Up For A Little Challenge?

Home Run

A/N: Idk. What this is tbh. A spur of moment that I felt the need to write about. I feel like my skills in writing has died down as well so sorry in advanced. 

This is way shorter than most of my stories but only because it's just impulsive writing. 





"Wannie! Oh my little Wan-Wan! Where are you?" Irene happily sang as she skipped her way to her girlfriend's humble apartment. Without knocking, the girl quickly fished out her spare key and quickly unlocked the secured door. 


As the wooden blockage was opened, Irene found the love of her life in a glorious looking outfit- If she could even call it that. 

Wendy, Joohyun Bae's health nut of a lover was currently burning some calories on a running machine that the latter could ony guess has been going on for quite some time considering the messy state that the younger was in. Seungwan's hair was tightly wrapped in a disheveled looking bun, wearing nothing but a sports bra and a pair of tightly fitted pants that seem to deliciously curve Wendy's features in all the right places. The younger wasn't aware of Irene's presence due to the deafening music that are pumping through her ears that even Irene, from a good distance away, was able to hear. 

The older of the couple wasn't able to stop herself from biting her plump lip as she allowed her eyes to wander around Wendy's to-die-for body. Irene could see beads of sweats gorgeously trailing down the latter's rock hard abdomen that seemed to clench even more as her speed fastens. 



What did I ever do to deserve such a delici-- I mean 'beautiful' piece of heaven?  



Unable to resist her teenage hormonal tendencies, Irene sprinted to her lover's direction before unplugging the girl's treadmill, bodly tugging on Wendy's creamy nape, kissing her torridly. The younger's heart leaped in shock at the sudden turn of events but the agressive kiss from the pair of soft lips she has grown familiar with, managed to bring her back to her rational senses. 


Or irrational; a bit of both, actually


With a rugged breath from the older, Irene pulled away hastily, planting her forehead against Wendy's slightly damp ones. 


"Gosh, you are so hot." Irene muttered as she tried to even out her breathing. Wendy on the other hand, has a strong lung capacity due to her regular workout schedule just simply wrapped her arms around her petite girlfriend that she hasn't gotten the chance to see for the previous days prior. 


"Hello to you too." Wendy giggled as she landed a gentle peck on Irene's full cheeks that seem to have gotten even fluffier lately. 


"Happy to see me?" Irene grinned as she gained her composure back, joyfully embracing the younger's half-bare waist.

"Always." Much like a practiced routine, Wendy's face automatically buried itself on her lover's neck, inhaling Irene's addicting scent.

 "Sorry, I'm a little sweaty. If I had known you were coming, I would've gotten ready already." The girl in athletic gear pouted, slightly tickling Irene as her jutted lips rubbed teasingly against the former's neck. 



Irene giggled, making Wendy pull away slightly. 


"Why are so cute?" Wendy questioned before leaning in once again, stealing a chaste kiss from her lover. Irene was about to respond to the given question but stopped midway as she caught a look of the younger's furrowed brows.

"What?" Irene questioned slightly confused at Wendy's random actions.

"Wait, let me just-" Wendy stole another kiss before her now moist lips. "Something's different."

"What are you talking about?" Irene asked but was once again interrupted by Wendy's naughty behavior.



For a minute, the apartment became enveloped of silence as Irene stared at Wendy's contorted face. A look of deep thought. 


"Cotton candy." The shorter randomly blurted.




"Huh? Are you even speaking English right now?" The raven haired girl could not stop her eyes from narrowing at the suspicious doings.


"You changed it." 


"Changed what?"


"Your chapstick. You got a new one didn't you? Cotton candy? Or is it Red Jolly Ranchers? It's really sweet." Wendy's once calm expression moulded into a hint of amusement with a smug smile forming across her face.


Irene's mouth gaped in disbelief. How did she know that? Irene knew that Wendy has etched the taste of her lips in the back of her mind but she didn't know that her girlfriend had grown too knowledgable of it. A sensation of heat began to creep up her neck, burning her ears wildly.


"Y-yeah. Jolly Ranchers." She could only mumble bashfully.


"I like it. It's tasty. " Wendy flashed a cheeky smile in approval. "Don't be so shy now. No need to be. Anyway, I'll just a take a quick shower. Be right back, love." The younger planted a gentle kiss on Irene's temple before making her way to the bathroom.



That sly chipmunk!


So that's what excites her usually tame girlfriend, eh? A knowing smirk made its way to Irene's lips before she hastily fished out her phone, quickly typing a message to her roommate Seulgi. 




"Just wait, babe." Irene maniacally giggled to herself as she browsed through her phone, killing time until her lover has finished getting ready.







Irene practically ran home after Wendy had dropped her off- not before exchanging a warm embrace, of course - knowing that her best friend, slash, roommate awaits for her with Irene's request in hand.


"Seulgi! Did you get it?" Irene called out a little too carelessly, the moment her foot has stepped inside their loving home. 

A soft voice that echoed from the kitchen answered with a simple "Yeah! It's on the glass table.

"Thank you! You're the best!" Irene screamed in delight before diving onto the clouds-like softness of their couch. The bear like girl who has just finished washing the dishes made her way beside the older, slumping her back against the feather-y pillow. 


A very much child-like irene squealed at the contents of the newly purchased paperbag in hand. 

"How many did you buy?" 

"I don't know? I just took every thing I could find." Seulgi nonchalantly shrugged as she the television, choosing what channel to settle on. 

"There are like thirty in here!" 

"Probably more." The girl laughed. "They gave me some pretty weird looks. Thanks to you now every worker in that shop thinks that I have a serious problem." Seulgi playfully shoved Irene's shoulder making the both of them laugh.

 "I mean, If you really wanted to I'd glady lend them to you." Irene's eyes twinkled with mischief.


"And who am I supposed to use it on?" Seulgi's right brow rose in questioning.

"Wait, who said that you needed to use it on anyone? It's perfectly normal to just use it for yourself." Irene cackled. "I can't believe you have someone in mind Seulgi! You bad, bad girl!"  Irene's smirk broadened, causing Seulgi to blush hard for being caught red handed.


"W-What are you saying? There's no one!" Seulgi denied but she was never a good liar, making Irene laugh even harder.

"So, who is the unlucky person? Yeri? Joy? or maybe Krystal- oh wait, she already has a boyfriend right?"

"Shut up!" The younger looked away in embarrassment.


"I didn't know you were a risqué one." Irene's eyebrows wiggled suggestively towards her best friend. "You know, Seul, you can share anything with me. I'll help you out. Afterall, I got myself the best girl in town. Hell, the best in the universe in my opinion." Irene flashed a smile of full pride. She has always boasted about being Wendy's girlfriend and she will, for eternity, continue to do so. 


"Ugh, what ever! And don't even get me started with 'getting' Wendy because as far as I know, She was the one who made a move. You were hiding in your own bubble, admiring Wendy's from afar." Irene gasped dramatically before throwing a punch that landed square on Seulgi's left arm.


"I do not!" 


"Her just happened to be perfect like the rest of her being, okay?" Irene defended in which Seulgi just scoffed in return.

"'Just happened' Yeah, right! like that time when your hand 'just happened' to touch her  when we bumped to her in the halls." 


"Exactly! You get me." Irene smiled, feigning innocence.


The young bear could only heave a sign in response. "Grandma, please. You and your lame excuses. No pun intended." Seulgi's defeated look then switched into a childish grin at the unintentional humorous joke. "Hehe.. lame excuses. Get it?" 


"I can't force myself to laugh at that one, Bear-Gi. I tried, I really did. You are just too much of a 'No-Jam' as kids these days call it." Irene shook her head in dissapointment. 





One can never genuinely laugh at Seulgi's jokes. 



Trust me, they've tried.







It was an early Monday morning when the sun is just barely peeking behind the clouds. Vehicles roared and honked as traffic became everyone's biggest problem during weekdays' rush hours. One busy body however, was in a great mood as always, a blinding smile plastered across her lips causing sudden palpitation issues to the onlookers.


"My Wendy is waiting for me~ Oh Wendy~ My baby chipmunk!" Irene chanted silently as she drew nearer the campus, highly anticipating seeing her girlfriend once again. 


"My little cinnamon roll, my cutie Wannie!" If other people were to listen to Irene, they might think that she had lost her marbles completely when in reality, she is just a huge er for the charming junior. 


And honestly, who isn't?




Irene is aware of how shy her girlfriend really is, not quite comfortable with leading such intimate actions unlike when they are alone together. The older is always the one to initiate public display of affections such as hugs, hand holding, and sometimes, kisses. But behind closed doors, it's as if Seungwan changes into an alter ego in which the girl exudes confidence, never failing to woo Irene. 


Wendy is a dangerous person. 


None of the older's friends pay attention to a word she says every time she talks about Wendy's sly personality. Due to Irene's secret of people's behinds, the story seems to always twist against her favour, never believing the fact that Wendy can indeed be a charismatic heart throb. Irene herself doesn't know why she bothers with explaining her situation when not a single soul is on her side.


Although, on the bright side, the chances of any fox ever stealing her girl will drop even lower. 




Her eyes wandered through the campus, scanning any possible location that Wendy could be. 


No signs of Wendy anywhere. 


So she bothered to fix her appearance for nothing?  Irene pouted at the thought of going through a whole day of school without her girlfriend. How was she supposed to survive? She can't survive without her Seungwan!



"Unnie! Joohyun unnie!" The said girl's head immediately snapped to the direction of the source, the person she's been dying to see.


She wasn't exactly sure why she felt so deprived when they have spent just yesterday hanging out together all day. She can never get enough of Wendy and she knew it; loved it, even.  


"Aw, there's my girl!" The older gave a love smitten smile as her eyes landed on the glorious angel that is her self proclaimed future wife. 



Irene could see Wendy's cheeks flush at the cringeworthy cliché line and yet she could not think of any other words to say to her ethereal of a lover. 



"Why so pretty today?" Wendy could see the shimmering adoration in her girlfriend's eyes, making her heart beat thrice it's normal pace. 


Curse Irene and her smooth mouth. 


"I'm not.. Stop that." The typical timid Seungwan brushed off Irene's compliment which is something the older has gotten used to after months of being together.


"Give me a kiss first." Irene playfully teased, tapping her left cheek repeatedly, pointing at the spot she wants Wendy's sugary lips to land. 


"But unnie, we're in public.." 

"So? They already know that you're mine.  Just on the cheek, come on. I won't move until you give me a kiss~" At this point Wendy did not know whether she was dating a high school senior or a 5 year old kid.


Though the latter is strange sounding. 



"I'm waiting~" Irene could see Wendy contemplate and actually hesitate until she must have realized that there was no way out and so she leaned to give Irene's full cheek a kiss. 


But Irene had something else in mind. In no way was she settling with such a simple kiss' and so she turned to face Wendy; Just as Wendy had puckered up to give Irene a peck, the older was quick to face Wendy causing both of their awaiting lips to sweetly collide.


"Unnie!" Wendy scandalously called with an accusing voice, stepping away from the older. 

"What?" Of course Irene wasn't fazed, she had been so hungry for her lover's kiss that she won't agree to any less. 

"We are in public!" The younger reprimanded.

"So, what you're saying is you'd rather have us go somewhere more private? Don't worry, love I know just a place."  

"Thats not wha- wait, how do you know of such a place?"



Oh . Red card. 


The moment Wendy's tone became commanding with her eyebrow higher than the other, Irene knew that she was screwed. 



"You know I was just kidding, baby." She laughed with a mixture of awkwardness and an intense set of nerves. 


"Don't 'baby' me, Joohyun Bae. You've taken other girls to your private place, haven't you?" 

"Wha- No! I do not have other girls. Are you kidding me? You're all I see and you know that." Wendy huffed in annoyance which by habit, came with a of her lips, a gesture she is a fond of whenever frustrated. 






Irene switched her lip balm once again. The taste must have transfered when the couple shared a kiss, leaving a lingering taste of the older's lips on Wendy's.

Wendy gave her lips another taste for confirmation and she's correct, it's definitely strawberry. Not that she's a fond of the fruit but the lip tint is surpringly tasty; quite addicting. 


The younger scoffed "Ha. Is that why you're wearing a different flavour today, to please your girls? They must like strawberry, huh?" Wendy questioned bitterly.


"Oh so you did notice. You guessed the correct flavour too. And just so you know. It's a 'girl', singular. I only try to impress one girl and that's my lovely girlfriend." Irene smoothly explained, irritating Wendy a little since she can never win against her sweet mouthed Bae. 


"But I don't like strawberry.." Wendy muttered under her breath.


"Then I guess we'll just have to keep experimenting until we find the perfect one." 


"What's that supposed to mean?" 


"Nothing. I heard Vanilla Mint is pretty amazing."


"Vanilla and mint together? Actually sounds tempting.." Wendy nodded to herself, wanting to purchase one as well. 



But that wasn't what Irene had in mind. 


Well, to be fair, Irene had a lot in mind.

34 different plans, to be exact.


Two down, thirty two more to go.








Every day, the guess-the-flavour game had been a routine to the couple, Irene continously teasing Wendy in such a way that always seemed to lead Wendy's lips into her lover's. Most days, Wendy states an accurate guess while other days may take her a few lip locking before getting an idea of what the actual flavour is, it became a daily game. 


It became their game. 


With every game comes a reward and a consequence, for every inaccurate guesses on Wendy's part, Irene has the benefit of stealing as many kisses from Wendy on that day as she pleases, which always ended with Wendy's beet red face and Irene's foolish smile. However, if Wendy guesses correctly, Irene must not show any intimate contacts except for hand holding.


And unfortunately for Irene, Wendy was a damn great guesser. 






It has been a month since their little game began and Irene was officially out of new chapsticks to tempt Wendy with.  The latter wasn't aware that the end was already here and so Irene just left the important detail unsaid. She figured that Wendy wouldn't kiss her voluntarily in public anyway so there was no use to letting her know. They are currently enjoying the cloudy weather by sitting on a grassy hill by the school's field when Irene spoke up.



"So, babe. Out of all the flavours we've had so far, which one was your favourite?" 


"To be honest I don't know. There were too many that I can never remember the taste for very long." 


"Ah, so nothing stood out, huh?"


"Nope, not really." Wendy wondered if it's okay to be honest at this moment.


"Then I guess we haven't found the perfect flavour yet. Too bad, I really wanted to find out which one you like." 


"I think I know.." Wendy mumbled, her eyes gazing somewhere Irene can't pin point. 


"Which one? So I can wear it everyday." The older's energy boosted at the thought of finding the perfect one.



To Irene's shock, Wendy leaned in all of a sudden, taking a secured hold of Irene's jaw before sealing their righteous lips together. The two lips clashed and moulded, as their tongues battled for dominance. Not giving a slight care to those around, the couple engaged into a fiery session. Their lungs burned as they seperated, leaving a string of saliva to their once connected lips. Heavy pants surrounded the air the moment they decided to pull away. 



"That one.. That one is my favourite.. flavour.." Wendy answered in a hushed and broken whisper, her speech barely coherent.


"But I'm not.. wearing any.. chapstick." Irene's hands gripped on to her lover's for support, her energy drained from the intoxicating kiss. 




"I know. The raw, natural, cold, soft lips of Joohyun is my favourite."




The corner of Wendy's lips rose along with a glint of suggestive playfulness that became evident into the blonde's hypnotizing pair or brown orbs. A side of Wendy that is never open to the public eye. The side of the younger that contradicts with her usual conservative girl-next-door image. 

Irene planted a gentle kiss on her girlfriend's already bruised lips before leaning close to Wendy's ear, whispering each word like a forbidden verse.










"You're getting naughtier, aren't you?"







*Sorry for the errors, I'll edit tomorrow. Maybe add some more details, idk. its 3:33 AM and I'm high


A/N: First of all I'd just like to say that this is such a "meh" kind of story and I apologize for that. It would drive me crazy if I didn't write about it so I thought I'd just throw it out there. I know I usually write super long updates, never usually settling for anything less than 6k words so yeah, I'll try to make up for it with my next update. I'm also posting a mutishot soon so hopefully that will turn out okay since It's all I've been working on lately. 

I have a lot of drafts that I am working on (five to be exact. They are all about halfway done) and I really want to finish them but I have been getting a maximum of 4 hours of sleep everyday. So sorry If I can't update a lot. I try, I really do but school and I am very sleep deprived so.. idk where I'm going with this XD This is a little treat I guess? I was just watching chapstick challenge videos and I got this idea. Hope you like it. :))

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Thank you to everyone congratulating me on getting featured!! 💞😭


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.