Chapter 24

Still the same
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Chapter 24


"Sir, I recieved a call from the surveillance department. They said that they are getting out numbered by the red cloud at the lobby." Heechul informed the group. "Tell them we're on our way." The director commanded. "Kids, I believe that this is the most dangerous mission you've had and for that I salute you. The real danger lies out there so be careful and you're already given permission to protect yourselves so don't hesitate." 


Joy, Yeri, and Tzuyu could only nod. They can't complain even if they want to. After all, this is the path they chose by them selves and they're not changing their minds. Determination can be seen in their eyes and the director couldn't be prouder. "Yes, sir!" The three said in unision. "Let's move." Taeyeon and Heechul leads the way towards the agency's lobby where the main trouble is. 


They stopped they're tracks when a group of armed men blocked they're way. One man in particular caught Irene, Seulgi, and Wendy's attention. "Yoongi..." Seulgi and Yoongi Sent glares to eachother. Yoongi remembered everything and he remembered that Seulgi is the one responsible why he lost his memories. "Min Yoongi, you're unauthorized to leave your assigned room. Put your weapons down or we'll do it the hard way. 


Yoongi scoffs at Taeyeon's warning. "I'm not taking orders from the likes of you." Yoongi shot back and Taeyeon's brows met. "Calm down, Yoongi. She can beat your in less than a second." Everyone's eyes widen when they heard the familiar voice. Leeteuk casually walks to Yoongi's group with Donghae  following behind. "Stop talking nonsense, Teukki." Yoongi laughs. 


"You three... I should have known there are snakes among us. Was the years of working together mean nothing to you at all?!" Heechul outraged. Donghae laughs at this. "Stop your drama, its disgusting. You're so naïve to even think of that." Heechul gritted his teeth in anger. Yeri watched her father in fear. Its a rare sight for Heechul to act like this when he's always the calm one. Taeyeon put a shoulder over her husband as if to tell him to relax. 


"Leeteuk, your one of the three chiefs of the board. The agency trusted you for years. I think you know the consequences." The director looked Leeteuk straight in the eye. "I'm sorry if I broke your trust, believe me I really am but this is the path that I chose that this world refused to acknowledge. I would love to kill you now but I'm afraid we must take our leave." Leeteuk and Donghae left without looking back. 


"Irene." The director called out to his daughter. "Yes, sir?" The director turned to Irene with a serious expression. "Take the group and help our men at the lobby. We'll handle these guys here." Irene trusted her father. After all, he's not the SM's director for nothing. "Yes, sir." Irene guided everyone to the hallway leading to the lobby. Yeri looked at Heechul and Taeyeon to see them already looking at her with Taeyeon mouthing the words 'We love you'. And with that, Yeri found strength. 


"Awww you're such a kill joy, Mr. Director. It would be fun killing those kids too." Yoongi mocked. Seunghyeon chuckled. Heechul and Taeyeon smirked as well. 


 "Believe me when I say we're more than enough." 




"Irene, do you copy?" Soohyun conects to Irene. "Yes, sir. What is it?" Irene held a raised a fist and the group stopped their movement when the gunshots got louder. "I want you to hold a little while longer. Help our men in the lobby until reinforcements that Yoona asked  comes." Explosions can be heard from the other line. "Are you okay, sir?" Irene worriedly asked. "Barely got a scratch. Irene do you understand?" Joy anxiously looked at Irene. "Yes, sir you can count on us." Soohyun disconnected. 


"Is father okay?" Joy asked once her father disconnected. "He said he's perfectly fine. Don't worry about him." Irene comforted. "Girls, just stay with the group okay?" Everyone nodded. "Let's go." 


They reached the lobby and it was indeed a battle field. The group hid two levels above the ground floor. "How do we know who's red cloud and who's not? We can't just fight our way in." Tzuyu's question made everyone think. "Unnie, does the agency own those guns? All I know is that the military is the only one that produces those weapons." Wendy points at group of men scouting the area with the guns that Wendy pointed out. "No... Wendy, you're a genius." Irene's eyes wide. In realization. 


"Our foe is the one using the military's guns. I'm sure you already know which is which right?" The girls nodded. "Be alert for guys with those guns. They're probably with the red cloud." Another nod from the group. 


"No please! What are you doing?!" The group turned to the source of the scream. They found three agents getting cornered by the five men earlier with a smug look on their faces. "Say goodbye, scum." Before the red cloud could even pull the triggers of their guns, Irene, Seulgi, and Wendy jumped from the upper level and faught with all their might.


Irene used the close range advantage and used her sword in lightning speed, Seulgi already took down numerous men with her bow, and Wendy used her skills in combat and even did the butterfly style. The three moved together in sync like they know eachother's next move. The group of red cloud men dropped dead to the floor. Everyone watched in awe. "M-Ms. Bae! Thank you for saving our lives." One of the agents bowed and the other two followed. 


"It's too early to be thankful. Right now get your weapons. I'm sure you already know the weapons that the agency makes right?" The three agents nod. "Then beware of people using military armaments they're probably one with the red cloud. Understood?" The three agents stood still, still absorbing the information. "Move now, rookies or die!" Joy commanded - screamed - and the three startled agents scampered off. "Yes, Ms. Park!" If they weren't in a serious situation, Irene would'e laughed at this. 


The last encounter did get attention to nearby foes. Everyone was unaware of the incomming grenade missile incomming their way but Seulgi stopped it by firing an arrow at it and caused the grenade to explode in midair without anyone getting hurt. 


"Guys, get ready." 




'I know you're comming, Hakyeon, I just know it. This is my chance. I'll make sure you won't get away this time.' 


"Ms. Im!" Yoona turned to Jin's call. "Jin, what are you guys doing?" Yoona asked the three huffing agents rushing to her side. "Where chasing Henry. He got the double daggers and we can't let him escape." Jin managed to say within his ragged breath. Yoona turned to her gaurds when an idea came into her mind. "You guys search for Henry. Its faster this way." Yoona's gaurds looked hesitant. "Ms. Im, are you sure? Your safety is our priority." Krystal put a hand to one of the worried gaurd's shoulder. "Nonsense. We'll protect Ms. Im for you guys." Yoona gave a nod as her approval and the gaurds left. 


"Where's Henry? I think the case has its own tracking device installed." Yoona puts her attention back to the agents. "Yes it has but Henry knows this. He probably destroyed it by now that's why we can't track him. He's last coordinates was seen in the 23rd floor." What Jimin said got Yoona thinking. "23rd... The rooftop." Yoona whispered to herself as realization hits her. Yoona started running towards the stairs. 


The three followed, confused at Yoona's action. "Ms. Im, where are you going?" Krystal asked while keeping up with Yoona on the stairs. "How long has it been since the last coordinates was seen?" Yoona shrugged Krystal's question. "Six minutes ago." Jin answered while trying to even his breathing from the running. '' Yoona thougt. 


"He's heading for the rooftop. It's the only way out of the agency since every entrances are closed." Yoona informed the agents following behind. As they reached the 23rd floor, they heard the sound of a helicopter's engine. Just as Yoona predicted. They rushed to the rooftop's door to see N staring at them with the scythe in hand. 


"The daggers." Henry lifted the to N. N smiled at this, pleased that the mission was a succes. "Lock it in the plane first." Henry did what was told. "Hakyeon, stop this! There's still family waiting for you! Its not too late. Come back to me, please." Yoona yelled but N looked unaffected and it hurt Yoona to the pits of her stomach. The thought that she doesn't matter to him anymore makes her insides curl.


"I already told you before, Yoona, Its too late for me." N said devoid lf any emotion and Yoona hated it every bit. "N, look at what we got here." Everyone's ears perked at the voice. "Leeteuk and Donghae? But how..." Leeteuk and Donghae just went pass the agents without even sparing a glance, dragging five injured men by the rope. Yoona recognized the men as his gaurds. Her eyes widened in fear. Unknown to Leeteuk and Do

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Chapter 28: Finally they both reuniting with their dad
whesasomo #2
Chapter 27: Wow, this is really good!
16 streak #3
Chapter 27: The big day is coming :)
Chapter 27: Come on.... beat their asses out
16 streak #5
Chapter 26: take your time!! We can wait :)
ahverryblue07 #6
Chapter 26: Take all the time that you need authornim. We'll wait. ^^v
Chapter 26: Take ur time :D
isl00171 #8
Chapter 1: Cute puppy pure
Chapter 26: it's ok , author-nim. I can wait for it haha.
Love Seulgi in this mood very much , she is really smart.
Chapter 25: Seulgi is so cool here!! Can't wait to know what they have planned to counter the red clouds' plan :D