Chapter 21

Dreams Only Last For A Night
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Drumming her fingers on the marble counter in the kitchen, Moonbyul hummed a song she had heard before on the radio. She only remembered the chorus, but that didn’t stop her from repeating it until she finally heard the anticipated ping of the microwave signaling that the popcorn was ready.


She opened the microwave and took the package with her hands, hissing at the heat and dropping it quickly on the counter to avoid getting burnt. More carefully this time, she opened the package and poured it onto a bowl. She then grabbed it and left the kitchen, going straight to her bedroom. On her way she ate some of the popcorn, aware that it was her best best chance as her friend usually hogged them.


“Finally! You took forever.” From the bed, Solar made grabby hands at Moonbyul, but both knew it was directed towards the popcorn. Moonbyul rolled her eyes but passed her the bowl before plopping on the bed next to Solar.


“Sorry that I can’t control time I guess.” She said sarcastically.


“I’ll forgive you this time.” Solar replied shamelessly, already munching on the popcorn. She let her head fall on Moonbyul’s shoulder, moving around a little until she found a comfortable enough position. “Ready to continue the marathon?”


Moonbyul snorted. “Do I have a choice?”


“You are right, you don’t. This is after all a life or death situation.” Solar said in a serious tone that didn’t match with her overall appearance. She was wearing a pink baggy bunny onesie that she had bought some time ago. It really was an adorable sight to see and it took Moonbyul a lot of self-restrain to not hug the girl to death after seeing her like that on her bed.


Moonbyul arched an eyebrow and stared a Solar half-amused and half-incredulous.


“It’s just Harry Potter, don’t you think you are being a little bit too dramatic?”


Solar gasped as soon as the words left . “Excuse me? Just Harry Potter? You need to take that back, now.”


Solar hadn’t taken it lightly when she found out through a casual conversation via text messages that Moonbyul hadn’t read or watched the Harry Potter saga. Because she couldn’t force Moonbyul to read the books, she had insisted that a movie marathon was necessary. Moonbyul had accepted nonchalantly thinking that Solar would forget, but the very next day in the morning she had texted Moonbyul telling her to get ready because she was on her way to her house with the movies.


“Or what? Are you going to cast a spell on me?” Moonbyul .


“Maybe.” Solar huffed but didn’t make any move. Probably because she had her hands full and she was all snugged on the bed.


Originally, the plan was to watch the movies in the living room, but they had soon headed over the bedroom instead. They took all the cushions and used them along Moonbyul’s pillows to make some kind of fluffy and cozy pillow fort. At first Moonbyul was against it, she didn’t know if her heart could take sharing her bed with Solar after the recent… ‘development’ in her feelings. In the end Solar’s pout won, and honestly Moonbyul couldn’t say it wasn’t a tempting idea either. She tried keeping some distance between them, but that failed as well when Solar cuddled up to her instantly. She couldn’t blame the girl as it was something they did all the time.


They were half through the third movie when Moonbyul started feeling a bit restless. She wasn’t good with movies or shows marathons because she even if she liked them, she got bored of being still and in silence for so long. She had tried to look at her phone, but Solar had whined saying that she wasn’t paying attention. She complained until Moonbyul had left it on the bedside table.


“You would totally be in Hufflepuff.” Moonbyul said without looking at Solar and trying to keep a poker face.


Not expecting the statement, Solar looked away from the screen for the first time in an hour. Thinking Moonbyul was finally showing some interest in the magic universe, she couldn’t help but feel excited about her reasoning. “Do you think I share traits with that house? Why?” She asked eagerly.


“Because you are dumb.”


Solar clearly had expected too much from her.


The smack she received on her arm was so strong that the sound echoed in the room, but Moonbyul was too busy laughing her off to even feel the sting. Solar on the other hand was groaning in frustration.


“Hufflepuffs aren’t dumb! They are loyal, and hardworking. They can be exceptionally brave too!” She pursed her lips and looked at Moonbyul as if the girl had done something unforgivable. “And just so you know, I’d gladly be a Hufflepuff!”


Trying to control her laugh, Moonbyul wiped a tear from an eye. The smack had been totally worth it just to see Solar react like that. She couldn’t help it, she loved teasing the girl too much.


Solar pretended to be mad at her and ignored her for the next 30 minutes, but Moonbyul knew too well how to stop that. Even if she denied it, Moonbyul knew that Solar secretly liked whenever she acted cute, so it only took her a couple of cheesy jokes and soon enough Solar was complaining about her greasiness.


It was night when they decided to stop after finishing the fifth movie. They were tired and needed to stretch out their limbs. Even Solar had realized that watching the entire 8 movies at once was a suicide mission. Besides, she wanted Moonbyul to pay attention and if they powered through they would end up falling asleep.


Turning off the tv, Solar laid down on Moonbyul’s chest. Moonbyul hoped she wouldn’t notice how her heart had started beating like crazy. It was stupid how something so familiar made her feel so different now. Still she wrapped her arms around Solar and enjoyed the sensation of cuddling her like that. Thankfully, she calmed down soon. In fact she felt so peaceful that she almost fell asleep until Solar spoke up.


“C’mon, let’s eat something, I’ll cook.” Solar offered. She actually appreciated that Moonbyul had watched the movies with her without much fuss. She expected more jokes and interruptions. She got up from the bed and smiled at how adorable Moonbyul looked when she was sleepy. “Take your time getting up, I’ll check what’s on the fridge and start making something.”


Moonbyul woke herself up after lazing around for a few minutes. If she spent more time on the bed she would end up falling asleep, so with a yawn she got up and followed Solar to the kitchen. Seeing her moving around the house like it was hers made Moonbyul feel warm inside.


Hwasa was away that day but it didn’t matter, she acted the same when she was home. It was funny to think how she had reacted the first time she met Hwasa. What Moonbyul said about the feeling wearing out was completely true. To Solar, Hwasa had become Hyejin.


She sat and waited patiently for Solar to finish. Cooking for the other had become a habit, and although Solar was clearly better at it, Moonbyul enjoyed trying to get better. Especially when she made something Solar liked a lot and she rewarded her with one of her beautiful and broad smiles.


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I don't trust myself to promise any date but just so you know i've written 2k words these past two days and i'm doing my best to keep this up. Take care guys!


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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 27: badly want to know what will happen next :(
Time really did fly by so fast. Gonna re-read this again! This is one of my all time favorite after all.
Chapter 27: nooo, why is it unfinished😭😭😭 It was a great read, though. I hope it gets an ending one day. I'll be waiting patiently until then🥹
svela2233 #4
Chapter 27: 🥹
ooomen #5
whos still waiting 🙋‍♀️
Chapter 27: I miss this fic so much T.T
384 streak #7
Daebak_Janggu #8
Chapter 27: I'm just going to imagine what happens next and create a happy ending in my head :')
Daebak_Janggu #9
Chapter 27: I am going to ing cry. I wish this was finished, it's a great storyy nooooo...
A_B_J_Ch #10
Chapter 27: The ending (or better a lack of one) is a bit unfortunate. But it's definitely worth the while to read this story.
The characters are very well portrayed, there's consistency and a solid plot. One of the things I like a lot about Moonsun stories is how mature the characters often are. And this story definitely has that trait.