Chapter 11

Still the same
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Chapter 11

  Year 3001   "How many?" Irene asked through her earpiece that was connected to Joy and Yeri. They were hiding at an agency van, doing the behind the scene job.  "Just five. One below you, one at the right corner, and three are gaurding the stairs leading to the rooftop." Joy and Yeri managed to hack the buildings security system. She used the building's surveilance cameras at their advantage.    She's currently on a mission to retrieve a stolen micro chip, containing the agency's Top secret files. The chip was armed with a password that only The korea's president, Bae Seunghyeon, Park Soohyun, and picked members of the board know. The chip will alarm the agency's system once it was opened with unidentified means. To their relief, the chip is still stable and locked.    They were at a huge company building named 'Hiachi group of companies'. Mr.Hiachi was alreay under surveilance way before the stealing of the chip happened. He was suspected to be the mastermind of multiple murders, murders of his rivals in business. The motive was still unknown as Mr.Hiachi has no business with the agency at all. The agency's suspicions were confirmed when one of their men managed to get in the company and gather enough evidence. Strangely, The company, or Hiachi rather, Shows no sign of interest to the chip. They're not even trying to hack their way in through the chip. This part of the case is still a mystery but the agency couldn't just relax.    Mr.Hiachi seemed to have sensed the agency's plan to arrest him specifcally that day. Before the field agents could even arrive at the location, the buildings fire alarm went off, sending eveyone panicking to the exit. Suspiciously, Hiachi's men seemed to be calm. The commotion was for distraction. Irene warned her father about a spy in the agency as Hiachi seemed to know their plans too well. The field agents arrived with people running everywhere. One of the agents was shot fired after trying to force it's way in, adding more to the panick and commotion. Soon enough, the place turned into a battle field as the agents faught back. The police arrived just in time for help.    Irene managed to sneak her way in. Joy and Yeri spotted Hiachi rushing to the buildings rooftop where a private chopper is waiting. He was holding the company's stolen case indicating the chip's exact location.    "Yeri, lock every entrance from floor 58 to 60. I still need to take care of these guys." Irene's fingers were on her earpiece while scanning the area carefully. "Roger that."  Irene then drops from the cieling and stabs the guy with her rapier, quickly covering the guy's mouth, avoiding unwanted attention. It was quick and clean. Irene then supports the lifeless body to the ground, avoiding any noise. Irene wipes the blood off her rapier with the guy's leather jacket.    She adjusts her mask higher as the smell of the blood was getting to her system. "Next. Just 2 meters to the right." Joy said after. Irene immediately moves to her next target. Irene's steps were light as a feather. She armed herself with her pistols, fingers near the trigger. Irene finds her target, back facing her. She hit the guy's nape with her gun which sent him unconscious. The other three noticed this and randomly shot at Irene's direction. Irene uses the unconscious body as shield from the bullets. She then fires back. Irene shot them dead, one bullet for each guy's head. Before putting the unconscious body down, Irene breaked the guy's neck. The cracking sound sent Yeri and Joy chills through the other line.    "Hiachi is trapped upstairs. I'll unlock the door for you. He's not alone though. I think he's with his secretary. You can handle him right?" Yeri asked even though she already knows the answer. "Piece of cake." Irene smiles through her mask and gives a thumbs up at a surveilance camera that was located at the hallway she was in. Joy and Yeri could only smile at the sight.    ___   "Going somewhere, Hiachi?" Irene arrives with Hiachi punching the keypad out of frustration for the door that leads to the roof
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Chapter 28: Finally they both reuniting with their dad
whesasomo #2
Chapter 27: Wow, this is really good!
16 streak #3
Chapter 27: The big day is coming :)
Chapter 27: Come on.... beat their asses out
16 streak #5
Chapter 26: take your time!! We can wait :)
ahverryblue07 #6
Chapter 26: Take all the time that you need authornim. We'll wait. ^^v
Chapter 26: Take ur time :D
isl00171 #8
Chapter 1: Cute puppy pure
Chapter 26: it's ok , author-nim. I can wait for it haha.
Love Seulgi in this mood very much , she is really smart.
Chapter 25: Seulgi is so cool here!! Can't wait to know what they have planned to counter the red clouds' plan :D