Chapter 13

Dreams Only Last For A Night
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Solar opened the door and welcomed Moonbyul with a big smile. With both busy at work, they hadn’t had time to see each other and almost a week had passed. Both were excited to hang out after all those days communicating by text messages only.


Solar ushered her inside and told her to wait in the living room while she grabbed a drink for them.


Moonbyul complied but also took her time to observe surroundings. It was the first time she was in Solar’s apartment and she thought it could be a great way of getting to know her more. From what she could see at first sight, it was pretty small but had a cozy feeling to it. It looked very Solar-ish.


She grinned when she saw a squirtle plushy on the couch and grabbed it. It was pretty big and looked a bit worn-out, probably for being used too much. She could imagine Solar watching a movie while hugging it. What a cute image.


Still squeezing the squirtle, she approached the bookshelf next to the tv. Besides several books, there were some frames. The first picture was of the same dog she had seen on Solar’s profile in Facebook before they changed it to one from their couple photoshoot. She looked fluffy and had a cute face. She wondered if the dog stayed with Solar’s parents at her hometown.


The next picture picked up her interest more. It was a very young Solar at the beach. She had her hair in ponytails and it must had been winter because she was wearing a light purple coat. But the best part was the smile, clearly the same one than the adult Solar had. Moonbyul was also happy to see that Solar had maintained the cute and chubby cheeks.


“What are you looking at?” Coming from behind, Solar looked at Moonbyul suspiciously. “Hey, what are you doing with Squirtle.” Solar tried to take the stuffed toy back, but Moonbyul resisted.


“No, it’s mine now.” Moonbyul grinned amused. Teasing Solar was becoming her favorite hobby. But who could blame her when Solar reacted in such a cute and funny way?


Crossing her arms on her chest, Solar pursed her lips. “Why did I invite you over?”


“Because you like my company a lot.”


Solar rolled her eyes and turned around. “C’mon, your drink is on the table.”


“Wait!” Holding the squirtle with one arm, she used her free hand to grab Solar’s before she went away.


“What?” Solar asked, still pretending to be mad at her. Without replying, Moonbyul released her hand and slowly lifted her arm. Confused, Solar kept staring at her. “Byul-“


Before she could finish, Moonbyul softly pressed her closed fist against Solar’s cheek, grinning widely at the result. “Whoa.”


Solar squinted her eyes at Moonbyul but didn’t stop her from doing it.


“Wait, take this.” Moonbyul quickly passed the toy over to Solar and with her other hand she did the same with Solar’s free cheek. “Whooooooah.”


She was truly amazed.


Solar accepted with resignation that she would have to wait until Moonbyul got bored. She looked like a kid getting a new toy. And she wouldn’t admit it, but Moonbyul’s excited face was pretty cute, so it wasn’t too bad.


After what felt like hours, Moonbyul finally took a step back, satisfied after playing with Solar’s cheeks.


“Can we go sit now?” Solar asked amused.


“Yes.” Moonbyul nodded with a big smile.


The couch was smaller than the one she had on her house but it was as comfortable. Moonbyul took the left side and instinctively lifted her arm so Solar could tuck herself into her. Skinship between them had become something normal and it felt natural for them. It only showed how closer they were getting.


Solar picked up the remote and the tv, finding a show both liked it before setting it down. They spent the next minutes watching the tv in silence, but Moonbyul got bored. She wanted to talk to Solar instead. But Solar seemed to be pretty focused on the show, so she decided to play with her a bit.


She started by clearing softly, loud enough to be heard but not to catch anybody’s attention. As expected, Solar remained unfazed. Her eyes glued to the screen and slightly open.


Moonbyul waited for a minute because clearing again, this time a bit louder. Trying her best to hide a smile, she put on a poker face and looked straight at the tv when Solar glanced at her.


As soon as Solar turned her head again, Moonbyul repeated the sound for the third time. This time Solar snapped her head too fast for Moonbyul to pretend she wasn’t doing it on purpose, so she burst into laughter while Solar frowned at her and complained.


“Why are you so weird?” Puffing her cheeks in an annoyed way, Solar pushed Moonbyul and got away from her, leaning on the other side of the couch.


“Nooo, come heeere.” Moonbyul whined as she reached out to Solar, but because she was still laughing, it didn’t have the desired effect.


Solar swatted her hand away with squinted eyes. “No! You are annoying.”


“But I want cuddles.” Moonbyul replied trying her best to sound as pitiful as possible. Maybe that way Solar would feel bad and go back to her side.


Without wasting a second, Solar grabbed Squirtle and threw it against Moonbyul’s head. When Moonbyul shot her an incredulous look, she couldn’t help but giggle. “You can cuddle that instead.” Solar told her.


Moonbyul took Squirtle and looked at it with a pout. She didn’t want a stuffed toy, she wanted the real thing.


“But I want youuu.” She complained again, aiming her best puppy eyes at Solar.


“Ugh, you are so greasy.” Solar wasn’t going to fall for it, even if Moonbyul did look cute. “You lost your chance, accept it.”




Solar rolled her eyes with indifference and focused on the tv again, ignoring Moonbyul on purpose. She counted the seconds, knowing Moonbyul wouldn’t let it go so easily, but after a couple of minutes in silence she started to get suspicious.


Subtly, she stole a glance at the girl, only to find her looking straight at her with a pout. She groaned loudly. “Stop making that face!”


“Then pay attention to me!” Moonbyul sniveled.


“What are you, a child?” Solar huffed, pretending she wasn’t charmed by Moonbyul’s pout.


“Will you cuddle me if I say yes?”


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I don't trust myself to promise any date but just so you know i've written 2k words these past two days and i'm doing my best to keep this up. Take care guys!


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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 27: badly want to know what will happen next :(
Time really did fly by so fast. Gonna re-read this again! This is one of my all time favorite after all.
Chapter 27: nooo, why is it unfinished😭😭😭 It was a great read, though. I hope it gets an ending one day. I'll be waiting patiently until then🥹
svela2233 #4
Chapter 27: 🥹
ooomen #5
whos still waiting 🙋‍♀️
Chapter 27: I miss this fic so much T.T
385 streak #7
Daebak_Janggu #8
Chapter 27: I'm just going to imagine what happens next and create a happy ending in my head :')
Daebak_Janggu #9
Chapter 27: I am going to ing cry. I wish this was finished, it's a great storyy nooooo...
A_B_J_Ch #10
Chapter 27: The ending (or better a lack of one) is a bit unfortunate. But it's definitely worth the while to read this story.
The characters are very well portrayed, there's consistency and a solid plot. One of the things I like a lot about Moonsun stories is how mature the characters often are. And this story definitely has that trait.