Chapter 6: Date?

You're My Kryptonite
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Tiffany’s POV

Jessi and I talked about everything. Literally, everything. It turns out that we have more in common than Taeyeon and I do. I was surprisingly quite open. Not that I'm not an open person, but I don't just click with someone this fast. I let her know about 80% of my life. The other 20% she cannot know. Well, she can. I’m just not ready to talk about it with-

“Tiff?” Jessica waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked a couple times and looked at the strawberry blonde. Her cheeks puffed out, trying oh so hard, to not laugh at me. Seconds later, a laughter finally rang into the atmosphere. I felt the heat rising into my face. Her laugh is so cute...

“What's so funny?” I smiled, nudging her shoulder.

“You. People tell me I space out all the time. Now, I know how stupid I look” she told me, still in a fit of laughter.

“Hmph…” I pouted. “What did you want?”

“Your favorite ice cream flavor. I’m about to order”

“No! I’m paying. Put your wallet away!” I reached for her wallet. Which she quickly pulled out of my reach.

“No. Tiff. I’m paying”

“Jessi! You carried me all the way here! I’m sure you’re tired. It's the least I can do”

She raised her wallet in the air, fully out of reach. I tried to stretch my body up to retrieve the wallet. She giggled at my attempt to steal her wallet. Curse these flats. They’re super cute but why did I pick today of all days to wear them… She wasn't any taller than I, but I don't think but it's not fair that her arms are longer than mine. Maybe she will react to this… I smirked and pulled her closer. Our faces centimeters apart.

“Jessi~, can I have your wallet please~?” I cooed in my most seductive American voice. I placed my hand on her abdomen. They were surprisingly hard and toned... I wonder what they looked like without the shirt? No, Tiff. Get the wallet. That’s why you're doing this… I looked straight into her beautiful brown orbs. For… Her eyes were a striking chocolate brown. I could feel her warm breath on my lips. The shape and color. My eyes traced her petit nose then landed on her soft pink lips. My breathing hitched, and my heart raced at least a hundred miles an hour. Her face turned beat red. She cleared and back away a bit, adjusting her glasses. I felt a touch of sadness at the loss of intimacy. Wallet Tiff, wallet.

“I-I… I’ll g-go get th-the lip ice. Cream lip, Ice... cream. Ice cream... Go get u-us a-a... table. I-I'll be right back” she sputtered out and sped off to the counter

“O-Okay” I squeaked out.

W-What was that just now? I was staring at her like she was my… no… I'm not gay... Jessi is just a really… really… beautiful... funny, kind, sweet, hot, y-… wait what?

I plopped myself down at our table. Resting my chin on my hand.

Friend. She’s just a super hot beautiful nerdy friend. That’s all... Wait no... What?

A few more minutes went by.

What the hell is taking her so long? Did she get lost in Narnia or something?

I grabbed my purse and walked to the ice cream booth. She was smiling and giggling at something. The hell… I looked a little to the right and saw a model figure in a white button down shirt and pink apron. Her long chestnut hair was in a high ponytail through the back of her baseball cap. Ugh, Jessi. What the hell! We’re on a date! What the are you doing? Really? Flirting with that girl on our date? My jealousy bar was slowly rising. And she’s wearing pink! That’s my color! Why can’t she wear a blue one like that guy next to her? The hot girl flirting with my Jessi while wearing my color really set me off. It fueled my hate fire. I stormed over to Jessi and put my best y slash innocent act on. I wrapped my hands around her waist and gave her a back hug. Making sure she could feel my s.

“Jessi~,” I cooed, trying to use my aegyo as best I could, “where’s my ice cream, baby~? I’ve been waiting for like ever~”

“T-Tiff. W-What are you doing?” She smiled awkwardly and adjusted her glasses, flushing pink. She’s definitely digging it. Take that ice cream model girl! Boom. Jessi is mine for today.

“Oh! Is this mine?” I took the strawberry ice cream from her hands and started to it seductively.

“Mmmm~. Omo Jessi! This place is so~ good!” I moaned out in English, my lips.

“Pay the nice girl Jessi and let’s go. I wanna see you in some cute clothes!” I linked arms with her free one. The girl had not spoken once since I was there, and I intended to keep it that way.

“I-I already p-paid, we were j-just-” she stuttered out.

“Let's go then!” I pulled her away without letting Jessi say goodbye. Cute stutter. I turned around to see the dumbstruck ice cream girl. I stuck out my tongue and smirked. As we took a seat on a bench I looked at Jessi and her ice cream. Was this one even meant for me…?

“Uhmm… Jessi…?”

She hummed in response.

“W-Was this ice cream cone even for me?”

“Yes, it was. Do you not like it?” She raised an eyebrow.

“N-No. It's my favorite, how... how did you know?”

“… Instinct”

“You’re such a dork” I laughed and nudged her shoulder.

“Yah! Watch it! I have ice cream!” She shouted laughing at my gesture. We sat in a bit of silence, enjoying each others presence until Jessi spoke up.

“You were so jealous back there” she finally commented, smirking.

“Y-Yah! I-I’m not- I-I wasn’t-” I stumbled out, flushing pink.

“Kidding Princess” She smiled kindly at me. My heart took off again. As well as my stomach. I pouted and continued to my ice cream. I looked over at Jessi and smiled. She bit the last of her cone and smiled back, her lips. I wanted to get that off with my lips, wait… no… It's joke… right?

“You’re such a goof. You have a bit of…” I took out my napkin and waited for her to turn her face. She obliged and let me wipe the corner of off.

“Th-Thanks” she smiled warmly. She waited for me to finish my ice cream.

“Shall we go, Princess?” Jessi stuck out her hand and helped me out of the seat.

“Why yes, my knight in shining armor. To the stores!” I linked arms with her and dragged her along.

- - - - - -

“Try this on Jessi” I held up a white button down, a black tie, navy blue blazer and black suspenders.

“O-Oh okay” she nodded and scurried off. Damn, she's gonna look hot as hell... in a friendly way of course. Unexpectedly, my eye caught something that perked my interest. Oh, that’s super cute! I walked over to the rack near the changing rooms. Then I heard a small voice.

“T-Tiff?” the voice called out softly.

I spun around and looked at Jessi. She was standing awkwardly shifting back and forth on her feet, but God damn did she look y.

“Holy Jessi… wait... hold on”

I reached forward and took off her glasses. As I pulled away, her hands went in front of her face.

“Come on, Jess” I moved her hands away from her face. Jessi dropped her head down and gluing her eyes shut.

“What are you doing?” I questioned. Just look at me you stunning little nerd!

“I-I… I don’t feel comfortable w-without my glasses”

“Jessi. Look at me”

She shook her head.

“Look. At. Me. Now” I commanded. HellFany was going to come back again if she didn’t raise her head. She slowly raised her head and looked at me str

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Lmao so i’m going to edit this new chapter i posted. Bc i switched from Tiffany’s POV to Jessica’s real fast lmao so uh yea. Sorry Dx it was late and i didn’t realize it lmao


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otnine0922 #1
Chapter 21: Please comeback author ssi
taengsicayulsic #2
Chapter 21: hey i have some idea for you
otnine0922 #3
Chapter 21: Pls pls pls pls comeback... T_T
Chapter 21: Oh no!!! Mr.Horvejkul is totally a devil himself. Ckckck
Chapter 5: I’m a bit confused, Jessica is a supergirl but she can hurt and bleed? Does her super refer to she can fly and move fast only?
28 streak #6
Chapter 21: Where is the update author-shi???
Chapter 21: Hats off to your creativity author! You mixed in supergirl with Jeti seamlessly! Your writing is pretty good too!
Keep up the good work!
Chapter 21: oh man! great chapter! please update soon!
Chapter 21: Ohhh a date with jessi??xD and Noooo supergirl shouldn't be caught yet
Chapter 21: OMG! Jessi is in trouble~~~~