Chapter 13

Still the same
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Chapter 13  

A/N: I'm sorry! I've been busy lately. I have to balance my time with studies, writing and most importantly, rest. And I know I can't lash my frustrations out on you cupcakes so I'll shut up. This is the longest chapter i have written in my writing life so i hope that makes up for the delay :)

  ___   Seulgi POV   "Wannie, hurry up! Just let the moving service get the rest." I called for the nth time. It's not that Wendy was slow. I was just excited. And 'excited' is an understatement. Me and Wendy are moving to our very own condo unit, closer to our University. The same University that 'she's' in. That's already enough to make me feel giddy and excited. It's 10 years for Christ's sake. Sure, we talk everytime but it's on a computer screen. "Seulgi, why on earth are you in a hurry? Classes are still tomorrow for all I know." Wendy was now wearing a baseball cap with her luggage in tow.   "Wannie, we know it's not the school she's excited about." My mom gave me a knowing grin and I smiled back, understanding what mom meant. "I'm gonna miss you guys." The sadness is obvious in my mom's voice so I hugged her followed by Wendy. "Mom, stop making things hard for us." I can see Wendy wiping her tears with her hanky then moments after, we were all crying. "Take care mom."    ___   "Do you think she'll be alright?" I can hear Wendy asking from the passenger seat. I took a brief glance at her then back to the road as I was still driving our way to our new 'home'. "It's mom we're talking about here. Of course she'll be fine." Despite everything I said, I knew it'll take time for mom to adjust without us. I could see Wendy nod from my peripheral view. She stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.     ___   We arrived at our condo. Everything we need are mostly here as we already brought some necessities. We're currently camping at my room with chips, unhealthy carbonated drinks, and some overly cliche movie that we're not really paying attention to, just to kill time. We didn't talk much as we're still not used on living alone. We may have eachother but this time, we have to be responsible and live like an independent adult and the thought itself scared me. We're still 17 after all.     "Are you excited for tomorrow?" Wendy turned to me with a grin. "How is that even a question?" We both laughed shortly. "Okay, you're excited, but what I wanted to know is what excites you more." It didn't take a genius to understand what my sister meant. The knowing grin gave it away. "Of course I'm more excited of seeing her again. I miss her. Bad. " She gave me one of those 'Oh really?' looks. "Don't look at me like that! I know you're excited too and don't even dare think of denying it." I felt warm all of the sudden.   "Fine, I'm excited. But surely not as excited as you. You'll finally get to see the love of your life for 10 years!" "Y-Yah!" I lunged and stradled on her toned stomach so I was above her as I pinned her hands above her head. I started poking her sides with my free hand. "Seul! Please! O-Okay, I'm sorry! Just stop. I can't anymore!" With Wendy's helpless pleads, I went back to my original position. "Heartless." Wendy said in between huffs. I chuckled when she finished her bottle of Dew like she was isolated in the dessert for years.    ___   "We're lost, Seul." I heard Wendy say from the passenger seat while looking over the window. Probably searching for our possible route. "I'm sorry! It's been years since I've been here." I could only smile at my frustrated sister. "Just use the goddamn GPS, Seul." I didn't use the GPS earlier because I was too confident that I'll immediately drive our way to school without any hassle. I've never been so wrong in my life. I parked the car at the side for a moment so I could take a look at the car's GPS and...... I've never felt so stupid in my life.   "Uhmmm..." "What now?" The frustration in Wendy's voice sent goose bumps to my body. "We're driving in circles at the same block for 4 times.... The school is just two blocks away." I've already accepted death by the hands of a midget hamster. It'll probably be the lamest death ever, heaven and hell would just laugh at me. A few moments of silence later, I was actually terrified when Wendy broke it and started laughing. Hard. Is she on crack? "I want to kill you so bad right now but..." She laughs harder as if she isn't already.   "I can't believe I didn't notice that." Well that explains why she transformed to a madman for a moment. We both laughed like we're both out of it. I asked her to calm down so I could drive safer but then we both laughed hard again. This went on for a few times. What a way to start our day.    ___    "Wendy, remember. Dad said to keep ourselves low profile." I reminded her when we're shamelessly being gawked by the students at the hallway we're walking at. Maybe it's just Wendy. Curse her red hair. "Thanks for reminding me for the billionth time today. You're such a great sister." Sarcasm. One of the things Wendy's good at. We are now making our way to Mr. Bae's office to hand some papers regarding our transfer here when a group of boys suddenly blocked our way.    "Woah. Hey girls. First time seeing you arround here." I have a bad feeling about this. "Uhmm..." Wendy took a brief glance at me then faced the boy again. "We're new here." The boys scoffed at Wendy's short answer. "Oh new students! Let us give you a tour then." Just when the guy was about to throw an arm over my shoulder, I moved away. I had a feeling we have to get away from them if we have to keep ourselves 'low profile'.    "No thanks. We can manage. Let's go Wendy." I grabbed Wendy's arm and she immdiately follows, probably sensing the building tension. "So it's Wendy. I love foreigners. I heard they're great in bed." Just when the guy was about to slap Wendy's , I caught it. I twisted his hand with a very audible crack and I slammed him hard to one of the lockers. My left elbow is pushing his nape, making his face getting pressed more against the locker. My right hand was still twisting his and when the other boys tried to help the douche, I applied more pressure to his hand making them stop when they heard the painful scream.  The guy was totally at my mercy.    "Leave." The guy could only nod. I literally threw him back to his group and they left with head hung low. I grabbed Wendy's hand and I started leading our way to our original destination with heavy steps when I heard some of the students whispering rather loudly,   "That showed them."   "They're new here, right?"   "They look pretty."   "The nerve. They had the guts to start trouble already."   "Who are they anyway?"    "I can take them all down, you know." "Did you expect me to just watch?" I stopped with my stomps just to see her smiling? Why on earth are you smiling, Wendy? "What happened to being 'low profile'?" The amusement in her voice tells me that she's messing. But I'm dead serious. "And just let them touch your ?!"    Then she kissed my cheeks.    She kissed me.    I was shocked by her actions but she then said, "I was just pulling your leg, Unnie." She then clings to my arm. "I'm just 11 days older, idiot." I hate it when she calls me 'unnie' but the smile on my face contrasts my grumpy tone.    ___   "Seulgi! It's been years! Look at you." Mr. Bae embraced me in a bear hug. "Pops! I've been good. Oh by the way, this is Wendy." I pulled Wendy to my side so I could introduce her. "Hi sir. Im Kang Wendy." Wendy extended her hand and Mr. Bae took it. "Of course, Wendy. Nice to finally meet you." "Likewise. So here's our papers. It's all organized already." Wendy hands our forms and other necessary documents. "I know what happened earlier." I could feel Wendy freeze on the spot with me. There's no way he'll know about the incident earlier.... right?    "Hahaha! Girls, relax willya?" Awkward... We're still rooted to the ground. "I told you relax. Those boys are trouble makers here. Good thing you showed him a thing or two. Your father taught you well." He does know. Of course, how can he not? "Are we in trouble?" Wendy asked like a child on the verge of tears. "Wha- No! Are you really Minho's daughters? Your father is quite a brat with my son as his partner." Uncle Seunghyeon. Oh yeah. "Uhmmm pops-" "She'll eat lunch at the cafeteria at 11:00. I knew you'd ask that." Wendy and Mr. Siwoon are now looking at me with a knowing grin.   ___   We went to our classes after our short meeting with Mr.Bae. We didn't have that much to do as we're still being oriented unlike other students. During classes, I can't stop thinking about lunchbreak. Of course, it's not that I'm starving and wanted to eat lunch badly. I have no idea what the class is talking about but what I know is that I'm excited to see her again aaaaaannnnd.... I also know that I'm nervous. Who wouldn't be? We've only talked with eachother through the help of technology for years.   I haven't got the chance to 'meet' with her for a month already. This is the longest as we were still busy preparing for migrating back here in Korea. What if the awkwardness gets us? It's been years after all. I was literally making myself like a shaking leaf. I was brought back to reality with the ringing of the bell saying it's lunchtime. I then felt a hand over mine.   "Sis, come! You've been waiting for this!" Wendy was dragging me to the cafeteria. This short legged hamster is really dragging me. I pity her. "Looks like you're more exicted than me." I gave her a teasing grin but she honestly says, "Of course! I've been waiting for years to meet her. Try not to be too jealous, okay, unnie?" I rolled my eyes with an exaggerated scoff. The hamster just giggled.    ___     "Seul..." Wendy tugged my long sleeve. "Yeah?" "Are you sure Mr. Bae said cafeteria?" "Uhu." "Then why are we standing infront of a mall?"   Both of us just stood there as we're still in awe at the said 'cafeteria'. The place was huge. I swear to god, we look like lost tourists. "Listen here Seul. There's no way I'm trusting you with directions again in a place like this." Wendy grabbed my hand and started leading the way. "Don't worry. I don't trust me either." The cafeteria's interior is just as amazing as it's exterior. The said cafeteria has vending machines left and right, polished marble floor, robots cleaning everything, cafes, heck there's even a garden with a freaking pond.   I'm actually worried of getting lost again. We're walking for 20 min already (We got distracted with some fascinating...things... Yep. Things.) and still no sign of her.  "We don't have classes this afternoon right?" I asked Wendy and she nods her answer. I just wanted to make sure because this searching thing might take a while. "Let's look for her in one of these tables."   Even though the place was huge, half of the tables were already occupied as it's already lunch time. Hopefully she's one of them. I gave Wendy a determined nod. I just have to see her. I scanned the whole place, looking for a certain brunnete when Wendy intertwined our hands together. I looked at her and she was having this dreamy smile.    "What?"
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Chapter 28: Finally they both reuniting with their dad
whesasomo #2
Chapter 27: Wow, this is really good!
17 streak #3
Chapter 27: The big day is coming :)
Chapter 27: Come on.... beat their asses out
17 streak #5
Chapter 26: take your time!! We can wait :)
ahverryblue07 #6
Chapter 26: Take all the time that you need authornim. We'll wait. ^^v
Chapter 26: Take ur time :D
isl00171 #8
Chapter 1: Cute puppy pure
Chapter 26: it's ok , author-nim. I can wait for it haha.
Love Seulgi in this mood very much , she is really smart.
Chapter 25: Seulgi is so cool here!! Can't wait to know what they have planned to counter the red clouds' plan :D