Chapter 12

Dreams Only Last For A Night
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With an annoyed smack, Moonbyul stopped the alarm from ringing anymore. She had already hit snooze twice and she was aware a third time would be too much. Not that she wasn’t tempted, but she was trying to be responsible.


With a groan, she pushed the blankets away and sat up on the edge of her bed. She rubbed her eyes trying to wake herself up and she let herself have a couple of minutes before getting up and walking to the bathroom.


Once in front of the mirror, she looked at her reflection with dissatisfaction. Her hair was tangled, she had acne and her face was too round for her liking. Looking down, she took the hem of her shirt and lifted it. A few seconds later she released it accompanied by a sigh. It seemed like all her baby fat hadn’t magically disappeared overnight.


Just another day in the life of Moon Byulyi.


Like every day, she washed her face and brushed her teeth, then she tried to tame her hair before getting dressed. At least the uniform wasn’t especially ugly, she had seen worse. She checked her backpack to make sure she had everything and once she was done, she dragged her feet to the kitchen, where her parents read the newspapers.


“Byulyi, there’s orange juice on the counter, we just made it.” Her father told her with a smile before going back to reading.


“I’ll get a glass, thanks.” Moonbyul muttered. It wasn’t that she had a bad relationship with her parents or anything, but she wasn’t a morning person. Luckily her parents knew it already and didn’t take it the wrong way.


After getting herself a glass of the orange juice and munching on a couple of toasts, she said goodbye and left the house. Walking slowly would only delay the inevitable, so she didn’t see the point on doing it. With quick steps, she arrived to her high school in no time.


Trying her best to go unnoticed, she entered the building keeping her head down. Another reason for getting there early was the chance to avoid certain people, like Mark Bailey and his friends. Or lackeys if she had to use a more proper word to describe what they were.


According to movies, high school was never easy for teenagers, but Moonbyul had hoped it would be different for her. Hope is the last thing you should lose, right? Well, fat chance, high school was as horrible as those stories told.


Looking at both sides of the hallway, she carefully approached her locker, eyes squinted with distrust. It wouldn’t be the first time she got taken by surprise. Quickly using the combination to open her locker, she took the books she would need for the day. She closed it and crouched down to put the books inside.


She was about to put the backpack on her back when a body collided with hers, making her hit the lockers and fall to the floor with a heavy thud.


Groaning in pain, she looked up. There he was, Mark. He was cackling and looked close to tears. In that moment Moonbyul wished she could make him cry for another reason.


“’Sup, dyke? Are you helping clean the floor today? It suits you.” He asked with a malicious smile. “Or maybe you are just waiting to go stalk the girls’ locker room?”


Clenching her teeth, Moonbyul opted to stay quiet. Saying something would only make it worse.


Slowly, she started getting up, but just when she was about to, she felt Mark push her down once again. Moonbyul looked down and took a deep breath. She refused to let him see how much he was hurting her.


She would have to wait until he got bored and left her alone. With any luck, it would be soon, but knowing him it wasn’t likely to happen. And knowing herself, she wasn’t that lucky.


As Mark took another step closer to her, Moonbyul tensed her body and covered her face with her right arm, waiting for the next blow to come with her eyes closed tightly.


But somehow, it didn’t come.


Not understanding what was happening, Moonbyul slowly opened her eyes, expecting to see Mark’s mocking smirk.


Instead, he looked angry, but surprisingly his stare wasn’t focused on her but on… Oh.


Grabbing his arm and visibly mad, Jung Soojung -or Krystal for her friends-, stood next to Mark.


Moonbyul couldn’t help but gape at the sight in front of her.


“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Krystal all but snarled.


Mark scoffed and pulled until Krystal released his arm. “That’s none of your business Soojung.”


“None of my business? You are bullying someone in the middle of the hallway.” She retorted angrily.


“If I were you I’d go before you end up on the floor too.” Mark threatened, turning around to face Krystal completely.


Moonbyul widened her eyes. The last thing she wanted was to drag someone else into this. Especially if that person was Krystal. But instead or taking a step back, Krystal just chuckled.


“I’d love to see you try.” With a confident smirk, she crossed her arms. “You know very well what will happen if you even dare to lay a finger on me.”


And she wasn’t wrong. Krystal was easily the most popular girl in the school. Everybody loved her, schoolmates and teachers. Hurting her would definitely have very ugly consequences.


And by the look on his face, he was aware of it.


Mark looked at Krystal and then at Moonbyul, and after a few seconds and with a scoff, he stomped his way out of the hallway.


The girls kept their eyes on him until he disappeared behind a corner, and then both let out a deep sigh. That had been close.


“Wow… That was intense.” Krystal mumbled. She turned around and with a gentle smile she offered Moonbyul her hand. “Here, let me help you.”


Moonbyul hesitated a bit before taking her hand and getting up. Her hands were clammy and she hoped Krystal hadn’t noticed that. Nervously, she avoided the girl’s eyes. It was the first time she was that close to her, and she was realizing that Krystal was even more beautiful than she thought.


“Are you okay?” There she was again, with her sweet voice and genuine worry.


Feeling her cheeks redden, Moonbyul nodded shyly. She didn’t trust her voice. But it seemed to be enough for Krystal, who smiled relieved.


“That’s good. I’m really sorry you have to put up with that jerk.” She said with honesty. Then she took Moonbyul’s wrist with care and looked at her eyes. “Tell me if he bothers you again. Please.”


Between having Krystal’s face so close to hers and the fluttering feeling in her stomach; Moonbyul was at a loss for words. Swallowing, she tried her best not to look down. “I will.”



With a big yawn, Moonby

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I don't trust myself to promise any date but just so you know i've written 2k words these past two days and i'm doing my best to keep this up. Take care guys!


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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 27: badly want to know what will happen next :(
Time really did fly by so fast. Gonna re-read this again! This is one of my all time favorite after all.
Chapter 27: nooo, why is it unfinished😭😭😭 It was a great read, though. I hope it gets an ending one day. I'll be waiting patiently until then🥹
svela2233 #4
Chapter 27: 🥹
ooomen #5
whos still waiting 🙋‍♀️
Chapter 27: I miss this fic so much T.T
384 streak #7
Daebak_Janggu #8
Chapter 27: I'm just going to imagine what happens next and create a happy ending in my head :')
Daebak_Janggu #9
Chapter 27: I am going to ing cry. I wish this was finished, it's a great storyy nooooo...
A_B_J_Ch #10
Chapter 27: The ending (or better a lack of one) is a bit unfortunate. But it's definitely worth the while to read this story.
The characters are very well portrayed, there's consistency and a solid plot. One of the things I like a lot about Moonsun stories is how mature the characters often are. And this story definitely has that trait.