Chapter 23

Still the same
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Chapter 23 


Irene sits alone at the agency's cafeteria, lost in her own thoughts. The fact that the red cloud already have one excalibur stresses her out. She knows the red cloud still needs one more to do their plan but she also knows she can't relax. She knows something will happen soon so she can't let her gaurd down. Another thing that's bothering her are the sisters. She did promise she'll help but she can't do a single thing about it right now. She released a long sigh and drinks her cup of coffee when she felt a hand on her shoulder. 


"What's with the long face, hyunie?" Yoona beamed at Irene and Irene stood up and gave the woman a hug. "Unnie, what brings you here?" Irene was able to smile now. Yoona turns to one of her gaurds and told them to give them privacy and the gaurds followed. Yoona sat beside Irene and Irene leans her head to the taller woman's shoulder. "I baught coffee." Yoona lifts her cup to Irene. 


"You're not just gonna come all the way here with five gaurds just to buy coffee." Irene retorts and Yoona chuckles and pinches Irene's nose. The two are close throughout the years. They met because of Seunghyeon and Mr. Im with their work stuff and the friendship of the two started. Yoona treats the younger as her real sister and vice versa. 


"I actually came to meet with your father." Irene turned to the older woman with brows meeting together. "Is there something wrong?" Irene worriedly asked but Yoona assured her. "Nothing serious, I assure you." Yoona smiled it off and Irene nods. A moment of comfortable silence engulfed them when Yoona decided to break it. 


"I heard about the sisters." Irene's face turned dark and gloomy once again. "Yeah..." Irene trailed off. Yoona affectionately pats Irene's crown. "I'll see what I can do." Irene turned to Yoona with a confused expression plastered on her face. "What are you talking about, unnie?" Yoona sips on her coffee before talking. "I'll try talking it out to your dad when we meet." Irene started to smile again. "But!" Irene jerks from getting startled. Yoona chuckled. 


"But?" Irene mirrored. "Don't expect anything okay? I'll just try my luck." Irene hugs the woman by her side with a full smile on her face this time. "Thanks, unnie." 




"Come in." The door opened and revealed Yoona. "Ah, Yoona come in." Seunghyeon takes Yoona's coat and pulls a chair for Yoona to sit down. "Thanks, uncle." Seunghyeon sits on the other side of his desk. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Seunghyeon begins. "I want to help the agency about the red cloud." Yoona answers directly. Seunghyeon's face turned serious. 


"It's dangerous." 


"I know." 


"We can handle Hakyeon ourselves."


"I can help." 


"You don't have to." 


"I want to." 


Seunghyeon sighs deeply. "You're stubborn aren't you." Yoona smiles. "'Determined' is the right word." She corrects. He rans his fingers through his hair as if thinking  hard.  "Okay, I'll allow you." Yoona shows her alligator smile. "Really, uncle?" Seunghyeon crosses his arms and nods. "Thanks, uncle." Seunghyeon chuckled. 


"The agency should be the one thankful for the Im's service, Yoona." Yoona stands up from her seat. "Thank you for giving me the chance. That would be all." Yoona bows and went for the door when she remembered something. "Uhmm uncle?" Seunghyeon lifts his head up from his paperwork. "What is it?" Yoona takes a deep breath, hoping things would work out the way she wanted it. "It's about the sisters." Senghyeon's brows met this time. 


"What about them?" Yoona went back to her original seat. "I kinda did my own research and found out about everything and..." Yoona trails off. "And?" Yoona bit her toungue and said, " I was thinking if you could give them a pardon with their detention and let them help with the case." 




"Uncle~" Yoona whines. 


"Did Joohyun ask you to tell me this?" Seunghyeon asked. "Wha- No! I just thought that they kinda have the right to help with the case considering that their father's life is on danger." Yoona reasons out. "They still broke laws. I have to be fair here." Seunghyeon retorts. "Yes exactly! You have to be fair. You know you're capable of giving them a pardon and besides, theirs skills are way better than one of your top agents combined. That'll be a big help if you could only just allow them." And Yoona reasons again. 






Three beats of silence 


"I'll think about it." Seunghyeon gave up from Yoona's 'Determined' personality. "I wonder where the hell did you get the guts to talk to me like that." Seunghyeon shakes his head in amusement. "Because I don't work for you." Yoona playfully sticks her toungue out and leaves the room with one final bow. 




"You guys have a visitor." A gaurd said through the door of Seulgi and Wendy's room. "Coming." Wendy replied. The sisters looked at eachother in confusion. "Who could it be this time?" Seulgi asked. Irene did visit them earlier so it's strange if she came back early. "We'll just find out. Come." Seulgi followed her sister out of their room. 


"Unnies!" Tzuyu called out to the sisters. Tzuyu ran to them and hugged both of them. "Hey, kid." Seulgi pats the girl on the head while Wendy hugs the girl tighter. "Lets sit down okay?" Wendy suggests. The group sat down with a table separating them. The sisters sitting together withTzuyu across them. "You came alone?" Seulgi asked the girl. It's unsual for Tzuyu to be alone without Joy and Yeri around. 


"We're actually getting our new mission and I happened to come earlier than expected so I just decided to say hi." Tzuyu reaches under the table. "And I brought you snacks." Tzuyu proudly places the bag of snacks on the table. Seulgi's eyes twinkled and Wendy's widened. "You really didn't have to, Tzuyu." Wendy reminded which the girl laughs it off. 


"I missed you guys." Tzuyu said moments after. "You're not angry with us?" Wendy worriedly asked. "Not even a bit. I completely understand and would do the same if it were to happen to Irene-unnie-" Tzuyu bit her toungue and Seulgi clenched her fists and Wendy internally smirked. "O-Or anyone that I love!" Tzuyu hurriedly said before things go awkward which abviously failed judging Seulgi's gloomy expression and Wendy's smug look on her face. Tzuyu desparately tries to hide the deep red coloring her face with her locks. 'Cute' Wendy thought. 


"You love her?" Wendy's question made Tzuyu lift her head back again a little bit too fast showing the reddened face. "Yes, I mean no, I mean..." Tzuyu gave up and lightly bumps her head on the table. Wendy let out a laugh this time. Wendy also noticed Seulgi's furrowed brows and slightly pouty lips. 'How obvious can these two get?'. 


'This is useless.' Tzuyu thought. "I...did confess." Seulgi had a bad history of choking on absolutely nothing and boy is she showing off her talent right now. She puts her cola down while Wendy tried hard not to laugh as she once again pats her sister's back. Deja vü. On the other hand, Wendy wasn't surprised at all. She kinda expected this to happen sooner or later. 


"So..." Wendy probes the flushing girl while still patting the still choking girl. "She rejected me." Tzuyu bows her head from disappointment but lifts it again and tries to smile. Seulgi miraculously stopped choking and obviously sighed in relief. Must be from recovering or maybe the news of Tzuyu being rejected or maybe both. 


"As expected, she only looks at me like a sister so I kinda seen it comming. She must be wierded out of me." Tzuyu laughs it off. Wendy's brows met because of this. "It's not wierd for a girl to fall in love with another girl. It's just...uncommon." Tzuyu smiles fully this time. 


"Thanks, unnie." 




"Henry, let's start our surprise."


"Yeah, wait for my signal." 


"We better get started, N's already on the way. "




"Oh, Henry, I thought it was your day off." The gaurd greeted Henry who's walking closer. "No, it was your day off." Before the gaurd could even ask what Henry meant, he was shot dead by no other than Henry. The gaurd was actually gaurding an excalibur weapon, the double daggers. Henry got in without any hassle because people respected him in the agency because of his rank. 


Henry walks to the glass vault with the iron case containing the double daggers. A satisfied smile escaped his lips. He takes a flashdrive from his pocket and inserts it to the vault's code-pad. A few seconds later, the vault opens and Henry got the double daggers with ease. 




"Tzuyu! Why so early? Hi unnies!" Joy and Yeri waves to Tzuyu, Wendy, and Seulgi and the three returned the gesture. The two sat down with Tzuyu. "Where have you been?" Yeri bashfully smiles and scratches her nape. "She keep bugging me to go to the bakery! She won't stop whining until I gave in." Joy complains and everyone laughs. Wendy and Seulgi missed these kind of conversations with the kids. 


"Unnie, we gotta go." Joy and Yeri furiously turned to Tzuyu. "But we just got here." The two eyed Tzuyu who's already standing up from her seat, seeming to struggle with her balance. "But we're already late for-" Everybody held their breaths when Tzuyu actually slipped this time. The girls closed their eyes as they wait for the impact. 




They opened their eyes and was surprised at what they saw. Wendy went across the table and caught the blushing Tzuyu, her right hand wrapped around the Tzuyu's waist an her other holding Tzuyu's head, faces a few inches apart. They stayed like that for a few moments when someone intentionally coughed. "Uhmm Wendy, great catch, sis. they're kinda...late so..." Wendy hurriedly lets go of Tzuyu but not before making sure that Tzuyu could stand properly. 


"Uhmm y-yeah. Be careful next time okay." Wendy stuttered. 'Weird' Seulgi thought. The panicked looked on both Tzuyu and Wendy adds up to everyone's

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Chapter 28: Finally they both reuniting with their dad
whesasomo #2
Chapter 27: Wow, this is really good!
16 streak #3
Chapter 27: The big day is coming :)
Chapter 27: Come on.... beat their asses out
16 streak #5
Chapter 26: take your time!! We can wait :)
ahverryblue07 #6
Chapter 26: Take all the time that you need authornim. We'll wait. ^^v
Chapter 26: Take ur time :D
isl00171 #8
Chapter 1: Cute puppy pure
Chapter 26: it's ok , author-nim. I can wait for it haha.
Love Seulgi in this mood very much , she is really smart.
Chapter 25: Seulgi is so cool here!! Can't wait to know what they have planned to counter the red clouds' plan :D