
Home Run

Mark Lee’s voice: it was a long ride




24471 words.








The sound of never ending shutters drowned the music that Joohyun was currently listening to. She should be used to this now. After all, it had already been a few months since she decided to be the founder of a famous girl group member’s fansite. It was definitely much more challenging than she had imagined. The constant struggle to squeeze in through the sea of fans, as well as her co-photographers, per se, and not to mention the constant battle against the bipolar weather.


“Ah, seriously. This area is big as hell, you don't have to be all up on my personal space.” The irritation in the girl’s voice had Irene giggling. Even behind the black mask, the intent behind the muffled tone was loud and clear.


“Rough day?” Irene mustered up a conversation, momentarily forgetting about the faint music coming from her plugged earbud. All she received was a heavy sigh in return, with the latter pulling the mask to rest on her chin. Without the fabric barrier, the pout was now out to the open, making Irene laugh at how adorable the girl really was.


“Oh yeah. I've been here for about two hours and all I've gotten were shoves and occasional jabs on the back. Why am I even here?” The younger whined. Irene swiftly removed the red head’s worn out cap, ruffling her already flattened hair.


“It's okay, kid. They'll be here soon enough anyway.” Irene gently placed the hat back to its previous position, before tugging her oversized sleeve upwards, checking the current time. “Yeah, they should be arriving anytime now.”


“Doesn't matter. It's much more chaotic when they're here anyway. To be honest, I've had enough of all the wailing around me.”


“You should buy some noise cancelling headphones. Quite pricey, but worth it.” Irene suggested. She bought a pair, herself. And she must say, one of the best decisions she has done.


“I'm not that rich.” The younger humoured, indirectly hinting at Irene’s wealthy background. “I'll just have to wait until my birthday. Which is next week, Thursday; by the way.”


“Tell your eyebrows to stop wiggling because I'm not buying you anything.” They both knew that was a lie. Irene was fond of the younger (perhaps too young) fellow fansite master. Irene wouldn't miss the girl’s birthday if her life depended on it.


Meanie.” Yerim played along, tugging her mask back to its rightful place, enabling her to hide the obvious smile that had been dying to stretch.


“Only to you, my favourite turtle.” Irene winked, automatically sending a burning sensation to the younger’s face, her cheeks especially. She never understood how Irene came to be as a girl behind the lens when she could easily make any camera worship her beauty.


She liked Irene. She liked her, alot.


“Wendy unnie! You’re the prettiest in the world!”

“Kang Seulgi! Girl Crush of the generation!”

“GodJoy! When! You! Smile! I! Am! Happy! Too!”

“Red Velvet are unreal..”


Those were only a few of the voiced opinions the fans had been passionately screaming. A black, luxurious van slid open, revealing three goddess-like girls that seemed too beautiful for the world to handle.


Irene quickly uncapped the lens, turning on her recently modified camera. She readied herself for the upcoming scenario. As the girls’ distance grew closer, Joohyun snapped a series of shots, making sure to focus on the group’s shortest, yet unbelievably appealing, main vocal. Much to her luck, Wendy happened to be walking on the same side where she and Yerim happened to be at. But it seems that the Gods weren't as giving as she expected them to be because just as they were only a few feet away, her camera began experiencing technical troubles, freezing at the worst possible time.


“Are you joking? I just bought you, you stupid little-” Irene was about to smack her camera lens when a familiar, gentle voice stopped her from doing so.


Are you okay?” The soft, yet husky voice asked in concern.


Irene wasn't sure if looking up was truly the best move because as soon as her gaze connected with the famous girl’s eyes, she felt her soul being captured. Her breath hitched at the gorgeous sight before her. A worried Seungwan Son, along with her other curious members; whom simply stopped because their kind-hearted member did so.


Beautiful..” Was the only word that managed to slip past Irene’s lips.


“Thank you. So are you. And please don't hit your camera. You need it to take pictures of us, right? Please take pretty pictures. I'll see you later!” Wendy waved, walking away before Irene could even process what had happened. As soon as the girls made their way inside the building, Irene quickly snapped awake, turning to Yerim with an exasperated expression.


“What in the world just happened!” She frantically looked around, a few eyes were still on her, whispering animatedly. It doesn't take a genius to realize that they were already starting to spread rumours.


“Apparently the legendary, unearthly Wendy Son knows you. She even stopped walking just to ask if you were okay.” Yeri grinned behind her mask, though clothed, her curved eyes were a clear show of the younger’s amusement. “It was pretty cute. I got it on video if you wanna check it out.” The younger giggled, receiving the reaction she had hoped for.


Of course. Of course Yerim got it on a video.


Just like everyone else, most likely.


“It was so cheesy. So cliché! Like that fanfiction story I read yesterday night. How cringey.” Yeri curled her fingers, expressing just how corny the previous moment was.


“Oh, shut up!” Irene couldn't deny the warmth she's feeling at the moment. Her ears were burning hot and her stomach was feeling giddy.


“Congratulations, unnie. You're gonna be the next big news.”


“One more word and you're actually getting nothing for your birthday.” Yeri immediately sealed her lips close, even gesturing a zipping motion.


“Looks like Wendy unnie really did notice you..” Yeri whispered cautiously, unable to stop herself from making one last comment.


The younger was referring to Irene’s fan site name ‘Notice Me?’ Or simply known as NM. A fansite, Wendy stans adored due to the relatable context: Wendy, notice me? They all praised Irene’s captures; beautiful shots of Wendy. Unaware that the girl behind the lens was just as breathtaking.


“Actually, she did more than notice you.”


“Not funny..” Irene mumbled, trying her best not to stutter despite the overwhelming butterflies in her stomach.


(‘Wendy noticed me.’)




The second time Irene met Wendy, it wasn't through Red Velvet’s schedule. The former was working in a secluded, but humble record shop when she came across the tiny figure.


Even in the most casual clothing the idol was able to stand out. She was unknowingly beautiful. A girl born to rock the stage; Wendy was born to be a star.


Truth to be told, Irene was not supposed to have met her. Hell, seeing a Red Velvet member wasn't in her to-do list that day, at all. (Not that working in a small, and stuffy record shop early in the morning was, either.) If it weren’t for Nana’s pestering, she would still be at home sleeping, away from the tedious job of organizing an unimaginable amount of vinyls of bands she had never even heard of before.


“Um, excuse me?” A faint, yet sultry voice woke Irene up from her half-conscious state. Internally cursing at the customer, Irene bit back a groan before facing the customer, putting up a false front.




Irene could see a slight sparkle in the girl’s lovely blue eyes. A sign of recognition, familiarity. Maybe if she wasn't so covered up, Irene would have remembered her as well.


“I was wondering if you have any of the Jessie J albums on Vinyl?”


Irene stared at the oddly dressed customer; hat that covered half of her face, and glasses that were a little crooked. She wondered why the customer was so covered up. Was it that cold outside? Or was the girl just insecure of her bare face? Blinking in confusion, she tried to register the girl’s strange question.


Jessie J?


“Yeah.. I love Jessie J..” Irene heard the girl mutter from behind the purple scarf snuggled securely around her neck.


Irene was a little curious as to where the girl had gotten the warm cloth.


She liked that shade of purple.


“I don't think so, Miss. We mostly just have records of bands and artists from the past generations. I apologize.” The worker could see the girl’s disappointed frown before nodding understandingly.


“That's alright. I guess it was a long shot..” Something about the girl’s aura seemed familiar but not to an extent that Irene could pinpoint.


“Yeah, sorry about that. The owner is a little stingy when it comes to spending.” Irene couldn't help but laugh at her own statement, making the customer giggle as well.


“That's okay. It was worth a try.”


“Since you're already here, why don't you take a look around? It would be such a shame to leave empty handed.” Irene suggested. She was already stuck with the dreadful shift anyway, might as well make the most out of it.


“Hm, what do you recommend?” The girl asked softly, as if scared of waking up the peaceful morning atmosphere.


Irene perked up at that.


“I kind of like The Carpenters.” The purple haired girl admitted shyly. Nana had always called her out about it. Always rubbing salt in her wounds by saying only oldies in their 60’s remember The Carpenters.


Irene liked their music. She found Karen Carpenter’s voice very soothing. It was calming and very pleasant to the ears. They produced music that suited Irene’s standards. It was mellow, and the lyrics weren't trash, like the majority of music in the present generation.


“My mom listens to them..” The customer giggled under her worn out baseball cap, and overwhelmingly large scarf.


Irene frowned at that.


“Their music is nice..” she bitterly defended.


“I know. What's your favourite song?”


I Won't Last A Day Without You.” Though pronounced with a little struggle, Irene had managed to say the title in an adorable manner.




“I'm sorry?” Irene excused, not quite hearing the girl before her.


Screw the scarf. Now that she knew how muffled it made the girl’s voice, she no longer adored the accessory. No matter how much she liked the specific shade.


“Nothing. I'll take your recommendation then. I'd like a Carpenters album, please—” The girl raised her head slightly, taking a moment to process the name on the girl’s plate that was hanging loosely upon the right side of her chest.


Nana?” The latter read out loud.


“It’s Joohyun.” Irene politely corrected.


“But it says-” The slightly taller girl was able to cut her off, explaining the situation.


“I'm covering for a friend. I needed a name tag to work, so I just grabbed hers. No one has to know.” She playfully winked before stacking the last record on the shelf. “Let's go, I'll show you around.”


Irene lead the both of them to the right side of the store, where the isle of the 70’s music were located. She began scanning each covers manually, when the stranger spoke once again.


“How's working at a music shop?”


“Can't really call it a music shop, can you?”


“I mean, you sell artists’ music don't you?” The stranger retorted.


“Well- I guess so? I like to just call it a ‘record shop’ which is what it basically is. Music shops typically sell instruments, and pretty much everything needed to produce a quality demo. While we just sell records and cd albums.” Irene explained.


“Point taken. So, how’s working at a record shop?” The shorter, rephrased; which Irene grinned at.


“Tedious. But every once in awhile, I get to meet some really cool people.” Irene continued to browse through albums until she spotted the exact one she had in mind: A Song For You.


She excitedly turned to the customer, politely offering the album.


“This is probably my favourite album of theirs. I hope you listen to it well.”


“If it's your favourite then it must be good.” The girl giggled.


“Of course it is. Always trust the judgement of someone who works at a shop like this. We are experts in this particular field.”


“I'll listen to it well.” The cozy looking customer said in a timid tone.


“Please do. Feel free to come back for more iconic album recommendations.” Irene responded as they walked back to the counter. “That would be fifteen dollars and twenty cents.”


Will you be here again when I come back?” The question took Irene aback, but she smiled nonetheless.


The customer must have liked her enough to want her presence during her return.


“Depends on fate, Miss.” Irene ringed the item before wrapping it in a black plastic bag. “And just how great your luck is.”


“I have a feeling I’ll see you around.” The girl looked up, finally giving Irene a fair view of her spectacled eyes. But before the employee could further observe the girl’s familiar features, the latter tugged her scarf upwards, masking her face even more.


“We’ll meet again, Joohyun.” The girl said, in a strangely sure tone. But before Irene could even respond, the former was out of the door, and away from Irene’s sight, leaving her alone once again.


Their interaction played in her head once again, causing a foolish smile to spread across her face.


(‘I'm looking forward to it, Miss.’)




“Unnie, are you going to the fansign?” Yeri asked as she took a seat opposite to Irene. They have been friends for a while, making almost daily meet-ups an unquestionable norm.


“Red Velvet’s?”


“No, BlackPink’s. Who do you think?” The younger’s sassy response was accompanied by an eye roll, making Irene scoff in return.


“That's not a bad idea actually. Jisoo is quite an eye candy.” The latter grinned sheepishly.


“But I like Chaeyoung unnie better. Or maybe Jennie? Lisa? I don't know. I'm confused. I like them all.”


“As expected, you're a lover of pretty girls.” Irene teased, making the taller one, blush.


“I-I'm not! I look at the personalities, and the way they interact with fans. And I already have a g-girlfriend I'm loyal to.” Yeri defended.


“You mean Saeron? You wish she was your girlfriend. You could barely talk to her straight. Not that anything about you is.” She giggled.


“Hey, that's mean! She said she likes me too!” The younger one pouted. She could have sworn they are already girlfriends.


“That doesn't mean you're already together. Did you ask her officially?”




“Then she's not your girlfriend. You know..” Irene started off, a sinister looking smile slowly stretching across her lips. “Last time you brought her along, she blushed every time she looked at me. Maybe I should ask her out, since you don't have the balls to do so.”


“Hey, unnie back off!” Yeri glared, quite cutely in Irene’s opinion. “I-I’ll ask her out.”


“You better. Otherwise I'll gladly steal her away. She's adorable.” Irene joked, which the younger took quite seriously.


“She's too young for you.” Yeri crossed her arms in disapproval, causing a laughter to erupt from Irene.


“I kid, I kid. I would never.”


“I know. Your heart is loyal to your Goddess Wan.” It was Yeri’s turn to tease the older. “Too bad your competition is through the roof.”


“I'm content with just seeing her from behind the camera.” Irene mumbled in a sappy manner, earning a scrunched expression from the younger.


“She did notice you before.” Yeri pointed out.


“I doubt she remembers me.”


“But what if she does? GodWan must not be underestimated.”


“I'm not sure. I don't have my hopes up.”


“I guess we’ll see. Wanna go now? Dreamy Radio is starting in a bit.” Irene began to pack her things, making sure that her camera is safe and sound in its case.


Another night of putting up with the cruel breeze of the night, and testing their patience in the crowd of their fellow passionate fans.


Ugh. I forgot to buy those noise cancelling headphones you told me about.” Yeri grumbled upon realization. Well, at least it would be a slightly calmer atmosphere considering it is a late schedule.


Irene momentarily pondered on giving Yeri her present on her actual birthday or at the very moment when it would be the most use to the younger.

She decided upon the former.


Here. I got this for you yesterday. I was gonna give it to you on Thursday, but looks like the moment calls for it.” Irene slid a tiny box across the table, stopping just a few inches before Yeri.


“Oh my gosh. No way! You didn't-” Yeri picked up the small box, squealing happily inside the supposedly quiet café.


“I did. Open it.” Irene flashed a loving smile before gesturing the younger to rip its wrapper.


Yeri didn't think twice about ripping the blue package in half, unveiling a brand new Bose QuietComfort noise cancelling earbuds. The redhead was familiar with the brand and its high class reputation. A quality that suited musicians and professional artists.


“Unnie oh my god! They're pink! How much are these?”


Irene just winked in return, smiling silently to herself.


“These are like, limited edition. How- How can I repay you?”


“It's a birthday gift, silly. You're not supposed to know the price, nor repay me.” Irene simply leaned over the table, before ruffling the younger’s soft and straight hair.


She's wrong. There is something straight about Yeri.


“Unnie, I love you. Seriously, this is too much.” Tears pooled in her eyes, an overwhelming sense of gratefulness drowning her slowly.


“You're getting too cheesy.” Irene said though she was practically melting at the sight. Yeri was too adorable for words. She truly cared for the younger like her own sister.


“You don't love me?” The younger pouted like a rotten kid.


Irene simply stood up, grabbing the strap of her case, and hanging it over her shoulder.


“If you don't hurry, we’ll be late for the schedule.” Irene was about to leave when a gentle tug on her sweater had caused a halt in her tracks.




Irene turned around, eyes soft, and her voice gentle.


“Don't worry. I love you most.” Irene grinned before grabbing Yeri’s camera case, and the younger’s coat, pulling her towards the door.


“Don't cry. Saeron will kick my if you cry.” Irene joked, making the both of them laugh.


Yeri was truly grateful to have met Irene.




It was a bad idea; terrible, in fact. Irene regretted tuning out the radio’s weather reminders earlier in the day. Though in her defence, Russian Roulette is one hell of a catchy song. But still, checking the forecast would have been the smarter choice.


Here they were, waiting for Red Velvet under the negative temperature. And as a person who enjoyed a fair share of warmth, Irene was miserable. Her cheeks had long turned crimson, along with her terribly chapped lips.


She would like to reach into her bag for her strawberry flavoured Chapstick, but her fingers had gone numb inside her pockets.


Turning her attention to the younger on her right, who was currently mouthing along to a song Irene cannot seem to figure out, the latter felt a little irritated at how nonchalant Yerim was acting.


“Aren't you cold?” She stuttered as her body shivered from the sudden breeze.


The younger continued to remain unbothered, not sparing a single glance to Irene.


Aren't you cold?” She repeated, this time, a little louder. However, Yerim was still stuck in her own little world, her head bobbing along to the faint beat of what Irene assumed was from the new, and hot boy group that Yeri had been into lately.


Her right eye twitched in annoyance at the lack of attention, forcing her to harshly yank the device out of Yerim’s left ear.


Ow! What was that for?” She hissed quite loudly.


Irene narrowed her eyes in displease.


“I was trying to talk to you, idiot.”


“Well, you clearly saw that I was listening to music, yet you still spoke. If there’s an idiot between us, I doubt it's me.” Yeri shrugged, earning a hard pinch on her cheeks. She yelped in pain before struggling to pry Irene’s hands off of her skin. The cold was bad enough, she didn't need the older to pile on to her misery.




“I was just saying, unnie.”


“I shouldn't have given you a gift, little .” Irene rolled her eyes at the pink wire dangling on Yeri’s ear.


Deciding to tease the younger, she reached out for the earbuds, pretending to take them back. As expected, she received a violent reaction in return, with Yeri scrambling back, while shoving Irene’s hands away.


“Wha- hey, no take backsies! You already gave it to me.” Irene smirked at the taller girl’s actions. She never fails to amuse. “Also, need I remind you, it's pink. You don't like pink. Pink is mine. Therefore, this is mine. No take-backs.”


“You're such a brat.” Irene clucked her tongue in annoyance.


“Well, what can I say; I learned from the best.” Yeri winked playfully, further triggering the older’s irritation.


“God, I can't believe you have a girlfriend.” Irene couldn't help but mutter, which unfortunately, didn't go pass Yerim’s ears.


“I know. Me neither!” She excitedly proclaimed. She had just received a sweet message from Saeron earlier, a sugary response after Yeri had mustered up the courage to ask the younger out on a date. A proper one, where she would take Saeron to places they could have fun, (the kind that suited their age) while holding hands, sharing toothy smiles, and possibly a kiss—


Her fantasy was cut short by the sound of Irene’s snapping fingers.


“Wipe your drool, idiot. You're looking like a real ert right now.” Irene clucked her tongue in disgust. “I know you're dreaming of Saeron again. Gross.”


“I wasn't!” Yeri’s cheeks furiously blushed in embarrassment.


“Really? You weren't just thinking about kissing Saeron, and just how cute her smile is, and her adorable voice—”


“Okay, fine! I was thinking about her. Can we change the topic please?”


Irene was about to comment once more when the sudden loud cheers startled the living soul out of her.


Christ have mercy.” Irene muttered while clutching the part of her chest where her racing heart locates.


Yeri’s loud cackling overpowered the crowd, making Irene flinch at how loud the younger’s voice was.


“You're so funny, unnie. We've been doing this job for months, and yet, you’re still sensitive as a baby.” Yeri snickered.


“Kim Yerim, I am older than you!”


“Correction, you're older than everybody.” Yeri flashed an innocent smile, receiving a sharp stare from Irene.


“I hate your guts. I hope you choke.” Irene coldly glared at the younger.


“As long as Saeron is there to rescue me, then choking really isn't that bad.” Yeri’s innocent smile, gradually turned into a love sick grin.


Ew. What the hell does Saeron see in a booger-looking creature like you.” Irene smirked at Yeri’s displeased reaction.


“For your information, this booger-looking creature can score more dates than you, unnie.”


“Well, at least Wendy knows who I am.” Irene defended through her tattered pride.


She probably just mistook you for her grandma.” Yeri’s lips curved into a victorious grin, before her sly smile had transitioned into an obnoxious laughter. “Goddamn, i’d marry me. I'm hilarious.” She conceitedly flipped her hair, followed by more of her boisterous cackles.


Irene once again rolled her eyes, a habit that had grown into an automatic reaction whenever she's with the younger satan spawn.


“I hope karma bites your .” Irene muttered, as she uncapped the lens of her camera, switching on the device before checking to see if everything was in the right place.


Feeling content with everything, Irene then readied herself in capturing the goddess behind the window pane. Her spite for Yeri’s words had dispersed into the cold air the moment Irene’s eyes landed themselves on the tiny, but very much eye-catching main vocal.


Wendy looks beautiful as always, Irene thought.


Wendy was wearing a white sweater with another one of her high waisted shorts. Irene wondered if she was cold. It's chilly outside, yet Wendy was wearing a pair of skimpy shorts.


Irene had a strong urge to wrap Wendy with a blanket. She wants to roll her up into a burrito, making sure that the younger was warm and comfortable.


The fansite founder continued to capture Wendy’s beauty through the lens, when the latter suddenly turned to her direction, looking straight to her camera, then posing with a finger heart.


Irene’s index finger was quick to capture the sweet gesture, expecting the fanservice to end right there, but she was wrong. Wendy continued to display various poses while looking straight to Irene’s lens. The latter’s finger never once moved out of its shutter, easily capturing hundreds of pictures by the minute. Wendy finished off with a wink before turning away, focusing her attention back to the DJ, who then asked her a question regarding her audition song.


“Gosh, unnie.. I knew you hated sharing, but I didn't know that included Wendy unnie.” Yeri muttered in amusement.


“She isn't even mine..” Irene timidly answered, also bewildered by the attention she was getting from the young idol. She didn't do anything in particular, to make herself stand out. If anything, she was mostly hidden due to her curse of being vertically challenged. Why Wendy noticed her in particular, she didn't know.


(“What did I do to deserve this..”)




Two hours passed of the usual radio interview happenings, and the final schedule of the day has come to an end.


“My mom is so gonna kick my .”


“What’s your excuse this time?” Irene held back a chuckle; an amused smile threatening to form across her chapped lips.


“Same old, I guess? I’ll just tell her that I was out with Saeron again. My mom loves her.”


“Probably more than you.” This time, Irene did not bother with her smile, letting a blinding smile out to the open. Yeri was not sure if it was just her, but suddenly, the night did not seem so dark anymore.


“I would say that that’s kind of mean, but you’re probably right.” The younger shrugged, through her stuffy winter parka; accepting the fact that her girlfriend is a natural charmer.


“One of these days,” Irene started off, catching the attention of her younger friend. “Your mom is gonna see through all your lies.”


“May God bless me then.” Yeri giggled, already predicting the consequences that her mother might possibly give her.


“I’ve always seen you as a Satan worshipper. I never would have thought you’d seek God for help.”


“Two is better than one, my dear unnie. When I’m in trouble, I turn to the guy upstairs for some mercy. But seeking Satan’s help is more of a habit than anything.”


No wonder your mom likes Saeron better..” Irene mumbled to herself as she packed the last of her equipments.


Yeri remained standing, awkwardly watching the older’s every movement.


“Why are you staring? I know I’m hot, but please, control yourself.” Irene zipped the last of her items before looking back at the red head’s unmoving eyes.


“Don’t flatter yourself, unnie.” Yeri deadpanned, not showing even a little bit of amusement. “I was just gonna ask for a ride.”


Tch. Shameless brat.”


“Really? Me? Um, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the one who just called myself ‘hot’.”


“Do you want a ride, or not?”


“Well, I did ask..” Yeri answered, almost inaudibly.


“Smart ..” Irene then swung her bag over the shoulder, grunting as she felt the heavy weight of the camera.


“Thank you. It’s the best combination, one can be.” Yeri grinned proudly, pumping her chest as she did so.


“You’re such a weirdo.”


“That’s a pretty strong comment, coming from a person who gets insanely excited walking through the laundry detergent aisle of the supermarket.”


“Don’t judge me..” Irene could feel her ears burning up from the exposure.


“I’m just saying, unnie. Even my mom doesn’t get that excited.”


“Probably because she has to deal with washing your filthy clothes.”


Yerim’s mouth gaped, unable to respond. With a defeated sigh, she muttered a low, “Point, Irene unnie.”


Irene grinned in success.


“How are you gonna charm Wendy unnie, if you’re this mean.” Yeri bitterly asked, which surprised Irene a little.


Since when did she talk about wanting to pursue Wendy? Not only was it a ridiculous thought, but the idea itself was quite impossible.


“You do remember that she’s an idol, right? And a total angel.” Irene reminded.


“Which means she’s out of your league?”


“Exactly. I don’t deserve her.”


“I don’t think anyone does, actually. She’s clearly too good to be existing in the same timeline as us. But on the bright side, if your charms do end up working on her somehow, you’re set for life. She will feed the hell out of you.”


“As always, you’re all about food.”


“You can’t blame me, can you? I heard she makes killer brownies. Do you think she can cook banana roti? My love banana roti?”


“All you think about is food. Too bad Saeron doesn’t bake.”


“She doesn’t, but I can always con her into buying some treats.” Yeri snickered as she slid into the passenger seat of Irene’s car.


“You manipulate your own girlfriend?” Irene gasped in horror. “You make more money than she does!”


“Who told you that? Ron is rich. She has more money than I do, and she doesn't even work.” Yeri pouted.


“Who pays for dates?” Irene asked, as they hopped inside her car, buckling up their seat belts. Her engine roared, disturbing the silent air that surrounded the parking lot. Irene immediately stepped on the gas pedal, making their way to the younger’s place. Yeri’s house wasn't too far, only a couple of blocks away, but there was no way she’d let a young girl walk around alone at such a dangerous time of day.


“Duh? Do you really think I'll make my girl pay for our dates? I may be trash, but I'm a gentleman.” Yeri defended.


“As gentle as garbage can be.” Irene chuckled, earning a judging look from the younger.


That wasn't even funny..” Yeri mumbled to no one. “Unnie, have you ever thought about why you're single?” She asked, the moment Irene’s car made its way to the Kims’ driveway.


“No, I guess?”


“I think I know why.” Yeri unbuckled her seatbelt, looking at Irene one last time before getting off the vehicle, and shutting the door lightly. “It would be best if you did too.”


The younger stood at the side, waiting for Irene to drive away. She could see the older jamming along to what she believed was a Celine Dion song. Unable to hold back, Yeri couldn't help but comment, breathing a defeated sigh.


“Hopeless case, Joohyun unnie. Hopeless case.”


Yeri pondered, with her eyes heavily glued to the disappearing automobile.


Irene might be able to lure her ultimate idol with her goddess-like beauty, but the young redhead wasn't so confident that her unnie’s quirky personality was capable of making Wendy, stay.


“This requires more effort than life! Gosh, what I do to taste a couple of damn brownies..”




“Look who decided to show up!”


“The pictures ain't gonna take themselves. I don't have a choice. My fansite needs me.”


“That's dramatic. I'm just here to see Wendy..”


“Really? Shocker.” Yeri cupped her face and gasped in pretend shock.


“For such a small girl, you sure have a lot of sass.”


“For an even tinier girl, it's pretty big of you to call me small.”


Irene slumped against the chair, grumbling loudly.


“If I were your mother, I would have disowned you already.”


“I see you as more of a grandma than anything.”


“I give up.”


“Weak.” Yeri mocked before taking a seat, relaxing herself beside the older.


It was silence between the two until the mc had announced that girls had just arrived, giving a fluttering feeling among the group of fans.


A roar of elated screams echoed throughout the room when the three girls made their way to the stage. Grabbing a mic each, the girls smiled at the crowd before formally introducing the group.


“Hello everyone! We are Red Velvet, thank you for coming today. Let's have a great time together.” The rising idols each took a seat, and the event then began.


“Unnie, look at Seulgi unnie. She's so pretty. And to think that she has killer abs, behind that fluffy aura.” Yeri ogled at the leader sitting at right side of the stage, in charge of greeting the fans first.


“Wendy has abs too. And she's fluffy too.” Irene responded, her eyes glued at the girl on the left. Who was currently having a conversation with a fan.


God, she's beautiful.


“Wow, okay; sheesh. I was just saying. I get it, you love Wendy. She's your bias.” Yeri shook her head in disbelief, raising her arms in mock surrender.


The older didn't say anything more, she just continued to stare at her favourite idol, the love of her life. She only turned away when Yerim’s nasally voice interrupted her focus once again.


“Oh my gosh, unnie! It's almost our turn.” Yeri grabbed the older’s arm before yanking her up, and towards the line of people patiently waiting for their turn. “I'm so excited! I hope Joy unnie notices me.”


“Wait, I thought Seulgi’s your bias?” Irene questioned.


“Can you really pick a bias in Red Velvet? I don't think so. And Joy unnie likes kids, so she’d love me.”


“Keep thinking that.” Yeri glared at the older, which Irene brushed off with a laugh.


“It's my turn, oh gosh. It's my turn.” The redheaded teen excitedly walked up the stairs and happily greeted the charismatic bear of the group.


Irene stood mutely at the side, a content smile plastered on her face.


Nerves only struck when she realized that the line had moved and it's her turn to go. Quickly fumbling with her album, she hastily walked up the steps, stopping in front of Seulgi, and carefully handing the younger, her purchased album.


“Hell- woah. You're really pretty..” Seulgi gasped in shock at the incredibly attractive fan across from her. “U-unnie? Are you older? No? Unnie?” The popular idol stammered, incredibly flustered.


“Yes. I'm three years older.” Irene flashed a sweet smile at the orange haired girl that seemed oddly, yet quite adorably nervous at the moment.


“Wait, three? Really? You look really young unnie..” Seulgi’s lips pursed in amazement, staring at Irene for a few solid seconds before lowering her gaze, opening the album to the one of her picture.


“What's your name, unnie? What can I call you by?” Seulgi asked with a hint of cheekiness.




“Pretty name.” Seulgi commented before signing the page joyfully. Addressing the signature with ‘To: Irin unnie.’


“You look familiar unnie.. I think I've seen you somewhere before.”


Irene’s milky face slowly turned crimson, due to the younger’s intense gaze. She always did have a thing for charming eyes, and Seulgi’s monolid eyes were everything gorgeous in the world.


“Uh, I'm a big fan. I go to your events quite often..” Irene explained, though quite unsure of the explanation, herself.


Hm. I guess so. But seriously, your visuals are no joke, unnie.” Seulgi wrote a few words more that Irene could not figure out. But before she could say any more, the staff had gestured her to move on. “See you again, Irin unnie!” Seulgi waved cutely before gesturing a heart, finding adoration towards the older.


Irene then moved on towards the next member; the youngest, yet most alluring member, Joy.


“Hi, unnie! I remember you! Nice to see you again.” The blonde greeted brightly. Her short bangs neatly brushed to the side.


“Y-you remember me?”


“Yeah, of course. You take pictures of us, right? I remember Wendy unnie asking if you were okay. It was cute.” Joy took ahold of Irene’s album with a gentle smile on her face. “She thinks you're pretty.”


The young idol flipped through the pages before finding the one of hers. “What's your name unnie?”


“Irin.” Irene answered, like she did for Seulgi.


Truth to be told, her heart was racing like never before. Wendy finds her pretty. Her favourite idol thinks she’s pretty. The love of her life knows about her, and told her members that she thinks she's pretty.


Irene could just collapse there and then.


“I agree with Wendy unnie. You could be an idol, Irin unnie. Your face is like an angel’s.” Joy grinned, then signed the album carefully. She handed the item back with a mischievous smirk plastered on her striking face. “I'll be seeing you around, pretty unnie. I doubt I’ll forget such a face like yours.” The greasy idol winked, before sending off the embarrassed Irene.


Joy was unexpectedly smooth. Too smooth, in fact. If Irene wasn't intoxicated with her crush for Wendy, she would have most likely fallen for Joy’s charms instead. Or maybe Seulgi’s. She wasn't sure.


Yeri was right, one does not simply pick a bias in Red Velvet.


Irene’s hands were visibly shaking as she took a few steps towards the last, and her most favourite member, Wendy.


“Oh, Joohyun!” Wendy greeted cheerfully, taking Irene aback.


With widened eyes, the older began stuttering. “H-how—”


The vocalist’s brows scrunched in confusion. It was only after a few seconds that she understood what the older meant, and began explaining herself. With comically large eyes, and numerous amount of hand gestures, Wendy mouth began to flood with explanations.


“Oh, uh, you're a fan, right? You've c-come to see us before? I-I heard others calling you by your name, and um, it just stuck with me. I remembered you.. because of that..” Something about the idol’s explanation did not make any sense. Among the energetic crowd of Red Velvet fans, how in the world could Wendy have heard her name?


And another thing, everyone calls her “Irene”.


“Y-yeah.. I really like Red Velvet.. I'm often at your schedules.” Irene timidly handed her album to Wendy, who in return, flashed a gentle smile.


To put it simply, the smile secured her position in Irene’s heart even more.


She thinks Wendy looks even better up close. She's almost dreamy.


“Do you, perhaps.. run a fansite?” Wendy asked hesitantly.


“I do..” Irene almost whispered, hoping for Wendy to simply dismiss the subject.


But of course, the great Wendy Son never overlooks anything.


“Oh really? Which one?” The younger perked up on her seat, looking at Irene with a pair of irresistible orbs.


“Notice Me..”


“Excuse me?” Wendy pardoned.


“It's called ‘Notice Me’..” Irene repeated.


Oh. Cute name. For which member is it?” Times like this, is when Irene hoped for Wendy’s quiet side. She really didn't expect a series of questions from her favourite girl. In her mind, it was that she would meet Wendy up close, maybe have a short conversation, and go about with her life again, with a signed album in hand.


You.” Irene admitted, feeling a little flustered by her confession.


“Oh. Oh. You're my fan?” Wendy asked, surprised. “Seriously?


“Yeah.. I like you a lot.” Irene immediately clasped shut; already saying too much.


“I'm flattered Joohyun.”


“I um, I'm older than you..”


“Oh, my apologies! Joohyun unnie..” Irene was pretty sure her heart was ready to leap out of her chest.


The staff gestured the fans to move once again, but before Irene could even take a step away, she felt a soft hand wrap around her wrist.


“Come back again Joohyun unnie. And now that I've finally noticed you..”


“W-what?” Irene was dumbfounded. It was almost as if her soul had left her body.


“I'll be looking for you.” Wendy then winked, making Irene suffer even more. It was only then when Wendy’s attention finally diverted to the next fan, Irene realized she had been holding her breath.


Making her way to Yerim, she noticed a glint of mischief in the girl's eyes.


“What is it now?” The older asked.


“What was that all about? Why did Wendy unnie stop you from walking away?” The twinkle in Yerim’s eyes did not go unnoticed.


“Ah, that? She told me to come back again.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either.


“That’s it?”


“What do you mean ‘that’s it?’? What more were you expecting?” Irene frowned. She was not in the mood for the younger’s mischievous mockery.


“Ah, darn. I thought that I could finally taste Wendy unnie’s cookies soon.”


“You only think about food.” The older knuckled Yeri’s head.


“That's not true! I think about Saeron as well..” She argued.


“If you thought about those two the way you thought about school, then maybe you’d be top of the class by now.”


“School is meant for people who are born to understand it.” The young red head answered.


“Well, if you tried then maybe you’d be one of those people.”


“Nope, I’m fine like this. I’ve got a pretty face, and a gorgeous, as well as smart, girlfriend; that’s all I need in life to get by.”


Irene was about to respond, when she decided to close shut, realizing that nothing she says would changed the girl’s oddly nonchalant attitude; Or “chill” as the young generation says.




An hour and a quarter more, and the signing had come to an end. With the girls expressing their gratefulness once again, they had finally made their way to the backstage, and away from the busy crowd.


(“I’ll be looking for you.”)


Wendy’s gentle voice replayed inside Irene’s head.


She wondered if there’s a possibility of her ever being in Wendy’s mind. It was a long shot, but every fan girl’s dream nonetheless.


If, or when that day happens, Irene guarantees that miracles do exist.


But for now, all she has is baseless hope.


The most pathetic kind of hope.


(“Come back again, Joohyun unnie.”)


But if Wendy said she should, then she most definitely will.




Three weeks after the heavenly fansign, and there was Bae Irene, back at the record shop she so passionate hated.


Nine o’clock in the morning. She wondered how badly she must have sinned in the past to suffer hell that is an early morning shift. There was not much to do either. It was the same routine every shift. Same old record stacking, and organizing. And truthfully, no one ever visits the shop in the morning, they always hang around in the late afternoon, or sometime during the evening.


Much to her luck, or lack thereof, she’s stuck in the shop all day. Her boss had asked her if she could stay in the shop for the day since everyone else was busy. She refused but he pleaded, so she had no other choice. She’s going to be stuck inside the record store the whole day. Alone. So much for her weekend.


She’s by herself in the shop; mostly because her boss refuses to pay two people for a morning shift, which to be fair, does not require much work. Being alone is equivalent to inevitable boredom.


  1. there wasn’t much to do, and no customers to please, Irene decided to grab the auxiliary cord of the shop’s speakers, wanting to play her own music. Scrolling through her favourite playlist, she decide to play Red Velvet’s latest album, Russian Roulette.


Finally appreciating the calm atmosphere, Irene decided to relax, leaning against the backrest of the chair.


But just before she could fully doze off, the familiar sound of chimes on the doorway echoed through the whole record shop, catching Irene’s attention. Not wanting to appear like a lousy employee, Irene stood up, greeting the customer warmly.


“Welcome. What brings you here today?” Something about the new customer screamed familiarity. It was something about the overly large coat, and quite a shady appearance. She (or possibly he) was excessively covered up.


“Hey, um, Joohyun u-unnie..”


A look of confusion appeared on Irene’s face. The girl (she was now sure) had a very familiar voice. “Have we met before?” She curiously asked.


“Yeah.. You recommended me The Carpenters.. I bought the Song For You album.” Something clicked in the employee’s mind. She now remembers the adorable girl and her very strange sense of fashion.


“Oh! We have met before. Nice to see you again. What brings you back here?” Irene was now beaming. She was genuinely happy to have the girl around. It beats being alone and suffocating in boredom.


“Well, you told me to come back ‘for more iconic album recommendations’, so here I am. I’ve replayed the album enough to realize I needed a new one.” The stranger’s lips curved into a playful smile, earning a chuckle from the worker.


“I’m surprised you still remembered.” Irene grinned. She was now wide awake, and oddly energized.


“Of course I do. How can I not?”


“Well now that you’re back, is there anything specific you’d like to listen to?”


“Um, any male singer if possible? I mostly have albums of female singers so a change of pace would be refreshing.” The customer’s voice was hushed, but it was still very clear and pleasant. Irene really enjoyed listening to the mysterious girl speak.


“I know exactly what to give you. Would you like to follow me or would you rather wait?”


“It’s awkward standing alone..”


“I completely understand. I’ve been alone in here for two hours? Perhaps longer? And the feeling is more than just ‘awkward’ I think.” Irene laughed, as she made her way behind the employee’s counter. “Let’s go?”


They headed towards the back of the store, and what seemed like the store’s storage. “Do you wanna come in?”


“Don’t you have, like, security cameras around? Isn’t this.. Um .. not allowed?” It was obvious that the customer was quite nervous, but Irene on the other hand was perfectly collected.


The employee shrugged in response. “Nope. Those are just for complete show. My boss is way too cheap to actually install it. And besides, it’s just me in here.”


“Are you sure?”


“Yup! And also, aren’t you curious as to what a record shop’s storage looks like?” Irene was now laughing whole heartedly. It was a ridiculous question really, she has no idea why such a foolish comment would even come out of .


The stranger giggled at the randomness. “I guess you could say that.”


“Then by all means, feel free.” Irene gestured towards the door, politely letting the girl enter first.


“Wow..” Was all that was heard when they finally made their way inside of the storage. “Its.. big.”


“And not to mention, dusty.” Irene scoffed, adding on to the comment.


“That is a lot of vinyls, and cds.”


“You think looking at it feels a lot? You should try organizing and shelving them.” The shop’s worker was now shaking her head.


“You seem to really hate the job, why are you still working here?” Even through a covered face, Irene could tell that the short girl’s eyebrows were furrowed


“It surprisingly pays well. And I know the people who works here so I guess I just consider it as me helping them out. It’s like helping the less fortunate, except, you know.. They’re not really less fortunate, they’re just in need of help..”


“So.. basically, it’s you just helping out?”


“Exactly!” Irene grinned widely.


“Then you could’ve just said that.” The girl in a large coat giggled at the silly employee. “I’ve always wanted to work at a place like this, though. I wanted to know what it felt like.”


“If you really want I can ask my boss to hire you. You won’t even need a resume or anything.”


Oh.. Uh.. That’s okay. I actually, um, have a job already.”


“So do I, but I’m still here..” Irene reasoned.


“I wish I could work here. It’s very peaceful and cozy. But I’m quite busy already.”


“What do you do anyway?”


“I’m, um.. How should I say this? I work for a company..” The girl’s fingers began fumbling her jacket, obviously nervous.


“Oh cool. That’s too bad though.”


“I know..” The stranger pouted, and Irene was a little surprised at how adorable the customer was. Though hidden, she could tell that the girl was incredibly cute.


“Well, are you busy today?” Irene randomly asked.


“Not really, why?”


“Do you wanna spend the day? You can ‘work’ here for today. You can just help me around.”


Through the thick rim of the girl’s specs, the worker could see sparkle in the stranger’s gaze.




“Of course! It would help me out too.”


“Oh my god, deal!” The girl squealed excitedly.


“Hey, calm down. It’s not that exciting. And since we’re here, let’s get some work done.”


Irene began teaching the girl about the store, and what she usually does during her shifts, and since she had already done half of the work in the morning, there wasn’t much left to do. Irene told her now new employee, or intern if she should say, to begin organizing the albums. The new worker finally removed her gigantic coat but weirdly enough, she was still wearing a hoodie that was about two sizes bigger than it needs to be.


“Say, what’s your name by the way?”


“Oh. I’m S-seungwan..” The shorter girl timidly answered, clearly surprised by the sudden question.


“Really? My favourite singer’s name is Seungwan!” Irene suddenly got excited by the girl’s name. Seungwan was a common name but it was still an amusing coincidence.


“Boy or girl singer?”


“Girl. She’s the main vocal of a group named Red Velvet.” Irene happily blabbed. Irene could see Seungwan’s head, duck. But it was probably because she needed to read the label on the CDs.


“Ah, Red Velvet? Isn’t her name Wendy?” The purple headed worker couldn’t help but smile at the question. It meant that the new girl knew about red velvet, and that was always a good thing.


“It is. But her Korean name is Seungwan.”


“Interesting. I see you’re a fan of Red Velvet. I heard you playing the album when I walked in.”


“Of course! I gotta support them. I started playing their new album a little before you came in. It’s still playing actually, except this one is the album before. It’s called One Of These Nights and it’s a mini album based on their Velvet side. As you could tell, I’m a big fan.” Irene rambled, receiving an amused smile from the other girl.


“I would’ve guessed. You seem very passionate about it.” Seungwan chuckled, her head still focused on the stack of CDs she was ordered to organize. “So why is Wendy your bias?”


Joohyun was about to answer when Seungwan pulled the hood of her white pullover over her head, covering her appearance even more.


“Is it cold in here? Are you cold?” The older asked curiously.


“Nope. Why? Are you, unnie?” The younger questioned back, her head unmoving from its current state.


“Are you a criminal then?”


“Huh?” Seungwan stopped whatever she was doing, after hearing the random question.


“Why are you so obsessed with covering up?” With that Wendy laughed out loud, confusing Joohyun. “What? What’s so funny?”


“You just asked me if I’m a criminal.” Seungwan laughed even louder. Finding the whole thing very amusing. “No, I am not a criminal. I’m a perfectly normal citizen of Seoul.”


“What’s with the weird get up then?”


“It’s called fashion, Joohyun unnie.” The said girl could practically hear the Seungwan’s smirk from her tone.


Whatever. Let’s just pretend that none of that happened because I wanna talk about Wendy.” Irene wasn’t sure why but she got a sudden strong urge to talk. To talk and talk. She was oddly too comfortable around Seungwan, and she had no idea why. Maybe all Seungwans just have a nice, calming vibe surrounding them; one that allows a person to be completely open about themselves.


“Please do. Feel free to talk about everything. We have all day.” Joohyun snickered at the statement, because they literally have all day.


Okay. So, Wendy.. Where do I even start with Wendy..

Every inch of her is lovable to me, but I especially love her selfless, and caring side the most. She has a kind, and gentle heart. I don't even know.. I can't pinpoint exactly what I love about her. It's hard, I love all of her. She's a total package, bro. Her sincerity, how hard she tries, her overflowing passion for what she does.."


Irene giggled, flashing an incredibly foolish smile; one of which is overflowing with love. Forming her words once again, she continued on.


"I love her hashtag relatable-ness? I guess is what I'd call it. You get what I mean, right? Wendy's love for her members, her love for music, how soft she is. Gosh, don't even get me started on how fluffy she is.

I swear she is the kindest person ever; one who smiles non-stop, just because she believes that positivity will lead to a happy life. I just love her."


Seungwan, who assumed that the other girl was done, opened to say something, only to be interrupted when the older resumed her never ending confession.


"Her care and love for everyone, as well as her job is so genuine. You can tell that it is exactly what she wants to do. Also, her humility. She is so talented, but remains so humble. I just love the way she gets so excited about everything, and she's never afraid to show it.

And her smile; Oh god, her smile. How she looks after the people around her is absolutely incredible. Her eyes are really like windows; you can almost see all of her emotions. Wendy.. She is a terrific singer. One who has lots of energy. Someone who is beautiful every inch of her being.”


A solemn mood suddenly surrounded the once, love-filled air. Joohyun had grown somber, making Seungwan slightly anxious. She was about to say something when Irene cut her off once again.


“Can I tell you one last thing, Seungwan?” The sadness in Joohyun’s voice was too obvious to simply brush off. This heightened the younger’s anxiety level.


“O-of course..”


“Impossible as it may sound,

Wendy is someone I really wish to be with someday..” Irene sighed heavily, giving a melancholy ending for her little speech.


“Wow.. I don't know what to say..” Seungwan was clearly speechless, judging by her actions. Her diligent work of neatly stacking albums together came to complete halt.


“Why? Was it too much? Do you think if I said things like that to Wendy, she’ll cringe? I don't wanna make her uncomfortable..” Irene couldn't help but frown; her worry adding on to her already heavy chest. What if she wrote a letter to Wendy and the latter ends up cringing in uncomfort? The last thing she wants is to make her dream girl uneasy.


“No, no. It's not that. It's very sweet actually. I was just surprised, that's all.” Seemed to have regained her composure, Seungwan continued on with her job. Surprisingly, she found the task very relaxing.


“You don't think it's too much?”


“Honestly, It's a little cheesy for me. Mostly because it’s probably the longest confession I have ever heard. ” Seungwan whispered the last bit of her sentence, going unnoticed by the older.


Unbothered by the comment, Irene just brushed off the younger’s teasing.


“Well, it doesn't matter since it's not for you.” Irene stuck her tongue out, though she knew that Seungwan was too preoccupied to notice.


“Should I be offended? Because I'm not.” Scoff could be heard from the younger.


Hah. You're just jealous. You wish you were the one receiving such sweet words. The ones straight from the heart.”


“Really? Because I think not. Are all pretty people this corny?” Irene only smiled at that.


“Oh, so you think I'm pretty?”


“I didn't say that.”


“Yes you did. You indirectly called me pretty.”


“For someone who is locked up alone, all day, inside an old record shop, you sure are pretty thick skinned.”


“You can call me whatever you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you find me pretty.” Irene flashed a victorious grin, feeling like a winner against the younger. “So tell me, did you really want to work here, or did you just visit so you could see me?”


“You're downright shameless.” Seungwan, for the nth time, had to take another break on her job of stacking records; this time, it was in order to freely laugh at the older. “Joohyun unnie, you're really something. I came here to work for free, and this is what I get? This shop is really is something else.”


“You said it yourself, you are the one that visited voluntarily. With every action comes a consequence, my little friend.” Irene bent down to lightly pat the worker’s back.


“Hey! Who are you calling ‘little’?” Seungwan huffed.


“You, duh?”


“I can’t believe this betrayal! You’re like an inch taller.” Seungwan answered defensively. She was now sulking, her head even lower than previous.


“Exactly. I’m taller.” Irene just shrugged, earning a whine from the girl on the floor.


You're so mean..


Aww, there there sweetie.” The older mocked playfully, finally taking a seat on the floor along with Seungwan, lending a hand with sorting records.


And just like that, hours passed with the two workers bickering nonstop. A few customers came but it was not busy enough to keep them on their feet.


Evening rolled around when Irene’s stomach grumbled in hunger. It was only then when she realized that her and Seungwan have not eaten for a day.


“Hey, do you wanna go with me for some dinner? My treat; since you worked for me, and all..” Irene proposed.


Seungwan looked up at that, she’s been busy on her phone, seemingly messaging someone important.


“Food? What about the store?”


“Let’s just close early today.”


“What about your boss? Wouldn’t he be mad?” Irene found it cute how worried the younger was.


“Nope. Don’t worry about him. Let’s just go.” The purple haired girl began heading for the door, forcing Seungwan to follow behind.


“Are you sure about this?” Seungwan nervously asked again. She really didn’t want Irene to get in trouble. Irene just flashed a cheeky smile, gesturing the shorter to head outside, then following suit.


“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. He loves me. I know a great restaurant with amazing rice cakes, is that okay with you?” Irene asked as she put on her parka, and closing the metal blockage of the door.


“As long as it’s not too spicy..”


“It won’t be. I’m friends with the owner of the store, so she can make it exactly as you want it.”


They walked for a few minutes, chatting about nothing in particular, when they finally reached their destination.


As soon as they stepped inside the humble looking place..




A middle aged woman came running to Irene, welcoming the girl warmly.


“It’s been so long. How have you been, dear?”


“I’ve been great, mom. Just a little busy.” Seungwan was surprised by that. She never would have expected the woman to be Irene’s mother.


“And who is this? Is she your girlfriend? Is that who has been keeping you busy?” Irene immediately facepalmed at that. She then peeked through her fingers, eyeing the other girl’s reaction. Seungwan simply looked away in embarrassment. Though covered, the blush on her face was fairly visible.


“That’s Seungwan, my friend. Seungwan, this is my best friend Solar’s mother, not actually my mom.”


“Nice to meet you, sweetie. You can also call me “mom” if you’d like. I just made this little rascal call me her mother because she used to spend more time at our house than her own. She’s like my own daughter.”


“Mom, stop embarrassing me.” Irene whined, slightly tugging the sleeve of her mother’s sweater.


“Oh please, knowing you, you already did that yourself.” Seungwan laughed at the truth in the elder’s words.


“We came here to eat, can’t you just serve us some of your heavenly rice cake, mom?”


“Alright, alright.”


The restaurant owner lead the two to a private booth, separating them from other customers.


“What would you like to eat? The usual?”


“Seungwan can’t handle spicy very well, so maybe just a cheese rice cake? And black bean noodle please.”


“Look at you Joohyun, looking out for your girlfriend. You have matured.”


“For the last time, mom. She’s my friend.”


“Whatever you say, dear. I’ll go ahead and prepare your food.”


“Thanks m-mom..” Seungwan shyly mumbled, which did not go unnoticed to the elder.


“You’re very welcome sweetie. I’ll be back.” With that, the elder left.


“Sorry about that, she’s just very outgoing.”


“I think she’s cute.” Seungwan smiled brightly, her eyes curling adorably. Joohyun wondered what she would look like without the glasses, and turtleneck.


“I’m glad. She seems to like you already.”


“What can I say, I’m just very likeable.” Seungwan giggled, causing Joohyun to shake her head.




Confidence killed the cat.” Irene spoke like her words were of pure wisdom.


“What?” Seungwan wasn’t sure whether laughing would be an appropriate response since the older girl oozed of pride as she spoke of such heavy weighted words.


“You know, the famous line… ‘confidence killed the cat’.” Irene repeated.


Curiosity.” Wendy corrected.




“It’s curiosity. ‘Curiosity killed the cat’ is the correct phrase.”


Irene looked skeptical. “Are you sure?”


“Pretty sure.” Seungwan just shrugged.


“But it doesn’t seem right.” Irene stubbornly argued.


“But it is. Although, ‘confidence’ is quite refreshing too. I’m sure a few have died from it.” The shorter giggled, unable to hold back her amusement.


Irene couldn’t help but pout. She had never been wrong in her phrases.


How embarrassing.


A few more minutes of waiting and the sizzling noise, along with a delicious aroma, surrounded the private booth.


Irene cheered, quickly grabbing her chopsticks to pick up a rice cake. She had just placed the food in when the elder began to speak.


“So, how long have you two been together?” Mother asked, genuinely curious.


The older girl ended up choking on her food as she began to cough violently. Seungwan, to the rescue hastily gave her a glass of water, helping soothe her burning throat.


“What was that for, mom? I told you we are not together!” She sneered.


“And I never said I believed you.” The middle aged woman responded. Seungwan nodded. The lady did have a point.


Sheesh, mom. We came here to eat, not to get interrogated.” Irene whined.


“Fine, fine. I’ll leave you two to ‘eat’.” She air quoted.


“What else are we supposed to do?” Irene defended.


“I never said anything, dear.” The woman smiled before getting up and making her way back to the kitchen.


Ugh. Headache.” The older girl groaned, massaging her temple. It seemed like her stress had just skyrocketed, thanks to her own mother.


“It wasn’t that bad.” Seungwan chuckled, finding the whole situation hilarious.


“Easy for you to say. Once this is all over, you’ll get a free pass but Solar is gonna bombard me with ridiculous questions that I’m somehow, apparently obligated to answer.” The purple haired girl grumbled, chewing on the beef harshly.


“Oh really? Like what?”


“Like how many dates we’ve been in, when we met, if we’ve done it yet...” Irene mumbled the last part, hoping to travel pass the younger’s ears, but judging by the reddened cheeks, Seungwan heard her loud and clear.


“I see…”


“Don’t worry about it, it’s not like you’re the one answering them.” The taller girl awkwardly laughed, hoping to ease the tension.


“Fair enough. I don’t think I’ll be able to…” Seungwan slightly stammered.


“Relax. Literally no one is gonna ask you about us.”


“Yeah… I don’t know about that…” The shorter girl muttered to herself, nervously chuckling inside.


“You look pretty nerdy, you must be a computer science major.” Irene suddenly voiced, starting a new topic.


“Excuse me? That’s pretty judgemental.” The other girl scoffed, though she took no offence.


“Just an observation.” The older shrugged.


“Oh yeah? What other observation do you have?”


“You’re one of those music nerds that listens to, and over analyzes everything a music has to offer: lyrics, melodies, different beats, and chords, every instrument used in the song; you name it.” Irene continued.


To say that Seungwan was speechless was an understatement. She was honestly stunned by such bold, yet embarrassingly accurate statement.


“Wow.” Was all she could say.


“So, was I close?” The other teased.


“I’d rather not say…” Seungwan shook her head, refusing to incriminate herself.


Irene grinned at that, giving an answer to her own question. “I think I was.”


“Shut up, no one asked.” The shorter girl said, her ears burning of shame.


The two bantered for a few more hours until Seungwan had received a call, the person telling the latter that she had to go home. Irene assumed that it was her mother since she did not know anyone else who had the authority to tell a grown woman to go home. She supposes that it was a shame, since she enjoyed Seungwan's company, but there was no reason they couldn’t see each other again.


Before Seungwan could fully disappear, Irene had abruptly called her name, stopping her tracks.


“Give me your phone.” She ordered, holding out her palm.


“What for?”


“So we can text, duh? I can tell you when I’m working at the shop, so you could visit when I’m there. For quality song recommendations, of course.” She grinned cheekily.


“You’re such a loser, Joohyun unnie.” Seungwan giggled, before handing her phone. Irene quickly tapped in a few digits, giving the item back as soon as she finished.


“I’m not a loser, I’m just one of a kind.”


“That doesn’t even make any sense. There’s no correlation.” Seungwan facepalmed, tugging the hoodie of her jacket so it covers most of her head.


“You and your obsession with hiding your face.” Irene shook her head fondly.


“I just get cold easily, okay? Don’t judge.” The other reasoned.


“Yeah, yeah. Off you go before it gets even colder. Get home safely. Text me when you reach so I know you’re safe, and I could save your number.” The taller of the two gently patted the stuffed hood. “Bye bye, Seungwannie. Visit me again soon so I could annoy you, and your unique sense of fashion.” Irene continued, lightly pushing the girl’s back towards the door, and out. “Bye bye!”


She waved happily until the figure was out of her sight.




Irene wasn’t sure if her ears were playing tricks on her but she swore she heard someone say “Wasn’t that Red Velvet’s Wendy?




From: Seungwannie


Why are you still awake? Go to sleep unnie.


Received 1:47.


Irene’s text tone rang across the room, echoing loud enough to wake her consciousness. Rushing to check her phone, she smiled knowingly.




It’s been two months since they had last seen each other; two months of daily texts, in compensation.


If she were to be frank, Irene missed hanging out with the younger girl. Of course her judgement was a little questionable considering that they had only hung out twice, but Irene really did enjoy the other’s company.


To: Seungwannie


That question applies to you as well. It’s late.




Irene giggled, already imagining the tiny pout on the girl’s lips.


From: Seungwannie


I just finished work, unnie. I’ll be heading to bed soon hehe


Received 1:51.


It has been months since they had become acquainted but Irene has yet to discover what Seungwan’s job was. She tried asking, multiple times actually, but all she had gotten in return was a playful “It’s a secret~ I’m just a regular company employee.”


To: Seungwannie


You better sleep soon. You’re already short.

This is your only shot of ever growing :p




A minute hasn’t passed before her phone buzzed again.


From: Seungwannie


Unnie that’s not nice :( It’s not like you’re much taller anyway.

I’ll be heading to bed now though, I’m tired :/


Received 1:52.


Irene grinned brightly, always finding joy in talking with the younger girl.


To: Seungwannie


Still taller hahaha. Goodnight Seungwan. Sleep tight.

Don’t drool on your pillow. :)




The older couldn’t help but laugh at her own comment. She loved teasing the brunette, there was no doubt about that. Seungwan was just too cute for this world.


From: Seungwannie


I do not drool! Meanie :( I’m off to sleep

Sleep well too, unnie. Sweet dreams.

Dream of me hahah I’m sweet ;)


Received 1:55.


Irene didn’t bother replying to the younger. She hoped that Seungwan sleeps heavily that night. She hoped that she’ll get the pleasure to meet up with the other girl again.


And she hoped to dream of Seungwan that night.


‘Seungwannie… she’s cute.’




From: short koala




Received 9:15


Another month of not seeing Seungwan lasted, but they had grown even closer. With daily texts and banters over phone calls, one can say that they were closer than ever.


To: Seungwannie


Really? Wow! Finally. What do you wanna do?




She was getting giddier by the second. She has been wanting to hang out with Seungwan for a while. She had been busy over the months as well, living the tedious, but rewarding life as a fansite master of Wendy.


Speaking of which, Wendy had been looking prettier each passing day. Like she was in love, or smitten. She possessed a certain glow that made Irene a little jealous.


Who in the world could possibly charm such a perfect being like Wendy?


Lucky .


Her days had been great; with Wendy often making eye contact with her camera, giving her some gorgeous photos to work with. She was too pretty for Irene’s heart to handle. The fact that she was quite the queen of fan service, did not help either. Irene often found herself blank; speechless over the celebrity’s smirk, affected by the light air kisses.


And not to mention Wendy’s adorable habit of sticking her tongue out, only to gently graze it over her lips. It was almost as if she was intentionally teasing; like she knew what she was capable of, holding each fan girl’s heart on the palm of her hands.


Irene wondered what it would be like to have Wendy as her girlfriend.


Unknowingly, her cheeks began to redden as her mind continued to wander to thoughts related to Wendy.





From: Seungwannie


Do you have any idea? I kind of just want to relax.


Received 9:20.


Irene’s thoughts suddenly snapped back towards Seungwan. She oddly reminded Irene of Wendy. Their husky, calm voice; the soft, homebody vibe they give off; and their passion for work.


Even their names are the same.


Maybe Seungwan was the closest to Wendy Irene would ever have. Not like she had a problem with it. The brunette was charming, a little too much perhaps.


To: Seungwannie


Wanna come over then? I live alone.

We could order pizza, or whatever food you like.

I kind of want some rice cakes.




She really hoped Seungwan agrees. Frankly, she was a little lazy to go out, and her car was out for repairs. Lord knows Irene detests public transportation above everything.


From: Seungwannie


Is that okay? I don’t really wanna intrude


Received 9:23.


Typical Seungwan. Irene’s lips curved at the message.


To: Seungwannie


You dork. I offered, of course it’s okay! It’s my house.

I’m sending my address. You better show up.




Irene knew that the younger would. Seungwan was terrible at refusing. She was a little too nice, and a little too cute, and a little too fun to tease. Seungwan was too much.


From: Seungwannie


Okay, I’ll be over in a bit. I want some rice cakes too,

not spicy please :P


Received 9:28.


Irene had no idea what to do with her obviously growing affection for the dorky brunette. It was as if Joohyun forgets about the world around her whenever she talked with Seungwan. She even forgets about her love for Wendy, which was preposterous. Wendy was the love of her life! But there was no denying that her liking for the younger goes beyond what is considered normal; way beyond how friends should feel.


That’s what they were, friends.


But maybe Seungwan liked her back?


She wasn’t sure.




Surely enough, Seungwan did show up, in her terrible and excessive fashion that Irene can’t seem to get used to. The younger’s eyes comically widened as she stepped a foot inside Irene’s home.


“Woah! You’re rich, unnie!” She gasped at at enormous television hanging elegantly against the wall.


“I’m not. My parents are.” The older shrugged. “Make yourself at home. The couch is pretty soft.” Irene gestured towards the couch.


The shorter simply nodded. Irene then noticed the plastic bag Seungwan was carrying.


“What’s that?” Irene pointed at the bag.


Seungwan then beamed, excitedly raising the bag. “Carrot cake!”


“For what?”


“You said you like carrot cake, before. So I made you one!” The shorter girl grinned, flashing her adorable dimple that Irene never seem to have noticed before.


“You didn’t have to. But thank you, I love carrot cake.” She gently grabbed the cake, to place and cool it in her fridge. “I already ordered earlier, so you can just take a seat.” She walked back to the living room, plopping her body on the soft couch, a good distance away from her guest.


And that was when Seungwan visibly grew anxious. She tapped her foot against the carpet, casually swinging her legs. Irene wondered how hot it must be to have layers of clothing inside a heated room.


“Don’t you want to take your jacket off? My heater is on.”


The brunette nervously turned towards the older, facing her. Irene wanted to laugh at how adorable Seungwan looked with her puffer jacket, beanie, and scarf. Last time the former checked, it wasn’t that cold outside.


“U-unnie, I have a confession to make…” The younger stuttered.


Irene’s heart began to race, adrenaline rushing through her veins. Her thoughts began to fly at all the possibilities of what Seungwan had to say. The latter looked so nervous, it was unsettling.


“Y-yeah?” Joohyun wasn’t sure what she was nervous for, when it wasn’t her that had something to confess.


“I–” Seungwan began ping her jacket, and unravelling her scarf. Irene had no idea where the younger was going with the situation.


“Woah, woah, woah! What are you doing!?” Irene was now freaking out. Why the hell was Seungwan stripping!?


“I’ve been meaning to do this. I don’t think I can keep the act any longer.” The jacket and scarf was gone, now scattered on the couch. Seungwan’s head was ducked as she removed her beanie, followed by her glasses. She then ruffled her hair, fixing the bangs that Irene didn’t know existed.


Slowly, she lifted her head.


And that was when Irene choked on air.


W-what the !?” Joohyun sputtered. “Wendy!?


Irene abruptly stood up, making herself a little dizzy. She pointed an accusing finger at her guest.


Y-You’re Wendy! Where’s Seungwan? I-is this real? D-did I die? Am I dreaming?” The older smacked herself, wanting to wake herself up from the supposed dream.


“I am S-Seungwan… My name is Seungwan. Son Seungwan… Aren’t you my fan? Shouldn’t you know?” The girl still sitting on the couch, explained.


“How? This doesn’t make any sense!”


“I can’t believe you didn’t know. It was weird how you couldn’t tell… For a fansite of mine, you’re terrible at identifying me.” Wendy timidly chuckled, causing Irene’s jaw to drop.


“S-so, the whole time… Y-you– Seungwan?” The sentence itself did not make sense but Wendy was smart enough to figure it out.


“Yeah.. At the record shop, at the restaurant. It was me the whole time. That’s how I knew you from the fan sign… Remember the fan sign a few months ago, I unknowingly called you ‘Joohyun’?” Wendy slowly explained, finding Irene’s disbelieved expression, a little funny.


The latter just nodded dumbly.


“You said you really liked me… You talked about me like I was someone amazing. It made me really happy, you know. The fact that you didn’t know it was me, and talk about your admiration like you would with anyone else, it was really something new for me. It felt like I really accomplished great things. I was proud of myself. I wondered how someone so p-pretty like you could like me... It didn’t make sense.” Wendy talked, since she knew that Irene was still trying to process everything.


“I was cautious at first since Idol life is risky… but since it’s been months and you proved to me that you’re nothing but amazing, I w-wanted to tell you the truth.” She continued. “Joohyun unnie? Are you okay?”


...Holy .” was the first thing that came out of Irene’s mouth.


“I-I’m sorry” Wendy quietly apologized.


“I rambled about Wendy… to you… and you’re Wendy…” She said, but the latter figured that she was talking to herself.


“Yeah, I am.” The brunette awkwardly nodded.


“Oh my God, I’m an idiot! I should've known! You were too similar, but I just thought that it must have been a ‘Seungwan’ thing.”


Wendy laughed at the sight before her.


“I agree, you’re kind of an idiot. I can’t believe you didn’t know it was me. Some of my fans could guess who I am based on a picture of my eyebrows, and yet, you couldn’t tell. You run a fansite, we talk over the phone everyday. Should I be offended?” Wendy playfully scoffed.


“Well, excuse me for not being a creep! Or obsessed.” Irene defended, slowly calming down. “Wendy Son is in my house… what the .” She mumbled, as she stared at the timid figure across from her.


“You sure swear a lot, don’t you?”


“N-no… just, sometimes, I guess? It comes out naturally. When I’m scared, mostly…”


“That’s pretty cute.” Irene’s eyes narrowed at the younger. Did Wendy just call her cute? Cute? The Wendy Son called Bae Joohyun cute?


You’re cute…” The older unknowingly said. She was about to take it back when she saw Wendy’s soft cheeks slowly redden.


“T-thanks unnie.”


“You’re welcome…” Irene wished she could get rid of the awkwardness surrounding them at the moment. There are a few problems, however; Irene was the definition of awkward, while Wendy was shy as a turtle. “D-do you want some tea? I have tea… or do you not like tea? It’s okay if you d—”


“Tea is perfect, thank you.” The shorter one, giggled. The sight of a mumbling mess before her dumped a bucket of butterflies in her stomach. It made Wendy giddy with feelings, like a highschool girl who was just noticed by her dashing crush.


Although the analogy wasn’t too far off in her opinion.


“So uh… I actually wanted to meet you today for a reason.” Wendy started off, gently placing her steaming tea on the coffee table.


Irene kept mum, simply mirroring the younger’s action. She was a woman of few words — hard to believe — so she had been more comfortable being one to listen. She focused all her attention on the younger, who looked oddly nervous. If she wanted to meet up, whatever she had to say must have been important.


“I’m all ears.” Irene said, softly. She somehow went back to her normal self. The soft spoken, introverted Joohyun; in contrast to the one she had previously shown to Wendy.


It must have been the tea.


“Well, you see, the thing is…”


Oh god. There’s a ‘thing’.


Those words never follow up on anything pleasant. Irene gulped as she physically felt the gears in her mind working on full mode.


Did Wendy come to end their friendship? Is it because she found out that Irene had the not-so-secret crush on Wendy? Was her growing admiration for Seungwan becoming a little obvious? What was it?


What was the ‘thing’?


“Okay, here I go… I like you… I like like you, unnie…”


Wait, what—?


H-Huh?!” Irene shrieked, not fully understanding what was happening.


“I like you, Joohyun unnie. A lot more than I should.” Wendy repeated, a little softer this time. Slower, so Irene could comprehend her words better. “I have a crush on you. I think it’s pretty big too…”


“You what? You l-like me?” Wendy simply nodded. “When? How? What— What the hell!” Irene asked exasperatedly.


How could an idol like her? It wasn’t just any idol, either. It just had to be the one she’s been obsessing over since the girl debuted.


She doesn't even want to think about Wendy during happiness era. Young, skinny, pure-looking Son Seungwan with her yummy abs and shimmering eyes.


Irene remembered looking at her poster, thinking “you can light me up, Wendy.”


“Since the first time we saw each other, I guess? When you were stacking records and I asked you if you had any Jessie J ones, and you looked at me like a had an extra head. You had the prettiest eyes, and I just thought I h-had to m-meet you again..” Wendy confessed, stuttering a little. “You talked to me about red velvet, and you had me thinking for a second you knew more about us, than I did.


Wendy chuckled, thinking back to the first time she stepped into the dusty and run-down record shop.


“You has no idea how happy I was when I came back and you were there… we talked a lot. You looked at me every time you said something. Your eyes… I think I looked at you a little longer than I should have… because I felt myself fall.” The young idol finished her confession.




“Yeah, you’re dangerous unnie. Looking at you is dangerous.” Wendy laughed lightly, though Irene figured that what she said wasn’t all that funny.


You can’t look at anyone for too long, they’ll fall.


Irene couldn’t really process what was happening. Wendy was speaking riddles, and the former’s mind was too black to read between the lines.


So, you like me?” Irene confirmed, again.


“If it wasn’t clear enough the few times I’ve said it in the last ten minutes, yes. I like you, unnie. It’s a long shot but, I was h-hoping you felt the s-same…” Wendy chuckled awkwardly.


“Are you kidding me?” Irene asked, too seriously for the idol’s liking.


“W-what?” Wendy had a sensitive heart, she wasn’t very good at handling rejection.


“I can’t really turn you down, can I?” Irene rubbed the back of her neck, feeling her temperature slowly rise.


Unnie…” Wendy wasn’t sure what the older girl was getting at.


“You’re the love of my life… I c-can’t really say n-no… I don’t wanna say no.” Irene couldn’t help but duck her head. She had never been good at speaking her feelings, romantic feelings to be exact. “Y-you’ve heard me ramble about you, right? I even said that you’re the one I wanna be with… I mean, I was just mindlessly talking, but I really did mean it. I’ve always liked you, as Wendy, and more so as Seungwan…” The girl rambled; her heart on her sleeves, bare for celebrity to see.


What are you saying?” This time, Wendy moved closer to Irene, hope clear in her eyes.


“I, uh— I’ve never done this before. S-sorry. Goddamnit Irene, get it together.” Irene whispered harshly, scolding herself for being a hot mess. “Okay, So, um. C-can you — is that right? Can? — W-will you — will? ugh — Please be mine, W-Wendy… or Seungwan… whichever… um, I know you’re an idol, and it’s probably gonna since you’re busy and all, but it d-doesn’t matter… I l-like you still. I’ll um wait for you on breaks. So p-please, lets g-go out… be girlfriends, I guess? Is what you call it? , I’m rambling— Wen—”


As much as Wendy loved seeing Irene in such a state, she needed to intervene, otherwise the poor girl would probably be left talking for eternity.


I’d love to. Let’s be girlfriends and go out.” Wendy flashed a shy smile before leaning in to plant a gentle peck on Irene’s blushing left cheek; a subtle way of thanking the older for her effort with confessing to Wendy, and asking her out.


“R-really?” Irene’s eyes widened, her left hand immediately shooting up to feel the tingly sensation of her cheek, where Wendy’s lips had previously landed.


“Didn’t I technically confess first?”


“Y-yeah but I just—”


“Just what?” Wendy interrupted.


“Nothing… does that mean we’re g-girlfriends then?” Irene mumbled, still bashful about the idea of dating a celebrity.


She had to remind herself that it’s the same Seungwan she had been talking with, everyday, for the past months.


“Yeah, we are. I’m happy.” Wendy’s hand gently placed itself on top of Irene’s, curling to grip; a loose hand-holding.


Me too…” Irene might be a little awkward but she liked it. She liked the feeling of a warm, soft hand, holding her own.


She liked Wendy’s hand holding her own, to be exact. She would love to get used to the feeling.


So…” Irene started, after a brief silence. “Pizza?


She grabbed the remote using her free hand, turning on the tv, and straight into Netflix. Wendy enthusiastically nodded.


She liked pizza.


“I hope you like Hawaiian. I’m into pineapples…” Irene chuckled. But her laughter soon bloomed into a grin as she caught Wendy’s approving nod, her smile bright as the sun.


I like pineapples too!


Irene thought that she had truly found her soulmate.


Wendy, her girlfriend now, had never looked so perfect in her eyes.




In contrast to popular belief, Seulgi and Joy do not even come close to being “innocent”. They were nothing but trouble, especially together. Like Jessie and James, or Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum; Joy and Seulgi were partners in crime.



". We're stuck. How are we supposed to sneak inside a private building without making it look illegal?" Seulgi panicked. Their supposedly brilliant plan was slowly falling apart.


"Let's just wait for a while, and watch around until someone comes in."

"Where are we supposed to hang around without looking suspicious? Hellooo? Big hoodies and surgical masks aren't exactly the most ideal outfit when lurking at night. I swear to God we’re gonna get ourselves shot. Or worse, our asses might end up in jail."



"Oh, shut up. Let's just hide behind the bushes." Joy grabbed the older's wrist, dragging her across the street, and into an area of greens.


"Ew. Honestly Sooyoung, What are we doing with our lives? We could be at home watching Netflix right now." Seulgi was getting dirt all over her brand new hoodie, and it made her feel even more miserable.

"Here." Joy handed the older a little toy, to momentarily shut Seulgi's mouth, allowing her some time to think.



"Ooh! Binoculars! Now this is gonna be fun." Seulgi carefully placed the lens against her eyes, she then strategically focused the item towards the building across their current location.

"Do you see anything? Do you see Wendy unnie?" Joy asked the older who was currently looking at the condominium building.

"Not really. It's really dark." Seulgi answered, clearly clueless.

"Let me see that." Joy snatched the older's gadget, checking the lens. "The covers are still on, genius."

"You're the one who gave it, with the cover on."

"And yet, you didn't take it off. No matter what your argument is, you're the idiot between us." Joy shook her head. She removed the protective cover, then looked at the opposite building. "Uh, I see the rooms but no signs of unnie."



Seulgi, who was previously sulking over Joy's savagery, was about to say something when the younger clasped .


She was about to retaliate when Joy whispered.


"Did you hear that?"

Seulgi tried to answer but all that came out were muffled nonsense, so she decided to shake her head instead.

"Wait, it's still there. It's getting louder."

Seulgi stopped resisting Joy's hold in order to focus on her surroundings. And there it was, the sound Joy was talking about. It was indeed getting louder, like the source was getting closer. It sounded like a song, or a hum. But the more they listened, the more baffled they became. The sound was becoming more like a squeak. A mixture of excitement and weirdness.

".. ee-ee-ee-ee." The noise was getting clearer, but it still didn't make any sense.

"Wait, it's almost here." Joy hushed. Not that Seulgi had much of a choice, since was clamped shut.

"Ti ee-ee-ee." The noise was getting closer and closer.


"What the hell is going on?" Joy whispered harshly, clearly frightened. Seulgi could only shrug, but she too, was a little scared.

It was creepy, and almost evil sounding.


They heard footsteps, then came the shadow. The older knew Joy enough to know that the younger was about to scream, so before they cause a scene, Seulgi quickly smacked her right hand against the blonde's mouth.

"Where's my banana roti? Banana roti ee-ee-ee-ee"

A figure of a read head appeared under the lamppost just a few distance from the condo's main entrance. She appeared to be humming a song, that just didn't make any sense. Joy and Seulgi watched the girl as she giggled to herself, grinning a little too brightly.

The duo looked at each other with widened eyes before releasing their hold.

"What the ?" They both whispered in sync. They turned to the girl once again, who seemed to be looking for something in her bag.

"It must be a key to the condo. Unnie, she could get us in there." Joy was about to stand up when Seulgi yanked her back down.

"What if she gets us killed? Or reports us for trespassing? Sooyoung, we're idols. We can't get in any trouble." She reprimanded.

"You think too much." Was the last thing Joy said before she got up and ran towards the younger.

"You! With the hot chilli hair!" Joy called out. The said girl turned around irritably, but her expression quickly transitioned to pure shock after seeing the familiar girl approaching her way.

"J-Joy?! Red velvet Park Joy unnie?"

"Yeah, hi?"

"What are you doing here? From.. the bush?" The girl's brows furrowed in confusion at the twisted turn of events.

"It's a long story, um, what's your name?"

"Yeri.." Yeri couldn't believe that she's casually talking to her biggest idol.

"It's a long story, Yeri. Wait, hold on. Seulgi unnie, you can come out now. It's okay!" The tall girl shouted towards the bushes. A second later, a mono-lidded angel popped up with her eye catching orange hair.

Seulgi cautiously walked towards the two, before waving at Yeri.

"Hi there!" She greeted brightly although she was sweating bullets inside. "Are you perhaps, heading inside?"

The youngest looked at the two older girls in front of her, smiling warmly. She just blinked blankly, not knowing how to react to the whole situation.

"Yes, why?" Yeri had no idea where the conversation was going.

"Do you think it's possible for us to come with you? Inside, I mean." Joy flashed an innocent smile.

"Yeah, is that possible?" Seulgi, who was simply following along, gave one of her killer eye smiles, internally melting Yeri.

"I really feel like I should ask more questions but we seriously look like freaks out here. So, sure. Follow me." Yeri unlocked the sliding door, allowing the three of them to enter the building.



Seulgi and Joy let out a breath of relief, finally making it inside the condo after hours of observing, for lack of a better word.



"So, Yerimmie, do you live here?" Seulgi asked, looking around the internal structure of the place. It sure looks different once you're inside.

"Nope. I live a few blocks away. I'm here to visit Joohyun unnie, and of course, my banana roti." The youngest's mouth watered at the thought of her one true love, banana roti.

The idol duo's heads snapped, swiftly looking at each other. Like two bodies with the same mind, they grabbed the young girl simultaneously, startling her greatly.

"Joohyun? Like, Bae Joohyun?"

"You guys know her? How do you know unnie?"

"Just as I suspected. If my calculations are correct, Wendy should be with Joohyun unnie right now." Seulgi dramatically placed her thumb and index finger just below her chin, with her face appearing to be in deep contemplation .

"Affirmative.” Joy agreed, mirroring the same expression as the orange haired girl.


“How do you guys know her?” Yeri asked once again. The troublesome duo looked at each other, communicating telepathically, before looking away and focusing their attention to the stranger.


“How do you?” Joy returned the question, successfully confusing the youngest.


“Oh. We work together?” Since Yeri wasn’t sure about the two’s agenda, she tried not giving too much details.


“Are you two close?” This time, it was Seulgi who asked.


“She can cook banana roti better than Bobby Flay, so of course we're close.” Yeri’s thoughts travelled back to her loving dessert. She should really head to Irene’s place before the love of her life gets too cold.


“Bobby Flay cooks banana roti? Have you had them?”


“Well, no.. But I’m assuming?”


“No one beats Bobby Flay in his show, so I don’t see how Joohyun unnie would be so different.” Joy couldn’t believe that Seulgi was arguing with a teenager she had just met, and over Bobby Flay, of all things.


She wanted to smack the older for being an idiot, so she did, which received a pained yelp from Seulgi.


“Stop arguing. Who cares about Bobby Flay?”


“What? I do! He’s my second favourite chef after Susur Lee. We shall pay respects for the real MVPs.”


“Seulgi unnie, shut up.” Joy answered without a hint of amusement. She then turned to the youngest. “Yeri can you take us to Joohyun unnie’s condo?”


“I guess? I was on my way there anyway.”


“Yay!” Joy happily skipped to Yeri, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl’s shoulder. Yerim still didn’t have a clue of what in the world was happening, or why it’s happening but she did like it. She enjoyed receiving affection from a world star idol.


If she only had her camera.



“Joy unnie, why exactly are you looking for Joohyun unnie?”


Joy looked at the older girl beside her, asking for permission on whether she could spill the beans. She received an approving nod in return.


“Because she’s with our Wendy unnie, and we’re curious. Wendy unnie had been ditching Seulgi unnie and I, but she never told us why, so we followed her.. And here we are.”


“Wait, how do you know it’s Joohyun unnie she’s with.”


“Oh. She kept mumbling ‘Bae Joohyun’ and ‘Joohyun unnie’ in her sleep so we only assumed.”


“So you’re not actually sure if it’s really Joohyun unnie?” Yeri wanted to laugh at how amateur the two were at spying. But she was quite impressed with their bravery, and disguise.


“We’ll let you confirm since you actually know her.” Joy pulled out her phone, showing a picture to Yeri.


“Does this look like Bae Joohyun to you?” The blonde girl showed a picture of two people’s backs, one in an oversized gray hoodie, and the other in a simple black sweater.


“I don’t know? I can’t confirm people’s identity through a picture of their back..” Yeri sarcastically replied, earning a laugh from Seulgi.


“She’s got a point, you know.”


“Do you have a picture of her— I don’t knowFace?” Yeri could easily recognize her almost-sister’s face. Whether it’s blurry or not.


“Nope.” Joy answered.


“Don’t know what she looks like.” Seulgi added on.


“You don’t even know what she looks like? And you still followed them all the way home?” Yeri couldn’t believe it. She never would have expected her idols to be such fools.


Pretty much.” The two said simultaneously.




“How much farther is it? We’ve been walking up these flights of stairs forever.” Joy complained. She and Seulgi have been walking the whole day and she doesn’t have the energy to walk any more.


“She lives in the ninth floor, we’re in seventh right now.”


“Don’t they have elevators?” Seulgi asked this time, mirroring Joy’s exhaustion.


They do.” Yeri answered nonchalantly, a bright smile plastered on her face.


“Then, what the hell!” The two answered, sharing a gaze before bolting for the door, running for the elevator.


Yeri just shrugged, taking her time in walking up another two flights of stairs. It never hurts to get more exercise. After all, her girlfriend Saeron did mention that she had gained a bit of weight from always eating banana roti.


As soon as Yeri reached the ninth floor, she saw two figures, slumped lifelessly against the wall. She knew that those were the same idiots that had been waiting for her, waiting for Yeri to lead them to Bae Joohyun’s house.


“So which one is hers?”


“The one around the corner.”


The two unwillingly got up, following the younger.


“This looks like a condo unit for the wealthy. Is Joohyun unnie rich?”


“Yes, she’s rich. She doesn’t admit it, but her parents are loaded, and she also makes a good amount of money.” Yeri’s praises caught the two’s attention. Of course Wendy wasn’t one to leech off of someone’s money, (she was more than capable) but being together with someone who was financially independent was always a great thing.


“Her condo must be nice..” Seulgi was already a little excited meeting Wendy’s girl. She had a great feeling about her.


“Her condo is aesthetically pleasing. Her tv is huge since all she does is stay home and watch Netflix. It’s a really nice hangout place. She may be a grandma when it comes to technology, but she owns a lot of games and consoles. Her parents bought it to lure more people into unnie’s house.” Yeri giggled.


Meanwhile, Seulgi and Joy were already rejoicing inside. They looooove video games. Their competitive spirit was out of this world. They are so gonna like Wendy’s girl. Well, At least they pray that it really is Bae Joohyun. Because so far, they love everything they’ve heard about her.




“We’re here. We finally made it. This is all folks!” Yeri imitated the ending of the Looney Toons, which received two pairs of judging eyes.


You’re weird.” The two commented synchronously.


“Coming from the twins that followed a stranger home.” The younger, sassed.


Touché, kid.” They, again, answered concurrently.


Yeri rang the doorbell three times, a habit that she had grown used to whenever she visited Irene’s house.




You!?” Joy and Seulgi yelled at the same time, unitedly pointing their fingers at Irene.


“Irin unnie! You? You’re the pretty unnie in the fansigns!” Joy claimed, quite loudly.


You’re Wendy’s girl!?” Seulgi voice followed.


Irene was just as shocked to see the two members of Red Velvet in front of her house, with.. Yeri?


“Uh..” Irene graduated her degree and managed to be on the Dean’s list, but right now, she couldn’t, for the life of her, come up with a word to say.


“Hyunnie, who’s at the do- Huh?! What are you two doing here?!” Wendy pointed an accusing finger at the two.


“Unnie, the real question is, what are you doing here? With Irin unnie, at her house?” Joy fired back.


“Can’t we take this cold war inside? Please? It’s night time, and we’re gonna get complaints from the neighbours.” Yeri, who surprisingly sounded mature, pushed Joy and Seulgi inside.


They quickly locked the doors and gathered in the living room; Joy and Seulgi on a loveseat, Wendy and Irene on the other, with Yeri flying solo in the condo owner’s massage chair.


So.. We are gathered here today to discuss the affair between Miss Bae Joohyun, and Miss Son. Could the prosecution please rise.” Yeri struck her phone against the arm of the couch, making a gavel out of her electronic device.


It took the four older girls a solid second to process what the youngest had just said, before cooperating. Joy, who had always been the faster one, pulled Seulgi up, before straightening out.


Faking a cough to warm up , she began to walk towards the guilty party.


“Your honour, I believe that the defendants are involved in an affair..” Joy began. Yeri, who played the role of a (slightly biased) judge, nodded, confirming that she was indeed listening. “Some might even say that they are sleeping together.”


Wendy abruptly stood up. “Sooyoung! what the f–”


Yeri immediately struck her gavel against the leather seat. “Miss Son, you may defend yourself after. Please take a seat.”


Irene, who knew the youngest the best, tugged Wendy’s arm, gesturing the girl to sit down. She knew that once Yerim was on a role, there was no stopping her. Yeri gestured Joy to continue.


“As I was saying, there is no other explanation as to why people of completely different worlds, are in the same place, under the same roof, just casually ‘hanging out’. It's quite a preposterous concept, in my opinion. Exhibit A: Our dorm is in Hongdae, your honour, which is approximately forty-five minutes away, give or take. Having said that, one can’t simply end up here, by chance. And correct me if I’m wrong but Miss Wendy even had an endearing name for Miss Bae.” Yeri was impressed with Joy’s professionalism. She was nailing the role. “Which leads me to my second point. As I recall from our little encounter at the door just a few minutes ago, Miss Son called Miss Bae, ‘Hyunnie’, a name that honestly makes me want to throw up a little as I said it. Friends, especially strangers, do not give each other such puke-inducing names. That’s all for now, Your Honour. Miss Kang, my partner, will continue later.” Joy flashed a smirk towards the clearly irritated defendant, before going back to her seat.


“Very well, Miss Park. Now, would the defendants rise.” Wendy and Irene then stood up. “You may now explain your side Miss Son, Miss Bae. And mind you, slang is strictly prohibited. In this court, one must be professional, like how Miss Park was earlier.” Irene scoffed at that. Out of all the people she knew, Yeri was the most unprofessional, dorky, spoiled brat she had met.


Wendy was about to speak, when Yeri declared one more thing.


“In this courtroom, honesty is the absolute law.” Irene and Wendy visibly gulped at that. “Very well, now that everything is set, our attention is all yours, Miss Son.”


“Okay, so.. Uh.” Yeri gave Irene a disapproving look, which the older only shrugged to. “Y-Your Honour, to be honest with you, Joohyun unnie and I are dating.”


The duo on the prosecution side, as well as Irene’s jaws hung. They weren’t expecting Wendy to drop the bomb so fast. There was no denying, nothing. Joy was a little impressed by the older’s bravery. Yeri, on the other hand, could only blink furiously, completely taken aback by the older’s blunt words. Her attention was only diverted as soon as she saw Seulgi stand up, pointing an accusing finger at her best friend.


“How could you!”


Yeri then turned her attention to Wendy once again, catching the girl bite her lip in a guilty manner. “Seul, I’m sorry, okay? I just wasn’t sure how you two would react to it, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”


Seulgi opened , only to close it back up. She took a second to calm down, taking a seat once again. Joy, automatically placed her hand on her partner’s back, rubbing it soothingly.


“Now I know what the Goblin felt like.” The sulking bear not–so–subtly mumbled, catching the attention of the other four. “I’ve totally just been stabbed.” Joy quickly ducked her head down, and bit her lip, preventing herself from laughing at Seulgi’s words. She knew that the older was genuinely upset, and laughing would not be an appropriate action.



But Yeri, however, had other plans. An unpleasant snort echoed through the living room, which was quickly replaced by a loud, almost–mocking laughter.



“I can’t– hahahaha– do this, hahaha it’s all haha too much.” The younger was grabbing her stomach, as she slumped against the comfortable chair. Seulgi was lamer than the word lame, and it was hilarious.


It took her several minutes to come down from her high, before sitting up once again, even wiping the tears that pooled in her eyes. “Wendy unnie– hehe– you might want to tell them– hahah– what actually happened between you and Joohyun unnie.”


Wendy gave a hesitant look, which came off very clear to Yeri.


“Trust me Wendy unnie, we’re on the same boat. You don't want to talk, and I don't really want listen, since it's probably really long, and extremely detailed, down to the exact date and time, and how the weather was that day. And Irene unnie will probably correct your grammar if you make a mistake, and–”


Yerim, shut up!” Irene snapped, but that didn’t stop the younger from talking. It never did.


“I’m just saying unnie. I’m trying to save our time, and Wendy unnie’s energy, which you’ll probably make a good use of later, but that’s not the point. You can just tell us how long you two have been together, and how you met. That should be enough.”


The couple shared a loving, yet uncertain gaze before Wendy heaved a sigh.


“Okay, so I’ll tell you what happened. I actually officially met Joohyun unnie at a record shop..” Wendy started off. Irene was the better storyteller, considering she had a way with words, but she did not particularly enjoy talking, so Wendy it was.


“You met her at that dusty record shop she works at?” Yeri, as expected, was the first one to interrupt.


“Yes.” Wendy simply answered.


“What were you doing at a record shop, unnie?”


“Oh. I was looking for a Jessie J. vinyl”


“Of course.” Joy and Seulgi said simultaneously. The former wasn’t sure why she even bothered asking in the first place. “Anyway, go on.”


“Joohyun unnie didn’t recognize me then.. And the few other times that I visited. She even accused me of being a criminal because of how covered I was.” The smile on Wendy’s face was enough to keep the three troublemakers, quiet.


“She talked so passionately about everything; from what she liked to what she didn’t, it was the cutest thing I have ever seen.”


The trio kept mum the whole time, allowing Wendy to talk about what happened between her and Irene. The latter could see Yeri fidget on her seat. She’s always been the kind of kid that could not sit still, nor stay silent for a long while. Irene was glad that the youngest respected her girlfriend enough to allow her to speak without interruptions every five seconds.


Wendy talked and talked until her story finally came into a neat conclusion.


“Wow.. That was quite a story.” Joy was the first one to speak. To be honest, she tuned out half way through the older’s story. It’s not like she didn’t care, it was just because her attention span was even thinner than her patience.


“Okay, I admit that story was adorable. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m still upset at you.” Seulgi was now back to sulking; her lip jutting out into an adorable pout. The bear-like girl’s cuteness managed to captivate everyone in the room, especially the youngest.


If Yeri wasn’t so hopelessly in love with her girlfriend, she would, no doubt, have had the biggest crush on Seulgi.


She would never admit it, but at that moment, she knew that her small admiration for the older grew just a little more.


“How about dinner? My treat. Would that work?” Wendy suggested, knowing that her bestfriend loved food more than anything else.


“Yes!” The two youngest immediately agreed, answering in Seulgi’s place.


Meanwhile, the bear’s face scrunched in contemplation. Frankly, she wasn’t upset anymore because she knew that her best friend is happy, but at the same time, she did not want to give in so easily.


“I’ll buy you all the dumplings you want.” Wendy offered, fully knowing her same-aged buddy’s kryptonite. “Come on, Seul. Please? I know a great place.”


“Is it far?” She pouted. The shorter smiled at that, knowing that her group’s leader had forgiven her.


“Not really. It’s like three blocks away?” Seulgi the groaned. She had been walking the whole day, and she would really appreciate not walking any more. Just the thought of going all the way to the restaurant exhausted her.


“No thank you. I’d rather starve.” She mumbled.


Just then, Irene intervened for the first time that night.


“I’ve got a car..” The oldest had always been good at reading exhaustion from those around her. Seulgi oddly reminded Irene of Yeri. How their faces reflected the same amount of irritation and hunger after a long day.


“You drive?” Seulgi innocently asked.


“No, unnie. She just wants to pay insurance for funsies.” Joy sarcastically replied. Fatigue was slowly seeping through her system. She’s too hungry and tired for Seulgi’s “innocence”, as Wendy kindly put it. “Irene unnie, would you mind driving us there then? I’m famished.”


Yeri looked at the older with a disgusted face. “Did you just say ‘famished’? Who the hell are you? What kind of person says ‘famished’ in a conversation? I am so offended.” The youngest then scoffed dramatically.


“Let’s just go. They’re gonna close soon.” Wendy interrupted the two before a mini brawl happened in her girlfriend’s house.


She then left the condo, forcing the others to follow her. Irene quickly grabbed her keys before joining the others.


They stopped in front of a small family restaurant, that seemed a little run down for Sooyoung’s liking. To her knowledge, such restaurant wouldn’t be a place that Wendy would visit voluntarily.


“Are you sure this is where we’re eating?” Joy was about to complain some more when an excited squeal interrupted her thoughts.


“Oh my gosh! It’s been so long! I miss this place.” Yeri excitedly hopped on the spot. “Let’s go, unnie!” The youngest hastily pushed Wendy’s back, forcing the latter inside.


There, a woman, standing by the door, greeted them brightly.


“Hello, welc– Oh my! Seungwan, sweetie! I missed you! It’s been so long!” The restaurant owner then pulled Wendy into a tight hug, which the girl happily reciprocated.


“I missed you too, mom.” Wendy answered, though a little muffled by the elder’s sweater.


The shortest girl’s statement took the two Red Velvet members, aback. The lady was most definitely not Wendy’s mother. They had never seen the woman before. So why did Wendy refer to the restaurant owner as “mom”?


Just then, Yeri moved away from her previous spot (which was behind Wendy’s tiny figure) and towards the unknown woman.


“Mom! I came too!” Yeri pounced on the owner, causing the both of them to stumble backwards.


“Yerim? My daughter! Christ, you have grown so much. You must be eating well. You have gotten even prettier.” The lady ruffled Yeri’s hair, while the little one continued to cling tightly.


Now, Joy and Seulgi were even more confused. Was the woman’s name “Mom”? Because it was impossible for both Wendy and Yeri to be her biological daughters.


“Mom, I’m here too..” Irene walked a little closer to the group; her figure obviously sulking at the lack of attention.


The elder’s name is definitely “Mom”. The two troublemakers confirmed telepathically.


“Joohyun, dear, you’re too old to be acting like a rotten brat.” The woman laughed, which Irene pouted to.


The mysterious woman then turned her attention towards the two alienated individuals. “Sweetie, you brought some more of your friends? Look at you finally socializing.” She teased before approaching the two awkward girls. “Nice to meet you, I’m Joohyun’s mother.”


The two looked at Irene in a synchronized motion. So, the woman’s actually Irene’s mother?


It seemed like the older was able to read their minds because she responded.


“Not actually. She’s my best friend’s mom.” Irene mumbled.


The now identified lady flashed a warm smile, comfortably putting her one hand on each of their shoulder.


“You two can call me ‘Mom’ as well. Gosh, I have so many daughters already.” She giggled. “You must be hungry. Come on in, and have a seat. Order anything you’d like.”


Their newly proclaimed mother then ushered them towards a table. “Settle down while I quickly grab you something to drink.” She hurriedly left.


Joy and Seulgi excitedly sat down. Their mental connection must have sparked because they looked at each other, at the same time, then turned towards the three others that sat across.


We love mom already!


Irene chuckled. “You just met her.” Although she was thankful that her said mother was viewed favourably.


“She offered us food.” Seulgi said.


“And she willingly claimed us as her new daughters.” Joy added.


No one else would do that. We love her!” They said, again, at the same time.


“Are you sure you two aren’t twins?” Irene questioned. Honestly, the whole talking at the exact-same-time creeped her out a little.


“We are.” They shrugged.


Irene’s brows scrunched in confusion, before turning to Wendy.


“They’re twins.” The latter confirmed. “I stopped questioning it.” She too, shrugged it off.


Must be normal. Irene concluded.


It was a few moments of silence until their mother came back with a tray full of ice cold beverages. Settling it down, she began to take orders.


“Seungwan, dear?”


“I’ll have an order of your heavenly rice cake, but not too spicy please?” Wendy grinned.




“I’ll just share with Seungwan. I’m not that hungry.” Irene responded.


Mhmm. I’m sure that’s the reason you want to share with her.” The elder sassed, earning some evil cackle from the demonic trio (the two youngest especially).


“What about you, sweetie?”


“I’ll have dumplings please.” Seulgi flashed one of her adorable eye smiles.


“What kind of dumpling?”


“All of them! Hehe.” Seulgi excitedly bobbed her head.


“What about you, my pretty daughter?”


“You heard that? I’m the pretty one.” Sooyoung’s face screamed of smug. “I’ll have grilled beef, please. Also, some fried chicken.”


“Lastly, my adorable youngest.” Yeri giggled at that. She had always loved how much the elder babied her.


“Um.. I don’t know what I want..”


“Any food you feel like having?” Wendy tried to help out.


“Banana roti..”


“Wha–” Joy couldn’t finish her question because Yeri’s loud screeching stopped everyone from talking.


“Joohyun unnie! My banana roti! I left it at your house! It’s gonna be gross and soggy by the time we get back. What do I do?” Yeri contemplated on running back to the condo, to possibly save her favourite food. She was panicking.


“Woah, calm down, tiger. It’s gonna be okay.” Joy tried calming the younger.


“But.. My banana roti.. I’ve been wanting it all day.” The younger was close to tears. “Banana roti..”


“How about I cook you some, Yerimmie?” Their mother suggested.


“Wait, really?” The girl’s tear-pooled eyes suddenly sparkled.


“Of course.” Yeri immediately got up and enveloped the woman into a tight hug.


“You’re the best mother ever!” Irene thought that Yeri’s actual mother would not be very pleased hearing her daughter’s statement. But it’s not like she’ll tell, right?


“Okay, okay. I shall head off then. I’ve got lots to cook. I’ll be back, my adorable daughters.” The elder left, leaving the five alone to chat.


“I’ve got a question..” Yeri was the first to break the ice. It’s always been her.


The four’s attention diverted towards the younger. “Yes?”


“If the five of us are mom’s daughters, that makes us sisters rights?”


“And? Where are you going with this?” Joy questioned.


“So, if we’re all sisters, and Wendy unnie and Joohyun unnie are dating, does that mean..” Yeri didn’t need to fully complete her sentence in order to get a fiery response from the crowd.


“You’re a genius!” Sooyoung gasped, moving towards Yeri to high five the girl.



Irene on the other hand, gladly smacked the living daylights out of the youngest’s head.


“What was I expecting? You’re an idiot.”


“But Sooyoung unnie called me a genius, so that makes your insult, invalid. As DJ Khaled once said, ‘I don’t need such negativity in my life’.” Yeri flashed a winner’s smile. “And I asked an honest question. You two could be the real life Citrus.”


“Cit–what?” Irene wondered what kind of nonsense the younger was blabbing about now.


“You know.. Citrus. Mei, and Yuzu? Pseudo-? Literally the biggest thing in the manga world? No? Ugh. Fine. I’m just saying. This whole situation could be the plot of Citrus. Well, minus the drama, and angst, and all the school bull. So that leaves us with the relationship. Yes, exactly. It’s like Citrus, but not at all.” Yeri rambled, which confused them, more than it did explain.


“Yeri.. what the ?” If Joy complemented Yeri for being a ‘genius’ earlier, well, she for sure takes it back now.


“What? Have you read it too?”


“I don't really want to..” Joy refused.


Oh. Do idols not read such things?”


“I don't think that's the issue here. But yes, it's probably gonna start a good number of rumours and criticism if we got caught reading, or even buying such books.”


“Does that mean dating is banned too?”


“Aren’t you our fan? Shouldn't you know?”


“I do. But it's still absurd. What's gonna happen to Wendy unnie and Irene unnie’s relationship then?” Yeri looked at the two worriedly.


Eh. Everything's allowed as long as you don't get caught.” Joy smirked at the couple. “They'll eventually let her off anyway.”


“What do you think, leader-ssi?” Yeri then asked Seulgi, who was sipping on her cold drink.


“Wendy can do whatever she wants. Dating is something anyone should be able to freely do.” The celebrity leader gave Yeri one of her charming, yet pure, smiles.


“Then why don't you date, unnie?” The youngest pried.


“I don't need to. I already have Sooyoung.” Seulgi answered nonchalantly. Joy, who was beside the former, just smiled in content.


Yeri, turned to Wendy for explanation.


“You'll never have one, without the other. Seulgi and Joy have a great thing, slash teamwork happening, and they don't want anyone to come in the way. They're happy together.” Wendy tried her best to summarize her co-members’ relationship.


It's true.” Sooyoung agreed. “Whenever I get cold, Seulgi unnie would open up her jacket and say ‘get in here’. And no offence to other earthlings, but I don't think I'll find someone else that would treat me like a princess, the way unnie does.”


Yeri was slowly getting a grasp of Red Velvet members’ bonding, and it goes far deeper than she would have thought.


“Sooyoungie is my partner in crime; my other half. I can't go on without her. We're idiots together.” Seulgi grinned proudly.


The youngest wondered if that's what she sounded like when she talked about Saeron; incredibly foolish, but very much sincere.


“That’s kind of cute.” Yeri comments.


“I know right? It can’t get better than this.” Sooyoung shrugged, but with a playful smirk lingering on her lips.


It can. Wendy unnie, and Irene unnie outshone.” The redhead deadpanned.


Sooyoung dramatically gasped at that. “Excuse you! Seulgi unnie and I are adorable. Brangelina sunbaenim are shaking.” Seulgi simply nodded in agreement.


Wenrene outsold.” Yeri, again, said.


“We don’t care, we didn’t ask.” Joy rolled her eyes. Everyone knew about her deep hatred for losing.


“I think we’re the cutest, Sooyoungie.” Seulgi poked Joy’s cheek, her own unique way of cheering the younger up, which, of course, worked.


“I think so too.” Joy’s famous apple-dropping smile returned, her eyes turning into crescent moons as she turned to Seulgi.


Where’s Saeron when I need her…” Yeri mumbled, feeling a little lonely fifth wheeling the two pairs.


“Saeron?” Seulgi questioned.


“Her girlfriend.” Irene answered on Yeri’s place.


“This loser has a girlfriend?” Joy scoffed, pointing at the youngest. Yeri was about to protest when Irene responded.


“I know right? She’s really cute too; smart and talented.”


“Wow. Well, that makes one of them.”


“Rude.” The younger frowned. She knew fully well that Saeron was a little too good for her, but there’s no harm in accepting God’s blessings. “She loves me.”


“She does.” Irene agreed. “She has a weird admiration for your sense of humour.”


“This kid has a sense of humour? Now that’s a joke!” The second youngest mocked.


“Don’t be mean. Yeri is pretty cute.” Seulgi defended, her monolid eyes slowly curving.


Tch, fine.” Sooyoung surrendered. Her defensive wall always crumbled around her favourite unnie anyway.


Wha-poosh.” Yeri mockingly gestured a whipping action, copying the sound it made.


“You’re not one to talk when you called me early this morning to ask which pandora bracelet would look cute on Saeron. It’s not even a special occasion, you just wanted to.” Irene teased, joining the fun.


“Is that so? Double wha-poosh.” Joy snickered in revenge.


“It’s called ‘love’ okay? She deserves the best.” Yeri mumbled, pouty and blushing.


Cringey.” The pairs cringed at the corny line.


“I’m surprised you’re not too broke to shower your girlfriend with sweet gifts. You seem like the foodie type.” Seulgi commented. Yeri would have taken offence if it weren’t for the innocent look on the leader’s face.


“I get by. Saeron is richer than I am, so she doesn’t really mind whether I give her gifts or not. She just likes going on dates.”


Dates… must be nice. What kind of dates do you guys have?” Yeri figured that the older girl did not have much experience when it came to the magical world of relationships, so she would gladly be a love guru.


“Movie dates, mostly. She and I love movies. It could be a blockbuster hit, or the dumbest movie ever made; like Sharknado, or Kungfury, we enjoy watching it together. She also likes walking around. We stroll around, taking selfies, eating street food, trying out random cafes. Everything, pretty much. We stay in, some days. She plays video games and ignores me, while I read a book.” The youngest explained.


“Let’s do that!” Seulgi excitedly faced her other half. “Let’s watch random movies on our day off, and walk around the park.”


The look of happiness and excitement on Seulgi’s face was too pure, even the most cold hearted would melt.


Sooyoung simply ruffled the older’s orange hair, with the most gentle of the smiles.


“I would love to.” She beamed. “Let’s watch Netflix’s Death Note movie. I heard it’s unbearable.”


Yeri groaned at that.


“‘Unbearable’ is an understatement. That movie made me want to write my own name in the death note.” She dramatically laid on the floor, proving her point further. “Did you see the guy who played Light Yagami? He’s supposed to be hot! But instead, they decided to cast Mr. Gross Mcgee from the back alley of McDonalds. He is so ugly! How am I supposed to take him seriously when he looks like he roofies people for a living!” Yeri grumbled in annoyance, wishing she could unwatch Death Note. They did Light Yagami’s character dirty, and to Yeri, that’s a basically a federal offence.


That bad?” Seulgi pouted, even more intrigued.


“Trust me unnie, It’s worse than anything you can even begin to imagine. No words are enough to describe how bad it was. I would rather die listening to kidsbop’s version of the shark family song on a loop, than rewatch Death Note.” Yeri sat up, with a frown.


“You were with Saeron, right? So it couldn’t have been all that bad. Everything is alright whenever I’m with Joohyun unnie.” Wendy smiled, her hand obviously moving to hold Irene’s.


Oh, but it was. Even she thought it was horrible. The only good part about the whole thing was when Saeron treated me ice cream after.” Yeri answered, trying her best to ignore the sappiness surrounding the lovers.


“Still wanna watch it?” Joy asked, looking at the adorable leader beside her.


Seulgi beamed, nodding excitedly.


The blonde could only chuckle, ruffling the older’s hair affectionately. “Yeah me too.”


“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Prepare a bucket, just in case you throw up at how bad it actually is.” Yeri shrugged. Her passionate hatred for Death Note was anything but subtle.


“Can we watch it?” Joohyun asked, her thumb caressing the back of Wendy’s hand.


“You might get scared.” Wendy looked at her girlfriend, her eyes full of worry.


“It’s alright. You’ll be there to hold me anyway.” The older whispered, hoping for no one else but Wendy to hear.


But of course, that wasn’t the case, since Yeri was there too.


The youngest mockingly gagged, causing the older to slap her arm.


“That’s so gross Joohyun unnie. Cooties.”


Shut up. I know that you and Saeron do more than just cuddling.” Irene growled.


“And you and Seungwan unnie do more than that. Your point?” The younger smirked, earning a deep blush from Wendy.


“Woah, Seungwan unnie. Getting some action, aren’t we?” Joy joined along, adding fire to Wendy’s already burning cheeks.


“L-Let’s just eat. Look the f-food is here.” Wendy pointed at the woman approaching their table. Sooyoung was successfully distracted; obviously watering at the sight of steamy goodness.


Yeri, however, was never one to be conned.


Au contraire, my dear unnie. Your food has been sitting beside you the whole time.” The redhead snorted.


“One more word, Yeri; one more, and I would gladly shove these chopsticks down your throat.” Irene said, with gritted teeth.


It scared Yeri a little, but not enough to shut her up completely.


“Yeah, yeah.” She waved a hand dismissively. “I’ve heard that already.” And she had. She’d argue that it were Irene’s favourite threat.


The woman finally arrived, carefully placing the food in front of its rightful owner.


“Just wait until we get home. This isn’t over.” Irene muttered, loud enough for Yeri to hear.


Ah, you have chopsticks at home... But literally so does every other place in South Korea.” The younger deadpanned.


“That means I could kill you anywhere.” Irene scoffed, refusing to lose the argument.


“Can you kill me while I’m in Saeron’s arms then? Because I want to die in my happiness’ embrace.” Yeri grinned, flashing her adorable set of teeth.


Irene shuddered in disgust.


“I can’t believe you’re in a relationship.”


“I could say the same about you.” Yeri hummed, taking a bite of her banana roti, squealing in delight at the savoury taste.


“Choke.” Irene mumbled.


“Saeron’s not here, so maybe later.” The smug look on Yeri’s face made Irene want to head slam the younger onto the table.


“Seungwan unnie is here though; So, you can. Mmm, yes, choke me.” Yeri added on, imitating Irene’s voice in a much lower volume.


Irene flushed crimson, her neck burning in heat from embarrassment. Yeri’s gonna be the death of her.


She would be lying if she said that her mind didn’t wander back to the image of a dominant Wendy she once had the pleasure of seeing.


“I hate you.”


“Wow, you didn’t even at least try to deny it. Hey, Wendy unnie! Did you know Irene unnie wa—” Muffled sounds came after as Irene hurriedly clamped Yeri’s mouth shut.


Wendy’s brows furrowed in curiosity at what the younger was about to say. “What did she say?”


Nothing. Ignore her, she’s insane.” Irene chuckled nervously, hoping for Wendy not to pry further.


Yeri forcefully removed Joohyun’s hand from , inhaling a lungful of air as she did so.


—you to choke her. God, I almost died.” The youngest grasped her chest dramatically.


No one paid her any mind, with the other four happily eating food and feeding each other, holding their own conversation.


Are you okay, Yeri? Yes, I’m okay, it was no biggie. You almost died. Oh yeah, it’s okay, I didn’t.” Yeri mumbled to herself, holding her own set of conversation. Her face scrunched at how pathetic her situation was.


Fifth wheeling .


If she only knew that the night would turn out how it did, she would have invited Saeron along.


The night pretty much happened like that. Wendy and Irene being overly cringey with their couple-y activities; Joy and Seulgi being soft partners. Joy, cracking a joke and Seulgi laughing like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. It was cute. They’re cute.


Yeri on the other hand, resorted into texting her other half. She successfully convinced her girlfriend to delay her game of overwatch, claiming that she needed Saeron’s company. The younger, of course, couldn’t resist Yeri.


They were all happy with their significant other.


Maybe that’s what love was; finding happiness in even the most mundane of things.


Maybe Love was finding happiness in the presence of another.


Or maybe love simply meant happiness in a deeper form.




“Why won’t Joy unnie look this way? She literally posed in every direction but here.” Yeri groaned, capturing images of the blonde anyway. “There goes more followers…”


Irene only shook her head at that. Yeri’s a little cute when she’s whiny, which is probably the reason why Joy loved teasing her. They’re currently watching Red Velvet rehearse on stage, looking attractive in their casual outfit.


Irene looked back to her previous — perhaps always — eye candy, her girlfriend. Wendy once asked her why she continued to be a fansite master for the girl, when they’re already in a relationship. Irene argued that the situation only made her job the more enjoyable. Imagine taking pictures of your girlfriend as a job; how sweet is that.


The brunette then labelled Irene’s fansite as her favourite.


The purple haired photographer smiled at her girlfriend’s obvious favouritism. In a span of five minutes, she had managed to capture hundreds of photos of Wendy, most of them being gorgeous eye-contact pictures.


Too obvious.” She mouthed, which earned a shrug from the younger; a bright grin plastered on her face.


Did Wendy even care? Irene doubts so.


The brunette always claimed that the fans would see it as merely a form of fan service.


Technically, Irene is a fan so it wasn’t completely wrong.


“I hate Joy unnie. At least Seulgi unnie is nice.” Irene ly to spot a pout on the young photographer’s lips.


“You know she’s doing it on purpose, right?” Irene chuckled, finding amusement in the whole thing. She momentarily glanced at the blonde on stage and Irene spotted a devilish smirk on Joy’s face.


The youngest member of the idol group winked at Irene, signalling a message. Irene could only laugh.


“I know she is. Which makes everything worse! We made a deal…” Yeri panned her camera to focus on the group’s leader. Being the unbiased angel that she was, Seulgi posed for cameras fairly, allowing her fans from all angles to capture her beauty. “I should have known better than to make a deal with Satan herself.”


“Why not take pictures of Wendy?” Irene suggested.


“Because she has you. Duh?”




“You would obviously have the better pictures. Wendy unnie always winks, and blows kisses to you so you get the pretty, intimate pictures. Ugh. Couples.” Yeri groaned.


“You act as if you’re single.”


“Listen, Ron doesn’t wink or blow kisses at me, okay?”


“That’s not my problem.” Irene hummed.


She turned and spotted her girlfriend looking at her with worried eyes, as if checking if Irene was okay.


The older loved how affectionate her girlfriend is.


“Wendy unnie is such a catch, damn it.”


Irene simply nodded at that, a proud grin stretching on her lips.


‘Catch’ is an understatement.


“Saeron is literally an acting prodigy. She’s smart and super sweet, what’s your point?” Irene listed. She adored Saeron and she doesn’t understand why Yeri was acting like she’s anything less.


“I know, she’s too good for me. But she isn’t an idol. I can’t take pictures of her like you do with Wendy unnie.”


“It’s good, honestly. Less competition for you.”


“I guess you’re right. But she has this play coming up and her lead partner like likes her. He’s also an acting nerd… what a .” Yeri said, with so much bitterness in her tone.


“Are you jealous?” Irene couldn’t help but laugh, poking Yeri’s cheek.


The younger scoffed at that. “Me, Jealous of that dill pickle-looking nerd? As if.”


Irene knew better.


“You know that Saeron likes you the most, right?”


“I know, it’s just that— nevermind.” Yeri sighed, momentarily removing her hand from the camera; putting a temporary stop to her job.


Irene glanced on stage, spotting the trio looking at them worriedly. They must have noticed Yeri’s crestfallen state. She simply gave a reassuring smile.


(‘I’ll take care of it.’)


“What’s wrong kiddo? What’s bothering you?”


I’m gonna regret this…” Yeri sighed before confessing. “Saeron is obviously too good for me. She attends this prestigious acting school and they even consider her a prodigy. Now she’s acting on a play with this guy that’s on the same level as her. It never bothered me, the whole acting thing— but he likes her. Dill pickle guy likes Saeron. He’s good enough, he suits her. They’ll probably make a power couple if they date. But she’s dating me, right? — ah, I don’t know anymore. This is eating me up.” Irene stared at the younger girl for a moment. Never has she seen Yeri so insecure before; so bare with her feelings. Yeri wasn’t one to show her flaws, or any form of weakness for that matter. The situation must have been bugging her a lot.


Irene noticed the dark circles under the girl’s eyes. Yeri must’ve lost sleep too.


The older of the two faked a cough, warming up .


He is good enough—” Yeri glared at Irene. “Here me out first, I’m not done.” She continued. “He’s good enough, but you’re perfect for her. You gotta trust her. She chose you out of everyone she could have picked. That means something, doesn’t it? Come on, you’re saved as ‘My number one’ on her contacts. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is. Believe me, kid; she loves you the most.”


Yeri smiled at that. Her face looking more at ease than before.


“That was cheesy, unnie.”


“I know, I tried.” Irene laughed, ruffling Yeri’s already disheveled hair. “Now, stop being such a sensitive baby. It doesn’t suit you. I think Saeron mentioned being attracted to your obnoxious confidence.”


“Really? She told me she was attracted to my body.” It was Yeri’s turn to laugh, her usual glow slowly coming back.


“No thank you. I don’t wanna know.”


“She likes my broad shoulders” Yeri continued anyway. “Is that a girl thing? To like broad shoulders? Wendy unnie has broad shoulders. I bet you like it too.”


Irene never really paid attention. I mean, sure Wendy had a body to-die for, but her shoulders weren’t something Irene paid special attention to. Turning toward the direction of the stage, Irene saw her girlfriend’s back, with Wendy facing away from her.


The former unknowingly gulped.


Holy . Had Wendy’s shoulder always been that hot, and broad? Wendy’s hair was up in a ponytail, outlining her figure even more.


Irene openly ogled at her girlfriend’s neck, and down to her shoulders. Goddamn, yes please. Lower lies Wendy’s back, and behind it were her washboard abs. . Irene’s eyes trailed down even lower, finally landing on her favourite asset. Wendy’s glorious bottom.


Why did Wendy have to be perfect? So smart, so pretty, and so unrealistically hot. The only thing she lacked was height, but who gives a about that if you have Wendy Son as a girlfriend, the hottest girl on the face of the Earth.


The vertically challenged idol must have felt Irene’s stare because she turned around, immediately locking gazes. The corner Wendy’s lip curled, a thing she does whenever she’s happy. It was too close to a smirk that Irene just wanted to die right there and then.


Wendy is never gonna let her live.


“Wow, you are not subtle.” Yeri commented as she observed the mess that is Bae Joohyun.


W-Whatever. She’s hot o-okay…” Irene stammered.


“So, what do you think of her broad shoulders?” The youngest carefully asked, very much aware of Joohyun’s dazed state.


She directed her camera towards Wendy, with Irene appearing on the corner. Switching to video mode, she asked again. “What do you think of Wendy unnie’s broad shoulders?


Irene bit her lip, almost causing Yeri to erupt with laughter. Her unnie’s an idiot. “H-hot…”


“That’s it?”


Delicious…” Irene continued, still in a hypnotized state.


It took everything in Yeri not to roll on of the floor, and just die of laughter. Her eyes were beginning to water. She wanted to laugh but she didn’t want to blow her cover. She needed something to blackmail Irene with.


Mhmm. I see.” Yeri nodded. She’s having too much fun. “What about her body?”


“Abs.. Mmm.” The youngest wanted to feel bad but seeing Irene in such a ridiculous state was way too funny


“What about her abs? Delicious too?” Yeri bit her lip, she didn’t think she could go any longer.


Yeah, hard too…”


Oh my . The redhead mentally counted backwards, doing breathing exercises as she did so. She did not just say ‘hard’, oh god. Joy unnie is gonna love this.


Unnie you’re a loser.


“Anything you wanna say to Seungwan unnie right now?” Yeri asked, wanting to end things in a lighter note. She also wanted to calm down. She’ll laugh about the video later. Maybe with Joy and Seulgi, and possibly Wendy too.


I love you.”


Yeri couldn’t help but smile. Even under a dopey state, Irene was hopelessly in love. Cute.


She then switched her camera back to its photo mode, panning the camera back to the two troublemakers of the group.


This time, Joy was looking straight into her camera, Seulgi too. It seemed like the rehearsal came to an end because the trio were now holding their phones. She didn’t waste a second capturing away.


She might just earn more followers after all.


Quickly fishing out her phone, she texted the idol duo to pose for her camera, in exchange with an epic video of Irene. Joy, being the evil one, immediately agreed, posing for the camera with little to no shame. Seulgi was a little hesitant, being the shy one of the two; but she too, was curious of what Yeri had to offer.


They both knew that whatever Yeri had in store, had to be gold. The youngest was way too cunning to be taken lightly.


Meanwhile, the oblivious Irene continued to calmly take pictures of Wendy, completely unaware of the fact that the youngest had something against her.


The shortest member on the stage formed a big heart using both of her arms over her head, loudly screaming “I love you!


Wendy stans, – Reveluvs in general – took the words lightly, accepting Wendy’s affection as something for the general crowd. Little did they know, it was meant for a specific someone. Yeri simply giggled at the older girl on stage, finding amusement in the brave act. She nudged Irene lightly, teasing as she whispered “Imagine the Son Seungwan proclaiming her love for you in front of a big crowd. She did that. She really said she loves you in front of everyone.”


I love you too, dork. I love you the most.




Die! Die! Die! Rot in hell, you ing loser!” Joy screamed bloody murder, eyes completely glued to the massive television. Her thumbs moved rapidly all over the controller; Irene’s controller to be exact.


It were Red Velvet’s day off which meant that the three members crashed Irene’s condo. Wendy was given, she had been casually staying over since the couple got together; Joy and Seulgi on the other hand, self-proclaimed Irene’s home, as their own.


Shame was nonexistent as they trashed the older girl’s place. No formal greetings whatsoever, they simply ran to Irene’s living room, happily diving into the soft couch, and turning on the console as if it were their own. Wendy tried scolding the two, but they never paid her words any mind.


Eat you snot-looking dinosaur turtle!” Yeri shrieked, exaggeratedly steering her controller.


“Wha– hey! That’s a pretty big thing to say coming from someone with a big mushroom head!” Okay, maybe Seulgi wasn’t the greatest at trash talking, but she tried her best.


“Guys relax, it’s just Mario Kart...”


Joy tried not to roll her eyes at Wendy’s words.


Just Mario Kart?! This is war!”


War!” Yeri and Seulgi seconded.




Wendy helplessly sighed. Her friends were making a home out of Irene’s condo more than she was. She didn’t know how to feel about that.


“It’s okay, babe. Let them be. If you want to use the tv, I have another one in my room that’s just as big.” Wendy knows. She had been in Irene’s room more times than she could count.


“That’s not it. It’s just–”


“Just what? You know we can’t do anything about them.” Irene chuckled, pointing at the troublesome trio that were having a blast in her living room.


“I know. I give up.” Wendy sighed. Her friends were hopeless.


“You’re overthinking it. Come on, let’s go to my room and cuddle while binge watching Dirk Gently. We’ll stay there until that hot head of yours finally cools off.” Irene took a hold of Wendy’s wrist, dragging her towards her room.


A series of thank you’s echoed through the house as Irene pulled the younger. The latter simply pouted. She wasn’t complaining though.


“Tell your eyebrows to chill. We’re here to watch Netflix.”


“Wait, you actually meant that?” Wendy gasped.


Yeah? What did you think? I love Dirk Gently. I need to catch up on the season.”


“Nothing… I just thought– nothing.” The brunette’s ears burned in embarrassment.


“Oh, you thought I meant that kind of Netflix and chill. Sorry, honey, but I meant it literally.” Irene shrugged, no hint of apology in her tone. She jumped on her onto her bed, making herself comfortable before opening her arms widely. “Come.”


With reddened cheeks, Wendy complied anyway. Settling in Irene’s arms, she allowed her legs to tangle with her girlfriend’s.


She loved how warm her lover was.


The older excitedly put on her favourite detective series, as she pulled on Wendy’s waist, urging the younger to moved closer; and the latter did.


I missed you.” Irene absentmindedly whispered, with her gaze never leaving the tv. She planted a soft kiss on Wendy’s head, giving the younger a tummy-load of butterflies to deal with.


Wendy loved how affectionate Irene was. She loved the subtle and domestic form of love provided by her girlfriend. “I missed you more.”


“What can I do, I missed you the most.” The purplehead grinned victoriously.


“You’re so cheesy.” Wendy playfully punched Irene’s hip.


“You love it.” The latter laughed, enjoying the sight of her flustered lover.


Yeah.. Yeah I do.” Wendy fully embraced the older, burying her face in Irene’s neck, tickling the older a little. “I’ve been so busy, I missed your cuddles. A lot.” She confessed– whined almost.


Aw, my Seungwannie is being a softie.” Irene cooed. “I missed you too, baby. So much.”






“You better have missed me more than I missed you.” Wendy pouted, her childish side coming out.


“You don’t have to worry about that, babe. I missed you more than anything you could even begin to imagine. I missed you more than Yeri misses authentic banana roti.” Irene smirked, while Wendy dramatically gasped.


“That much?”


“And more.” The older winked smoothly, planting another kiss on top of her lover’s head. “I really love you.” Irene confessed.


Wendy stared into her girlfriend’s eyes before turning away, focusing her gaze onto the ongoing series. “This is my favourite part.”


“No I love you too? Cruel.” Irene bitterly scoffed.


Wendy gently cupped her cheeks, giving Irene a soft peck on the lips. “I love you three. Because I love you a little more than two.”


“And you call me cheesy.”


“Actually, I call you ‘baby’.” The younger answered smugly.


Irene could only shake her head, a soft smile lingering on her lips.


“I win.” Seungwan squealed happily.


“I’m dating you, I think I won.” Irene simply answered, her smile growing bigger.


“You’re gross.” Wendy chuckled, shoving the older lightly.


“Actually, I’m yours.” The older of the two giggled, internally cringing at her own line.


“Yeah, mine.” The shorter of the two smiled, planting a gentle kiss on Irene’s neck.


“Stop kissing me and watch this episode. Dirk is about to start putting the puzzles together. He’s about to connect the already-interconnected universe.” Irene grinned, her eyes sparkling as she focused on her favourite show.


Another thing Wendy loved, how nerdy her girlfriend could be.


Nerd.” Wendy wasn’t in the mood to watch so she simply squeezed Irene in her arms, cuddling the girl even closer.


Irene only hummed at that, planting another kiss on Wendy’s head.


“Love you too, baby.” Irene chuckled, kissing her lover’s crown two more times, with her gaze never leaving the screen.


Wendy loved it when Irene called her by the sweetest endearments.


Wendy loved a lot of things when it came to Irene.


Irene was sweet,












Irene always gave her every attention to Wendy.


Wendy was glad she found someone like Irene.


Irene loved her, noticed her.


And noticing Irene was the best decision she had ever made.


‘Notice me’


Wendy couldn’t help but giggle at the silly fansite name.


She did notice Irene, or Joohyun as she preferred to call her girlfriend.


‘Notice Me’


She did more than notice Irene.







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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.