I hate my life...

Stay with me ....

        The sun's rays hit your face.You fluttered your eyes and rub it.You sit on the bed and looked at the clock.Your eyes widened."OMO!! I'm late!! " .You rushed to the bathroom and quickly put on your uniform.You went downstairs and grabbed a toast that Sunggyu made for you.

"YAH! What's with the rush?!" he held your hand.

"Oppa I'm late!!" you kissed his cheek and waved.

" Annyeong oppa!! " you shouted at the front door and slammed it.

"Aish! Kids these days.." he continued eating his breakfast alone.


        *I'm so dead, I'm late i'm late!!! *You hated to be yourself,clumsy and always mess things up.You hated it very much.Instead of walking,you run to chase the time.When you reached the school gate,you sighed in relief cause' you reached in time.You straightened yourself and take a deep breathe before walk in.You keep your head down cause' you received many glares and mummured from the student around you.

"Look,is the clumsy girl!!!"

"I heard she got beaten up by the Queenkas"

"Chinjja?! What a coward!!"

"A spectacles suit her image ya know."

"Yeah she could look like a ...DORK!!" you could hear people laughing at you.

               You quicken your footstep when you felt the boys throwing paper balls on you.You closed your eyes and swallowed it hard.You a little relief as you walk in the class but student in the class just ignore you like you didn't exists.You quietly sit at your place.You need a shoulder to lean on so you look around the class due looking for Sungjong.*Where is he?* you bit your bottom lip.

               Unfortunately,there's no sign of him.You sighed heavily.You could felt you heart will burst into tears but you just keep holding it.Your eyes began watery *Why? This keep happening to me?* Tears start flowing from your cheeks.You tried your best not to let your sobbing and crying to be heard.So you folded your arms on the desk and buried your face.

"Hey.." you didn't move.

"Yah..~~~~-shi..." a hand soothed your back.

You slowly lift up your head."Sungjong.."

He smiled."Yah,why are you crying?You know you're not pretty in crying." he wiped you tears on you cheeks.

"Sungjongie!.." you hugged him tight and cried more.

Sungjong shocked with your sudden action and he slowly hugged you back."Yah...gwenchana i'm here you can tell me everything."

         You pulled out the hug and sniffed.You can't control the tears and let them flowing.Sungjong grew worried and sighed.* She must having a hard life..* Sungjong caressed our arm.

"~~~,what's wrong?".You were about to speak but some of the girls said

"Eew...get a room will ya!"

"Yeah it's so disgusting" the girls laughed and hi-fived themselves.

          Sungjong gave them a death glare and they quiet down."See,that's why i've being crying about." you covered your face with your hands and to the toilet.You washed your face and look yourself on the mirror.*Do i deserve to be in this world* you sighed and wipe your face with tissues.You came out of the toilet but someone slipped one of your legs.You end up fall hard on the ground.

"Serve you right!" the Queenkas smirked.Laughters echoed in your ears.Your tears flow as you tired to get up.?*I hate my life*


It's a short chappie! I try to do my best!


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Inspirit7_love #1
good luck for your first fic!!! It'll turn out good ~ sounds interesting!and there's woohyunnie!!! so i'll always be checking to see if you uodated anot ;) *throws hearts*
joymuel #2
omo .!! update soon ;)
Nae i will ....:D
gonqzhu #4
omo :o update soon!