My Cold Sanctuary

Home Run

*An Aggressive, Tough, Blunt, And overall Tsundere Irene AU

WenRene ft. Yerim&Saeron. Because I think they are so adorable.
Another crack slash fluff fic of mine :) y'all can't sleep on this. 
My Cold Sanctuary. 
"Get out." Irene warned as she stood before an unfamiliar girl, arms crossed as she tapped her foot impatiently. 
"I-I'm sorry.. I really didn't-" the girl stammered as her pupils shook in panic.
"I said get out." Irene repeated, her words even more threatening than the previous one.
The stranger rapidly packed her belongings before moving to an empty desk from the opposite corner of the room. 
Wise choice.
"Why would you do that? You could have moved." Wendy reasoned calmly. 
"Why do you care?" Irene glared at the warm looking girl beside her, the complete polar of herself. 
"Because what you did was wrong."
Irene slammed the table before facing the younger, who didn't even flinch at the action. "Look. If you cared so much then why don't you get up, give up your damn seat and mind your own damn business?" 
Wendy was not intimidated. Not even a little. She simply smiled, looking Irene right in the eye.
"Can't. I'm the only one who can tolerate sitting by you." She grinned in which Irene just rolled her eyes in return. 
"Like I asked you to stay." The older mumbled as she tapped her fingers against the rough desk, nails clicking rhythmically against the wooden surface. 
"Fine, then I'll move. Simple. You can just say so, Joohyun." Wendy stood up, playful stacking her supplies, one on top of the other until she was ready to move further back, beside another girl that Irene did not approve of. 
What was her name again? Danielle? Danica? Dianne? Oh, who cares. 
"What-ever. Just sit." Irene gripped onto Wendy's arm dragging her down to her seat as her gaze remains towards the board. It always amazed Wendy how Irene was able to do that. Get ahold of her even though her eyes were fixed elsewhere. 
Wendy could not help but flash a playful smile at Irene's cold actions. 
I knew you couldn't resist me. 
• • • 
Irene Bae, the bossy princess of SM High School of Arts. Her reputation wasn't a particularly good one, yet everyone knew of her existence. She made sure they did
Boys wanted her but not a single soul was brave enough to approach her. She is a beauty that no beast can ever tame.
Only one out of the three thousand eight hundred and thirty two students was capable of ever calming the girl down. 
It's none other than Wendy. 
Wendy Son.
Irene's ex-girlfriend
Only their closed circle of friends really knew the real story as to how the complete opposite somehow came to be as one.
Wendy Son, the complete sweetheart that managed to make the crowd fall in love with the mere sound of her laughter. A smile bright as the sun that brought warmth which seeped itself through each person's veins, completely locking in their hearts. 
The polar personalities. From the tone of their voices, to fashion, to approach, nothing was in common. 
Which could have been the reason for their separation
"I'm getting tired of arguing." 
Wendy's volume never heightened as she remained her composed, but clearly exhausted self. 
"What? You think I wanted this?" Irene yelled in frustration as she paced to and fro.
"I did not say that. You're not listening to me." Wendy's tone was starting to grow impatient which only happened once in a blue moon.
"So now you think I'm a bad girlfriend?" Irene looked at Wendy incredulously, one eyebrow raised in question. 
"I'm done with this." Wendy dropped her favourite backpack carelessly before slumping herself against the couch, eyes forced shut as she plugged her black headphones in tuning out all that her girlfriend had to say. 
"Wendy.." Though her ears were blocked, the younger heard Irene loud and clearly. How could she not? Irene's voice was powerful and venomous. 
"Wendy. I'll walk out that door then count to five, if you aren't out there once I hit one, I'm going home and we're done." Irene explained, taking one last look at her immovable girl before walking out, doors shutting roughly. 
Irene began to count, unaware of what Wendy's upcoming actions are. She silently prayed that Wendy will come running out to her embrace. Just like she did all those times.
Wendy tugged on the cord of her headphones letting it fall freely as she sat up, walking towards the door.
Irene could feel vision blur at the unwanted tears that pooled in her eyes. 
Wendy gripped on the knob, taking a deep breath as she did so. 
'Wendy please..'
Irene unknowingly moved closer to the door, hands reaching out for the cold knob.
There was no sign of movement from the other side, making Irene look at the dark wooden frame one last time before finally walking away in regret. 
"I'm sorry.." 
Wendy's hand slid past the handle making them lifelessly dangle against her side. 
She felt as if her whole energy has been dry until she unknowingly stumbled, back slamming hard against the door frame. Wendy's knees wobbled in weakness until her body slid, tears in sync with her movement.
"I'm really sorry Irene.." 
Wendy's tears poured, one after another until she felt herself fall into dreamland, exhaustion sending her to a complete rest that she needed.
"It's for the better.."  Was the last thing she remembered muttering before unconsciousness finally overtook her. 
Their circle of friends knew that the two wouldn't last for any longer. Although their chemistry was undeniably strong, they constantly fought and brought out each other's worst. 
Many hated Irene due to that. They talked behind her back. Spitting information about changing Wendy for the worst like they knew every little detail to the story. 
They never stopped talking; but Irene never cared. Only she and Wendy knew the real story. 
And so she let them talk
• • •
"Unnie! I have a problem.." Yeri came running to the older's arms, trapping her in a tight and snuggly, bear hug. 
"Get off me." Irene shoved the youngest, staring at Yeri with her infamous blank expression.
"Help me.." Yeri pleaded as she gripped on Irene's Marvel printed shirt making the older growl in annoyance.
I. Hate. Wrinkles. On. My. Clothes. 
Irene took a series of deep breaths, trying to calm her inner raging soul. She tried not to think about the wrinkle on the left side of her abdomen where Yeri's strong grip took place.
"Go to Seulgi. I'm sure she would love to listen and offer you her expert advice." Irene mocked in an sarcastically sweet tone. 
"Yeah. Experience based on watching her cliché dramas. I never got that.. They all had the same predictable ending so what's the point?" Yeri unknowingly rambled on. Irene couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle at the sass.
"So what help do you need?" 
"To get a girl.." Yeri whispered almost inaudibly.
"Who? And why do you need help? Me, out of everyone you could have possibly begged." 
"The lead actress of our upcoming theatre play.."
"Ah. So you must be really desperate to come to me for help." 
"Unnie, please.. You managed to make Wendy yours and that says something.. Help me." The look of desperation evident in the girl's eyes. Irene sighed internally almost giving in to those big, shimmering eyes. 
"She's not mine. We broke up." Irene reasoned.
"So? At one point, she was.." 
Ah, yes. 'Was'
"What's in it for me?" Irene smirked as she witnessed the youngest's face distort into a frown.
"A purple bed set." Yeri mumbled, not really wanting Irene to drain what's left of her savings. Yerim came from a rich family, but she enjoyed keeping her money.
"I already have that."
"I own five."
Yeri grumbled in frustration.
"Fine. The new purple jansport backpack that was released last week.." Yeri sighed as she sorted to her last, and most expensive plan. 
This time, Irene grinned in excitement. The bag she's been saving for, she'll finally get for free. 
Damn. There goes my hundred and fifty dollars in savings..
"This better work, unnie." 
"Don't worry, it will!" The older's eyes brightened in mischief. 
I'll make sure. 
• • • 
"So I heard you're helping Yeri win a girl's heart." Seulgi opened a topic as they gathered for lunch.
"You? What do you know about girls?" 
"Ha. Ha." Irene glared at Wendy and her dry humour. "I'm a girl too, dumb ."
"Oh, sorry. I wasn't aware." Wendy rolled her eyes at the obvious.
"Well excuse me for not being a player like you, Wendy." Irene scoffed.
"Since when did I become a player?"
"Oh, so loving the attention of all the girls and guys around you doesn't make you a player? Oh, sorry. I wasn't aware." Irene mocked Wendy's previous words.
"Can we please, just this once.. eat peacefully?" 
Seulgi clasped her clammy hands against her bestfriend's mouth, contorting Wendy's expression into a disgusted one.
"What she means is, can you two shut up and just eat?"
Wendy pried Seulgi's sweaty hands away from her priced lips before letting out a low "Whatever."
She looked up in surprised as she heard Irene say the same thing. 
"You know what, if you're gonna act like idiots in sync, just get back together already." Joy sassed before taking in a huge amount amount of her awaiting fried chicken. 
"True.." Seulgi nodded in agreement. 
The former couple held a knowing gaze before timidly looking away. 
"This is more painful than The Notebook." Seulgi randomly commented, receiving a judging looks from the three. 
"What?" She asked, clueless.
"Nothing.." They defeatedly breathed before focusing back to their respective lunches. 
• • •
"So, have you made any move on Saeron yet?" Irene asked curiously.
"No. I've talked to her once but that was it."
"Oh, what did you talk about?"
"Stage directions and lighting.." Yeri answered defeatedly.
The youngest is a member of the tech theatre crew, enjoying working with lightings and sound. She loves plays but has always hated the spotlight. She admired the play from behind the curtains. Hence, how she met the talented drama student, Saeron.
"Wow, kid. You're even more boring than I thought." Irene shook her head in pity.
"Wha- hey!" The younger complained. 
"You know, I've been wondering why you came to me instead of Wendy. Everyone loves the girl."
"Exactly why I didn't. Everyone likes Wendy unnie. If she ever helps me, her presence will shine even from the side." Irene wished to disagree but they both knew that Wendy was indeed a star no matter what she did or where she stood. 
"Saeron might fall in love with her, instead.." Yeri thought bitterly. 
"If it makes you feel better, she probably already likes Wendy."
The shorter almost bursted into tears at the older's words. 
"Don't worry, kid. You have a chance. Use that crummy charm of yours and who knows? If you're lucky enough, she might just be into troll looking girls." Irene smirked as she felt a heavy punch on her right abdomen. 
Damn the little girl can hit. 
Irene internally grunted at the pain but she decided to contain the burning sensation, refusing to show any weak emotion in front of the young. Otherwise, she'll never hear the end of it. 
"Woah, easy there. You're hurting a moneymaker." 
"Oh please, the only thing you'll ever get out of that is Wendy." Yerim gestured, pointing at Irene's being; rugged leather jacket, surprisingly well matched with their soft looking white button up topped with a sky blue coloured tie and a blackskirt, finished with an overly used Doc Martens. 
"Oh wait, nevermind. I forgot you lost her too." Yerim added, enraging the older.
"Watch your mouth kid." She growled but Yeri looked nothing but unnerved. 
The younger was about to retort when a pretty, raven haired girl was seen walking their way. Yeri's cheeks immediately flushed at the mere sight of the attractive girl in fake specs. 
Irene turned to look at the source of the usual chatty Yerim's lack of witty remarks when she caught the view of a girl in their uniform busily tapping away on her phone.
Irene didn't hesitate to approach the busy preoccupied Junior. Yerim visibly panicked in fright as she quickly followed the older, unsure of her plans.
"Hi!" Irene joyfully greeted. Awfully out of character. 
Saeron's eyes grew to the size of plates as her lips gaped shamelessly. Snapping out of trance, the younger quickly bowed ninety degrees, very much aware of her senior's reputation along the school.
"Hello, Irene unnie!" She enthusiastically greeted, voice cracking in the process.
Irene laughed at the obviously nerved girl. She simply grabbed Yerim's sleeve, carelessly moving the girl to stand in front of her.
"You know Yerim, right?" 
The girl's mood rapidly changed at the sight of a certain quirky tech student. 
"Yes, I do.." The girl bashfully answered. 
"She thinks you're cute and is very much interested in knowing more about your.. skills." Irene internally cackled at the vague description. 
Yes. Her skills. 
Yerim, being the alert-witted girl that she is, was quick to catch on to Irene's horrible of a humour. Nudging the older harshly, she glared before facing Saeron again; scowl abruptly switching into a timid smile.
"My acting skills?" Saeron asked, baffled.
Why on earth would the cutie she has seen working the sound system be interested in her acting? 
"Yes! That is exactly that." Irene's knowing smile broadened before tightly gripping on Yeri's shoulders. "Isn't that right, kid?"
"So, will you give this desperate bundle of joy a chance and go on a date with her this Friday? Don't worry, you don't need to bring a thing. This ThRow-meo of yours right here will pay for everything. What do you say?" 
Saeron did nothing else but nod dumbly at the information. She had no idea if this was all a prank. 
"Great! This bum will pick you up at 6. She'll make sure to dress nice. Oh and may I have your number? Just to send you the details?" Irene handed her phone to the girl very much lost in reality. Saeron quickly typed in her digits before handing the purple phone back.
"Nice meeting you!" Irene waved as Saeron walked away, lost in her own thoughts. Irene glanced at the girl to her right, currently day dreaming. Irene snapped her finger wildly, witnessing Yeri shake her head violently in hopes of waking back to reality.
"Wait, what happened? What did you say to her?" Yeri once again gripped on to Irene's uniform shaking her violently, making the older cringe at the now creased-covered button up. 
"You have a date on Friday. She's expecting you to pick her up at 6, so bring your cleanest car and I also got her number." Irene explained nonchalantly.
"Wait what?! Friday?! Oh my god that's two days from now!" Yeri shook Irene harder making the older slightly dizzy from the violence.
"Be happy I even got you a date with her. She's clearly out of your league." Yeri is seen pouting for a moment before realization struck her once again.
"Wait, you have her number?!" This time, Irene's tie became her target. She mercilessly pulled on the girl's once neatly ironed tie. 
"Watch it, back off!" Irene shoved the girl out, smoothening her now messy uniform. She may be the campus' biggest pain in the but that didn't mean she needed to look like a street hoodlum. 
"Yes I got her number. Problem?" 
"Give it to me!" Yeri whined.
"What, you think I'll give it to you that easily? You know me better than that." A devious smirk made its way on Irene's face before she mindlessly tapped her finger. 
"What is it now?" Yeri was indeed desperate to be Saeron's girlfriend. The problem was, with Irene alone, her bank account was already threatening to go bankrupt.
 "Any food I want whenever I want for a week. Your treat." Irene grinned, showing off her perfect set of polished teeth. 
Yeri groaned shamelessly before protesting.
"But unnie--"
"If you're too worried about your money then no problem! I'm sure someone else would kill to have Saeron's number."
"What was that?" Irene teased.
"I said, fine. I'll buy whatever you want for a week." 
"Amazing." Irene smiled in victory. 
Free meals for a week.
"Here." Irene handed the sulking one a crumpled piece of paper. A series of digits aligned. 
"But there are four numbers here?" The youngest, questioned. 
The older simply nodded.
"Which one is Saeron's number?" 
"Beats me." Yeri looked at Irene in a mixture of amusement and rage. 
"May the odds be in your favour." Irene flicked Yeri's forehead before facing the opposite direction and finally walking away. Silently laughing maniacally to herself as the older recalled as to whom the other numbers belonged to. 
Yeri's admirers
Well, more like stalkers
The younger girl brings out a certain glow, never failing to charm those around her. 
It didn't take long for Irene to spot a few lurking around, waiting for their beloved to pass by the crowded hallway. 
"Do you wanna make a deal?" Irene approached a certain smelly freshman that forcibly hid himself in the corner of the library hallway. Irene knew that that the boy had a great view of Yerim as the corner directed towards the girl's favourite hang out spot.
"W-what deal?" Irene almost walked away then and there as she caught a whiff of the weirdo's unbelievable stench. The boy smelt of sewer and it was absolutely breathtaking. 
Literally. He took all of Irene's remaining breath away. 
The girl had no other choice but to force herself to speak.
"Give me that keychain of yours. I know it's sold out and I want it." The latter pointed at the purple totoro keychain that she has been wanting for ages. The item has been sold out and since it was a seasonal item, the chance of Irene owning one is lowered to zero. 
"N-No way."
"You'll receive a text from Yeri." Irene's patience was running thin.
"Really?" The look in the boy's eyes glowed as he headed Irene's proposal.
"Yeah. So give me that." She tapped her boots impatiently. 
The boy quickly brushed his hair out of his face to get a clearer view of the item. Irene mentally puked at the greasy state the boy's hair was stuck in. He carefully unclasped the chain before handing it over to Irene. For a moment, the latter was reluctant to accept, the image of the oil glimmering from the boy's head reappeared in Irene's mind.
"Thanks." She quickly grabbed his phone number and her totoro chain before running out of the library. She truly wondered how in the world Yeri could have missed the boy when his body reeked even from a good distance away. His gaze also gave Irene the creeps despite only conversing with him for a few minutes. 
He was absolutely disgusting. Noticeably stinky. He was unmissable. Gross. Foul. Shudder-some. 
Irene could go on for eternity. 
But generally, he was just overall nasty. 
Her journey in to trading Yeri's precious number to Irene's craved purple obsession went around to a few more individuals. Only one out of the three was decent. The other strange admirer Irene met was an anime obsessed freak who actually frightened Irene. The girl started mumbling incoherent words in the middle of their conversation and Irene swore to herself that she would never go to that secluded area of the school again. 
So much for the Arale Norimaki action figure
The last (because lord knows that she can only take so much weirdness in one day) and most decent girl Irene approached was a sophomore named Dahyun Kim.
Irene didn't really know why the sophomore liked Yerim. She actually doubted that the younger liked the freshman but the deep crimson in the cute student's cheek confirmed her genuine liking for Yeri. 
Too bad Yeri's taken
 Still, her goal of trading Yeri's number in exchange for Dahyun's Arale photo card was a success. 
It's not like Yeri's gonna kill her, right?
A quiet trio were contentedly chewing on their packed lunches before a series of chaotic, rushed steps grew louder their way. 
"Oh my god Yeri, calm down!" A panicked voice destroyed their peaceful time. The three clueless girls looked back and forth between the oldest and the youngest of the group. 
"How do you expect me to calm down?! My phone is flooded because of you! It stopped working and now I can't send or receive any messages!" Yeri growled in anger, ready to charge but before she could do so, Joy and Seulgi quickly got ahold of each arms, locking her in place. Wendy unknowingly wrapped her arms around Irene's waist, almost back hugging the girl, also stopping the older from any planned movement. 
"What did she do?" Joy calmly asked. Her soothing, motherly voice slowly taming the younger's obvious rage. 
"She gave my number to Seungyoon and Hayee! You know how obsessed those two are. I just wanted Saeron's number but instead of getting to know my future girlfriend, I was bombed with messages from the creepers instead. It's all Irene unnie's fault!" The younger huffed before pointing an accusing finger directly at Irene.
"B-but, I did give you Saeron's number.." Although it was almost inaudible, Wendy heard Irene's small voice loud and clear.
"Irene, he isn't called Psycho-Seungyoon for nothing. You should have known better. And Hayee, have you seen her locker? It has a list of crossed off names! Who knows what happened to those people?" Seulgi shuddered in fright before rubbing a comforting hand down Yeri's back. 
"What were you thinking?" Irene shivered at the sensation of Wendy's breath on her neck. The girl merely whispered the words, as if it was meant to be heard by Irene alone.
The oldest couldn't help but pout at her acknowledged mistake. 
"I just wanted the action figures.." She answered, volume as low as Wendy's. 
"You could have just asked." Wendy reasoned.
"But they were sold out." She whined, her voice inching louder.
"I have them." Wendy's right arm pulled away from Irene's waist as it made its way behind her neck, scratching shyly.
"Why would you have them? You don't even like Arale." Irene's head slightly tilted sideways making her look twice as adorable as she previously was, almost melting Wendy. 
"It was for you.. You've been going on about wanting them since we were still.. Yeah. So I bought them before we.. Um, broke up." 
But before Irene had enough time to answer, Yeri's voice interrupted the two. 
"How am I supposed to talk to Saeronnie now?" Yerim childishly pouted before stomping her right foot, making her seem even younger than she is. 
"Easy. Talk to her. Don't be that wuss who's only confident behind the screen." Irene shook her head dramatically. 
"She's right, you know. Talking to her would make you closer much faster. Getting used to someone's presence is important." Joy nodded, approving of her own advice. 
"She's just as shy as you are. You gotta exhume all of your lovable traits and make her interested." Seulgi added along. 
"Never overdo it though. All you have to do is be yourself and she should be in your arms in no time. Being your true self will open someone else's eyes to your natural charms. Just be yourself and she'll fall in no time."  
Irene wasn't sure if it was just her imagination or Wendy really did gaze at her as she said the last line to Yeri's advice before focusing her attention back to the attentive youngest. 
"Trust Wendy's advice. She knows what she's doing." Seulgi approvingly nodded. 
• • •
Fast forward to Monday. 
Yeri ran to her favourite older sisters the moment the bell had rung, wanting to inform the four about her date with Saeron.
"My favourite unnie!" She greeted loudly before almost jumping on Wendy and Seulgi who were just peacefully chatting.
"Wait, I thought I was your favourite?" Joy pouted, truly hurt that she was no longer Yeri's favourite older.
"You're all my favourites! Isn't it a great weather today? It's fantastic!" She gleefully sighed, taking a seat between Irene and Joy. 
"It's raining, you dork." Irene chuckled. But not even the sarcastic comment can stir up Yeri's great mood.
"Just like my love, it pours heavily." The youngest dreamily recited, catching the four off guard at the incredibly greasy line. 
Irene and Joy almost fell of their seated spot at the cringeworthy line that just left Yeri's mouth. In contrary, Wendy and Seulgi couldn't help but flash a motherly smile.
"So, I guess the date went well?" 
At that, Yeri officially beamed, blinding everyone with her irresistible charm. 
"Fantastic! Oh my god. She even said she was looking forward to our next date!" Yeri squealed at the memory of their theme park date. 
"So, where did you take her?" 
"Amusement park. She loves the arcades just as much I do! And we ate so much, it was amazing!"
With that, Joy ruffled the younger's hair. She was truly happy for the precious of the group. She was growing up too fast. 
"Then I took her home." Yeri grinned. With that, the four's eyes bulged out. 
"Y-Your home?!" Seulgi asked in disbelief.
"Yes. Why?" Yeri questioned. Why were they being so nosy?
"Wait, wait, wait. You what?! Irene, what the hell did you teach her?" Wendy accusingly stared Irene down. 
"What the hell are you blaming me for? I did nothing." Irene defended, arms crossed at the accusation. 
"Who else could it be? She asked you for help!"
With that, Irene's temper snapped. 
"Look here, Miss. I gave Saeron's number like she wanted. I got her a date just like she asked for. That was my only job and it's not like I wanted her to come to me! Do you know how many times I questioned why she picked me and not you? So get off my business." 
Wendy just clicked her tongue, unable to come up with a proper response for the words. 
"I didn't do anything to her, okay? It was still early when we got tired of the rides and she said she didn't want to go home yet so I took her to mine. We played video games and and watched some movies. Don't think like that, you nasties." Yeri just rolled her eyes at the girls' polluted minds. 
"Oh.." The four said in sync.
"You should've made it clearer our Yerimmie~ You made us worried~" Joy affectionately hugged Yeri, repeatedly kissing her cheek in which the younger just groaned to, not making a slight effort of moving. 
"You're the ones who assumed. You know what they say, don't assume or else you'll make an out of u and me." Yeri waggled her finger in a no-no motion. 
"What did Saeron ever see in you?" Irene looked at Yeri in a judging manner. 
"I can ask the same to Wendy unnie." Yeri smirked in victory. 
Joy cackled at the undeniably smart comeback. Seulgi just bit back an amused smile while Wendy bit her lip to prevent herself from grinning at the savage words that Yeri just threw at her oldest unnie. 
"Ungrateful brat.." Irene whispered under her breath making Joy laugh even more at the clear salty tone. 
"Saeronnie~!" All of a sudden, Yeri stood up from her seat and flailed her arms like a lunatic, giving Irene a heart attack. 
"Quiet down, would you? You're so loud." Irene hushed the younger, embarrassed at the stares they were receiving. She pulled Yeri harshly but that didn't stop the girl's frantic arms. 
"How ironic.." She could hear Wendy mumble not so subtly. 
"You were saying something?" Irene glared at the source of the unwanted comment. 
Wendy just shook her head, feigning innocence. 
Their attentions directed back to the now approaching freshman. 
"Hello!" The girl greeted brightly. 
The five greeted with the same enthusiasm. 
Well, maybe not all. Though Irene did her best to coordinate with others.
Yeri stood up from her seat to join Saeron. 
"It's great to finally meet you, Saeron. I've heard a lot of great things about you." Wendy smiled warmly at the younger. Saeron's cheek immediately flushed at the presence of her admired senior. 
"She has a crush on you.." Wendy laughed at Yeri's sour tone. 
"Come and have a seat with us~" The older scooted to the empty spot beside Irene, making room for the future couple. 
Saeron hesitantly moved to closer but to her surprise, Yeri switched to her right side, making herself comfortable beside Wendy, leaving room between Yeri and Seulgi. 
Not that she minded. She has seen Seulgi dance and she found the older girl appealing. Not to mention, her teddy bear like innocence can make anyone feel welcomed. 
"So, what do you like about our Yerim here?" Joy bluntly asked. 
"As you can see, our lovely Joy isn't much into beating around the bush.." Seulgi explained shyly, her eyes bashfully transforming into crescent moons. 
Saeron almost squealed at the adorable gesture.
She couldn't help but fall for the striking seniors. Though Irene was more on the intimidating side, she was no less than beautiful. In fact, she was the most noticeable one. 
"Take care of this brat. She's really into you. I wouldn't want her heart broken.." The table became pin-drop silent at the verbal affection that just came out of Irene's mouth. Yeri's jaw unknowingly fell. Never has she heard the older say something awfully sweet. 
"What? Don't look at me like that.." Irene brushed off the given stares, pulling out her phone and scrolling through her newly installed apps, completely tuning out the crowd. 
"I'll take care of her well, unnie." Saeron bowed on the spot. Irene didn't look up but she nodded her head in approval. 
"Good. Or else Joy's gonna come for you. She's the violent one." Irene playfully joked. 
"I am?" Joy asked in confirmation and a slight oblivion.
"When it comes to your hyperactive daughter, yes." She simply answered, eyes still glued to her phone as her fingers typed away. 
Irene is good at two things: Paying attention without looking the least bit interested, and playing the game tap tap. 
"Sorry, they're always like this." Wendy apologized on her friends' behalf when in fact, Saeron was even more interested at the close and interesting relationship with her sisters
The lunch was spent full of bickers and laughters. It was a very comfortable atmosphere that Yeri's future lover only took a minimal time to adjust. 
Everyone had their unique colours but nonetheless blended surprisingly well together. 
As their break came to an end, Yeri and Saeron got up to leave when Wendy took a hold of Saeron's hand, startling the latter. 
"W-what is it, unnie?" She nervously blurted. 
"You're adorable. Please take care of Yerim well." The motherly smile the Wendy directed towards Saeron was enough to make the younger, speechless. Not to mention that the older took a hold of her hand with so much care. 
Saeron was starstruck. She has always admired Wendy but the soft heart that the older has is very charming. She couldn't help but adore Wendy more and more.
Which of course, Yeri hated
Yeri grabbed her wrist before walking away quickly and as they got farther and farther away from the group, Yeri stopped her tracks. 
"What's wrong?" Saeron worriedly asked. The younger has been silent for a while. 
"Don't fall for her. Please don't.." Yeri's voice cracked, making Saeron's heart race in agony. 
"What are you talking about? Fall for who?" 
"For Wendy unnie.. I can't give you to her." Yeri's tears streamed down her face as she pouted like a child. 
But instead of comforting her further, Saeron bursted into a carefree laughter. 
"What? Wendy unnie? No way!" 
"B-but.. Don't you like her?" 
"I do. But not in a romantic sense. More of a girl crush? I think she's adorable and very talented." 
"What about me? I'm adorable and talented too." Saeron internally awed at Yeri's childlike desperation to win. Saeron was tempted to melt the pursed lips with a kiss. 
"You're very cute and totally talented. Don't worry so much, I like you and just you okay?" Saeron placed a gentle and loving peck on Yeri's right cheek before lightly tapping it. 
Yeri couldn't stop herself from giving away a squirtle-like grin which caused her future girlfriend to blush. 
"Let's go to class now. I don't want you to be late." Yeri smoothly slid her hands down Saeron's forearm until their hands automatically magnetized. Young love surrounded the air as their innocent smile mirrored their beating hearts. 
• • •
Wendy sighed heavily as her back made contact against the cold wall. Their English professor didn't bother showing up to class because of the upcoming event set on the evening. 
Not that it mattered to Wendy. She is passing the class with flying colours. She gazed around the classroom and observed her classmates lazing around. 
Due to their special school that revolved around arts, their classes weren't the typical day to day subjects that most high schools are learning. 
In her class, people played the instruments as others danced, some sketched an impressive piece within a short span of time, and some chose to chat with their other half.
Wendy missed the feeling of having someone's special attention, reserved for just her. The heartwarming bliss of happiness that surges through her veins with just their mere presence. 
Why did she let Irene go? 
She knew how different Irene is with her friends and beyond the closed doors.
Irene was adorable when sulky, she often surprised Wendy with freshly cut fruits whenever she knew that the latter is preparing for a big event such as a theatre play. 
Irene never failed to take care of her and made her feel loved. Wendy was aware of how odd Irene's way of expressing herself was or the fact that Irene's temper could use a little work but never once did Irene miss a chance on taking care of Wendy. 
She even remembered one evening when Irene drove all the way to the other side of the city just to buy Wendy her favourite soup when she was ill. 
Wendy would never forget how the older played it off cooly even though Wendy knew that the weather that night wasn't the best. Irene hated the cold and yet there she was, standing outside Wendy's door offering her favourite soup that was only sold at the humble family owned restaurant in the South side of the city.
"Here. I heard you're sick. Eat a lot okay? Don't even leave a single drop. That's expensive."  They both knew that Irene couldn't care any less about how much the food was. She just couldn't get herself to say 'Eat a lot and don't get sick anymore, okay? Take care.' 
Irene was definitely a special one. 
And Wendy can admit to herself that she was dumb enough to let all of that go. 
She was a fool for letting Irene go.
"Hey, Wendy!" A petite girl with neatly done locks slowly approached the popular shortie. 
"Oh, Hey Seunghee! What's up?" Though she wasn't really in the mood to entertain, she would never brush someone off. 
She has always wondered how Irene can make it look so easy. 
"I heard we're in the same group for the music performance. I can't wait!" Wendy was aware of the girl's liking towards her. The thing was, Irene has always disliked Seunghee and the way she clung onto Wendy even back when they were still together. 
"Me too." Wendy awkwardly laughed. 
"I gotta go. I'll see you later!" 
"Who was that?" Out of nowhere, a wild Seulgi appeared with a can of cheese flavoured Pringles in hand.
"That? Her name's Seunghee."
"She looks like she's into you. She's pretty cute. Why don't you give it a go?" Seulgi tactfully blurted.
"I can't." Wendy simply answered.
"Why not?" Sometimes, Wendy wished that her best friend wasn't so nosy.
"Because Irene hates her."
"So? You and Irene broke up months ago." 
"But wouldn't that be awkward?" Wendy cautiously asked.
"Why would it be?" Honestly, Wendy isn't sure if her Seulgi is pretending to be clueless or she was just plain dumb
Wendy was about to answer when Irene walked in, taking a seat beside Seulgi. 
"What's the deal?" She casually asked.
"I'm hooking Wendy up." Wendy wanted to smack Seulgi for such a careless remark. 
The surprise in Irene's face was evident but it disappeared as quickly as it came. She did her best to sound casual but Wendy knew her too much. 
"Ah, I see." She curtly answered.
"You're okay with it, right?" Strike two. Wendy wasn't aware that her best friend is even dumber and more careless than Joy. 
"Y-yeah. Of course. Why wouldn't I be? Who is it anyway?" Wendy could see Irene's finger tapping lightly against her thigh, a habit she does when agitated. 
Wendy definitely knew her a little too much
"Seunghee?!" All the calmness and poise Irene had a second ago has now exited her system. "I knew she liked you! All those 'Hey, Wendy! I can't wait to see your play, I'm sure you'll do amazing as always' that fake little-" 
"Don't." Wendy calmly stopped Irene in which she reflexively obliged on. 
Months have passed and her effect was still the same
"Whatever. Go and date her. I'm sure she'd love it. I'm happy for you." Wendy could feel Irene pat her on the shoulder before sprinting away. 
Wendy was about to call her out when Seulgi's voice interrupted her thoughts. 
"See? She's happy for you! I'll go tell Seunghee that you'll be her date to the event tonight." 
Yes, Seulgi is dumb. 
She is definitely dumb. 
And she'll end up killing Wendy with her naivety one day. 
• • •
Wendy was now walking around with Seunghee, the latter clinging onto Wendy like a deprived leech.
"So, is there anything particular that you wanna do?" Wendy asked.
"Is there anything you wanna do?" The girl repeated Wendy's question slightly confusing the latter. She spotted an ice cream truck from a few metres away, the heat slowly registering in her mind even more. 
"Do you want ice cream?"
"Hmm, I don't know. Do you?" Wendy swore that she felt her left eye twitch at the lack of opinion from her current date. 
Her appetite suddenly dispersed into thin air, much like her patience at the moment. 
"What kind of music do you listen to?" The go to topic for Wendy since she was very much interested at everything related to music.
"Anything, really. I listen to anything and everything."
Finally, a decent answer! 
Wendy thanked the heaven for such a miracle. 
"Do you like rap music?" 
"Yes, definitely! I'm really into it!" The girl was suspiciously overly enthusiastic about the brought up subject. 
"Who's your favourite artist?" 
"Um.. Uh.. Lay from Exo?" 
Wendy literally face palmed in front of the girl. Out of everything, why Lay? Why Exo? 
Lay isn't even the rapper of Exo
"Y-Yeah, right.. That's great.. Anyway, uh, I'll just fill up my drink." Wendy lifted her drink, showing a half empty glass. The beverage was nowhere near close to being finished but there was no way in heaven that she will stay a minute longer with the woman.
So, off she went. Away from her unwanted date for the night. 
She looked around and spotted Seulgi by the snack table munching on her beloved Pringles. 
A wave of relief came upon her at the view of her bestfriend, like seeing an oasis on a dry desert, Wendy ran to Seulgi like her life depended on it. 
"So, how's the date going?" Seulgi asked sheepishly. 
"She's boring.. She's too nice." Wendy pouted.
"Too nice? I know I really haven't been in a relationship before but isn't that a good thing?" Seulgi confirmed hesitantly.
"But the fun isn't there. She agrees with everything I say." 
"So, that means it's going horribly?"
Wendy deadpanned. "No , Sherlock."
"Well, sorry. I don't know what you look for in women. Speaking of which, what do you look for?"
Wendy unknowingly looked at the girl chatting along with the young couple. She spotted Irene laughing at the presumably stupid joke that Yeri had just cracked. 
She looked effortlessly gorgeous. 
A smile voluntarily made its way across her lips before turning her attention back to Seulgi. 
"I like someone who knows exactly what they want. Someone who isn't scared to state their opinions. A girl who will love me for a reason different from the rest of my admirers."
Seulgi nodded in understanding before patting Wendy's shoulder lightly.
"Take her back. She's waited long enough.
Wendy gasped in suprise at her best friend's finally sense-filled words. 
"Y-You just made sense!" Wendy pointed accusingly. 
"Don't point with that filthy finger of yours. And for your information, I'm not dumb!" The former didn't know what to make out of Seulgi's serious defense. 
"But, that was the first time." Wendy reasoned.
"You know what, I'd rather not waste my time. Just go and get her back! And don't worry, I got her covered." Were the last words that Seulgi said before shoving Wendy towards Irene's direction. The former looked back, witnessing Seulgi make her way to Seunghee's spot for the unfortunate news. Though in contrary, Seulgi was all smiles. 
Wendy walked to her desired target's direction slowly, heart almost leaping out of her chest. The beat drummed hard against her ribs, she almost felt that everyone could hear the loud rhythm. 
As Wendy grew closer, Yeri and Saeron flashed a knowing smile before heading off hand in hand.
"Hey.." Wendy started, awkwardly. 
"You look sickly pale." Irene stated, a hint of worry evident in her voice. 
One of the traits Wendy very much adored when She and Irene were still together. Irene is very unique when it came to her affection. She never greeted Wendy with a single "Hi" or "Hello" instead, she pointed out something different about Wendy. Whether it was her particular scent from a brand that was different from her usual body wash, or the way Wendy's hair was a shade lighter than previous, Irene never failed to notice. It warmed the latter's heart though she often received a loving beating for cooing.
"Do I?" Wendy gave off a timid smile.
"What's up with you? Stop playing those lame animal games and get a proper amount of sleep." The girl nagged. 
She still remembered. Irene remembered Wendy's love for virtual games that involved owning a pet of your liking. Wendy developed an obsession when she was still with Irene. 
And the girl remembered. 
Irene never forgot such details about her. 
Though it looked as if Irene never cared, she payed the most attention when it came to her loved ones. 
"I haven't played those in a while." The shorter smiled.
"Then what's keeping you up? Perhaps, are you.. seeing someone?" Bitterness was evident in Irene's voice yet her face remained it's usual stoic look. 
"Oh. What is it then?" Wendy's smile grew wider at the obvious relief in her ex girlfriend's voice. 
Wendy breathes a lungful of air, nerves worsening as she did so. 
Here goes nothing.. 
"Irene, I miss you." The said girl stood in place, stunned at the abrupt, unexpected confession from her previous lover.
"I've been missing you ever since the day you walked out the door. I know I should have chased you but I was stupid. I didn't know how lonely it truly felt without you always with me. I miss you. All of you. Your nagging, your morning messages, your kisses, your hugs, everything. I even miss your nightly calls telling me to go to bed otherwise I'll wake up with bags the size of your fist." 
Wendy couldn't help but chuckle at Irene's different way of  expressing her attachment.  
"Irene, I miss us.." 
"Wendy.. I don't know what to say." 
Just as Irene had spoken, Wendy pulled on both Irene's shoulders, making the girl stumble into her embrace. The warmth that Irene emitted was something that Wendy always appreciated. 
'I like warm hugs' Wendy remembered imitating the character from her favourite Disney movie. 
"Please, Irene.. One last chance.." She weakly mumbled, hugging Irene like her life depended on it. It's as if the moment she decides to let go, her whole world would crumble before her eyes. 
Irene was the glue to Wendy's broken pieces. 
Instead of a verbal answer, Irene did what she does best, express herself through actions. Her arms slowly wrapped itself around Wendy's thin and toned waist that the latter remembered Irene loved so dearly.
"This is your last chance.. The next time I count, you better be there at five." Wendy could feel Irene's pursed lips on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, baby. This time, you wouldn't ever find the need to walk away again." She turned her head slightly to the right, planting a gentle kiss on her lover's temple. 
The couple sighed in content as they savoured the moment of being in each other's arms once again. 
"You promise?" Irene childishly poked on Wendy's sides. 
"Cross my heart, my love." 
"Good. Now, you owe me. I went through seven months cuddle-less nights. It was horrible! It's all your fault!" Wendy chuckled at the older's spoiled antics, accepting every hit from Irene. 
"My pleasure~" Wendy allowed herself to be dragged by Irene to god-knows-where
All she knew is that she terribly longed for her Joohyun's sweet kisses and vice versa. 
• • •
Another crack slash fluff fic b/c I seem to always be on crack. Don't do drugs, kids. 
Wenrene is love. Wenrene is life. 
I've had this plot for a while and I really wanted to write about it. Idk if I pulled it off as well as I'd like to :/ 
I have a lot of worries ;;~;; I'm still young and idk what I'm doing lmao. 
I hope you all like it. I worked hard to finish this :( please leave a comment, it really helps me and inspires me to update more >< I have a lot of drafts to finish :3 hehe. Subscribe and upvote too if you'd like :) suggestions are welcomed too. 
Until next time. 
Bai Bai. 
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Thank you to everyone congratulating me on getting featured!! 💞😭


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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.