A day with Myungsoo

Stay with me ....


"Okay class , we will continue this topic next week,class dismiss.. '' and the class ended..

              Sungjong are still worying about you because you didn't appear the after the break for classes.Sungjong ask his classmate where you've been but non of them know where were you.A heavy sigh came out from him.Sungjong pack his stuff and write a short note and tape it on your desk.

"~~-ah,please be alright,," Sungjong said with a heavy sigh.

                Sungjong took a few steps to the door.He take a last  glance of the note and leave the classroom.*~~~,,i hope you'll read it*.A few minutes later,you and L came to the classroom.L did as you told him to come to your class before they headed home.You went to your desk and pack your things but something caught in your eyes.


                "What's this?" you tilted your head in confusion."A secret admirer,i guess" L smirk.You unfold the paper and read it.The note says:-   

             "   ~~~~-ah! Where did you go?! Do you know i'm worrying about you >:( ... I need an explaination of this. At the of back of the note there's my phone number.Call me after you read this note, araso?"

                                                                                                                                                                                     From your best friend,Sungjong ;)


Your lips curled into a smile *he must've been worried,I better call him later*

."Hey,why are you smiling?"L asked.

"Uh-erm ..nothing" you quickly hide it in your bag.L just shrugged his shoulders and went out of the class.

"YAH~! Wait for me!" you chased L.

As you were running,your stomach hurts again."Ow..L..*cough*..L...wait for me..." you said with watery eyes.

                   Your eyes turns blurry again.*Andwae..not right now!*.You try to crawl to catch up L but it make your stomach even hurt more.Meanwhile,L was waiting for you at the school staircase."Aish!! Why is she taking so long?!".L turned back and went to check you up.His eyes widened when he saw you were lying on the ground once again.





"NO! YOU!"


You both screamed,"ARRRGGHHH!!!!,STOP YELLING AT ME!!".

                     L immediately cupped your mouth."Araso,that's enough.Come on i'll piggyback you home".L knelt as he ready to piggyback you."Gwenchana,I'm heavy and you'll have a back pa-"."Aish!! Shikeron!..Come on it's getting late.".Before L burst his hot lava,you quickly ride on his back.You blush and buried your face in L's back.


^____^ ...it's you and L moment.

                     There was a silence and awkward between you and L.You just look at scenery to relieve the awkwardness but at the same time L was blushing and his heart was beating fast.*L calm down ...you just sending her home ...but she's really cute when she yell at me...OH GOD! What am i thinking?!* L mentally shook his head."Gwenchana?" you asked.L just nodded and smiled awkwardly.*L control yourself or she might say that i'm crazy! * L thought.

L clear his throat and break the silent,"Where's your house again?".

"Turn right" you said.

"L...can i asked you something?"

"What?"he coldly reply.*Aish! This guy -___- "*

"Why i have to call you 'L' instead of 'Myungsoo'?"

"Mollayo,maybe i just familiar with the nickname.Waeyo?You want to call me Myungsoo? I don't mind"

"Okay,I'll call you Myungsoo for now on."

"Huh! Whatever...." *Yeah,you should call me that* L smiled.



                    Soon,you and Myungsoo arrived at your house.Your house was small because your oppa can't afford any luxury house since your parent past away but you're comfortble living in it with your oppa.Myungsoo dropped you down.Before he left,you stopped him.

"Gomawo,for taking me home but could you stay until for dinner as my reward to you?" you said with a sincere smile.

"Mianhae,i have a sister to take care of" your face turned to a frown.

                 "Maybe next time,err- ...give me your phone" he handed his phoned to you.You both exchanged phones.You dailed your phone number in his phone while he dailed his on yours.Done,you both exchanged it back.

"Annyeong!See you in school." he waved at you.

You replied his waved with a bright smile.Myungsoo quickly turn his face walk casually.    

shymyungsoo.gif    (He did this behind you LOL XD) 

                  You walked to the door and open to see no one by your sight."Oppa still in his work" you spoke to no one.You washed up and ready for your sleep.Your blanket secured around your body and a hand on your forehead.You felt exhausted on your first of school.Then something in your mind.You took out the note in your bag and dailed Sungjong's number.

Your conversation with Sungjong:-


"Err-Annyeong,is Sungjong there?"


"Nae!It's me,~~~~,gwenchanayo?Yah!Why did you ditch school?!I'm worried back there and why don't you meet me on recess this  morning?!Aish this girl!" you blinked in amazed that Sungjong said in one breath.


"I'm okay,I have a situation to solve so don't worry,arasso?" you lied.


"Huh...ara next time me if you're in trouble,yakso?"


"Nae!I will sir!" you salute and giggled.


"Ara,I'm sleepy.See you tomorrow!" he hung up.


                    You lips curled into a smile on the phone and put it aside.You stared at the ceiling for a moment.*Huh...i hope tomorrow  will be a good day ..*you thought.You closed your eyes drifted off to dreamland.


Mianhae,for the grammar errors cauze' english isn't my language LOL XD.If time allows me I'll update ~ <3 

Huh! i'm really stress in writing the fanfics,miahae~


 But i'll try my best :)

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Inspirit7_love #1
good luck for your first fic!!! It'll turn out good ~ sounds interesting!and there's woohyunnie!!! so i'll always be checking to see if you uodated anot ;) *throws hearts*
joymuel #2
omo .!! update soon ;)
Nae i will ....:D
gonqzhu #4
omo :o update soon!