyone. The excitement was natural.


The murmurs quieted as she stood up. Everyone was too stunned to move.


The new girl was beautiful.


Her eyes were cold, her face pristine, and her walk elegant, as the sorting hat was placed her head.


Jessica disliked the attention but was not unused to it.






“Well, there goes your chance of being friends with her, Fany-ah.”


“What do you mean?”


“She’s a Slytherin.”


“Yeah, so?”


“And you’re a Gryffindor.”




“You see my point now?”


“Yeah, but just because-”


“Face it, Fany. Our houses hate each other.”


Tiffany frowned, but decided not to retort. She knew just how strong headed Hyoyeon could be. After all, she was just as stubborn at times.


“Especially if that’s who she’s hanging out with,” Hyoyeon continued under her breath, head gesturing towards the Slytherin tables.


Tiffany glanced over and noticed Kwon Yuri talking to the seemingly disinterested new girl.


Kwon Yuri, the rebel of their year. Kwon Yuri was known for getting involved in random duels. The students in their year, Slytherins too, all feared her. Tiffany was just surprised Yuri actively started a conversation with Jessica. She was known to be a loner, someone who kept to herself.


For a split second, Jessica looked past Yuri and their eyes met. Surprised, Tiffany instinctively looked away. When she looked back, Jessica’s attention was back on Yuri.


All Tiffany could think was:


She is really pretty.





Everyone was ushered back to their dorms after the feast. Jessica was about to follow Yuri, when she heard her name being called.


She turned around and was face to face with the stern countenance of headmistress McGonagall.


“Professor,” Jessica whispered and bowed, before cursing mentally. She’d forgotten, again,  that it was not custom to bow here. She quickly straightened up in embarrassment, and Jessica could read the subtle amusement dancing in McGonagall’s eyes for a split second before it was replaced with its usual unrevealing sternness.


She tried hard to mirror the look.


“Follow me,” McGonagall commanded and Jessica followed promptly. They walked through winding hallways, and Jessica watched in wonder as the staircases changed every now and then. Instantly, she knew she was going to have a hard time navigating her away around here. The stairs didn't just randomly change back in Mahoukotoro.


“Let’s discuss your schedule for this year,” McGonagall announced once they reached her office. She sat down and gestured Jessica to do the same.


As Jessica sat down, McGonagall waved her wand and a file cabinet opened up. A single file folder floated out and onto the desk in front of her. She glanced down and saw her name written across the file.


“Would you like some tea?” McGonagall asked, gesturing to the tea pot next to her.


Jessica glanced at the tea set and shook her head lightly. “I’m good, Professor. Thank you.”


It was better to be safe than sorry.


There was a slight pause as McGonagall observed Jessica. “We’re not going to poison you, you know?” McGonagall said, and Jessica looked up directly into McGonagall’s eye. She was surprised at the blunt humor of the headmistress.


“I wouldn’t imagine it, Professor.”


Giving Jessica one last look, McGonagall turned her attention back to the file on the desk.


“Let’s see now, shall we.” McGonagall put on her spectacles and opened the file with a wave of her wand.  


“Jessica Jung, age twelve. Excelled at all subjects, was part of Japan’s prestigious dueling club despite being underage, and previous star quidditch player. The perfect Mahoukotoro student.” McGonagall read. She looked up.


“Until you dropped out halfway through your second year for... unknown reasons.”


Jessica gave no sign of acknowledgement. It was, after all, all officially written in ink in front of her. Denying or affirming anything wouldn't change a thing.


McGonagall closed the file. “I’m not going to pry. Your past is with Mahoukotoro, but now you are a Hogwarts student.” She paused and gave Jessica a pointed look before continuing.


“It shows in your school record that you took rather...advanced classes at Mahoukotoro. We could have you could take the same required classes as your other fellow third years.. but they may be a bit below your level. Your other option would be to skip to the fifth year.” She paused. “The choice is yours to make.”


Jessica thought back to her parents' advice: Don’t attract unnecessary attention.


'Too late,' Jessica thought. Being from Mahoukotoro probably put her in the center of attention for at least a while.


“No professor, I’ll be more than happy to take the required classes of a third year,” Jessica replied, copying McGonagall’s speaking mannerisms.


McGonagall studied Jessica for a moment. “Very well then. You may go.”


“Thank you professor,” Jessica got up and mentally reminded herself not to bow. As she headed out, she heard McGonagall call from behind her.


“Miss Jung, please do keep in mind that you are now at Hogwarts, and things operate a little differently here than what you're used to.”


Jessica turned around with a raised eyebrow, trying to read the undertones of the seeminly innocent warning. She spoke slowly. “Of course, Professor. I'll keep that in mind.”


The two stared at each other and Jessica realized then that McGonagall knew more about her than she let on. The woman was really as sharp as they come.


McGonagall broke the silence first. “Just a small reminder. Now hurry along. You don’t want to be caught wandering in the halls after curfew.”





Jessica left the headmistress’s office only to end up in the dark corridors of Hogwarts.




Jessica looked at the walls around her, hoping to recognize a painting, door, wall, anything.


“I am so lost,” she muttered to herself as she randomly took a turn to her right. No one gave her a map. How was she supposed to find her way to the Slytherin dorms? It didn’t help that the staircases changed every so often.


Utterly hopeless, Jessica opened a door at random and peeked in.


It was the library.


The familiar smell of old books and the sight of unending bookshelves brought a small smile to her face.


Hesitantly, she walked in and closed the door behind her. She’d given up on finding the Slytherin common room at this point. She'd just crash in the library if she had to.


'Not like it would be the first time anyways.'


She took a few steps forward but stopped suddenly when she heard a sound.




Shrouded in darkness once more, she kept quiet as she strained her ears, listening for any other disturbances in the silence.


There, she heard it, rustling, coming from the corner in the far right. With quiet steps, she approached the shelves, her wand out in front of her.




Jessica furrowed her eyebrows. Books definitely did not make noises like that.


Crunch. Crunch. More rustling.


‘Weird,’ Jessica thought. ‘It almost sounds like…’


She rounded the corner.


‘...someone eating chips…’


She stared at the girl who was staring back at her with open, about to devour another chip. Books were spread out everywhere on the ground.


Jessica raised an eyebrow as the girl continued eating her chips all while not breaking eye contact.


Jessica swallowed. Should she say something?


The girl’s eyes suddenly lit up in recognition before it grew dark again.


“You're the transfer girl,” the girl said, still full. “Already breaking rules on the first day, huh?” The girl smirked.


Jessica stayed mum. That didn’t look like a friendly smirk.


The girl swallowed and waved her wand over her robe.


Evanesco.” The crumbs disappeared. She waved her wand once more and the books closed and placed themselves neatly back onto their respective bookshelves.


She then stood up and Jessica realized that just how tall the other girl was. She was practically a head taller than Jessica.


“Students shouldn’t be out at night,” the girl said, her voice low, as she advanced. “Especially students like you.”


Jessica raised an eyebrow in confusion.




Jessica looked down to see a wand poking at chest.


Spruce. Probably about ten inches or so.


“I knew you were trouble from the moment I saw you,” the girl said as she stabbed the wand deeper into Jessica’s chest. “I was right. Look at you, breaking rules on your first day here. Who knows what evil plans you’re cooking up. Well let me tell you something,” the girl leaned in close. “I don’t like your kind.


Jessica tensed.




The spell hit Jessica directly in the chest, only to ricochet right off, hitting the taller girl in the stomach who was thrown backwards. She landed harshly on a pile of books.


“What the bloody hell?!” the girl screamed from the ground as she couldn't move the rest of her body. “What did you just do!?”


Jessica walked closer while waving her wand and the girl felt the feeling in her limbs return again.


She sat up. “How did you do that? How did you deflect it?” she demanded.


“...” Jessica offered a hand, but was turned down.


“Protego,” Jessica murmured as the girl got up by herself.


“How? I didn’t hear you say anything though.” the girl questioned. “You didn’t even have your wand up.” The girl took a threatening step towards Jessica.


Jessica merely observed the distressed girl in front of her. The girl glared at Jessica suspiciously, before her eyes widened as she came to a conclusion.


“Silent spells. You can perform silent spells.”


Jessica gave the slightest of nods.


The girl merely scoffed. “Of course. Still doesn’t explain how you deflected it so quickly.”


To answer the girl's questions, Jessica pulled her sleeve up, revealing her hidden wand, gripped lightly in her right hand.


“The wand was in your hand the entire time,” the girl realized.


“So when I pressed my wand against already had your pointing at me. But you kept your hands limp by your side to not draw attention…” The girl looked at Jessica in awe.


“Bloody clever, aren’t you? And yet I’m the one in Ravenclaw here,” she said sarcastically.


Suddenly the doors to the library bursted open with a bang.


“Quick get down!” the girl pushed Jessica down against the bookshelf and pulled a cloak over their heads. “Don’t make a peep, you hear me? If a professor finds us, we’re both screwed.”


Jessica nodded slowly. She the fabric of the cloak in curiosity.


‘An invisibility cloak’ she realized.


They listened as the footsteps got closer, and stopped at the end of their bookshelf.


“I know you’re there. Come out.”


‘That’s not a professor’s voice...Wait.’


The cloak was thrown off and the other girl got up to glare at the newcomer.


“Kwon Yuri.”

Yuri nodded in wary acknowledgement as she eyed the girl. “Choi Sooyoung.”


“What are you doing here?” Sooyoung spat.


Yuri gestured to behind Sooyoung, where Jessica stood.


“I’m supposed to show her to the common rooms. I figured she would’ve gotten lost after leaving McGonagall’s office,” Yuri answered.


Sooyoung scoffed. “Take her and leave.”


Yuri gestured for Jessica to follow her and Jessica did.


“I would go soon before the prefects catch you,” Yuri warned. "They're heading this way."


“Worry about yourself,” Sooyoung grumbled as she slipped on her cloak and disappeared.


Yuri looked down at Jessica. “C’mon let’s go.”


As they headed out the library in quiet footsteps, Jessica asked, “How’d you know where to find me? And how’d you know we were there?”


Yuri smirked as she held up an index finger to her lips. “Secret.” She winked. "Now come on. We don't want to go this way. We'll run right into the prefects. Follow me."


Jessica followed Yuri down the stairs. “Isn’t this the way to-”


“The dungeons,” Yuri confirmed. They walked up to a stone wall. “This is the entrance to the Slytherin common room. There’s a password, which changes every month or so. Remember the password. Don’t forget it, else you’ll be locked out. The password now is serpent's tongue.” As soon as the password left Yuri's mouth, the stone wall moved to reveal a passageway.


Jessica took in the sight of the large underground room that was blanked with an emerald green light. 'I guess I live underground now.'


Jessica followed Yuri through the common rooms into the girl’s dorm.


“That’s your bed. Your stuffs already here. I suggest you get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be hectic. Good night.” Yuri quickly explained before walking to her bed which was right across from Jessica's.


Jessica bid Yuri goodnight and slipped into bed.


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Sorry! There was no update! I was re-reading and noticed I'd accidentally had a chapter on draft.


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0 points #1
author nim where are you?? please comeback 🥺
yadanarr #2
Its 2024... still waiting pls comeback!
Champ1234 #3
pls comeback 😢
Chapter 10: Hey authornim! When will you come back and update this story? ╥﹏╥ I really want an update pleasee. Its christmas already and soon it will be 2024. I hope you can update us about the story as a gift? Anyways take your time. Advance merry christmas and Happy new year authornim! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Chapter 33: i love this story sm i hope the author comes back 🥹
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 33: hope you’ll comeback
yadanarr #7
Chapter 33: Please come back Author Nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 September 13, 2023. I'll wait
yadanarr #9
Still waiting...😭😭😭
TAENGSIC2007 #10
Authornim when will you update? T^T I miss you alreadyy 😭