Chapter 18: Date Night

You're My Kryptonite
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Tiffany POV

It was such a lovely evening, Supergirl was so cool and hot and suave all at the same time. The way she picked me up and how she was just showing me her view of the world was absolutely breathtaking. I skipped over to my bed and plopped back first. Holding the phone above my head; scrolling through all the pictures I took. It was mostly of Supergirl, the city lights, Supergirl, buildings and the woods. Oh, and did I mention Supergirl? I got the most beautiful view of her from up there. All the lights were hitting her face so softly and the way they defined her smooth milky white skin, very defined cheekbones, stunning chocolate brown eyes and soft plump lips. It was like looking at one of the gorgeous art pieces I've ever seen. And she’s got this adorable little mole on the left side of her face.

It was around midnight when I realized what I had been forgetting and what I even went on that trip for.

The interview!

I needed to finish my paper and email it to my Seonsaengnim before tomorrow’s class ended. I picked up my laptop and turned it on immediately. While I was waiting I grabbed my phone and opened a chat up. Remember something I needed to do.


Jessi-Bear ❤️❤️❤️:*

Hey Jessi! Would u be interested in getting dinner with me tomorrow? There’s something I need to discuss with u

I held my breath and waited for a response. Several minutes went by before I felt another vibration.

I closed my eyes and turned my phone over. My heart was pounding, and my body was getting hotter by the second. I pried open one eye and sighed in relief, typing away my response.

Jessi-Bear ❤️❤️❤️ :*

Of course! I hope I'm not in any trouble LOL

Oh no. Just something I need to share with u =]

Does 7 work for u?

Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow?

Yeah! Oh and wear something pretty, we’re going somewhere a little more classy than usual, ok? LOL

So… pjs? Alright sounds good LOL

LMAO, I was thinking like a swimsuit?

Or better yet, underwear. Alright, I’ll see you in my bra and underwear at 7?

Yes please!! LMAO see u then, I better see some cute underwear Jung <333

LOL later Princess <3 ;P


I laughed at my dorky little geek and turned my phone off. I folded my hands and stretched them out in front, letting all my little finger joints pop. I cracked my neck side to side and started furiously typing away at my new and improved article. Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day!



Tiffany POV

It was about six AM in the morning and I was just putting the finishing touches on my makeup before Tae got here. Suddenly a small swift honk echoed through my window. I scurried off my bed and waved at Tae. I grabbed my jacket, backpack, and purse, sliding out of my room and down the stairs. “Tae is here Appa! I’ll see you later! Saranghae!” I slid over and gave Appa a quick kiss on the cheek before running out the door with my shoes in hand. “Have a good day Tiffany. Listen well and remember, you’re there to-“ I slammed the door behind me before he could finish his ‘fatherly advice’. I literally hopped into Tae’s convertible and plopped myself down. Taeyeon just laughed and pulled out of my driveway.

I didn’t see Jessica walking today which made me a little depressed but on the bright side, Mr. Lee said my article was going to be front page! I happily walked to my first class and took my seat beside the little blonde. Tae and I pretty much have all our classes together which was nice. The bell finally rang, and class began to start, but all I could think about was my dorky strawberry blonde friend.

As my classes went by, I started to wonder why she hasn’t texted me. Maybe she grew tired of me? Small disappointing thoughts bounced around my head until the lunch bell rang. I threw my into my pencil case and swiftly made my way out of the class and to the library. I greeted the librarian on my way in and made my way to Jessi’s reading spot. I sighed in relief when I saw her eating an apple on her little window seat, reading Harry Potter again. The corner of my lips curled into a small smile; remembering the small moment we shared when we first talked.

“Hey stranger,” I continued to smile as I walked up to her. She jumped a little and sighed in relief.

“Tiff. Hey,” she paused for a moment, keeping the book raised above her face.

“I… I meant to call you and text you today, but I uh got a l-little occupied with a situation.”

I chuckled at the fact that she wouldn’t put the book down. As much as I loved to see her eyes, it just wasn’t enough. I wanted to see my little strawberry blonde in all her cuteness.

“Put the book down; oh, by the way, I’m a Ravenclaw believe it or not ha-ha,” I replied, taking a seat beside her. She instantly moved further away, bringing the book closer to her face. I giggled again. If she wasn’t going to put the book down, then I’ll have to do it for her.

“I didn’t really like those results, so I redid the test. Can you guess what my second house was?” I asked, biting my lip. I leaned in closer and closer, making sure to make my eyes as cute as they could be. I leaned in as slow and seductively as I could until I was close enough where I could see how big and breathtaking her eyes were. In an instant, I snatched the book away from her face. “Ah ha!” I shouted proudly. She was blushing furiously, trying to reach for her book. I finally was able to get a good look at her face and my breath hitched. It was all bruised and bloody.

“Jessi! Oh my God, what the happened!”

“I-It was nothing, I-I tripped a-and fell-”

“Cut the bull, Jung. Was it Nichkhun? Or Yubin?”

“P-Please stop yelling, w-we’re in a library, r-remember?”

Aish… she’s right. I huffed out a deep breath and grabbed her wrist. I dragged her down the stairs and out the door of our school. I pushed her on the wall and jabbed my finger at her collarbone.

“Speak.” Was all I said. I was absolutely furious, Jessica wasn’t telling me anything and I deserved some answers. I don’t want anyone picking on her unless it's me.

“I-I… W-Well… S-She… H-He,” she started but couldn’t make out anyone. I think she was just really scared of me at this point. I took another deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, Jessi was cleaning her glasses off. She was also, shaking and fidgeting frantically. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a big hug. She stopped shivering and returned the gesture.

“I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I'm just worried about you. I don’t want to see you getting hurt because of me or just because people think its fun to bully you. Are you okay otherwise?”

“Y-Yeah I’m okay. I-Its okay, I-”

Suddenly the bell rung. Guess lunch time Is over. I pulled her in for another tight bear hug. She smelt so familiar. I just couldn’t land the scent. I pulled away and linked arms with hers.

“Ready for our

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Lmao so i’m going to edit this new chapter i posted. Bc i switched from Tiffany’s POV to Jessica’s real fast lmao so uh yea. Sorry Dx it was late and i didn’t realize it lmao


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otnine0922 #1
Chapter 21: Please comeback author ssi
taengsicayulsic #2
Chapter 21: hey i have some idea for you
otnine0922 #3
Chapter 21: Pls pls pls pls comeback... T_T
Chapter 21: Oh no!!! Mr.Horvejkul is totally a devil himself. Ckckck
Chapter 5: I’m a bit confused, Jessica is a supergirl but she can hurt and bleed? Does her super refer to she can fly and move fast only?
28 streak #6
Chapter 21: Where is the update author-shi???
Chapter 21: Hats off to your creativity author! You mixed in supergirl with Jeti seamlessly! Your writing is pretty good too!
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 21: oh man! great chapter! please update soon!
Chapter 21: Ohhh a date with jessi??xD and Noooo supergirl shouldn't be caught yet
Chapter 21: OMG! Jessi is in trouble~~~~