Chapter 15: Taeyeon??

You're My Kryptonite
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Tiffany POV

It's currently seven in the morning and I haven't had a wink of sleep. I've been up all night thinking about what Jessi had said to me before she passed out. Yeah that's right, I was up. Taeyeon was so loud last night that she had woken me up. I pulled Jessi’s arm off of me and slowly started to crawl out of bed, as carefully as I could. I didn't want to disturb her slumber.


I walked to my closet and threw on a sweater. I felt my stomach rumbling as I made my way back to my bed, so I decided to make some breakfast for both of us. Carefully making my way downstairs, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back. I winced and attempted to rub the pain away. I flinched at the touch and felt a shot of pain spread like fire through my back. I lifted up my shirt and looked at my body. My abdomen had purple and red splotches all over.


That's right… my dad came home drunk yesterday. It wasn't even Sunday and he was still drinking. I sighed a long sigh and made my way into the bathroom to check for any other more noticeable injuries.

There was a bruise on the right side of my cheek and my lip was cut. I took a deep sigh again and laid my back against the wall carefully. I slowly started to slide down into a slump. I curling up my legs and laying my head in between. My tears pooling at the edge and threatening to fall.

Today was my mom's birthday. I felt my knees get wetter as I started to tremble. I quickly covered my mouth to muffle the small sobs.


I stayed like that for quite some time until I felt a hand rest upon my head. I wiped my tears and looked up to see a smiling Jessi looking down at me. She grabbed both of my hands and pulled me up. “Jessi,” I croaked out, “what are you-” she unexpectedly pulled me in for a tight hug. I flinched at the touch. Feeling all my muscles tense at the skinship. I started to relax my body, knowing she was trying to comfort me and I returned the gesture. When I finally stopped sobbing, she pulled away and wiped my tears with her thumb. “Better?” She asked. I nodded and smiled. “Thanks.” She smiled back warmly. “Anytime, Tiff. Now, how ‘bout some breakfast?” I nodded and grabbed her hand. As soon as I did so, a wave of electricity jolted through my body. I pushed the small feeling aside and dragged her into the kitchen.


At this current rate, I didn't think we’d actually have the food ready by breakfast. Jessi was supposedly making eggs and I was supposed to be making the bacon and sausage. That's what I originally had in mind. Instead, it was mainly me cooking the eggs, sausage, and bacon while Jessi watched from the sidelines and cheered me on like my own personal cheerleader.

“You’re not going to help at all?”

She shook her head and hopped up on the counter. Sitting oh so cutely on the countertop. Swinging her legs back and forth. “I'm a terrible cook, Tiff. I can eat it, though. That's something I'm good at doing.” I rolled my eyes and chuckled. She hopped off the counter and beamed back. I placed the food on our plates and handed one to her. Her eyebrows furrowed and a frown came across her face.

“W-What wrong? Don't you like it? I-I thought you wouldn't mind an American breakfast this morning,”

“I don't, it's just that… your plate looks better than mine.” She mumbled the last part.

I stopped and scoffed at her.

“Jessi, what the hell. It's the same thing. Just eat your damn food and stop complaining. Beggars can't be choosers.”

“I know but…” she started to pout at my plate, then used her little puppy dog eyes at me. How could I resist a cute little puppy like that?

“For goodness sake.”

I grabbed her plate and switched it with mine.


She nodded and sat down on the couch. I curled up next to her and started munching down.

“What do you want to watch?” I asked her, flicking through Netflix.

“We can watch The Office, Friends, or Parks and Recreation. Those are good ones.”

“Hmm… The Princess Bride.”


She laughed and grinned ear to ear.

"Its my favorite movie!"

I rolled my eyes and started the movie and set my finished plate down. Then snuggled closer to Jessi. I miss having nice mornings like this. It's been a long time.


Jessica’s POV

After we finished The Princess Bride for the second time, we watched one episode of Friends and one episode of The Office. Tiffany was snuggled up against me as tight as she could. There was a soft snore that came from the brunette on top of me. Suddenly, two cop cars whizzed past her house. I shrugged my shoulders and continued with the show when another set of cop cars whizzed by. Something in my gut was telling me I should look into that. I grabbed the remote and started to flip through the channels until I found what I wanted.


On the news was a bank robbery including hostages. I turned up the volume to listen in. I needed to know the situation before I dove in. The news anchor started the report with the opening shot at the bank from the television set.

“Over at the xxx Credit Union, there are about twenty-six hostages being held captive inside the bank. As of right now, they are requesting approximately two million dollars and a getaway jet to the States. Back to you, Hwan.”

Suddenly, my phone started to vibrate. I reached beside me and picked it up.


“Did you see the news, Unnie?”

“Yes, yes, Krystal I'm going. I’m going to go change and I’ll be there in a flash.”

“You better be, I heard they’re going to start shooting hostages if they don't have their money and jet soon.”

“Thanks for the info, Krys.”

“Be safe out there, saranghae.”


I hung up the phone and slowly start to shimmy out of Tiffany’s grasp. She moaned a little and she started to squirm. My breathing hitched and I tensed up as she continued to look for my warmth; assuming she was looking for me. I placed a pillow in her arms and waited. She hugged the pillow and small snores came from the sleeping girl once again. I exhaled and relaxed. I grabbed my purse and crept up the stairs, changing as fast as I could. I opened Tiffany’s bathroom window and flew out in a heartbeat. I flew back to the window and locked the bathroom door. Definitely, don't want to forget that. I took off once again.


I flew as fast as I could to the large gathering of police cars, news reporters, S.W.A.T. cars, and civilians. I heard lots of gasping and saw lots of pointing as I flew down. I landed softly as the noise died down. Cameras all panned onto me. I took a deep breath and spoke. “Who is the head of the operation?” I looked around and no one spoke. They all just stared in fear. “I’m not here to harm you. I'm here to help. Who is in charge of this operation?” Finally, a very tall and muscular man came out. He was at least half a head taller than me. He came out of the trailer in his military gear. Saftey vest and all. He had short black hair, light brown eyes, and a very chiseled face. Any othe straight girl would have swooned, thank god I wasn't like them. He looked at me sternly.

“Who are you?” He said, very unimpressed.

“Doesn't matter who I am. What matters is the people in there and I'm here to help.”

“Well we don't need it; not unless you can create a plan that can get all those people in there out safe and sound.”

Just when I was about to propose something, another man came up from behind him and whispered something into is his ear. Then ran back into the same truck he came out of. The captain started to rub the bridge of his nose. “That's just great. I have to make sure I get all the hostages out and safe, deal with you, and take care of all the bombs this dumb inside has planted,” he said, still rubbing the bridge of his nose. I rolled my eyes. I flew up to the top of the building and saw two snipers perched at the top. The one elbowed the other guy and pointed at me. The other looked annoyed and looked up. They were both dumbstruck. I used my heat vision to melt both sniper rifles. They both jumped back and whipped out their pistols. I stayed in the air until they ran out of bullets, casually checking my nails. After both ran out of bullets, they started to run to the door. I flew down and picked them both up, then flew to the captain and dropped them in front of him. He looked up at me as I smirked. Ha. Serves you right. Don't underestimate me.

“Still don't want my help?” I asked proudly.

He scoffed and his heels. “Follow me, kid. Don't get in my way.” I smiled and obliged. As I walked into the truck, I stood back in awe. There was so much space inside of a little truck and so many computers. It kind of reminded me of a futuristic version of the Tardis. I walked in and sat in a chair, while he stood with his hands on what looked like a hologram table. Floating above the table was a 3D view of the entire building. There were several little red dots blinking all over the building as he moved the building around with his index and pointer finger. He sighed and shook his head. I hopped up from my chair and looked at him.

“Whats up, Cap?” He glared at me and spoke. “This guy has bombs and they’re spread out all over," he pointed to all the little red dots, "and I have no clue what type they are, how to disable them or how to even get in without him knowing.” He sighed and shook his head. “I'm running out of ideas and none of you are helping me! Let's get some ideas running people. We don't have all day!” He hollard. People just continued to frantically scurry more rapidly. I moved to the opposite side of the table and said, “Well, there's one on the top right corner by the door, another by the behind the first pillar when you walk in, another behind the front desk and two more by the first two front desks.” He looked at me in awe. “X-ray vision,” I explained. He raised an eyebrow at me. “It comes with the powers.” He pursed his lips and nodded.

“Cap, I have a suggestion.”

“What is it, Supergirl. I don't have time for your shenanigans.”

“Set up a signal jammer to prevent the bombs from detonating remotely. Then I’ll use my heat vision to melt the cameras around the building. I’ll tie a rope at

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Lmao so i’m going to edit this new chapter i posted. Bc i switched from Tiffany’s POV to Jessica’s real fast lmao so uh yea. Sorry Dx it was late and i didn’t realize it lmao


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otnine0922 #1
Chapter 21: Please comeback author ssi
taengsicayulsic #2
Chapter 21: hey i have some idea for you
otnine0922 #3
Chapter 21: Pls pls pls pls comeback... T_T
Chapter 21: Oh no!!! Mr.Horvejkul is totally a devil himself. Ckckck
Chapter 5: I’m a bit confused, Jessica is a supergirl but she can hurt and bleed? Does her super refer to she can fly and move fast only?
22 streak #6
Chapter 21: Where is the update author-shi???
Chapter 21: Hats off to your creativity author! You mixed in supergirl with Jeti seamlessly! Your writing is pretty good too!
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 21: oh man! great chapter! please update soon!
Chapter 21: Ohhh a date with jessi??xD and Noooo supergirl shouldn't be caught yet
Chapter 21: OMG! Jessi is in trouble~~~~