Chapter 15

Dreams Only Last For A Night
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Moonbyul looked at the sign taped to the elevator door that announced that it wasn’t available for the time being and sighed for what seemed the nth time that day.


It was finally Friday evening, so that meant that her second “week of hell” was finally ending. She didn’t want to think about the next Monday, when her third week of hell would start. She only wanted to sleep and laze around for the weekend. Her growing headache agreed with the plan.


A big film production company had contacted them a few months ago. They wanted to make a musical blockbuster, or “the musical of the decade” according to them. The movie still was on its pre-production phase, but Moonbyul had been able to look at the tentative casting and she had to agree that lots of big names of the industry were on the list, so maybe they weren’t so wrong after all.


The company wanted RBW to be in charge of the music production for the movie, and the offer was too good to even think about refusing. Not only the payment was great, but it also would give them an amazing exposure.


So yeah, it was a great opportunity for them, but it also meant they had to work harder than ever because the time they had been given wasn’t a lot and the deadline got closer every day. Since they started working on the project two weeks ago, Moonbyul had been going to work at 7 am and she rarely got home before 10 pm. She practically lived off coffee and fast food, and she was sure her body hated her for it.


She knew it would be worth it once all the work got done, but meanwhile she would complain and whine about the extra hours. Just like in that moment she hated herself for choosing to live in the sixth floor of a building.


With again, another sigh, she took the stairs. She went up slowly as her stamina wasn’t at its best moment.


She was akready dreaming about the hot bath she would take. She also would beg Hwasa to make her some food, because she needed something else than instant noodles in her stomach for a change, but she didn’t have the strength to cook anything elaborate. Or maybe she would just go to bed and eat tomorrow.


Grabbing the keys from her pocket, she opened the door of her house. The sound of laughter welcomed her, and she silently followed it to the living room.


The sight in front of her warmed her heart and brought a smile to her face, the first one in hours.


Hwasa took up the left side of the couch lying on it, while Solar and Wheein were sat on the right side. Hwasa’s legs were on Solar’s lap and at the same time, Solar rested her head on Wheein’s shoulder.


With Solar spending more and more time with them, it had been a matter of time until Hwasa and Wheein accepted her as part of their little group, to Moonbyul’s delight. They even hung out on their own like in that moment, and Moonbyul couldn’t be happier about it. Solar belonged there with them.


Deciding to make her presence known, she cleared . Instantly, she received three big smiles that made her feel a bit less done with her life. Just a bit though. Nonetheless, being home with the right people felt good.


“What’s up, Moonstar?” You look like .” Hwasa greeted her with that characteristic honesty of hers.


“Wow, you really know how to make a girl feel special.” Moonbyul shot back pretending to be offended. Hwasa knew her too well to fall for it though.


But before Hwasa could reply with any of her sassy remarks, Wheein threw herself into Moonbyul’s arms, almost tackling her to the ground in the process. Patting her head lovingly, Moonbyul reciprocated the hug with her free arm and smiled down at the girl.


“Remind me again why am I housemates with you when Wheein exists?”


Instead of feeling bothered by the comment, Hwasa chuckled.


“Because I actually pay my part of the rent and food, unlike someone else.”


Well, Moonbyul couldn’t fight that logic.


“Who cares about money when I give you two my undying affection and love?” Wheein chimed in with a shameless grin.


Hwasa and Moonbyul looked at each other with a very unimpressed expression.


“I’m gonna start charging you for staying here.” Moonbyul stated before releasing Wheein.


“Yes, like a special fee.” Hwasa agreed much to Wheein’s dismay, who looked at both as if she had just gotten stabbed in the back. Moonbyul caught Solar’s gaze and winked, getting an amused smile from her.


After listening for a while to Wheein point out the reasons why her presence there was very much necessary, Moonbyul felt the exhaustion –and the headache that followed it- start catching up on her once again.


Solar seemed to notice it and approached her with a worried expression.


“Are you okay?” She almost whispered. It wasn’t necessary because Hwasa and Wheein were once again immersed in the tv.


“Yes, I’m just tire and my head hurts a bit. Nothing that a good hot shower and 12 hours of sleep won’t fix.” She joked, not wanting to trouble Solar.


Even though she didn’t look totally convinced, Solar accepted her words with a nod. “Okay, go on then, the sooner you do it, the better.”


With a smile, Moonbyul poked her cheek and left the living room before Solar could retaliate. She grabbed from her room a bit shirt and one of the sweatpants she usually used as pajamas and went to her bathroom.


After living in a smaller house with just one bathroom, Hwasa and she decided they needed to move to a bigger place that had at least one for each other. They realized it had been a great decision when they stopped fighting for taking too long in the bathroom when the other needed it.


She decided to forgo taking a bath because it would take her too much time and she needed her bed as soon as possible, so a nice and hot shower was the best next thing.


She probably spent too much time anyway, but the stream of almost scalding water on her back felt too amazing to be cut short. She could feel her muscles relaxing slowly, and she made the most of it until the hot temperature started making her feel lightheaded. Passing out in the bathroom definitely wasn’t part of her plans.


She took the fluffiest towel she had and dried herself before getting dressed. Her hair still was slightly damp but she was too tired to care about it.


Moonbyul went to the living room to say goodnight to the girls before going to bed, but an amazing smell stopped her in her tracks. With an embarrassingly loud growl, her stomach reminded her that she was –indeed- starving, so she followed the mouth-watering scent to the kitchen.


Warned by the sound of her steps, Solar received her with a smile. She was in front of the stove, stirring the content of a small cooking pot.


“You are just in time, I was about to go look for you.” Solar told her, her attention put on the pot again.


Walking up to her, Moonbyul rested her head on Solar’s shoulder from behind, taking advantage of the small height difference to look into the pot.


“What is that? It smells amazing.” She asked. Out of habit, she wrapped her arms around Solar.


“I supposed you were probably hungry, and today has been especially cold, so I thought you would enjoy something warm. It’s just a chicken soup, nothing fancy.” Solar explained, feeling slightly embarrassed for making something so simple.


Touched by her thoughtfulness and at a loss for words, Moonbyul quickly shook her head. “No, it’s perfect.” She said with total honesty. “Really, thank you, it’s just what I needed.”


Solar turned her head and looked at her with a warm smile, and as Moonbyul did the same, she realized how close they actually were. It wasn’t the first time. Since they had gotten used to each other, cuddling was a common occurrence between them. But maybe because she felt so thankful or because of how tired she was, Moonbyul had to look away, feeling overwhelmed.


Not wanting to make it awkward, Moonbyul

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I don't trust myself to promise any date but just so you know i've written 2k words these past two days and i'm doing my best to keep this up. Take care guys!


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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 27: badly want to know what will happen next :(
Time really did fly by so fast. Gonna re-read this again! This is one of my all time favorite after all.
Chapter 27: nooo, why is it unfinished😭😭😭 It was a great read, though. I hope it gets an ending one day. I'll be waiting patiently until then🥹
svela2233 #4
Chapter 27: 🥹
ooomen #5
whos still waiting 🙋‍♀️
Chapter 27: I miss this fic so much T.T
385 streak #7
Daebak_Janggu #8
Chapter 27: I'm just going to imagine what happens next and create a happy ending in my head :')
Daebak_Janggu #9
Chapter 27: I am going to ing cry. I wish this was finished, it's a great storyy nooooo...
A_B_J_Ch #10
Chapter 27: The ending (or better a lack of one) is a bit unfortunate. But it's definitely worth the while to read this story.
The characters are very well portrayed, there's consistency and a solid plot. One of the things I like a lot about Moonsun stories is how mature the characters often are. And this story definitely has that trait.