PB And J.

Home Run

My goal is for you to finish this story, happier than you were when you opened this update. Please let me know if I do accomplish that. :)




“Others already know how I feel. But I don’t want to show you, not just yet.”

“It’s not because I love you less. It’s because I love you more.”


-Young Love



PB And J.


“Okay, everyone move out of my way!” A girl with a freshly cut hair, screamed through the hallway, shoving every student aside.


“Calm down, jeez.” One student muttered, throwing daggers at the sprinting sophomore.


“Don’t tell me how to live my life!” Joy shouted back before officially disappearing out of the third year students’ hall.


“I’m sorry about that.. You know how Joy is with chicken.” Wendy, as always, apologized on her friend’s behalf; flashing an awkward, but still sincere smile. Finally excusing herself away from the crowd of displeased Juniors, the latter then ran towards the cafeteria, and after her tactless friend.


To no one’s surprise, Joy was at it again - picking fights with the naive freshmen who are typically too terrified to retaliate. Sensing that she was badly needed as the mature adult to break out the upcoming chaos, Wendy then rushed towards the younger.


Look, kid. The special menu today is marinated chicken, and you know what that means? I would be really ing pissed if they run out of thighs before I get up there. So move it.”


“I was here first. If you wanted chicken that badly then you should’ve been here faster.” Wendy’s eyes widened at the obnoxious tone of the freshman. The boy then rolled his eyes at Joy before tapping his right foot impatiently.


What did you just say to me?” Joy dramatically gasped.


“Back of the line, Grandma. And while you’re at it, you might wanna get your ears checked.” The greasy looking boy flashed a pretentious smile before fishing out his phone, busying himself away.


With perfect reflexes and an intensely accurate timing, Wendy grabbed onto her younger friend’s waist, preventing Joy from pouncing on the first-year student.


“Sooyoung, calm down.”


“This kid is really testing my patience.” Joy then took a deep breath, wiping her palms dry before facing the boy once again. This time, a little more composed. “Okay, how about this, I give you twenty bucks, then you and your boyfriend over here, move it to back of the line?”


The two freshies looked at each other before snapping their heads to opposite directions, answering in sync.


He is not my boyfriend!”  


“Would you look at that, your timing is perfect too. Anyway, I don’t care about you and your cute boyfie over there. Just hurry and accept my damn offer.” The line was slowly moving, making the sophomore more anxious as seconds ticked by.


“Okay, fine. Give me the twenty.” The half embarrassed fellow held out his palm.


“Wendy unnie, give him twenty.”


Caught off guard, the oldest stared at Joy in disbelief, unknowingly gripping onto her dear purse.


What. Why me?”


“Because I don’t have cash on me.” Sighing in defeat, the oldest regretfully went through her loaded wallet.


“But I only have five dollars..”


“That’s good enough.” Joy snatched the dollar bill out of the blonde’s hand, shoving it towards the boy’s awaiting palm.


This is just five dollars..”


“Yeah? And that’s a table, and that’s a chair. Are we done here?” Joy pointed towards the inanimate objects with her infamous bored expression.


“But you said twenty.”


“Yeah? And I also told my mom, I wouldn’t fall asleep in any of my classes; I say a lot of things I don’t mean. Move on.”


“I’m not moving.” The boy kept his guard.


“Would you really want that? Know what, I’ll give you an option. Either you take that five dollars and move your to the back of the line, or stay here only to find out tomorrow that the rumour about you and pretty boy over there, dating is already all over the school?”


“Y-You’re lying!” Wendy could tell that the boy’s stubborn ego was slowly cracking.


Joy and her smart ways of getting what she wants.

It’s a dirty way, but no one has ever bothered calling her out for it.


“Try me, boy.” Joy’s unamused faced slowly transformed into a smug looking sadist, frightening Wendy a little. Countless years with Joy but she can never get used to the younger’s immovable power.


“L-let’s get out of here..” The once tough looking boy frantically grabbed his partner’s wrist before running out of the cafeteria.


“What a troublesome child. If he had only given up as soon as I asked, none of this would have happened. I hate freshmen students. Ah! Stress. ” The violent younger shook her head in agony before looking towards the line ahead. Four people before them.


“How did you even know that he’s gay?” Wendy asked in full curiousity.


“Oh, that? He was subtly holding the other guy’s hand before we barged in. Quite a cute sight actually.” The other flashed a cheeky grin in return.


“You say that but you kicked them out.” Wendy chuckled.


“Today is chicken day. No one messes with me on a special day like this. I don’t care if it’s my boyfriend, friend, stranger, wife, husband, whatever! No one dares to stand in my way during chicken day.” The determined gaze Joy had, stopped Wendy from commenting further.


“Okay everyone, let me through. You have no idea what a rough day I’ve had. You know, senior stuff; you wouldn’t understand. So, can anyone be a dear and let me through the line?” A series of murmurs surrounded the air, grasping the curiosity of the two.


That’s Bae Joohyun. She’s so pretty but she acts like total .

I heard she always acts cute just to get what she wants.

Apparently she’s gay.”


Joy’s brows furrowed in confusion at the last gossip. What does it have to do with whoever-that-Joohyun-girl-is acting like a total brat? So what if she’s gay? The young student wondered what the big deal was when it came to people’s ual orientation, or preferences.


Gosh, people these days.


The duo paid no mind to the buzzing chit-chats around, focusing on the awaiting savoury chicken the was gorgeously displayed behind the glass. Just as they were only two people behind in ordering, a very attractive looking senior in a navy green parka stood adjacent to them.


“Um, can we help you?” Wendy asked hesitantly.


“Yeah, hi. Listen, I’m in a rush here, but I’m also starving. Can you let me cut in line?”


“Today is chicken day, so no. If you’re actually hungry, then get your to back of the line, and wait like everyone else.” Joy just rolled her eyes.


“Where are your manners? I’m older than you.” The newcomer’s stammered in disbelief.


“Oh sorry, You’re right; Won’t you please get your impatient to the back of the line, sunbae?” Joy flashed an ‘innocent’ grin before gesturing the older student to simply scram away.


The rotten senior was about to turn away when Wendy, hastily grabbed the older’s shoulder, stopping her from moving further.


“Unnie, what are you doing?!” Joy asked in panic and irritation.


Wendy glared at the younger before focusing her attention back to Irene.


“Sorry, my friend didn’t mean it. You can join us, it’s okay. Right, Sooyoung?” Wendy nudged the younger.


“Whatever. I’m ordering first.”


Just in time, it was Joy’s turn to order.


“Hello, how can I help such a pretty girl like you, today?” The sleazy cashier shamelessly flirted, flashing a puke-inducing wink. Wendy mentally snickered, knowing exactly what is about to go down after catching a glimpse of Sooyoung’s eye, twitch.


“How about taking a mint or two? And maybe a mask as well, because a thick-skinned boy like you could surely use some.” Joy then returned the playful wink before eyeing the chicken once again.


The worker’s face then flushed brightly, his embarrassment displaying clearly.


“Now that that’s over, I’d like three pieces of chicken - make sure they’re thighs. I would like some fried rice as well, and a bottle of apple juice.”


“I’m sorry, Miss but we only have one piece of thigh left. Would you like some s instead?” Joy froze for a moment before inhaling sharply.


Sure..” She answered through gritted teeth.


“Don’t worry, Miss. I’m sure they all taste the same.” The Junior student, pressed her lips tightly at the words. She knew about Joy’s hatred for ignorant people. More so now that she’s in a bad mood.


“Can I ask you a question?” Joy said in what Wendy has familiarized herself with as a fake smile.


“Yes, of course.” The naive cashier answered.


“Why do you work here?”


“I need a job, I guess?” He quickly responded, mistaking her questioning as a sign of interest.


“Well, quit. Educate yourself about God’s biggest gift to mankind before working for such a place. Chicken parts shouldn’t be disregarded just like that. They do not taste the same, you hear me? Don’t be saying such foolish comments. That’s like saying Coke tastes the same as Pepsi; It doesn’t. People like you are the reason I’ve given up on humanity. Anyway, She’s paying for my food, I’m outta here.” Joy finished her passionate rant before pointing towards Wendy, disappearing outside the door with a tray of her chosen food.


A minute of silence before Wendy cautiously stepped closer, momentarily forgetting about the attractive senior beside her.


“Sorry about that.. She has some strong, emotional, attached feelings when it comes to chicken.” Wendy bowed slightly before raising her arm, showing off her golden debit card. “I’ll just pay for her meal.”


You aren’t ordering?” The latter almost screamed at the sudden voice behind her.




The senior gasped dramatically.




“I’m on a diet..” Wendy muttered in a bashful manner.


“What? Why?” The older student questioned, shocked by the information.


“Because I’m trying to lose weight..”


“You’re already skinny!” The petite senior with an eye catching beauty eyed Wendy’s body.


“Do you work out?” She asked.


“Yeah..” The younger nervously answered, scared of where the conversation will lead them.


Irene did the unthinkable action between strangers, by taking ahold of Wendy’s biceps, giving it a firm squeeze.


“Woah.. That’s no joke.”




Irene was about to explain when a forced cough disturbed their conversation.


Are you gonna order or not?


“Oh, uh-”


“If you wanted to flirt, the cafeteria isn't the best place since it isn't so private.” The nosy cashier then wiggled his eyebrows playfully, making Irene chuckle.


“None of your business. Just serve me some spaghetti carbonara, and lemon iced tea.”


Once Irene’s order had been served, the older then turned to Wendy who was currently staring into space.


“So, what are your plans for lunch?”


“Nothing, I guess?” Wendy contemplated on looking for Joy but she knew that the younger would be sitting with Seulgi. Ranting at innocent cub, who was too kind to say anything.


“Eat with me then.”




“You're gonna end up alone. And since I'm alone as well, why not hang out? I don't want to be alone right now.” Irene then held onto Wendy’s wrist, dragging her somewhere only the former knew.


“Thick skinned..” Wendy mumbled to herself.


“I hear that a lot.”


“Isn't that Son Seungwan? Business major?”

“Why is she hanging out with Joohyun sunbae?”

“Are they dating?”

“I don't think so. Wendy would never go for people like Joohyun. She can do so much better.”


People like Joohyun? Wendy wondered what such a statement meant.


People these days..” Wendy could make out Irene’s faint words.



Wendy too, wondered why people are completely into gossips. It was in no way beneficial, and it wasn't like such rumours were confirmed. The junior could simply shake her head in disappointment. ‘People these days’, indeed.


Irene ended up taking Wendy to an empty stairwell, East of the building. A location so quiet, she could feel her ears ring for a moment.


Settling down, the two newly acquainted students sat with their backs against the parallel walls, awkwardly facing each other. A series of fumbling movements echoed through the closed area, making Wendy squirm a little, finding the need to speak, wanting to drown out the deafening silence.


But before thoughts began to flood her mind, Irene’s clear voice surrounded the silent air, sending the incoming thoughts out into the void.


“Think fast.” Without another word, Irene chucked a hard ‘something’ towards Wendy, the item landing square on the poor girl’s face.


“Ow! What was that?”


Food. It’s pathetic if I'm the only one that eats.”


“But I'm on di-” Irene interrupted the younger halfway, not forgetting to roll her eyes.


“A diet, yes, I know. Just eat it. Trust me, a girl is much prettier with a little bit of fat in her body.” Irene shrugged, gently swirling the pasta with her fork.


Wendy said nothing. She knew that arguing would just be a waste of time so she instead unwrapped the given food.


Slowly unfolding the edges of tinfoil, a neatly sliced sandwich unravelled before her eyes.


“Peanut butter and Jelly? Really?


“What? I happen to make the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”


All you have to do is spread it though..” Wendy mumbled to no one.


“What was that?”




“I thought so.” A smirk played on Irene’s lips before taking a bite off her lunch. “Eat too.”


Wendy wanted to resist. She really did. She had been on a strict diet for the past two weeks, and that means refusing food as much as possible. But something about the girl in front of her had Wendy obliging like a puppy.


It’s probably Irene’s eyes. Wendy wondered how long one must stare right into the former’s eyes, before confirming to themselves that they've completely fallen.


“Are you allergic to peanuts or something?” Irene’s brow furrowed in worry. Maybe she shouldn't have given a risky lunch, so carelessly.


Wendy shook her head before peeling the edges of the bread, stripping off the sides before taking a small bite of the sandwich.


“You don't like crusts?” Irene wondered as she observed Wendy gently place the brown layer of the bread in a paper bag.


“No, they're kind of gross. The texture is weird.” Wendy answered timidly, chewing on the savoury sandwich carefully.


It's been awhile since she's had such a sandwich.


“They're pretty good, I think.” Irene argued.


“Not my style.” Wendy answered before taking another bite of her given lunch. This time, bigger than previously.


“Not ‘your style’? That's so chic of you.” Irene chuckled lightly, eyes fixated on her creamy lunch.


“Oh, um. I got it from my try-hard friends..” Wendy explained, slightly flustered at Irene’s comment.


“I wouldn't expect such a term to come out of you.” This time, Irene’s eyes were on Wendy.


Wendy doesn't know if it's just her, but it seemed like the temperature suddenly rose and it became much hotter than previously.


“Does it not suit me?” Wendy once again bit a mouthful of her sandwich. The taste of peanut butter distracting her a little.


“It does. Although I expected you to speak differently.”


“Differently, how?”


“I'm not sure. Cuter, I guess? I didn't expect you to sound so nonchalant.” Irene shrugged, her lips threatening to break out into a grin.


Truth to be told, she's heard of Wendy. The junior was quite popular among the students, as someone down-to-earth, along with a y brain. Her curiosity only heightened when her best friend, Nana, became the one to brought up Wendy into the conversation.


She's super cute, and her voice is pretty hot. You'll like here, Rene.” She recalled her best friend say.


What makes you think I'll like her?


Just trust me. You'll know what I mean.” Irene remembered Nana winking after her statement.


Nana knew her more than anyone else, and she's never been wrong about her judgement. Once again, her best friend was correct; because right now, she's definitely liking Wendy.


“I'm not usually like this. My idiot friends are rubbing off on me.” The younger unknowingly pouted, the cute gesture slightly taking Irene aback.


“It's okay, you're still cute.” The latter mindlessly muttered. Her eyes were now glued to the pursed lips presented in front of her.


Oh, the temptation.


Her body must have a mind of its own because Irene felt herself scoot closer to Wendy, eyes unmoving from the slightly chapped lips.


“S-Sunbae, what are y-you doing?” Internally screaming, Wendy leaned further into the wall. (Not that it made much of a difference)


Finally snapping out of trance, Irene realized what she was doing. Visibly in panic mode, Irene moved back to her previous spot, which was the wall opposite to Wendy.


“It's- uh, there was, a fly. A f-fly was on your collar, so I w-wanted to remove it.” It was a lame excuse. It was the lamest excuse she had ever come up with it. She knew it too. If Nana were around, she would have been on the floor laughing until her abs were harder than ever.


“You could have just told me, sunbae..”


Wendy actually bought that? Irene realized that the younger was as innocent as she looked.


“You were talking and I didn't wanna disturb you.” Irene lied smoothly.


“You wouldn't have disturbed me. I hate flies.”


“It's okay, it's gone now. Let's just eat. Lunch is about to end.” Irene flashed a gentle smile before refocusing on her semi twirled pasta.


It's gone because it was never there.” Wendy whispered inaudibly before masking her smile by taking another bite; The taste of the strawberry jam seemed stronger than before, overwhelming her taste buds with the incredible sweetness.


“How’s the sandwich?” Wendy’s gaze then moved from her delicious lunch, to the (also delicious) girl who had given her sandwich.




“Sweet? You mean, the jam?”


Wendy only smiled at that.


“It's homemade. My mom made it all the way from Daegu.”


“It's sweet. Everything from Daegu must be special, since they're extra sweet.” The smile playing on Wendy’s lips stretched a little.


“Of course! We grow the healthiest and most fresh crops you can ever find!” Irene enthusiastically bragged, not quite catching on to what Wendy really meant.


“I don't doubt that.” The shorter girl just giggled, finding satisfaction in getting away with her meaningful words.


“I'll give you some more jam tomorrow if you'd like.” Irene eyes curved brightly into a pair of crescent moons, momentarily blinding the girl across from her.


Wendy doesn't. She’s not into sweets. Not to forget that she was currently on diet.


But something about Irene is different, special. A magical something that Wendy can't seem to say ‘no’ to.


“Sure, I would love that.”




“Hey, look who I picked up off of the street?” Joy proudly broadcasted.


“Who is that?” A clueless Seulgi stared at the newcomer with a pair of her curious mono-lidded eyes.


“Introduce yourself.” Joy ordered the girl. Seulgi assumed she’s a freshman considering she had never seen the stranger before.


“My name is Yerim and I’m a freshman student; Psychology major.” The younger then slightly bowed before grinning towards Seulgi.


“Nice to meet you.” Seulgi took the time to zip up her bag before continuing. “I’m Seulgi; Third year, art major.”


A glint of amusement became visible in the young girl’s eyes.


“That is so cool! I’ve never met an art major student before! You must be really good at sketching, and stuff!” Joy then knuckled Yerim’s head, making her moan in pain. “Ow! What was that for?”


“You totally sounded ignorant, there.” The sophomore simply shrugged, casually playing with her recently cut hair.


“Thanks. I’m not that good, but I try.” Seulgi flashed a humble smile.


Of course, leave it to Joy to comment.


Liar. Seulgi unnie is one of the best in the University. If you ever visit her apartment, you’ll see nothing but awards.” Joy scoffed, slightly annoyed at the older’s kind nature. If she were that talented in anything, she would most likely show off at any given time.


“It’s not that much.” Seulgi slowly muttered, her right hand scratching her nape shyly.


“Unnie, do you have your sketchbook with you? I’m a little curious about your drawings.” Yeri timidly confessed.


“Not right now, no. But if you’d like to come over sometime then every project I have done for the past semester is in all my room in the apartment.”




“Of course! I share an apartment with Seungwan but I’m sure she would love to meet you.” Seulgi couldn’t help but stare lovingly at the red headed freshman’s grin. She had always thought that nothing is brighter than Sooyoung’s smile, but the girl in front of her is proving her otherwise.


“Speaking of which, where’s Seungwan unnie? I haven’t seen her since lunch.” It wasn’t typical of Wendy to skip their lunch time bonding, always insisting that the three of them must stick together.


“Who’s Seungwan unnie?” Yeri pushed the bride of her glasses closer to her face, before looking around.


“Seungwan unnie is a third year business major. She’s popular. Short, black hair, questionable bangs.” Joy described the older, while her non existent beard.


Questionable bangs?


“Trust me, once you see them, you’ll definitely question yourself.” Yerim then turned to Seulgi for further explanation but she got as an answer was a chuckling bear.


Must be an inside joke.


“I don’t know where she is. She didn’t text me.” Seulgi responded after her light giggles have finally died down.


As if Wendy had heard her best friends’ calls, she came out of nowhere, surprising the three greatly.


“What did I miss?” She greeted brightly.


“Not us, apparently. How could you just ditch us like that?”




“At lunch. You left Seulgi unnie and I. Where were you?” Joy interrogated.


“Lunch..” Wendy looked at the ground, guilt slowly eating her up.


Joy and Seulgi gave each other a knowing look before turning towards the shortest of the group.


You ate?” They both asked in sync. Yeri wondered what the big deal was.


She’ll ask Joy about the whole story later.




“Yeah, why?” Wendy was a little scared of how the two were acting. So what if she ate?


“Food? You ate food at lunch?” Seulgi repeated for further confirmation.


“What else was I supposed to eat? Dirt?” The junior’s face scrunched in disgust.


“But today is Wednesday..” Seulgi started.


“And you never eat lunch on Wednesdays.” Joy finished.


.” Was the only thing Wendy could muster up to say before her pupils began to shake in panic.


“Why doesn’t she eat?” Yeri questioned, making Wendy aware of the new face among the group.


Must be Sooyoung’s new friend.


“You see, Wendy unnie here has a strict diet plan, even stricter this past two weeks. The most she’ll eat on a Wednesday is a piece of toast and some egg whites for breakfast, then a plain salad for dinner.” Joy shuddered at the image. As a food lover, Joy doesn’t understand how someone could resist such delicious blessings. “Don’t you think it’s weird if she had been doing this for almost two years then all of a sudden she just ‘magically’ decided that she should eat?” She gazed upwards, giving her comment a bit of a dramatic touch.


“That is a little odd.” Yeri agreed. She doesn’t know anything about the other junior student but she too, was curious about the reason for the sudden rebellion from her routine.


“Who did you eat with?” Seulgi’s eyes squinted in suspicion.


The curious youngest turned to Joy for some more explanation.


“Wendy unnie hates eating alone.” Yerim nodded in understanding.


“Judging by the fact that Wendy unnie is goody-goody that hates eating alone, yet she decided to disappear this afternoon, claiming that she had eaten, there are only two possible explanations. One, she lied. She actually didn’t eat lunch and just used that as an excuse as to why she left the both of you.” Yeri began her conclusion.


“But Wendy unnie isn’t like that.” Joy quickly reasoned.

“Seungwan doesn’t lie.” Seulgi backed up.


“Then it must be reason two: Wendy unnie likes the person who asked her out to lunch so she didn’t have the heart to decline.”



“Is that true?” Her friends questioned at the same time.


Wendy was about to answer when Joy decided to speak once again.


“But, wait- How do we know Wendy unnie was talking about food when she said she ate something at lunch.” A smirk then began to form on the devious girl’s lips, her eyes shimmering with with excitement.


“What’s that suppose to mean?” Seulgi’s head slightly tilted, a gesture she often did whenever she tried to figure out the hidden meanings in the younger’s words.


“Joy unnie, you’re gross.” Yeri started off with her light giggles before it eventually turned into a hearty cackle.


“You got what I was trying to say, that means you’re gross too.” Joy playfully retorted, ruffling the youngest’s hair gently.


“So, what did Seungwan eat, then?” Seulgi was the only clueless one among the group, still genuinely curious as to where the girl disappeared to, earlier.


“More like ‘who’.” Joy snorted, finding hilarity in her own joke.


“Wait, what?” Seulgi looked back and forth; From the clearly unamused Wendy, to the evil twins that were shamelessly laughing for reasons unknown to her.


“Ignore them, they’re just being dumb.” Wendy shook her head in disapproval, clearly sulking at the fact that she had no escape from the situation.


“Just tell us unnie, who were you with?” Yeri questioned. Wendy literally just met her but she already blended so well with their clique. She was like Sooyoung’s twin. (Which is honestly the last thing they want) But it was adorable nonetheless.


“Joohyun sunbae asked me to accompany her..” The guilty junior, confessed.


Just like that, the laughter silenced. Yeri looking at Wendy with a pair of widened eyes; agape, completely at a loss for words.


“J-Joohyun? Like, Bae Joohyun? Fourth year, bossy as ?” The youngest threw a series of questions.


“You know her?” The trio looked at Yeri, surprised.


She’s my sister..”


The three choked on air at the sudden news, their eyes growing the size of plates.


“Ew, Wendy unnie! You’re ing Yerim’s sister! That’s disgusting.” Joy’s face contorted in pure disgust, before turning to the youngest, forcefully pulling her into a tight embrace; Her right hand the the latter’s hair. “It’s gonna be okay, Yeri. Wendy unnie is rich, she can pay for the baby’s financial needs if Joohyun unnie gets pregnant-”


“Joy, what the hell!”


“I’m just saying, unnie. Just reassuring Yeri that she can trust you now that you two are family.”


“What are you saying!” Wendy’s face was now burning in embarrassment. “Joohyun sunbae and I didn’t do anything! We just ate.”


“Yeah, each other.” Joy muttered, earning a hard smack from the flushed junior.


“Nothing happened, okay? She asked me to accompany her on the stairwell because she didn’t want to have lunch alone.” The raven haired girl let out an exasperated sigh.


“Stairwell.. Isn’t that a little risky? It’s easy to walk in on you two.” This time, it was Seulgi who had spoken. A teasing smile playing on her lips, indicating that she had finally connected the dots. Although a little late (as usual), she was just as irritating as the other satanic twins.


“Maybe that’s part of the fun. It’s exciting.” Joy flashed a wink towards Seulgi, the latter responding by throwing a kiss.


“That is so.. . I never knew Joohyun unnie was like that.” Yeri had always known that her blunt sister was far from normal, another reason as why she understood the students’ hatred for Irene. She knew that her sister was a bit of an oddball but she never would have guessed that Joohyun was incredibly .


“Not you too, Yerim.. I swear to God nothing happened between us. She gave me her peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and asked me to eat with her.” Wendy pressed on the word ‘with’ strongly implying that she had actually eaten lunch with Joohyun, and not what their tainted minds had been thinking.


“Wait, she gave you her peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”


“Yes, why?” Wendy panicked slightly.


“Unnie loves peanut butter and jelly. She eats it everyday but never shares. Not even to Nana unnie, her best friend for nine years now.” Yeri explained, catching the attention of her three new friends.


“Then why did she give it to Seungwan?” Seulgi asked in wonder.


Dunno. She probably likes Wendy unnie.” Yeri shrugged nonchalantly.


“Considering they did it, it probably means she likes her a lot.” Joy nodded, approving of her own statement.


“We didn't do anything nasty, okay? I told her I'm on diet so I didn't order anything, that's why she gave me her lunch.” Wendy explained, a little frustrated by the situation.


“Still doesn't sound like something Joohyun unnie would do.” Yeri tried to recall a time when her sister offered her anything so freely, and there were none. Whenever Irene gave a certain item to Yeri, it always meant that the older needed a favour. Always.


“Joohyun sunbae seems really weird.” Seulgi bluntly stated.


She's weird, alright.”


The memory of Irene suddenly moving closer to Wendy for no apparent reason sent the third year student into fitful giggles.


“What’s so funny?”


“Nothing. I just remembered something.”


“Unnie, get that dirty mind of yours, checked.” Wendy’s head snapped towards Joy, letting out a scandalous gasp.


“Park Sooyoung! That is disgusting!”


“Yeah, and so is eating your friend’s sister out, but you still did it anyway.” Seulgi flat out smacked her head against the table, trying her very best not to laugh at such a sassy remark.


“I'm done with this. I'm going home.” Wendy huffed before hastily grabbing her worn out, black jansport bag, heading for the door.


“I love you, unnie! Get home safely.” Joy quickly blew a buttery kiss, receiving a half-hearted wave in return.


Wow, you guys are so mean to Wendy unnie.


“It's fine. She's used to it. She loves us too much.” Joy grinned brightly.


“Anyway, you should ask your sister what happened at lunch, between her and Seungwan.” Seulgi finally lifted her head up from the table.


“She's just gonna say I'm being nosy again. But I'll ask her about it.” Yeri nodded, smoothly pushing her glasses closer, once again, giving Seulgi an affirmative smile.


“It's late, and I'm hungry. Wanna come over, nerdy squirtle?” Joy fished out her phone to check on the time. It was almost seven o’clock, supper time.


“Can I?” The smile on the youngest’s face began to glow. It’s been awhile since she last hung out with friends.


“Of course. Right, Seulgi unnie?” The bear looking junior just nodded in response.


“I’ll even show you my collection.”


“I am so excited!” But before they could proceed, Yerim’s phone began to vibrate, receiving an incoming call from her older sister. “Hold on, guys. Joohyun unnie is calling.”


The two just nodded in understanding.


“Hello?” Yeri greeted.


Where are you? It's late already.” The girl from the other line began her reprimanding.


“Okay, wow. I didn't answer the phone to hear your nagging. Jeez.” The younger, sassed, responding to her sister like she always does.


Mom wants to know where you are.” The older reasoned.


“If mom really wanted to know, she would've called me.” Yeri knew her sister all too well. Although she appears cold and a total snob, Irene was nothing but a clingy, worry wart.


Okay, fine. I feel lonely.. Why aren't you coming home yet?


“I'm visiting a friend’s house.”


Who?” Irene’s pitch was noticeably higher than before, an indication of her curiosity.


“Seulgi unnie.”


Who is that?


“Wendy unnie’s roommate. I'm sure you already know Wendy unnie.”


Wendy? You're going to Wendy’s place?” Surprise was written all over the older’s voice.


Confirmed. She knows her.


“Yeah. I was with her just a few minutes ago. Why?” Yeri knew exactly why, but teasing her sister is what she lives for.


How do you know Wendy?” Irene pried on.


“I'm friends with Joy and Seulgi unnie, who are close with Wendy unnie. Seulgi unnie invited me over and she happened to be Wendy unnie's roommate. That's how I know her. Come on, unnie, keep up.”


Irene kept mum, letting the silence take over.


“So, are you jealous?” The younger teased, hitting a sensitive spot in Irene.




“Jealous? Why would I be jealous?” The older strong denied.


“Because I'm about to visit Wendy unnie’s place and eat the food she cooked. It's probably much better and savoury than that sandwich you eat everyday.” It has even gotten to the point where if Yeri sees such sandwich, it automatically makes her want to do nothing else but throw up.


Once again, the line grew quiet.


Suddenly, a bright idea popped in the younger’s head. A mysterious grin rapidly creeping up on her lips. Turning to face her new friends, she asked.


“Joohyun unnie is jealous. Can she come too?” Joy’s face mirrored Yeri’s. Their devious smile brightening at the idea of Irene coming over. Joy still wasn't a big fan of the girl’s massive ego but if it meant hours worth of diabolical fun on her part, then she would gladly deal with the cocky senior.


What the- I'm not the jealous!” A scream came from the other line, making Yeri flinch at the high pitched voice.


“So ungrateful. Okay, fine. Stay home while I hang out with Wendy unnie and her friends. I wish you get wrinkles thinking about how much fun we're having.” A muffled growl came from the older; And that's when Yeri knew she won. Like always.


I'll go. But that's just because you need a ride..


“No, it's okay. Wendy unnie can drive me. Her Benz is my kind of whip.” The younger’s voice grew cheery. She really did adore Wendy’s car, drooling over the pimped wheel as soon as Joy had pointed it out in the parking lot.


What in the world is a ‘whip’?


“It means ‘car’, grandma. You know, like the expression, ‘my kind of ride’.”


I've never heard of it.”


“Why am I not surprised. You really have to visit the urban dictionary website more often.”


Whatever. I'm coming along. Just to make sure you don't embarrass yourself too much.


“Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses. How hard is it to say ‘Thank you, Yeri. You just saved my Wendy-less life. You're the best sister ever!’” If there was one thing Yeri was incredibly talented at, it would be pushing all the wrong buttons in her sister’s system. Not that she took shame at it.


That's not even close to what I was thinking.” Irene replied monotonously.


Yeri’s sarcastic nature is exactly why her older sister panicked when the younger proclaimed that her goal is to be a psychologist. Yeri was in no doubt a tactless , and Irene isn't sure how her hyperactive, smart- sister is going to deal with her future troubled patients.


“Are you actually coming, or not? Seulgi unnie and Joy unnie already approved of you joining us.”


Does Wendy know?


“Of course..” Not. Yeri knew that this prank amounts to a week’s worth of torture but she would be happy to take it. Anything to see a bashful and very much annoyed Irene.


Okay.. I’ll be there.”


Cool. And please, for the love of God, wear something else besides that stupid striped sweater of yours!” The younger lectured. She really did despise Irene’s sweaters. It was as if she had bought the same ones, just in different dull colours. It annoyed the inner Tiffany Hwang out of her.


But those are the only ones I have..


“Then we’re going shopping tomorrow.”




“No buts. You have no sense of fashion, and you don’t get a say in that.”


What am I supposed to wear then?


“Surprise me. Bye.” Yeri hung up. She knows that such action will result to an hour worth of boring lectures on manners and proper behavior towards elders but to Yeri, those did not manner. They don’t bother her anymore. She had practically memorized a very useful skill of seeming like you are paying attention when you are not even a tiny bit interested.


Making her way back to her older friends, Joy was the first one to speak.


“What did she say?”


“She said she’s coming.”


“Well,considering her and Wendy are gonna be together under one roof, you can bet she's gonna come multiple times.” The ual innuendo behind Joy’s sentence was everything but subtle.


“That's gross! That's my sister you're talking about!” Yeri groaned in despair.


“Enough of that, kids. Sooyoung, give Yerim a break. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t wanna hear about your sister’s private life either.” Seulgi broke off the conversation.


“Actually, I would. So I know whose to hunt down.” Joy then rubbed her palms together, her face intimidating and unreadable.


“Let’s just go. I don’t want to continue this conversation any longer.” Seulgi spun her car keys using her index finger. She then grabbed her backpack, before walking right out of the room.


“Seulgi unnie is too innocent for her own good.” Yeri whispered as they followed the older to her car.


“I know. But that’s gonna change.” The grin Joy was currently displaying, scared Yerim a little. Who knows what kind of twisted image is going through the older’s head.


The younger mumbled nothing but a silent “What’s that supposed to mean..”




“So, how do I look?” Irene walked out of her closet, twirling around in delight.


“Gorgeous.” Nana answered monotonously, her eyes never leaving the screen of her phone. In her defence, when it comes to Irene, everything is the same.


“You didn’t even look up.” The latter huffed, slightly sulky at the lack of attention.


“There’s nothing worth looking up for.” Nana continued to busy herself with her phone. A slight smirk stretching across her lips at the sound of nearing footsteps.


“Just look up.”


To say that the taller girl was shocked, was an understatement. She cannot even remember the last time she had seen Irene in a skirt. (Or any clothing that aren’t solely related to her striped sweater, for that matter.)


“You look- wow.” Nana unknowingly mumbled.


“I’ll take that as a compliment.” It was Irene’s turn to smirk; A cocky smile flaunting proudly.


“You’re going to a party and you didn’t even tell me?” Nana let out an offended gasp.


“I’m not going to a party, idiot! I’m just gonna pick up Yerim.”


Nana’s brow rose in suspicion.


“You’re gonna pick up Yerim wearing that?”


“Yes, why? What’s wrong with it?” Irene looked down for any unwanted creases.


You have got to be kidding me.. Where is she, anyway?”


“Se- Seulgi’s place..” Irene almost answered ‘Seungwan’, but there is no way in hell will she admit to that.


“Seulgi? Sounds familiar.. Wait- Isn’t she Wendy’s best friend?” The short haired girl jumped in excitement.


Is she?” Irene was never a good liar. Especially to her best friend who could practically read her like an open book. The thought of being exposed aflamed her cheeks deeply.


Shut. Up. Oh my god! You’re going to see Wendy aren’t you? That’s why you’re dressed like that! I knew it! I knew you’d like her.” Nana squealed shamelessly, chucking a pillow towards the flustered Joohyun.


“It’s not like that! Nana, stop, God!” Irene returned the pillow by throwing it with a force twice as powerful as her best friend’s.


“I knew you were secretly gay for Wendy. I mean, who isn’t, really?” Nana settled down, though her teasings continued. “Oh Joohyun Bae, who knew that you’ve been containing all your inappropriate feels for Wendy all these times.”


“I swear to god, if you don’t shut up right now..”


“Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” Nana challenged, knowing that Irene was all talk.


Irene remained quiet, not quite knowing what to say. Whenever she threatened, the younger usually stopped. But it seems like she had found a source of entertainment; Something to tease Irene with.


Whatever. I hate you.” She pouted.


“Aren’t you a cutie?” Nana cooed. She could never resist a whiny Joohyun. “Jokes aside, you look really pretty, hot even.”


“You mean it?”


“Yeah, I’d date you myself if I didn’t know any better.”


“If you didn’t know any better?”


“Yeah. Like how ugly you look when crying, how unnecessary loud you are when hungry, and how much of an impatient midget you are.” Nana answered truthfully.


A loud smack echoed the room, followed by a yelp from the taller.


“Ow! Goddamn.” Nana cried out in pain, palming her skin in hopes of soothing the throbbing spot. “With strength like that, I doubt Wendy is going anywhere.”


“What was that?” Irene’s threatened.


“Nothing.. I said you should get going since you’re gonna be late. You wouldn’t want to keep your Princess waiting; Or maybe Prince.. Whichever one tops. Not that I care..”


“Can you not?” The shorter crossed her arms in frustration. She hates losing to Nana.


The latter just grinned in response.


Nope, sorry babe.”


“Ew! Don’t call me that. You’re gross.”  


“Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot you’re committed to being Wendy’s girl now.” Nana wiggled her brows in playfulness.


“Oh my god, leave me alone! We’re not even together.” Irene whined, even louder than before. Only Nana can get her this riled up.


“But you wish you were. Face it, you like her.”


Maybe a little..” Irene whispered to herself.


“You’re such a softie, Joohyun. It’s kinda cute.” Nana hopped off the bed and was about to pull Irene into an embrace when the shorter’s face contorted in disgust.


“Don’t. You’re nasty.” Though she didn’t move a single inch, just letting herself be trapped in Nana’s embrace.


“You love my hugs.”


You wish.” Irene answered in a muffled tone. Her face pressed against her best friend’s chest.


Goodluck. I’m sure Wendy will fall for you in no time.” That was it. Irene’s favourite thing about her best friend; Her supportive nature, the fact that she always welcomes Irene with open arms. Nana’s habit of confessing her inner feelings for Joohyun to hear.


Nana is a douchebag. A douchebag with a soft, and kind heart.


“Thanks, Jin.”


Always.” Nana squeezed Joohyun tightly one last time, before finally pulling away.


“You know, if Wendy says ‘Yes’ to being my girlfriend, I’ll give you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch.”


Nana’s eye’s sparkled at the offer. “Really!?


“Yes. So you better pray to the Gods that Wendy says Yes to me.” The former could see the inner desperation and hopefulness in her best friend’s voice.


“Don’t worry. I’ll go to the church, temple, a wishing well, I’ll even pray every night for you.” Nana affectionately ruffled Irene’s hair.


“You really want that sandwich, huh?” Joohyun giggled.


“Of course!” Nana smiled, pinching the latter’s blushing cheeks.


She lied. If there was one thing Nana really wanted, it would be Irene’s happiness. And she knew Wendy was exactly the person who could give her that.


The idea of her immature, klutz, skittish best friend finally finding a reliable person that could take care of her, give her all the love and attention she needs, melts Nana’s heart.


She just hopes that everything goes well.


(Though, she already knows they will.)




Irene pulled up to the parking lot of Wendy and Seulgi’s apartment complex. She wasn’t quite sure which number it was so she spent a good few minutes looking around for any signs of her annoying sister, and her newly found friends.


Feeling hopeless, she then fished out her phone out of her purse. She was scrolling through her contacts when a car suddenly pulled up beside her.


She was about to press the green button on Yeri’s contact name when she heard her name being called by an angel.


“Joohyun sunbae? Is that you?” Faster than light, Irene turned around and found Wendy just a good meter away, carrying a grocery bag after another.


“Um..” The older could feel dry at the sight of Wendy in casual clothing.


How can one look so gorgeous in just plain shorts and an oversized hoodie? Irene thinks that Wendy- aside from all her other talents- also has the ability to pull off any given clothing.


She could probably be a model.


.. Only if she were a foot taller.


“Are you here for Yerim?” The younger asked.


“Y-Yeah..” Irene choked out an answer.


“Oh, I see. She’s upstairs, playing video games with Sooyoung and Seulgi.” Wendy flashed a genuine smile, causing a rapid reaction to Irene’s system. The senior student could feel a hot sensation creeping up from her neck, then to her ears, and finally her whole face. She was thankful that the darkness of the night was able to mask her crimson cheeks.


Wendy’s eyes were too pretty for her already racing heart, so Irene decided that ducking her head down would be a smart choice.


Or so she thought. Irene immediately regretted her decision as soon as her sight landed on Wendy’s forearm. Her toned, veiny arm that was too attractive for this world.


“Sunbae?” Wendy called out, waking Irene up to reality.


“Do y-you want some h-help?” Irene stammered.


“No thank you. It’s not really that heavy.. ” The shorter gave a cheeky smile. A smile that made Irene squeal internally.


Wendy is too cute for this world.


“Are you sure?” Irene mentally gave herself a pat in the back for not managing to stutter through a sentence. It was a short sentence but hey, it counts.


“Yup! I’m fine. Would you like walk with me upstairs? Yeri, and others, are there.” Wendy offered in a slightly greasy tone. Maybe it was just Irene, but it did sound a little a sleazy.


“Sure.” They began to walk in silence, enjoying the cold breeze of the night as the headed towards the entrance of the building. “Where were you?”


Irene’s eyes quickly shot open at her probing question. Who cares where Wendy was? No friend would ask such a question. And It’s not like they’ve known each other for a long time. She was about to spit out some lame, half-assed excuse when Wendy answered enthusiastically.


Of course. As expected from the ever-so-understanding Son Seungwan.


“I was out shopping for some things I could cook for dinner. Have you eaten yet, unnie?”  


Irene almost shrieked at the way Wendy pronounced the word ‘unnie’. It was too much for her already weak heart. The girl said it in such a loving tone that Irene almost collapsed there and then. But it seemed as if Wendy didn’t notice her slip of tongue, which lead Irene into pretending that she too, did not.


“Um, no.. My best friend was over earlier, so I didn’t get to eat. And Yeri wasn’t there..”


“Great! Would you like to have dinner with us?”


“Really? I can?” Like a toddler with candy, Irene flashed a toothy grin.


Wendy tried her best not to gasp at the unreal beauty in front of her. Distracting her raging hormones, she quickly reached out for the elevator button. She was about to let out a sigh of relief when she heard the other girl mumble a low “.”


“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Under the brightly lit lobby, Wendy could now see the deep shade of pink on Irene’s cheeks. It was an adorable sight.


Irene began to fumble her fingers, eyes fixated at the dusty floor. She mumbled something Wendy couldn’t quite comprehend.


“What was that?” Wendy softly asked, scared of how the nervous looking Joohyun might react.


I’m scared of elevators..


“Is that all?” Wendy giggled, holding back herself from squealing loudly. “I would offer to walk the stairs with you but we’re on the ninth floor and I kinda have a lot of bags to carry..” Wendy scratched her nape, a little sorry about the situation.


“It’s okay..”


“Don’t worry, unnie. There’s nothing to be scared of. But if it gets too much, just close your eyes and hold on to me, okay?”


Mesmerized at how caring Wendy was, Irene just responded with a dumb nod.


I’m not going anywhere, unnie. So, hold me all you want..” Though Wendy said it in a very hushed tone, Irene heard it loud and clear. Like the words were for her alone. Like Wendy wanted her to know. Just her.


The doors of the elevator split open. Irene watched as Wendy switched all the grocery bags to her left hand, leaving her right palm with nothing. Without another word, Wendy gently grabbed Irene’s left hand, guiding her inside the elevator.


“Relax. You’re safe with me..” Wendy whispered once again as she tightened her grip on Irene’s hand. Giving the latter all the reassurance she needed.




“Oh look who’s here! Yerimmie, It’s your sister!” Yeri was about to run to Joohyun when the sight of Wendy with her, stopped the tracks of the younger.


“Why are you together?”


“Oh, um.. I met her downstairs. She was standing in the parking lot by herself so I asked what she was doing. She said she’s looking for you.” Wendy answered for Irene after seeing how tense the older was.


After listening attentively to the junior’s explanation, Yeri then eyed her sister. Joohyun who looked very different from her usual style. Irene is wearing a white floral-patterned button down alone with a black skirt. The outfit looked very familiar. So familiar.


Yeri mentally scoffed at her older sister. It’s like looking at herself in the mirror. Head to toe, the outfit were all Yeri’s.


“Hey, unnie! You look pretty.” Yeri displayed her known squirtle-like grin, that she knew irritated Irene greatly.



“Oh! It’s Joohyun sunbae!” Shivers ran down Irene’s spine as she caught a glimpse of Joy from the kitchen.


She can barely handle Yeri’s annoying, and demonic personality. What more having dealing with two?


Much like Team Rocket and their iconic line:


“Prepare for trouble!”

“Make it double!”



The thought alone already causes Irene’s blood pressure to rise. Oh stress.


“You came with Wendy unnie?”


Not you too..


“Yeah. I saw her downstairs, so I thought it would be better to walk together.”


“Is that all you did?” The tone in the sophomore’s voice was something Irene was familiar with. A tone she hears from Yeri all the time.


Yes, Joy. That’s all we did.” Wendy pressed onto Joy’s name for emphasis. “Anyway, I have some cooking to do. Feel at home, sunbae.”


Irene was a little disappointed about being stuck in the sunbae-zone but she thinks that at least, it’s better than being stuck as a hopeless stranger. Like she once was.


“Irene unnie, do you want to watch a movie with us?” Irene’s eyes squinted in suspicion. Why was Joy suddenly so nice to her when the young was known to be one of the meanest, most snobby, evil students among the campus.


“What kind of movie?”


“It’s about a broken family. The girl moved out of their house because her mother’s crazy, leaving her younger brother to deal with her. It’s kinda sad but I heard it’s really good.” Yeri explained.


Knowing her younger sister, Irene knew that that wasn’t the complete truth, or worse, none of it was. But she had no other choice. Seulgi seemed to be busy, by the way she was sketching with her focused eyes magnetically glued to the page. Irene didn’t have to see it to know that Seulgi was creating a masterpiece.


“Um, sure.”


“Awesome!” Joy grabbed Irene’s wrist, dragging the older to their comfortable couch. “Have a seat, unnie.”


And Irene did.


“Lights out..” Irene slowly read the title, unable to understand the meaning. “An english movie?”


“Yup! I’ve read the reviews. Comments say that this movie leaves a great impact on you.” Yeri jumped on the seat, the spot beside Irene.


“You look comfortable..” Irene mumbled, seeing how shameless her sister had been acting, with her legs sprawled on the sofa’s armrest and her back slumped against the pillow.


“I am. They said I could come over anytime I want, from now on.” The younger grinned, but quickly moaned at the sensation of her now throbbing forehead. “What was that for?!”


“Have a little shame, you brat! Mom didn’t raise you this way.”


“Grouch.” Yeri grumbled, not making a slight effort of moving.


“Sorry about her..” Irene apologized to Joy and Seulgi, which simply smiled and brushed off Yeri’s behavior.


“No worries. She’s like a tiny version of Sooyoung, so we’re used to it. She’s gonna make our apartment, livelier.” Seulgi looked up from her sketchbook, taking a brief moment to look at Irene before her mono-lidded eyes curved into two little moons.


“Still, I apologize..” Irene bowed a little.


“We’re just happy she’s comfortable enough to behave like that.” Wendy’s voice echoed from the kitchen. Though Irene could not see her, she could almost picture the girl’s motherly smile.


“So shameless..” Irene glared at her sister, earning an eye roll from the younger.  


“Shut up, unnie. Don’t forget that I’m the reason you’re inside Wendy unnie’s apartment right now.” Yeri spat back.


“Stop bickering. I’m trying to watch the movie.” Joy hissed with her eyes still concentrated on the TV screen.


“Tch. Yeah, unnie. Shut up.” Yeri scoffed, earning a solid smack from her sister, before the two went back into watching the ongoing movie.


Irene’s soul was dry as soon as her eyes made contact with the television; Catching the perfect timing of the scene when the unknown entity began to fiddle with the wooden floor, carving her name with much gusto. The creaking of a fingernail against the worn out wood caused a series of goose pimples to form on Irene’s skin.


Unable to handle such a nerve wracking sound, Joohyun hopped off the couch, running to the kitchen in a heartbeat.


And as cliche as it may sound, the sight of Wendy had managed to calm Irene down in a snap of a finger.


“Hey, what’s wrong unnie? Are you okay?”


If Irene were to respond with a ‘no’, It would no longer be due to the horrific movie that the evil duo were watching in the living room, but due to Wendy’s loving tone whenever she called Irene, ‘unnie’.


“T-they’re watching horror..” Irene answered timidly, half afraid that Wendy might catch onto her irrational behavior.


“Ah, lights out?” The younger questioned like it was nothing new, as she continued to stir the pan filled with the savory-looking rice cake.




“That’s one of Joy’s favourite movies. She really likes the flow of the story and how it ended.” Wendy hummed, before grabbing a spoon from one of the kitchen drawers.


Irene wondered if Wendy was a freak when it came to her kitchen because as far as the older girl can see, the area is almost spotless, without a single misplaced item around.  


“How did it end?” Irene wondered.


“You want me to spoil it?”


The girl just nodded.


“Yeah. It’s not like I’m gonna watch it anyway.”


“Okay, so, her mom shot herself in order to save her kids from Diana. It was sad, but there’s no other way since her mom was Diana’s key into staying in the human world.” Wendy then scooped a piece of rice cake into her spoon before gently blowing, cooling off the steam. Unexpectedly, she turned around, facing Irene happily, taking a few steps towards the older. “Say ahh.” She grinned.


“W-what?” Irene stammered, unable to find the right response to Wendy’s affectionate action.


“The word is ‘ah’, not ‘what’.” The shorter giggled, gently placing the spoon against Irene’s bottom lip.


Speechless and overwhelmed by Wendy’s sweetness, Irene had no other choice but to follow the latter’s command, opening awkwardly.


“What do you think?” Wendy grinned in obvious delight.


The slightly taller girl continue to chew, swallowing with much effort.


“It's.. Um, really good..” Irene shyly confessed. The savoury taste of Wendy’s dish still lingering in .


“You think so?”


The older just nodded in response.


“Great! It's almost done. Could you lend me a helping hand, if you don't mind, unnie?” Irene wonders if she will ever get used to the latter calling her oh-so-lovingly.


“S-sure.. What do you need help with?” She's pretty sure that she's the one who needs help.


“Could you set up the table, please? Since the kids are too busy watching.” Irene’s heart began to race again. Wendy’s words made it seem like they were a family; Like she and Wendy were the parents preparing dinner for their children.


Unable to respond, Irene simply walked to the dishwasher, unloading plates and utensils for them to use.


“You look really pretty in your outfit. Just came back from a party, I'm assuming?” Irene wasn't sure what to make out of Wendy’s tone. The fact that the younger had her back against Irene, made it almost impossible for the former to read the younger’s thoughts.


“No.. I don't go to parties, really. I'm more of a homebody..”


“Really?” With that, Wendy turned around in surprise.


“Yeah. I get invited to them often but I never go..” Irene answered shyly.


“Then what do you do at home?” Wendy continued her small talk, obviously wanting to get to know the popular senior.


“Everything and nothing, I guess?” Irene would never admit that she irons, does her laundry, and writes a series of sappy entries in her diary. Never.


“Me too. I love staying home!” Wendy perked as she transferred her cooked meal into a bowl.


“What do you do at home?” Irene returned the previously given question.


“I bake, and cook. Sometimes I play instruments, or I watch movies. Everything and nothing as well, I suppose.” Wendy chuckled.


“You bake?” Irene questioned. She's always been interested in baking, but unfortunately, her ability to measure correctly was nonexistent.


“I do. I love it! I love seeing the joyful reactions when they eat something I've made.”


“Ah.. Lucky.” Irene whispered under her breath.


“If you're jealous just tell me a food you enjoy and I will bake it for you. Then you can be one of the lucky ones.”


Irene was about to answer when two satanettes, and Seulgi, casually walked into the kitchen.


“Joohyun unnie likes carrot cakes. You're welcome.” Yeri answered before picking up a fork, poking the freshly cooked rice cake.


“Carrot cakes?” Wendy repeated.


“Carrot cakes. And red bean stuff. Like slush, or Popsicles. Anything that your grandma loves, unnie probably does too.” Yeri took a bite off of the dish, only to violently cough afterwards.


“Karma. Rude brat.” Irene spat.


Chugging down the water that Joy offered, Yeri breathed heavily before glaring at her sister.


“You're really acting like that in front of Wendy unnie?” She scoffed.




“She means, that's a pretty ty first impression.” Joy bluntly answered, also taking a bite off of her rice cake.


“Wendy has to deal with you, I'm pretty sure in comparison, Irene sunbae is a total angel.” Seulgi grinned before high fiving her roommate.


“Good one, Seul.”

“I got you, Wen!”


“Dorks.” Joy simply shook her head before stuffing the left over rice cake in .


“Let's just eat, kids. Or else the food is gonna get cold.”


Yes mom.” The evil duo answered in sync before immediately looking at each other, shouting a rushed ‘jinx!’, followed by a fist bump.


The three older students couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, mumbling a defeated, “Twins..




After an eventful dinner, Joy and Yeri went to Joy’s apartment next door to play video games, while Seulgi went back to her room to finish the project she had been stressing over, for weeks. Left alone, Wendy and Irene sat on the couch awkwardly, with the tv as nothing but a silence filler.






“How did you find dinner?” Wendy started off.


“It was good, I liked it. I feel full now.”


“So, how's um, senior year?” Wendy remember the situation in the cafeteria during their first interaction; when Irene blabbed about being a senior student.


“Stressful, as expected. But at least once I'm done, I can somehow land myself a job with my degree.”


“Ah..” Wendy nodded before silence covered the air again; this time, it was Irene who initiated a conversation.


“I heard you're a business major? How's that?”


“Okay. Not too fun, not too boring either; Just, okay.”


“Do you like it?” Irene couldn't help but ask.


“You could say that. I guess I like the opportunities that come along with being a businesswoman. I'd like to travel all over the world, and being under business could help make that happen.” Irene felt like Wendy just answered a question for a job interview. Normally, she would call the person out for being too serious but this was Wendy. Wendy is an exception.


“That sounds nice. Travelling sounds like a lot of fun.” Irene agreed.


“It is! Learning different languages, trying out their exotic food. It's unreal.” Wendy sighed, lost in her thoughts. “All I need is someone to travel with.”


“What about Seulgi? Isn't she your best friend?” Irene suggested. Of course she can't recommend herself. She isn't that shameless.


“Seulgi isn't really into travelling. She loves Seoul too much. She wants to stay here, a world she's familiar with.”


“What about Joy?”


Have you met Joy?” Wendy chuckled, finding hilarity in Irene’s words. “She’ll find a way to somehow land my in jail.”


“Fair enough.” Irene giggled. She can relate, considering the fact that she's lived with Yerim all her life.


“Do you like travelling, unnie?” Wendy stared into the older’s eyes, suddenly making Irene’s throat dry.


“Uh, I l-like it.. My dad used to tell me stories about where he's been and what he did, and it was all too fascinating.” Irene wanted to facepalm for making a fool of herself. For looking like a nervous wreck.


“Have you travelled before?”


Irene shook her head at that, piquing Wendy’s interest even more.


“Why is that?”


“I really don't like being alone.. There's a great chance I'd get lost.. And I can't really speak any other language, so..” Wendy began to laugh, a hearty, happy, laugh.


That's cute, unnie. We should travel together! I can speak English, and Spanish, and a little bit of French. I think that's enough to keep us going in the big city.” Joohyun stared blankly at the younger, speechless. Wendy said it like it was nothing, when she pretty much just suggested that they should explore the world together.


Shared room, shared experiences, shared moments, shared everything. Irene’s heart began to pound against her chest. She could almost feel the cold sweat forming on her forehead.


Finally catching on to her weird behaviour, Wendy’s eyes widened in panic. She quickly stammered an explanation.


“I’m sorry if it s-sounded weird, unnie. Oh my gosh, I didn't mean it like that. I just, I feel super comfortable with you, a-and you make m-me smile, and gosh, I'm sorry!” Irene continued to stare for a moment more, until she couldn't stop herself from smiling anymore.


“It's okay, Seungwan. I understand..” I would love to travel with you.


“Y-You called me Seungwan..”


It was Irene’s turn to blurt out a messy excuse.


“Oh, um, I-”


“It's okay, unnie. I like it. You make my name sound.. Not so bad.” The younger grinned.


“Not so bad? You don't like your name?”


Nope. I’ve always been told that it’s a boy’s name.” Wendy pouted, amusing Irene greatly.


“What's wrong with that? It's cute. Seungwan is cute.”


“Did you just call me cute?” Caught off guard, Irene’s cheeks began to burn.


“No, that's not-”


I know, I was just teasing.” Wendy giggled.


“That's not nice! I'm older than you!” Irene huffed, crossing her arms as she turned away from Wendy..


You're so adorable, unnie. I'm sorry I embarrassed you.”


Irene continued to act like a rotten brat, still keeping up a sulky act. Which, of course, Wendy had to take care of.


“Come on, unnie. I didn't mean to make you sad.. I'll treat you some red bean slush tomorrow, as a form of apology.” Irene’s attention was quickly caught.




I promise.” Wendy flashed a genuine smile, holding out her pinky, in which Irene quickly locked with her own, sealing the agreement with their thumbs.


“Okay, you're forgiven.” Irene muttered, in an unusually childish voice. Wendy could feel her heart melt as such an adorable sight.


Thank you, unnie.”


The sweet moment was cut short when a series of slow, loud, and heavy applause, interrupted the two. It was none other than the two evil girls, making an unnecessarily noisy entrance.


And, Cut! Isn't that cute, Yerimmie? If I had only filmed that, we would have had the next blockbuster romantic movie.” Joy turned to Yeri, the younger mirroring the same, sly expression.


“Just the perfect ‘overly cheesy’ movie that will make emotional ers, cry, and the single viewers, more miserable than they already are.” Yeri’s smile grew wider.


Oh Yerimmie, I'm so sorry. How about going out on a slushie date with me? My treat, as a form of apology.” Joy imitated Wendy’s voice, grabbing Yeri’s shoulders.


Joy unnie, I would love that! I would love to go on a date with you. Especially since I don't have to pay.” Yeri accurately copied her sister’s voice, pulling Joy for a tight hug.


Irene picked up the nearest item around her reach, which was a throw pillow, throwing it towards the two with much power.


“Shut up, you two!” Wendy’s ears burned into a deep pink, and she was very thankful that her hair was able to cover it up, saving her from further embarrassment.


Joy unnie, close your eyes.” Yeri continued her role playing, despite earning a solid hit from her sister. Not that it ever stopped her.


Why?” Joy too, didn't stop, closing her eyes just as Yeri told her to.


What do you see?




Exactly. That's what my world is like, without you in it.” Yerim dramatically shed a tear before cupping Joy’s face, leaning in, closer and closer, until another pillow landed itself on the side of her face, this time, it was Wendy’s doing.


“Stop! You two are so gross.” Irene yelled, her face beet red.


“It's like looking in the mirror, isn't it?” Joy wiggled her brows at the two.


“Would you look at that! It's late. Time to go home, Yerim.” Irene proclaimed out of nowhere, even looking at her wrist for confirmation, though she wasn't wearing a watch. She hastily stood up, then looked at Wendy with an unreadable gaze. “We have to go..”


Wendy then stood up, now in the older’s eye level.


“I know. I'll see you tomorrow?” Wendy gaze into Irene with a hopeful look.


“If you'd like. I still owe you a sandwich.”


“And red bean slushie for you.”


“Same place?” Irene smiled in content.


“Sounds good. Wait for me there.”


“You better bring lunch. A sandwich isn't enough.” Irene reprimanded, playfully glaring at the younger.


“But-” Wendy was about to argue when she was cut off.


No buts. You're bringing lunch.”


“Yes, ma'am.” Wendy raised both arms in defeat, a sweet smile waiting to stretch across her lips.


“And you call us gross.” Joy rolled her eyes at the two.


“They basically forgot we are here and the fact that mom is probably waiting for us back home.” Yeri added on.


“They spend hours together today, and they’re openly saying they’ll ditch us tomorrow too, but they act like they’re about to part for six years. Yerimmie, I can't even last two minutes without seeing you.” Joy mocked.


Let's spend every lunch time together from now on, in a place where it's just us two.” Yeri played along.


Why can't you just tell me you like me, Yerimmie? Because I like you.” Joy looked into Yeri’s eyes, perfectly displaying a cringeworthy act.


I like you, unnie. From the moment you gave me your peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the stairwell. I've fallen for you then.” Unable to handle any more of the little satans’ finger-curling performance, Irene quickly tugged on Yerim’s right ear, pulling her away from Joy.


Play’s over. Let's go home. Bye, Seungwan! Thanks for the dinner. Tell Seulgi thanks for inviting us over. Later, Joy!” Irene waved with her empty hand, as she continued to drag her younger sister with the other.


“Bye Seungwan un- ow! Unnie! I'm coming over again soon! See you tomorrow Sooyoung unnie! Tell Seulgi unnie, her paintings are awesome! Ouch unnie, you're gonna rip my ear off!” Yeri continued whined until they entered the elevator, and disappeared out of Wendy and Joy’s view.


“What an interesting siblings.” Joy couldn't help but comment, an intrigued smile creeping up her face.


“For the first and last time, I agree.” Wendy nodded as the walked back inside the apartment, locking the door.


Unknowingly, a smile made its way on Wendy’s face as she relived the fun night they just had.


The Bae siblings are an interesting pair, indeed.




“Seungwan!” Wendy was in line to buy cafeteria food when she heard her name echo through the room.


“Oh, unnie! You're here to see me?” Wendy grinned before wiggling her expressive brows.


“Not necessarily. I was just walking, and I ended up here.” Irene grinned, though Wendy could see a faint blush on the older girl’s cheeks.


“So you just happened to end up here, beside me?” Wendy smirked in confidence.


“You're making it sound so cheesy.” Irene playfully smacked Wendy’s arm.


“It's pretty cheesy. You could've just said you were looking for me.” The younger’s smug look then gradually turned into a proud grin.


“You wish!” They both laughed at how silly they are being. They have only known each other for weeks but they already have a bond like long-time friends.


Over the span of weeks, plenty of things have changed between the two. Irene now shares her favourite sandwich, with Wendy; Irene no longer has to beg her spot in line because Wendy - And sometimes Joy during chicken day - are always waiting for her in line, welcoming her presence. Though Joy, being satan’s daughter, never fails to in every way she can. Wendy, also treats the older with a cup of her favourite red bean slushie ever so often. And the biggest change, is the fact that Wendy finally eats comfortably. Irene’s non-stop nagging about Wendy’s irrational need to diet, finally paid off; the junior student began eating more and more every day.


Joy and Seulgi, and even Wendy couldn't believe it. It’s like Irene did God’s work. She did the impossible. Though they would never downright admit, they are very grateful for Irene.


It's Irene sunbae. She's with Wendy again.”

“Well, duh? They're obviously dating.”

“How do you know?”

“Because why else would you hang out with her? She's a total .


Just. Ignore. Them.


Wendy did a couple breathing exercises in order to stop herself from saying anything to the gossipy students. Irene didn't deserve such words. She did nothing wrong. She did nothing.


Do you think she's in it for Wendy’s money?” Wendy finally snapped.


Okay, that's going too far.


Walking to the source, Wendy slammed the table, surprising the girls around it.


“Look, don't you think you're being a little rude? Joohyun unnie had done nothing wrong to any of you, so I don't see the need to talk badly of her. I doubt you've even spoken to her at all. I can't believe I even have to explain this to University students. You aren't in junior high, please grow up. And truthfully, you can talk trash all you want, but that won't change the fact that unnie is already better than all of you.” Wendy walked away, leaving the stunned students behind. To say that she was fuming, is an understatement. In a record breaking speed, and time, Wendy made her way towards the empty stairwell.


She continued to sigh heavily until she heard the door open, followed by a series of light footsteps. Already knowing how it was, Wendy waited for the familiar face to enter her sight.


“You okay there?” Irene asked cautiously.


“I'm sorry you had to see me like that, unnie. I tried to stop myself, really. But they were just- they were too mean, and you didn't deserve it.” Irene flashed half a smile.


“It's fine, I'm used to it.”


“But you shouldn't be!” Wendy defended, her loud voice echoing through out the empty place.


“We can't always have what we want, Seungwan. But thank you for protecting me there, even though you didn't have to.” Irene flashed a small, yet grateful smile.


“It's nothing.. Since I lashed out, I probably made it worse. Now, they'll definitely think we're dating.” Wendy chuckled dryly.


I'm okay with that.” Irene confessed quietly.


“W-what?” Wendy thought she heard it wrong, but it can't be. The stairwell was probably the quietest place in all of the building. So there is no way her ears could have failed her.


Nothing. I didn't say anything.” Irene shook her head, her gaze fixed on the floor.


“Y-you said you're o-okay with people thinking we're together..”


“If you heard it clearly, you shouldn't have said ‘what’.” Irene laughed lightly, slightly refusing to believe the fact that she pretty much just confessed.


“You're really okay with that?” Wendy asked seriously, though her voice quivered in nervousness.


“Honestly? Yeah.. I mean, uh, if that happened, I'd be the lucky one, so I don't exactly have a reason to deny anything.” Irene reasoned, though in reality, she's okay with people thinking they're a couple because she has a huge crush on the younger.


“Unnie, do you perhaps.. Like me?”


“Of course I like you! You're a sweetheart.” Irene knew exactly what Wendy meant but she isn't sure she's ready to confess.


“No, I mean do you like like me?”


“Uh.. Wendy, I don't know what I'm supposed to say to that.” Irene nervously answered but Wendy wasn't having any of that.


“All you have to do is either say Yes, or No. Do you like me?” The younger's gaze was burning holes into Irene’s soul, seeing right through her. It was now or never.


“Yes.. I do like you. How can I not? You're sweet, and smart and funny. Even if I try to ignore it, I can't; especially not if you're almost always the talk of town..” Irene confessed, she scoffed at the thought of rejection.


Unnie I like you too..” Wendy said almost inaudibly.


“Did you just say you like me?” Irene's eyes widened at the unexpected confession.


Wendy nodded slowly, eyes lowered and focused on the empty flight of stairs.


“Yeah. I like-” she was about to repeat when Irene covered the younger’s mouth with her palm.


“Wait, no! Don't say it! Not yet!” Wendy looked at her with a pair of confused eyes.


“Let me explain, but please don't finish your sentence. Promise me..” Wendy nodded against her hand. Feeling assured, Irene slowly pulled away, enabling Wendy to speak again.


“Why can't I say it..”


“This is gonna sound really stupid but, I'm not ready yet. I'm not prepared. I've always imagined that if I confessed to my future girlfriend, it has to be special. And right now, we're inside a dull, dusty, room. Give me time. I promise I'll make it memorable, just please wait a little more.” Irene explained in a messy manner. She had never been good at confessing her feelings, especially since she's used to it being the other way around. She's used to being the one showered with confessions, and gifts.


But now, she has to find a way to make Wendy feel like a princess.


Irene only snapped out of her thoughts when she felt herself being pulled in a tight hug. A nice, warm, and soft embrace.


I’ll wait.” Irene could just melt at the younger’s hushed tone. At the way Wendy made sure the words were for Irene to here, alone.


Feeling Seungwan’s face nuzzle against the crook of her neck, Irene then wrapped her arm around the girl’s waist.


“Seungwan?” The older called out softly.


Wendy only hummed in response, enjoying the warmth that Joohyun was giving her.


“Can you promise me something?”


“Sure.” Wendy murmured against Irene’s skin, making her laugh at how comfortable the younger must be feeling, considering how clingy she is being.


“Don't look at anyone else..” As soon as the words slipped out of , she could already feel her temperature rising rapidly. But she feels only Wendy’s embrace grow tighter, giving her every bit of assurance she needed.


“You know I won't. I only have my eyes set on a certain girl named Joohyun Irene Bae.” Irene could feel her future girlfriend’s smile against her skin, automatically sending a smile on her face as well.


“Cheesy.” Irene giggled, running her hand up and down Wendy’s back.


Just the way you like it.


Irene was certain; She was definitely lucky to be Wendy’s girl.





Three months.


That's how long it took for Joy, Yeri, And Seulgi to finally convince Irene into confessing again. This time, correctly.




Today’s finally the day.

She will confess to Wendy. And as cliché as it may sound, she's confessing at the campus stairwell, where she and Wendy shared their first moment together.


“Nana unnie just texted me, she said they're on their way. They're almost here.” Yeri excitedly squealed as she looked around, finding a great satisfaction in their work.


“Calm down, kid. Things like this never happens. Joohyun unnie is just extra.”


Sooyoung rolled her eyes at the incredibly puke-inducing set up. Lots, and lots of balloons, (she counted but completely lost track of the number, so she just gave up.) cute little cut-outs of peanut butter and jelly jars, as well as red bean popsicles; everything Irene loved. And of course since it's everything The oldest loved in this world, little doodles of Wendy cannot go unmentioned. Little drawings of Wendy, sketched by Seulgi. Anything to make her best friend happy.


“It's still romantic, in my opinion.” Seulgi agreed with the youngest, completely feeling the love in the air.


“Oh my god, they're here!” Yeri squealed so hard, Joy had to seal the younger's mouth shut with her palm.


“Shh. You're not even the one they're confessing to.” The older Satan tried to hush Yeri but it was no use, the younger was too hyped to stay still.


“Irene unnie? What's all this?” Wendy’s jaw dropped as she gazed at the decorated stairwell.


“You're looking at everything I love, deeply. They all hold a meaning.” Irene explained.


“Meaning? Peanut butter and jelly has meaning to you?” Wendy giggled.


“Yeah, it reminds me of us. We compliment each other. We're great separately but together, we're unstoppable.” Irene grinned, mentally patting herself in the back at being able to deliver her line well.


“Red bean slush, and popsicles?” Wendy questioned the other deserts.


“They always tease me about how it's for old people, and I wondered if you'd like to enjoy those with me, like an old, married couple? We can drink or eat those while wearing our massage slippers.” Seungwan couldn't help but laugh at her lover’s dorkiness.


“Moving on, are these.. me?”


“Yup!” Irene proudly answered. “I said this is a room filled with everything I love, right? Well, i’d like to make it clear that you're number one on that list.


In her peripheral vision, Wendy could see Yeri snacking Joy’s arm repeatedly, trying to muffle a spazz.


“I think I've made myself clear already, since, as you can see, it's pretty obvious, but I'll say it anyway.” Irene gently took ahold of Wendy’s hands, looking into her eyes to make sure Wendy understands that her feelings are true, and her intentions are clear.


“Wendy, I really like you. You are so precious to me, and I just wanna take care of you all the time. I love seeing your smile and I feel myself falling harder and harder each day. I can't no longer keep my feelings inside, so please accept them with open arms. Seungwan Son, be my girlfriend?”


“I'd be a fool to let you go. I would love to be your girlfriend.” A rush of emotions struck Irene, and her immediate instinct was to pull Wendy for an embrace. Like magic, the storm of mixed feelings inside Joohyun calmed down almost instantly.


That's when she knew that Wendy was definitely the one.


“Oh gosh, I'm crying tears of Satan!” Yeri wailed as she rubbed her eyes with her forearm.


“You mean tears of Joy?” Nana asked.


Same thing.” Yeri chuckled in between sobs, making Seulgi and Nana laugh, while Joy playfully glared at the younger, ruffling her hair affectionately.


The couple looked at their friends before looking at each other, unable to stop themselves from smiling brightly. They have everything they wanted, and treasured, all in one room.


They couldn't be happier.


Wanna go for ice cream?” Irene randomly asked her girlfriend.


“I want ice cream!” Yeri answered.


“I could go for some.” Joy nodded in agreement.


“What do you say, Seulgi?” Nana asked the quiet girl.


“I'd love to.”


Wendy and Irene looked at each other before shrugging. “Okay, let's go.”


Cheers and hearty laughter filled the air as the gang headed for some dessert.


Such a day was definitely worth celebrating for, since it's the start of something beautiful.






Finishing up with 13 and a half, thousand words, my thumbs feel extremely violated.

I hope I at least made your day better in any way, or lightened up your mood. That's all I want. It's why I write.


Until next time,



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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well there u go #77 you got your girl :)
ryuddaengddong #2
Chapter 10: That free taste tho
Chapter 1: uuuuuu baseball wendyyy. sporty wendy is always the best, considering how she used to be active in sports back in her high school days. if i may ask author-nim, why baseball out of all sports? i think it's brilliant and very out of the ordinary since usually others would go for basketball, swimming, etc.

thank you for this story!
Chapter 7: Sequel plssssss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: this one is really long but i still like it 🥰
Chapter 11: I really didn't think all this was planned 🤣
Chapter 10: really like it
Chapter 9: LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 7: wow i love this, actually love all of them 😚
Chapter 13: This is really good! Wished that you are still writing.