Chapter 7: 'Safe'r At The Docks

You're My Kryptonite
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Tiffany POV

It was pitch black when I arrived at the docks. Not a person in sight. It was a very large dock but having literally no one at the docks was a little fishy. Haha, see what I did there? I pulled out my phone and my flash. I walked towards the big metal shipping containers and paused before them. I gulped. Here goes nothing. I started to make my way in. It was really cold at the docks. I contemplated on bringing a sweater before I left the house. Should have listened to the instincts. Suddenly, loud bang scared the out of me, then a voice was carried out through the air.

“You ing donkey. What the hell are you doing? You are going to ruin all the money that I put into this. Breaking my in’ crates, are you in’ kidding me?” Yelled the angered voice. That voice… it sounds familiar… where have I heard it…?

I turned off my flash and tip-toed towards the voices. Trying to get a better ear for the voice.

“Drop another crate and your is swimming in the sea. Understand?” The familiar voice continued

“Y-Yes sir!” The victim said

“Good. I want this finished before dawn. The police are coming to search the docks and I don't want my to be here. Now, where were we?”

I peeked around the corner. There at the edge of the docks were, four big, tall men dressed in all black and a very dangerous, yet wealthy and business casual looking man on the phone talking about his ‘firearms’. He looked very familiar… he kept arguing on the phone with the person. looked pretty serious and I was definitely, for sure, going to get this in my newspaper story. It's gonna be awesome. I took my camera out and slowly put it so that only my lens was showing. The moment I took my picture, a huge light flashed out. My heart stopped in an instant. …

“...What the was that?” The angered voice said again.

“I dunno boss”

“Don't give me the ‘i don't know’ . Obviously, it was a camera flash ! Find that picture taking bastard and bring them to me”


“Now you morons!”

Get out of there Tiffany.

I was literally in a maze. I was so lost. I tried taking a bunch of lefts and rights. Knowing I should have made a bread trail, yet didn't. I mentally smacked myself on the forehead. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my body, lifting me up in the air. I started kicking and squirming every which way.

“Hey! Let me go!” I screamed.

“Put me down or I'll sue you all!”

A white cloth wrapped around my mouth and a black bag soon covered my vision. Suddenly I felt a blow to my stomach and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.


“Yeah… no… there was an unexpected visitor… a girl… yeah… I'm dealing with her right now… that’s none of your goddamn business… no just bring the boat… if you don't bring that ing boat in 20 minutes, you can kiss your family and job goodbye, are we clear? … good… yes… Good-bye” snapped a voice and the sound of a flip-phone.

I fluttered my eyes open and lifted my head. I tried to reach up and take whatever was blocking my view off but my hands were bound behind me, as well as my feet. I was leaning up against a metal shipping crate. I tried to lift my head so I could get some view of the world from the small hole in my bag I found.

“Boss, she's movin’,” said another voice

“Take the bag off, and the gag” commanded the boss.

Bag lifted off first, then the gag was untied. I gasped. No way… this man… staring back at me was… Mr. Horvejkul. Nichkhun’s Dad…

“Help! Someone! Help me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“Shh Tiffany my dear, it's okay,” Mr. Horvejkul said. He reached out to touch my face.

“Get away from me! Help! Please! Someone help me!”

“Scream one more time Miss Hwang and I'll cut out that pretty pink tongue of yours”

I stayed silent. Obviously, I didn't want my tongue to get cut out. I need it for kissing Jessie. No, wait…

“Good. Well, I'm gonna have to either kill you because you know who’s running this operation, or you can slowly drown in a safe and feel the water seeping down into your lungs while gasping for air. Which do you prefer?”

“Uhmm neither… may I ask why you’re doing this Mr. Horvejkul?” I tried to say as calmly as I could. I was shaking like crazy. This guy is a madman I tell you. A madman. That calm and un-nervous state he was talking to me in, crept me out the most.

“To tell you the truth Miss Hwang, this is my actual job”

“... a gun smuggler? You said you were a CEO of a gun company!”

“I am Miss Hwang, I am! I also smuggle them as well; goes

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Lmao so i’m going to edit this new chapter i posted. Bc i switched from Tiffany’s POV to Jessica’s real fast lmao so uh yea. Sorry Dx it was late and i didn’t realize it lmao


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otnine0922 #1
Chapter 21: Please comeback author ssi
taengsicayulsic #2
Chapter 21: hey i have some idea for you
otnine0922 #3
Chapter 21: Pls pls pls pls comeback... T_T
Chapter 21: Oh no!!! Mr.Horvejkul is totally a devil himself. Ckckck
Chapter 5: I’m a bit confused, Jessica is a supergirl but she can hurt and bleed? Does her super refer to she can fly and move fast only?
28 streak #6
Chapter 21: Where is the update author-shi???
Chapter 21: Hats off to your creativity author! You mixed in supergirl with Jeti seamlessly! Your writing is pretty good too!
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 21: oh man! great chapter! please update soon!
Chapter 21: Ohhh a date with jessi??xD and Noooo supergirl shouldn't be caught yet
Chapter 21: OMG! Jessi is in trouble~~~~