Chapter 11: Uncertainty

You're My Kryptonite
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Tiffany POV


“I've tried and tried Tae. She's not answering my calls or text messages and when I went to her house, her mom said she was out.”

“Well, all I can say is talk to her tomorrow,”

She paused for a second.

“What did you even do again?”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I swear, she can be such a ditz sometimes.

“From the top Taetae. And try to remember please. Alright, well, we were talking and hanging out, then she asked if I was okay because my face went red ‘cause she caught me staring at her. She felt my forehead to see if I was feeling feverish. So I backed up a bit and my hand slipped and then she fell on top of me. I stared into her eyes and the next thing I knew, I was pulling her in for a kiss. Me! Like I'm not even gay! And what was even weirder, was that she responded back. Then Appa knocked on the door and I kinda came to my senses. So I pushed her back. She looked really hurt. I think I bit her lip too, but then she up and left. Without a single word to me.”

I started crying again. I thought I was finally done with crying over someone.

“It's okay Fany, don't cry. You look ugly when you cry. I’m sure she has an explanation to why she ran away. Just like you have to explain how the kiss was a mistake and that you’re not gay-”

“But what if i am?” I interrupted. “Appa will surely hurt me. He’ll kill me Tae. He will.”

She was silent. She knew my circumstances and she knew exactly what my father would do. If he knew… boy if he knew. I still have scars from-

In the middle of my thoughts, a quick vibrate and a ding came from my phone. I felt a little disappointed when I looked to see who it was.

“Hold on Tae. It's NaSoo”


Shikshin ♥

Fany-ah!! Wanna grab some dinner with me, Hyo and Sun bun? I tried txting Tae but she isn't answering.

Sorry, Soo. I have church tonight. Dx rain check?

Definitely. Do u always go to church morning AND night???

Yeah… my Appa is the head pastor after all.

Ahh okay. No problem. Ttyl then :3


 “Sorry Tae. She was wondering if I wanted to grab dinner.”

“Is everyone going?”

“Just Hyo and Sunny. Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun aren't going”

“Oh… just got the text. I might go. I'm hungry”

“Go ahead Tae. I can't cause i have church.”

“Seriously? You have the option not to go. Why do you?”

“Bad reputation for Appa. Appa would get so pissed off and-”

“Don't get into that Fany… do you want me to accompany you?”

I paused for a moment.

“No. It's okay. Go and eat with them”

“Are you sure Fany? I can gladly-”

“Go. I need to clear my head and think about how I’m gonna approach Jessi tomorrow.”

“Okay… hwaiting Fany-ah. Saeranghae.”

“Annyeong, saeranghae.”


I flopped backwards onto my bed. I rested the back of my hand on my forehead. Jeeze… what the hell am I supposed to do now… I closed my eyes and laid there, climbing onto the train for dreamland.

- - - - - - -

When I woke up, a wonderful smell filled my nostrils. Bacon… and- I took a deep breath in- Eggs. Appa must have cooked. Appa… I shot open my eyes. I didn't go to church last night. He's going to kill me! I glanced at my alarm clock. 7:44AM. I sighed in relief and slowly trudged to the bathroom to freshen up.

“Tiffany! Taeyeon is here!”

I threw on my uniform and stuffed my bag.

“Coming Appa!”

I hustled down the stairs, sliding into the kitchen. Taeyeon was at my counter pouring out coffee into two travel mugs. My father was at the table reading the paper. Usually, he’d be at work by now, but he gets Mondays off.

“Fany! Ready to go? I have coffee,” she grinned, holding up the two mugs. I gave her my famous eye-smile and nodded.

“Sweet. Grab some food and let's go,” she nodded me off. I grabbed some toast and a couple pieces of bacon.

“Gotta go Appa. Annyeong. Saeranghae.”

I kissed him on the check before I left. He didn’t look too pleased when I left. I’ll have to talk to him when I get back from school. I slipped on my shoes and opened the front door for Tae. Sometimes it's nice to forget about all the things in the past, but I can't bottle them up for too long. I slipped into the car with Tae. She handed me our coffees so she could pull out.

“Do you know what you're gonna say to Jessica when you see her today?”

I hesitated with my answer.

“N-No… not really,”

I handed her back her mug.

“Just tell her you’re not gay and you just missed your old boyfriend. You got caught in the moment and it just happened. Nothing more, nothing less.”

I stared out the window still sulking.

“Maybe I do like her Tae. Maybe I do and I'm gay. Just like you.”

She sighed an annoyed sigh.

“Pany. If you’re gay, you’re gay. If you’re not, you’re not. If you play for both, then play for both. Simple. It's not a bad thing to be gay. We’ve got the crazy ones.”

She winked at me and laughed her ahjumma laugh. I started giggling at her ahjumma laugh.

“Oh, speak of the nerd,” she commented.

I looked out the window and saw Jessi. Her head was down, looking at her phone. Her thumbs moving up and down. My heart raced a million times per minute. Just do it Tiff. Go for it.

“Stop the car Tae,” I said.

“You’re gonna do it?”

“I'm going to. Stop the car. I’ll meet you at school.”

She pulled over to the side and parked.

“Go get ‘em tiger. I support whatever you choose,” she smiled. I hugged her and flashed my famous smile. I hopped out of the car and grabbed my belongings. You got this Hwang. Just tell her you're not into her and you made a mistake. Yeah. I waved to Taeyeon as she pulled away. Just a mistake. I looked behind and noticed Jessi still on her phone, but this time, she had headphones plugged into her ears. I stepped in front of Jessica’s path and waited. She was just about to run into me, when she stopped; stepped to the side, and continued to walk. What the ?

“Jessi! I know you don't have any music playing. Please stop.”

She halted in her tracks. Busted Jung. I walked up and grabbed her shoulder. Spinning her around to face me. She took out her earbuds and stuffed them in her sk

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Lmao so i’m going to edit this new chapter i posted. Bc i switched from Tiffany’s POV to Jessica’s real fast lmao so uh yea. Sorry Dx it was late and i didn’t realize it lmao


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otnine0922 #1
Chapter 21: Please comeback author ssi
taengsicayulsic #2
Chapter 21: hey i have some idea for you
otnine0922 #3
Chapter 21: Pls pls pls pls comeback... T_T
Chapter 21: Oh no!!! Mr.Horvejkul is totally a devil himself. Ckckck
Chapter 5: I’m a bit confused, Jessica is a supergirl but she can hurt and bleed? Does her super refer to she can fly and move fast only?
28 streak #6
Chapter 21: Where is the update author-shi???
Chapter 21: Hats off to your creativity author! You mixed in supergirl with Jeti seamlessly! Your writing is pretty good too!
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 21: oh man! great chapter! please update soon!
Chapter 21: Ohhh a date with jessi??xD and Noooo supergirl shouldn't be caught yet
Chapter 21: OMG! Jessi is in trouble~~~~