Chapter 19

Dreams Only Last For A Night
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Only the soft noise of the television could be heard in the small flat. The volume was low enough not to be a bother, but even if it wasn’t, the feeling of Solar’s fingers her hair were more than enough to slowly lull Moonbyul to sleep.


Not wanting to move from the comfortable position, Moonbyul wrinkled her nose when it started itching in an attempt to soothe it without having to move to scratch it.


Once she realized that the nose wrinkling wasn’t getting her anywhere, she started to whine. Immediately, the hand on her hair stopped and a low chuckle was heard. Seconds after, she felt Solar’s fingers scratching her nose.


Moonbyul let out a content sigh at the alleviating sensation.


“You are such a baby.”


“And you are comfortable.” Moonbyul shot back, not at all bothered by the accusation. As long as she could stay like that she didn’t mind the words.


“Is that supposed to be an insult?” Solar looked down at the girl on her lap amusingly.


“More like a curse. Because you won’t get rid of me. Ever.”


Solar rolled her eyes but the smile on her face was still present. “I could just shove you away.”


Finally opening her eyes, Moonbyul gasped dramatically.


“You wouldn’t!”


Solar’s mischievous smile said otherwise. Pressing both hands against Moonbyul’s shoulders, she made it clear how dangerously easy would be for her to push her off the couch.


“Wanna bet?”


Narrowing her eyes, Moonbyul secured her arms around Solar’s waist and held on.


“If I fall, you are going down with me.”


“Is that a threat?” Her smile widened and Moonbyul faltered for a second. It seemed like Solar was actually considering it for real.


Moonbyul sighed inwardly. Sometimes you had to know what fights to pick and which ones to let go.


“Okay okay, I surrender.” Moonbyul exclaimed before Solar fulfilled her promise and one of them ended up on the floor and with a broken bone.


“Good call.” Solar said, pleased with her victory. Feeling generous, she started patting Moonbyul’s head again as a reward. Or so she would say if someone asked. Truth be told, she liked the feeling of Moonbyul’s soft tresses between her fingers.


Moonbyul removed her arms from Solar’s waist and closed her eyes again. She hummed contently when Solar resumed her caresses.


Both were taking advantage of one of Solar’s rare days off since she took up more shifts at work. At first they had made several plans to enjoy the day out, but the weather was terrible once they had woken up and they had decided to just stay at home and chill.


Hwasa was having some friends over, so Moonbyul went to Solar’s apartment instead of the opposite. They didn’t feel like mingling with people that day, they wanted to enjoy each other’s company for a while.


After eating they had stopped their movie marathon because Solar’s favorite drama was going to air and she wanted to watch it live. It wasn’t a show Moonbyul enjoyed, so she had used that time to take a nap with Solar’s lap as her pillow.


Moonbyul was on the verge of falling asleep once again when Solar gently roused her, asking her to listen to what she had to say.


Rubbing her eyes to perk up a bit, Moonbyul nodded to Solar to express she was ready to pay attention. Still, she didn’t move from her lap.


“Do you remember I told you that my cousin got engaged?”


It had been only a passing comment, so Moonbyul had to think hard for a few seconds to remember it.


“Yeah, but it was long ago, right?” He got engaged way before you and I met.”


Solar nodded, that was true.


“They got engaged at the beginning of the year. I got the invitation a few months ago and honestly I had forgotten about it until the other day.”


“Don’t you want to attend the wedding?” Solar had mentioned that cousin a couple times before and it was always in a fond way, but right now her words seemed to carry some type of dread.


“I’ve been looking forward to it since they told me the news. But I spoke to my mother the other day and now I’m not so sure anymore.”


Unconsciously, Moonbyul frowned at the mention of Solar’s mother. She wasn’t very fond of her at the moment.


“What happened?” She asked worried.


Solar sighed.


“She keeps pressuring me about leaving acting and going back home to work at that company, but I already expected that. The new issue is that now she wants to pair me up with a friend’s son for the wedding and I really don’t want to.”


Moonbyul sat up after hearing that. She found a comfortable position on the couch so she could face Solar properly.


“A friend’s son? Is that your ex?” Moonbyul asked remembering the story Solar told her during their weekend away. The guy she had dated was the son of her parents’ friend as well.


But Solar shook her head quickly.


“No, no. The last thing I heard about Eric was that we has been happily dating a girl for a while. This is another one. Apparently my parents have a lot of friends with single boys.” Solar rolled her eyes, her words bitter.


“Can’t you refuse?” Wanting your daughter to quit her lifetime dream was bad enough, and now they wanted to force her to this? Moonbyul really wanted to have a few words with Solar’s parents.


Solar took one of Moonbyul’s hands and played with it, something Moonbyul had noticed she did when Solar got sad and she was around. It was a way of comforting herself and Moonbyul felt stupidly proud of being part of it.


“I guess I could, but honestly… Right now our relationship is getting strained and I know that if I say no… It’s going to get worse.”


“But it’s not your fault!” Moonbyul exclaimed, getting angry at how unfair everything was to Solar.


“I know… but even if it bothers me… they still are my parents and I want to be okay with them.”


Moonbyul looked down, her brow completely furrowed. She kind of understood where Solar was coming from, but at the same time she wished she fought more for herself. At the end of the day, this was her life.


“What do you know about this guy?” Moonbyul asked after a few minutes, once she had calmed herself down.


“His name is Jaebum, and according to my mother he is handsome and has great manners. Also a bright future, apparently he is some kind of hotshot lawyer.” Solar waved off her hand, she clearly wasn’t impressed by the information.


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I don't trust myself to promise any date but just so you know i've written 2k words these past two days and i'm doing my best to keep this up. Take care guys!


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mmmnoob #1
Chapter 27: badly want to know what will happen next :(
Time really did fly by so fast. Gonna re-read this again! This is one of my all time favorite after all.
Chapter 27: nooo, why is it unfinished😭😭😭 It was a great read, though. I hope it gets an ending one day. I'll be waiting patiently until then🥹
svela2233 #4
Chapter 27: 🥹
ooomen #5
whos still waiting 🙋‍♀️
Chapter 27: I miss this fic so much T.T
385 streak #7
Daebak_Janggu #8
Chapter 27: I'm just going to imagine what happens next and create a happy ending in my head :')
Daebak_Janggu #9
Chapter 27: I am going to ing cry. I wish this was finished, it's a great storyy nooooo...
A_B_J_Ch #10
Chapter 27: The ending (or better a lack of one) is a bit unfortunate. But it's definitely worth the while to read this story.
The characters are very well portrayed, there's consistency and a solid plot. One of the things I like a lot about Moonsun stories is how mature the characters often are. And this story definitely has that trait.