Unpredictable. Part II.

Home Run
A/N: Let the crack party continue! 
(Or whatever party you want to have. Suit yourself.)
Wendy has a spare and so she chose to walk around as her friends headed to their respective rooms.
It has been a long time since Wendy did not have any plans on her spares. Usually in the fitness room or library, or watching her favourite crime shows; but today, she gave herself a break. 
Wendy made her way to the isolated part of the field where a huge oak tree was located. Rumours had it that a teenage girl often lurked around the area. And of course, Wendy's curious mind decided to give it a go. 
As Wendy walked closer, she could see a figure of a girl with her back to Wendy, facing the northern area, presumably the calm sky. 
Wendy was now a few metres away from the girl. She faked a cough to catch the stranger's attention. 
Wendy blinked a few times, having no idea what just happened. The next thing she knew, the girl screamed causing her to fall of balance until she rolled down the hill. She quickly ran to the strange girl and offered a hand.
"Hey, are you okay?" She worriedly asked.
The girl managed to let out a groan before taking Wendy's awaiting hands. She fluttered her eyes open before screaming, startling the life out of Wendy. 
"Miss, what's wrong? Is your back okay?" Wendy quickly kneeled, feeling the girl's back for any broken or bruised bones. And to her confirmation, the girl did receive a few bruises. 
"W-Wendy.." The girl stuttered. The younger girl simply titled her head in confusion.
"Yes? Are you okay, Irene unnie?" The latter's eyes widened. How could the girl possibly know her? As far as she knew, Wendy's world revolved around  Seulgi, Yeri and author Conan Doyle. 
Irene pictured their first interaction in several ways but making a fool of herself was not on the list. 
Wendy began fondling the girl's back once again and this time, Irene let out a moan as Wendy's fingers made contact with her bruised skin. Irene's cheeks immediately burned at the unwanted noise, she quickly glanced at Wendy but the girl didn't seem to pay any mind. The latter merely stood up before pulling the older along, walking to god knows where.
"W-where are we going?" Irene once again stuttered. Not only was she with the girl of her dreams, she was only holding her hand. 
Everything felt surreal. It was almost as if Irene was dreaming. But she wasn't. 
Before the girl could answer, an irritating manly voice interrupted the sweet moment. Much like Irene's hated alarm in the morning. 
"Wendy-ssi! I didn't know you have a third block spare as well." A green figure made its way to the two girl who were currently walking. Well, Wendy walking and Irene being dragged along. 
"Oh hello there." Wendy politely smiled  and he recognized the boy as the girl Seulgi was talking with during their lunch break. 
"So I was wondering, can we maybe hang out? I'm new and I don't know the campus very well.." Irene almost threw up at the boy's failed attempt of being alone with Wendy. 
Not today, bud. Not with my girl
Irene's displeased face bore into the poor boy's soul. Déjà vu of what happened with Yerim just hours before. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm kind of busy with Irene unnie. Maybe you can find someone else to tour you around. Um.." The boy looked devastated, close to tears, in fact. But Irene found the situation rather hilarious, not-so-subtly stifling her giggles. 
"Peter.." He mumbled. 
"Ah, yes. Peter. I remember now. Seulgi's friend." Wendy's tone gave off the recognition making the boy feel worst than he already was. Wendy didn't even know his name. 
That's right, fam. Go back to neverland where you belong. Irene laughed maniacally. Internally, of course. She could feel Wendy's grip around her hand grow tighter as the girl looked at her with pleading eyes. Asking for her. Irene assumed it Wendy was in need of help escaping from the weird lad. 
"We gotta go, Peter-ssi. Hopefully you can find someone to show you around. And possibly mind your own damn business and leave my girl alone." Irene was glad that she managed to fake a smile and hush her inner green monster before talking nonsense. 
The two waved goodbye before rapidly walking away, almost sprinting.
The two managed to get away before finding themselves in front of the infirmary. 
"Have a seat, unnie." Wendy walked to the cabinet before shuffling around looking for an unknown item. 
"Aha!" Wendy excited pulled out a box of.. Coloured band-aids? "What colour do you like?" 
Contradicting what she had just said, Wendy didn't let Irene answer the question before pulling out a purple and another blue bandaids.
"How did you know?" Irene nervously fiddled with her hands and seeing the content smile on her love's face only heightened the rapid beats her heart was currently having.
Wendy hummed before giving a curt reply. "Intuition?" 
Irene wasn't an idiot. That was not the reason. 
"Liar." Irene mumbled completely forgetting about Wendy's superb hearing ability. 
"Okay okay. I mean, I saw that your case is purple and so is your backpack so I thought that there was a good chance you liked purple. And I like blue so.." Wendy briefly explained as she finished aiding Irene. "Anyway, it's done! Let's head back." Wendy grinned before once again dragging Irene. 
Boy does she like to drag. Or maybe she just likes holding my hand? Irene almost face palmed at her own words. She can hear Joy groaning at the back of her mind. Unnie, you're such a loser
They ended up in front of the room Wendy recognized as the music room. "Hold on a second. I'll just grab my sheets and I'll be right back." Wendy rushed inside, leaving Irene alone in the hallway.
"Joohyun-ah!" Irene saw Yerim running her way, crushing her with a hug.
"Did you just talk informally?" Irene raised an eyebrow which made Yeri slightly nervous as she gently let go. 
"What are you talking about Joohyun-a ..unnie! Joohyun unnie.. You're just hearing things.." Yeri let out a nervous laugh. Irene gave a suspicious glare before looking away. 
"Anyway, I brought news. You have a rival now unnie. Wendy has a stalker!" 
"Stalker? Who?"
"He's a transferee. Peter oppa." 
"Oh you mean that oaf? He doesn't stand a chance against me!" Irene puffed her chest in confidence. 
"How are you so sure?" 
"I know so. Wendy would fall for me and no one else." The older scoffed making the other's eyes roll at the obnoxious remark. 
"What did you say unnie? I heard my name." The two froze on the spot. 
"I meant, you'll fall because of me since you startled me earlier. Haha. I'll have my revenge." Irene rubbed her nape at the pathetic excuse. She could hear the youngest giggling at the side. 
"Nice save unnie." 
"Shuttup." Irene's ears burned in embarrassment. 
"Oh Yerim? Don't you have class right now?" Wendy asked.
"Yeah, squirtle. Don't you?" Irene gritted her teeth, wanting to be left alone. She has been waiting years for this moment and even the youngest knew that.
"I got kicked out of English." Yerim shrugged like it was the most casual response there was. 
"Again?" Irene and Wendy said in unison, surprising each other. 
"Jinx." Their voices blended.
"Jinx again!" They looked at each other before chuckling, Irene more timid than the other.
"Anyway, back to me. Yes, again. Mr Nam wanted to be a smartass and ask me a series of questions in English. Who does he think I am? Of course that was my chance to roast him in front of the class so I did!" The youngest not even close to being remorseful, flashed a proud smile. 
"So, what did you say?" Irene wasn't sure if such a question was even appropriate.
"He told me if I was just going to monkey around and talk like a fool, I could just go home.  And I told him 'You should be flattered, Sir. It took me months to perfect that voice of yours." 
The couple was stunned at how reckless their youngest really is. They were thankful that it was English and the girl can pass the class with a breeze. 
"Then he kicked you out?"
"Nope. It doesn't end there. I'm in a class full dumb dumbs and they just had to scream ruckus after my amazing comeback. Mr. Nam was fuming so he told me to get out and I said 'gladly, I could probably pronounce the words on the board better than you ever could, anyway.' And so I made my way out and here I am." The genuine smile on the girl's face was almost terrifying. 
"Aigoo. Next time, learn to be quieter, okay? You don't want to end up mopping the gym, right?" 
"Yes, unnie." The girl nodded obediently although they all knew that was not the last time she will ever get in trouble. Yerim is an adorable fluff sprinkled with a gallon of mischief. 
"Wanna go for ice cream? To cheer you up and also an apology for Irene unnie." The youngest looked at Irene with a questioning look which she only avoided. 
Yeri pulled the other two excitedly humming along to her favourite song which the two recognized. The couple only exchanged a knowing smile before turning their attention back to the spoiled girl. 
"So, how are you and Saeron?" Irene slyly questioned, causing Yeri to choke on her strawberry ice cream.
"Wait, who?" Wendy, who wanted to join Irene with the teasing, asked.
"Her crush in PE who likes her back. Yeri is too shy to ask her out though, too bad." The older went on with her teasing. 
"Oh is that so? What if someone else steals her?" Wendy officially joined along.
"What? No! She likes me! Just me!" The youngest defended. Her possessive side, kicking in. 
"It might change if you don't do anything soon." Wendy playfully warned. 
"Yes. She might not like her little Yerimmie anymore~" Yeri lowly growled at thought of her crush being with someone else. "I heard Taeyong is going to make his move soon." 
"Taeyong? That no good piece of --"
"Language." Irene reminded.
"Yes.. Exactly. No good piece of language, indeed." Yeri sarcastically spat back before rolling her eyes at the oldest's sternness. 
Wendy's laughter rang across the room, stopping the bantering of the two. 
Yeri could have sworn that she saw Irene's eyes slowly shape in to a heart, beating faster as Wendy's laugh grew more carefree. 
"You two are so cute." The youngest knew exactly what Irene was thinking. She called me cute! Oh my gosh! She called me cute. Seungwan marry me, please. I think you're cute too!
Okay, maybe it was a little exaggerated but not far for what the older was thinking, either.
"I know right? Irene unnie is so cute! And so are you, unnie. It's like I'm with my two mommies today." The girl purposely said out loud. 
Irene's eyes almost popped out of its sockets after hearing Yeri's obvious match making incompetence.
Much to Irene's suprise, Wendy slid closer to Irene and wrapping her left arm along the other's shoulder with her body leaning closer. Wendy flashed a cute smile, posing with a peace sign. "Why? Do we look cute together?" 
Yeri, a kid of the technologically advanced generation, as Irene called it, quickly pulled out her phone, snapping a picture of the two. 
She nodded enthusiastically in confirmation. "Perfect together." The younger corrected. 
"Let me see." Wendy, with her left arm still around Irene, reached for Yeri's phone with her unoccupied hand. 
"Oh! It is cute! Unnie, look!" Little did Wendy know, Irene's ears were already beet red from the close proximity. Irene could only give a reserved nod, scared that an unwanted squeal will be forced out of her. 
"We do look like a sweet couple.." Irene was surprised at how carefree the girl was acting with her when they have only met a couple of hours ago. 
"Looks like Peter oppa already lost." 
Irene glared at Yeri's once again careless babble. One after another. The oldest was worried that Wendy might see through her secret. 
"He didn't stand a chance in the first place." 
"Wait, unnie! You knew?" 
"Of course! From all the things I've watched, I pretty much know everything from intentions to motives. I know behaviours like Seulgi knows kdrama." And Seulgi knows everything about kdrama. Considering how it was quite predictable, it's still a good comparison. 
Irene dumbly fist bumped the air, elbowing Wendy in the process as she retreated her arm. 
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Wendy!" Irene reached out for the girl's abdomen in worry only to realize that she had elbowed Wendy's abdomen. 
Irene felt Wendy's abs through the girl's uniform. 
"Holy !" Forget about proper etiquette and language. She just felt Wendy's toned packs.
Wendy and Yeri laughed at the girl's reaction. Gaping at the feeling of toned muscles on her very fingertips. And it wasn't just any muscle, it was abs. Seungwan's abs. This was way out of her prayed wishes. 
"Don't worry, it's okay unnie." The girl sincerely smiled before rubbing the Irene's back in comfort. What came next was definitely out of this world. Wendy suddenly wrapped her arm around Irene's head, gently locking it before pulling her closer until Wendy's lips was in contact with Irene's right ear. "Besides, I liked it." Wendy's voice was beyond hot. It was husky and low and it drove Irene mad. 
Irene knew that Wendy was a very quirky girl. She was random with a personality full of surprises. But Irene would have never guessed that the younger is a flirt as well! Out of all the things, a flirt! 
No, Irene was not complaining but if she only knew, she would have prepared but unfortunately, Wendy did not come with a warning label. 
She quickly pushed the girl away before slapping her arm. "Yah!" Yes, Irene was playing hard to get. 
Before Wendy could say anything more, Yeri's voice interrupted the two. "Sorry moms but could you settle down a bit? I'm still here you know." Irene ignored the way it felt so right to hear those words. Like they were a family. Irene refuses to be the one who wears the pants in the nonexistent relationship so she will declare herself as the mother. Although technically speaking, there are two of them. 
"Why, baby girl? Are you lonely? Invite Saeron along then. We'd love to meet her." Wendy nodded in agreement as well as approval. 
"You're not gonna torment her, are you?" Yeri glared at her 'parents' looking for assurance.
"Of course not sweetie. We'd never do that!" They have been acting as Yeri's mother separately but being together is much more realistic. It all came out naturally. 
"Okay. But not now, she's busy."
"With who?"
"What do you mean who? She's not busy with a person! She's busy with cheer practice." Yeri was now whining which made her much cuter to their eyes.
"Oh? Looks like You found yourself a cheerleader!" Yeri wanted to bang her head against the table at Irene's failed attempt of quoting an overrated pop song. It's probably the only line she knows
Wendy who is a music lover, laughed at Irene's lame pun. Yeri hates to admit it but seeing the two makes her want to officially claim Saeron as hers'. Yeri knew that they would be cuter than WenRene which ignited her desire even more. She should definitely ask her out. 
"Are you sure she's with her team?" 
"Ah unnie! Not you too!" Yeri was throwing a tantrum at the two for aggravating her wandering paranoia about someone else stealing her girl.
Stupid Joy unnie for telling Irene unnie! 
She will definitely seek revenge. 
The playful banters went on until it was time to go. 
The three began heading back to school when they saw Sootan running their way. 
"Unnie! You traitor!" 
"You ate ice cream without me?"
"Yeah, unnie! It was delicious! Wendy unnie bought it for us." Yeri interrupted.
"Oh.. Never mind then." Yeri and Irene both rolled their eyes at the girl's savage actions. Wendy was literally with them. 
"Here." Wendy held out a bag to Joy. 
The trio, excluding Wendy was taken aback by the action. 
It was cookies and cream ice cream. Joy's favourite. "I take it that you don't like me very much. Or probably not at all. I'm sorry for ordering the chicken that you wanted.." Joy panicked before glaring at her unnie. You told her?! 
What? No! Of course not! Irene was just as agitated as the troublemaker. 
"In case you're wondering, I have a habit of figuring out impossible puzzles. Judging by how you've been giving me the dirty eye for a year, I figured it was because I took your rightful chicken." Wendy's eyes pooled with tears making the other three panic. 
"You figured that out just because she was ignoring you?" 
It was then when Wendy started cackling loudly that they knew the girl was hiding something. "No of course not! I was just messing. I overheard her talking to Irene unnie yesterday, I think it was? There's no way I would've remembered taking some chicken." 
Joy was not pleased. Nor was she planning on staying silent. She punched the girl hard on the stomach but Satan must not have been on her side for the older didn't even flinch at the attack. 
Wendy blinked a few times, confused to the depths of heavens as to what just happened. 
"Did that hurt?" Yeri worriedly asked. Her unnie can be a bit violent. 
"Did what hurt?" Wendy was even more confused.
"Are you serious?" It was Irene's turn to ask.
"I don't know what just happened.." Pin drop silence covered the air before Yeri's expected wit decided that silence was not a place to be.
"I gotta get abs too! Then I can get punched without any problem!" 
"Yeah you'll probably need one, getting a girlfriend and all." Joy cracked a joke making everyone but Yeri, laugh.
"What? I don't get it.." 
"You're not supposed to." Irene ruffled their youngest's hair. 
"But yeah, I'm really sorry Joy. I actually really like you. So here, take it as an apology. I'll do anything for your forgiveness. I'm a fan!" 
Anything.. Yeri was about to protest when a terrifying grin made its way to Joy's lips. 
Oh ! 
Irene mentally screamed for Wendy. Not in that way, ya nasties!
"Anything? Interesting! How about 2 months worth of chicken? Flavours of my choice. 5 times a week and no buts." The girl smirked. Her main goal was to make Wendy miserable and since she's technically Irene's best friend, she had to teach the girl a lesson before letting her officially date the oldest.
The latter pouted which was pitied by the other two. 
"But, that's like two days worth of my allowance.." 
Three jaws dropped on the floor. Two days!? For two months worth of expensive chicken? Just how rich is Wendy? 
A college student's loan is probably worth the same as Wendy's birthday money. 
"Unnie, looks like all you have to do is say Yes and you're set for the rest of your life." Yeri turned to the eldest before chuckling knowingly. 
"Shut up!" Irene's cheeks burned for the nth time today and it was always due to Yerim's childish teasing.
And just like that, a secret knowing smile grew out of Wendy's face, biting her lips in order to suppress the urge to grin at the sight.
She's right, unnie. A simple yes and I'll take care of the rest..
It's been months since that crazy day where the gang finally joined together as one. (The interaction of the four which was then later joined by Seulgi, but that's a story for later.)
The longer the time passed, the closer Wendy and Irene got together. Irene was still obsessed but she chose to keep a low profile after finally being closer to the girl. Though her desire to be with her is just as strong. Unbearable, more like. 
Here they were now, walking into Seungwan's apartment for the first time. Even after months of constantly being by each other's sides, Wendy enjoyed her privacy. But Irene guessed that the latter was feeling kind today, welcoming her to Wendy's so called home in Korea. 
It was almost intimidating how clean the house is. Joohyun took careful steps which caused the younger to laugh. 
"Don't worry about it unnie, make yourself at home. Treat it as your own. I'll just change, feel free to look around!" Wendy warmly welcomed before heading upstairs to what Irene assumed to be the girl's room. 
Irene observed the rooms. From the living room to the kitchen and back. Irene looked around the drawers before spotting some albums. 
She picked up the pink and blue patterned cover before flipping to the first page. She almost squealed shamelessly at the toddler Wendy's cuteness. She flipped and flipped until the pages came to an end, taking pictures on her phone as a remembrance, here and there.
She looked through a few more before spotting a purple scrapbook that was covered with bunny stickers of all colours and sizes.
Curiosity got the best of her and so she picked up the said item. Wendy's hunger to scratch the itch of curiousity must have rubbed off on her after hanging out with the girl almost all day, every single day for almost 7 months. 
If Irene was ever drinking anything at the moment, she would have been forced to clean up for she would've spat everything right out. 
The first page read: My Bae, Joohyun. 
Irene's eyes only grew bigger as her cheeks were flaming red from the sight. It was a series of picture of Irene. Starting from her 2nd year of high school until recently, if she were correct, last week. 
Each picture was surrounded with comments and captions, most of which was written in English. If only she payed attention in class, she would have understood the written words. Where's the youngest Munchkin Yerim when you need her? 
Why on earth would Wendy have her pictures? They were candid which indicated that they were taken without Irene knowing. 
"So you finally found it, huh?" Shivers ran down Irene's back after hearing the ice cold threatening voice. "I was hoping you wouldn't. Then I would have an excuse to spare you." Irene did not dare turn her back, her body trembled as she heard the footsteps stepping closer. "But it looks like you've uncovered my deepest secret?"
Irene's body involuntarily shook as she felt Wendy's arms slowly wrap itself around her waist. Even if this was a practiced gesture they've mastered for months, this time it felt different.
In a bone chilling way. 
Irene could feel Wendy's breath tickle her exposed neck. The latter planted a gentle yet chilly kiss on Irene's bare skin before slowly pulling away. Wendy turned the older's body around to finally face her.
"D-Don't kill me, please Wendy! I love my parents and my sister!" 
That was the last straw. 
Irene stood stunned as she witnessed Wendy physically collapse to the floor before hysterically laughing for what seemed like eternity. 
Irene stopped for a moment before realizing the situation. 
Wendy is an arts major. A girl who often snatches the lead roles. Wendy is an actress. Wendy liked improve, a trait Joy hated about the girl. Wendy often acted.
Wendy is an actress
And Wendy knew she was a damn good one at that. She saw the opportunity and she grabbed it. 
The realization finally kicking in, Wendy received massive hard kicks from Irene. She aimed for the head too which forced Wendy to tuck her head in before raising the white flag.
"Whoa, unnie! Stop!  Let me explain! , ow! Ouch! stop! Unnie, wait!" Irene finally stopped her kicks, giving the younger a chance to compose herself. 
But really, Irene didn't stop because Wendy pleaded. She stopped because her stamina was starting to drop and to save her pinch of remaining pride, she stopped.
Once a grandma, always a grandma. 
Wendy went from the confident, sly, quirky jerk to her rare shy, reserved and secretive self. She began picking on her nails as a way to calm her nerves, keeping her state fixed at the ground.
"I don't know where to start.. Look unnie, I really didn't mean to kid around like that. I was nervous okay? That you would find out about my deep secret. There was a reason that album was at the very bottom, you know?" Wendy nervously chuckled before continuing on. "I saw you with the book in your hands with this unreadable expression that even I, couldn't fathom. I knew you would think I was a creep so of course I just had to play it off as a joke.. I know it was immature and I'm really sorry.." 
Irene nodded blankly before asking. "Why do you have my pictures?" 
"Wow. I thought this would have been obvious by now." Irene glared at the younger's sarcastic remark making Wendy cower in fear and nerves. "I like you unnie.. I've liked you since my freshmen year. The only reason why I'm in photography is so I could steal pictures of you without coming off as suspicious. I often rambled about nonsense like random ruckus in the hallways, taking about Rigor Mortis. Which I'm pretty sure only a percentage of people know about. I did it all to catch your attention. Because what kind of attention seeking idiot wouldn't get noticed, right? Whether I've made a good or bad impression. All that matters is I caught yours."
Who knew that Wendy could be a pile of greasy mush? 
Irene could help but feel in awe with the sweet girl's words. She didn't wait any longer and gladly pulled the younger into a tight embrace. A bear hug that not even Seulgi could top. 
"Be this weirdo's girlfriend? So I could finally give a decent reason for having that scrapbook?" 
That was possibly the worst way to ask out the girl of your dreams and Wendy could even hear Seulgi and the satanic duo, booing at the words but what Irene truly felt was euphoria. 
"That was lame." She deadpanned keeping her squealing self inside. 
"Unnie! Just please say yes?" Wendy who hated acting cute, squeezed out the child in her and pleaded. 
"Yes." Irene pecked on Wendy's lips, flashing one of her goddess-like smile.
Two foreheads made in contact, spreading the sugary vibe around the apartment. Two content hearts became one that night. Two lips' moulded, and the two became an official couple. 
Quite unpredictable but at the same time, not really. 
On a side note:
"Unnie! You look so ugly as a kid! Wait, no, what am I saying? You're still ugly now! Maybe even worse!" Yeri's laughter erupted around Irene and Joy's shared apartment. 
Joy could only scoff, she couldn't quite retaliate when she had chopping and frying to do. 
"Wait. Unnie what's this?" Joy moved to the younger's spot to check out what the girl was talking about.
"I don't know. Probably Irene unnie's since I've never seen it before." 
"What the?" The two mumbled in unison.
It was a book full of Wendy's pictures, strands of the girl's hair, what seems like a pen Wendy forgot to take with her. Little things that the girl previously owned, pasted with a series of love notes. 
Irene has a stalker-like album as well. Even worse than her lover's, actually. Even creepier. If there was an obsessed one between them, it would definitely be Irene. 
But really, Wendy doesn't have to know about that. 
For Tyas Unnie. :) sorry it took a while! >< it got longer as I progressed on. I hope this made you smile (^___^)v
This story was a mess from beginning to end. I was thinking of writing a connecting story revolving around Yeri And her confession to Saeron. And of course, with a help from her "supportive" unnie's. But I'm not sure yet. Or maybe the same story but from Wendy's point of view :3 what do you guys think?
If you have any questions or suggestions or requests, anything you want to tell me anonymously, feel free to say something :) I don't bite~ let's be friends~
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Thank you to everyone congratulating me on getting featured!! 💞😭


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.