Chapter 9

You and Me

Chapter 9

After Jessica’s indirect confession, I went to bed with a confusing heart.The next day,I woke up extra early and got ready.I descend the stairs expecting no one will be awake but I was proved to be wrong when Krystal was lurking around the kitchen,probably looking for some food but I was more astonished when I saw her cooking and my mouth fell agape when I look at her.This girl is so suprising

“Krystal Jung Soojung,what happen to you? Where is the Krystal that I knew three years ago?” I asked her and surprised her.

“Ahhh unnie,you surprised me.Why are you awake so early?” She told me while looking at me.I just shrugged at her before she continue “why whats wrong with me?” she ask me back.

“no its just that the Krystal that I knew three years ago doesn’t knew how to cook but look at this Krystal in front of me.heol! she is cooking breakfast” I jested and she hit my arm.

“no..nothing is wrong with me,I always cook in here Yoong…its just you spoilt me because you were there to cook for me in Seoul” she told me while giving me some to taste her breakfast. “how is it my Yoongie?” she ask me and I just show a thumbs up to show my satisfaction.

“so your crush were pretty jealous yesterday during dinner yesterday” she told me while giggling.I knock her head lightly while eating an apple from the fruit basket.

“my crush is also your sister pabo.”I told her while looking at her.

“well if you did not tell that you love my sister yesterday,I will be probably keep hitting on you for this three days.” She jested and faced me.I just laughed when I reminisce what happen yesterday



After Jessica left me,I turn to look at the man made river.I was savouring the view when Krystal approached me while giving me an back hug.

“kry-krystal what are you doing?”I gently removed her hand from my waist and turn to face her.

“yoongie….I want you back .please.” she told me and hugged me tightly.I just internally sigh.

“I can’t krystal…I just can’t” I told her exasperately while trying to release myself from her strong grip.

“why yoong…tell me why? Please….” Krystal asked me after releasing from her hug and stare straight at me. “I love someone else krystal.I’m sorry.” I convey my feelings to her seriously.

“who is it Yoona”.she asked me

“I’m sorry I can’t tell you that” I turn away after telling her but she pull my chin to face her using her hand.

“is that someone name Jessica Jung yoong?” I was shock on how can she knew about it. “tell me it my sister?” just a nod from me cleared her doubt.

“how did you know krystal?” I asked her

“well the private show that you guys did on the hallway yesterday and my sister’s confession just now was enough to clear my mind about you both.” I blush when I get to know that she saw our heated kiss.

“ stop blushing look like a red tomato yoong..” she jested and I just giggle

“so are you ok with me … I mean a commoner like me to date your sis?” I asked for her permission and my nervousness increased when she her chin thinking about it.

“calm down yoong.I agreed to it.We never care about anyone’s social status yoong.I hope you could give all your love to her “ I feel relieved when she agrees “but please don’t hurt her feelings yoong.She is too precious to be hurt”. I smiled when I hear that and I promised her that I will take care of her.

“but before that,I still want to see more of her jealousy” she smirk while I gulp in fear

End of flashback

“do you really have to make her more jealous?” I ask Krystal while helping her to set up the table for breakfast.Krystal just laugh at my question.

“well she looks cute when she is jealous,don’t you think so?” she told me and I have to agree with her while a smirk was placed in her face. “so I want to more”.As in cue,Jessica and Yuri walk down the grand stairs while looking at me and Krystal.Jessica gaze was fixed on me so do with my gaze,she look beautiful although she is just wearing a blue black leggings and a white shirt.I made a mental note that Jessica look cute and beautiful in whatever outfit she is wearing.

“Yoona,your jaw is dropping” Krystal nudge at me. “seriously yoong,you’re so whipped”.she whisper at me while giggling.I shot her a glare.

“so can we eat breakfast now if you both are doing some secret talk?” Jessica voice echoed in the dining room.We just obliged and take our seat to have our breakfast. “where is all the maid?” Jessica ask Krystal while eating French toast prepared by Krystal and me.

“I send them back.Why do you need something?” .Jessica just shook her head and continue to eat her breakfast.Krystal kick my leg,I look at her and she was showing her sly smile to me instantly letting me know that she is going to start her plan to make her sister jealous.

Krystal stand up from her seat and approach to me.What she do next took me by surprised,not only me but all of us were shocked too.She sat on my lap and feed me the toast while smiling seductively.I tried to push her off my lap but she give me the do- what-I-say look.So I just complied to her action with heavy heart.

“Yah,Jung Soojung do we have an invisible guest here?” Jessica ask her sister in a loud voice. “why do you have to sit on Yoona’s lap when we have more than enough chairs here”she ask Krystal and I was startled when I heard a high voice.

“ah…unnie why you like to disturb our moment?seriously you look like a nagging girlfriend to Yoona..or do you like Yoona unnie?” Krystal ask sister while whining but her last question shocked me because I did not expect her to ask that question to her sister boldly.I looked up at Jessica,expecting her answer hopefully.Yuri just look at Jessica.

“w-what? What are you talking about?why I would like Yoona?she is just my secretary nothing else.” She told Krystal.I felt a stab in my heart when I heard her answer.I was expecting a better answer but I knew that I cannot expect anything from the Jung.My vision was clouded with tears and I tried to blink it away.

“So you don’t have to interrupt our sweet moments unnie” Krytal told her.I can’t take it anymore so I push Krystal lightly from my lap and I stood up. “excuse me,I have to call my friend now.Thanks for the breakfast Kry.It was delicious” I told Krystal and make my way from the dining room.

“Yoona wait”. I heard Yuri’s voice but I shrug it off before I ascend the stairs to my room.I plop myself to my bed while I start sobbing.Stupid Yoona,stupid yoona.Of course she won’t like you,who you are if compared to her status.After half an hour,Krystal knock my door.She enter my room and I sat up wiping my tears.She pull me into her warm embrace.

“ Yoona stop shedding your tears.Its ok”.She told me while soothing me.I just nod before burying my face to her neck.

“um,sorry to burst your bubble” I release myself from Krystal’s hug when I heard a voice.It was Yuri.

“Its ok Yuri,what is it?” Krystal asked behalf of me

“There’s a small party organised by Ms.Choi and she wants Ms.Jung to attend the party.Ms Jung wants us to attend the party with her,krys you are invited too.” She told us.

“I’m not coming” I told Yuri. “I’m not coming Yuri,I’m not feeling well” I told her my final decision.Krys just looked at me with mouth agape

“but Yoona,Ms Jung said it’s a man….” Krytal cut Yuri’s sentence halfway

“We will attend the party Yuri..dont worry about it.”.Yuri look at me while I kept my silence so Yuri just nod while making way out of my room.

“yoona….” Krystal began. “this is company party yoona,don’t mix your personal problem with your proffesion.”.I look at her in amaze.

“wow since when did you became so thoughtful krys?..I’m so shocked” I .


At six sharp,we prepared for the party.During the ride to the location,I try my best to avoid any eye contact with Jessica.I was still hurt with her words.After we arrived,Yuri link her arms with me when we were making our way to the entrance.I just smiled at her and look at the linked arms.Inside the party,Ms Choi greet us and hug each of us while congratulating each of us for the succesfull deal.I sat on a corner while watching Krytal dancing with a guy there.I smile to myself while looking at her and Jessica was busy talking to Ms Choi.I was startled when Yuri sat beside me and offered me some drink

“seriously Yuri,are you offering me the drink?don’t you know that I go crazy when I get drunk” I jested and Yuri hit my arm.

“yah….. I know that but I just want you to get loose a bit tonight.” She told me.She link her arms with me and I found that Jessica was secretly glancing at us.

“do you want to dance with me Yoona?” Yuri ask me while giving her hand to me.I just smile,give her a nod and reach for her hand.We went to the dance floor and we was swaying to the romantic music played.Her hands was placed around my neck while my hands were placed on my waist.We were just swaying to the romantic song for several moments before I felt a light tap on my back.It was Jessica of course. “ Yuri if you don’t mind, may I have a dance with Yoona?” she ask Yuri.Yuri just nod and I turn to her to dance with her.We were swaying to the music and I avoided looking up to her eyes.

“Are you angry at me Yoona?” Jessica asked me.I snorted at her question

“Why would I be angry at you Ms.Jung?”I told her

“I thought I told you to call me Jessica when we both are alone Yoona”

“I don’t think we are alone Ms Jung and I think it’s a disrespect because you’re my boss so I have to respect you Ms Jung.” I told her sternly and her grip on my neck tighten.

“are you angry because of what I answer to Krytal this morning?” My eyes were clouded with tears when I remembered her words and she noticed my eyes.I released myself from her .

“sorry,Ms.Jung.I’m not feeling well”. I abruptly left the place and went outside to take some fresh hair.I was wiping my tears when Jessica grip my hand and lead me to the rooftop.

“what do you want from me Jessica?’ I asked her while looking at her.

“ look I’m sorry ok.I didn’t meant any of it ok” she told me while walking closer to me.

“Stop,don’t come any nearer.Its ok,its not your fault.I was just assuming things when we kiss that day.I’m sorry” I told her while wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

“Yoonaa…….” She approached me and gave me a hug.I broke down in her arms.She look at me and wipe my tears.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you ok.I was just startled when Soojung suddenly asked me that question.And the fact that your ex were there,I did not dare to admit to soojung about it.”.I saw regret in her eyes

“and do you think I will kiss you if I don’t like you,pabo” she knock my head lightly.I just smiled to her while she tuck stray of my hair behing my ears.I hold both of her hands and smile at her.Her smile suddenly turn into a frown and she starts to pout.She look damn cute when she pout and I was restraining myself from kissing her pout.

“hmph, I hate you” she told me suddenly. “how dare you to flirt with my sister at the dining room.Do you know how jealous was I during  that time?” she ask me and I start giggling. “yah! I’m mad here” she told me cutely.

“Theres no reason to be jealous because Krys knew about us “ I told her and start laughing when I look at her funny expression. “she saw our passionate kiss and she heard your confession yesterday”.Jessica starts blushing and I kiss her cheeks.

“Wait..that means you both were playing me this morning ?” she ask me and release my hand from her and I just grin at her question.

“YOONA!!!! I hate you” she knock my head quite hard and I wince.I grip her wrist when she was about to leave.

“Babe…” I called her and pull her into a back hug.I rest my head on her left shoulder. “babe….I love you” I told her sweetly and kiss her left cheek.

“Are you not gonna reply me? Huh?” I asked her and she just shook her head.I just giggle inwardly. “hmm ok then,seems like it’s a unrequited love” I fake a sob and walk away from her.But Jessica spun me and capture my lips.When our lips touched,I felt butterflies in my stomach and fireworks erupted in me.That kiss was full with love and not even an ounce of lust.

“ I love you too Im Yoona, my Im Yoona” Jessica uttered after we pull to catch breath.I smile at her and pull her into another kiss…



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I will definitely try my best for double update today


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Chapter 28: Love this story<3 thank you authornim for the beautiful YoonSic story❤
Chapter 28: I really love this story. Please make another yoonsic story author nim.. miss yoonsic sooo much
Chapter 28: I really love this story. Please make another yoonsic story author nim.. miss yoonsic sooo much
Chapter 28: I really love this story. Please make another yoonsic story author nim.. miss yoonsic sooo much
Chapter 28: I really love this story. Please make another yoonsic story author nim.. miss yoonsic sooo much
Chapter 28: I really love this story. Please make another yoonsic story author nim.. miss yoonsic sooo much
Chapter 28: I really love this story. Please make another yoonsic story author nim.. miss yoonsic sooo much
Chapter 28: A good story. I like how understanding is Jessica here. Though Yoona tends to rash her decisions, jessica is there to fix the problem quickly so they will not break apart. I'm talking about whenever Yoona is planning to go to states, Jessica always appear to interrupt and fix the problem first :D
Chapter 20: I love this one and the previous chapter because sica let yoona explain her side. i almost thought yoona will really go to states then time skip ** years after hehe. Atleast they didn't prolong the misundertanding and instead decided to find out the truth. Very good :)
KM_3451 #10
Chapter 28: Wow..just finish reading this story.. I like it.. Make more yoonsic story