Until Tommorow

My Soldier, My Crush
==Jb's apaterment==
Jb and Ha Yun enters his apaterment. "Ha Yun, go change in my bathroom. Just put your wet clothes in the washing machine," he says.
Ha Yun makes OK sign with her hand. She goes change in Jb's bathroom. After she's done, she exits his room and puts her wet clothes in the washing machine. "Jb, i'm done. It's your turn," Ha Yun walks to the washing machine next to the sink.
After Ha Yun done, he says. "Song Ha Yun. If you're hungry, you can eat teriyaki on the table," Jb enters his room and change. He does the same thing like Ha Yun, putting his wet clothes in the washing machine. But it's near the wall. Jb finds Ha Yun eats the teriyaki on the table in front of the TV. She's crying during watching a drama. But, it's funny scence. "Ha Yun, are you okay?"
"Jb, help me!" she yells and continues crying.
"What happened?"
"I am going to be killed because i'm watching South Korean drama!" Ha Yun wipes her tears.
"That's okay! You're at South Korea now!" Jb doesn't know why Ha Yun cries like that. He sits next to her.
"Huh? Ah! Yes! Why am i crying like a stupid North Korean? Ow yeah! I'm from North Korea! Well, you know Jb... At North Korea, we can't watch South Korean dramas. If we watch them, we'll get killed. Ugh!!" Ha Yun takes a tissue and SROOOTT!! "A green and gross creature" gets out from Ha Yun's nose.
Jb shakes his head and laughs.
"Sorry for the... 'abnormal' voice!" Ha Yun throws the tissue to the trash can next to the couch and laughs. They start to get close. "Jb, how old are you anyway? I mean, if you're older than me, i should call you oppa," Ha Yun isn't feeling awkward anymore.
"I am 21 years old," Jb is sure Ha Yun will get amazed.
"What really? Wow! You're a young soldier!" Ha Yun's elbow push Jb's arm.
Jb laughs. "How old are you?" he asks back.
"I am 19 years old. So, i should call you oppa," she smiles.
==Tommorow morning==
Song Ha Yun wakes up on Jb's bed. Last night, Jb letted her to sleep in his room and Jb slept on the couch. She finds a letter: "I am going to the military base. Love, Jb." Ha Yun reads it and smile. Then, she exits Jb's room but her eyes meet with an unknown boy. Ha Yun is shocked and says, "Who are you?"
The unknown boy is shocked too because when he comes in and there's an unknown girl. His hand brings a plastic of food. "You too! Who are you?" he points at Ha Yun.
"I... Um... am Jb's friend! Who are you?!" Ha Yun points at him back.
"You don't know who i am! I'm Jb's little brother. I came here to give him breakfast! Where is he?" the boy's hand stops pointing at Ha Yun.
Ha Yun stops pointing at him too. "He's at military base! Now, send the breakfast to the military base! Go!"
"Hey... How did you know my brother is at military base? Oh! Last night, you must be slept with my brother?!"
After hearing that, Ha Yun feels annoyed. "Such a dirty brain you have! Of course, i didn't! Your brother letted me sleep in his room. And he slept on the couch! Aish! You watch too much, little kiddo!"
Hearing that 'little kiddo', that boy is angry and walks to her. "Little? How old are you? I'm taller than you, anyway!" that boy smiles proudly. "I am only 18 years old. Are you 15? You're very short!"
"Yak! I'm 18 like you!"
The boy laughs. "Okay, now go back to your home. And never come back!"
"You... Even don't know why your brother lets me stay in this place. I'm from North Korea! I ran away from North Korea! Because i hate North Korea!" Ha Yun yells.
But, the boy laughs even harder. "You're funny! Haha! That's why your face is ruined! Because you ran from North Korea!" the boy laughs. Then, he stops laughing. "Go do plastic surgery!"
Ha Yun can't hold her anger and grabs the boy's collar. "Why you, little...!"
"Do we have to fight?" he asks.
"Why not?" Ha Yun agrees.
They're going to start but the boy gets a call from Jb. "Yes, hyung?" he answers the phone.
'Bambam, where are you?' Jb's voice is heard on the phone.
"I am at your apaterment. I bring your breakfast. Hyung! There's a North Korean girl slept in your room!" Bambam, the boy's name complains like a 5 y.o kid on the phone.
But, Jb laughs on the phone. 'Bambam... I let her stay in my apaterment! That's okay. Eat the breakfast with her. One of my friend will treat me. Don't fight with her! Be a good friend for her!'
"I understand! Ugh!" Bambam ends the conversation and puts his phone in the pocket.
He sees Ha Yun smiles proudly. "Did you hear that, BAMBAM?!! Be a good friend for me! Song Ha Yun, the most gorgeus girl in the universe!" she stucks her tongue out. She heard all of their conversation.
Then, Bambam and Ha Yun sit on the different couch and eat kimchi jjigae. Ha Yun eats it with high-spirited. Bambam only stares at her. Bambam is a bad boy. Now, he's wearing red shirt and ripped jeans. "Do you ever eat?" he asks impolitely.
Ha Yun stops eating after hearing Bambam's question. "Of course, i do! But, i haven't eaten yet for 2 days, i think? Last night, i ate teriyaki with Jb oppa," she continues eating. "It's delicious, by the way," is full of kimchi jjigae.
"Haha! Delicious, right? I was the one who cooked it!" Bambam feels proud.
"Whatever," Ha Yun rolled her eyes.
"But Song Ha Yun, how did you meet Jb hyung?" Bambam asks.
Ha Yun gulps the kimchi jjigae. "Em... It was... You know... Last night, i saw him wanted to jump from the bridge to the deep river so, i saved him and he letted me stay in his house. The end."
"What? Are you serious?" Bambam makes his own hair a mess. "Jb hyung always makes me annoyed! A week ago, he tried to jump from this building's rooftop. He's just very crazy! But i saved him."
Song Ha Yun who wants to enter the kimchi jjigae to stops because of Bambam's story. "What?! But why?"
"I think it's because we don't have parents."
"Really? But, he didn't tell me last night," Ha Yun puts the kimchi jjigae on her thighs.
"Our daddy killed himself before i was born. Then, when i was 6 y.o, my mom got kidnapped by North Korean soldier. Life is annoying for him. He had to take care of me too," Bambam changes his sitting position.
"I don't have parents too. They were killed by North Korean," Ha Yun continues eating.
Bambam blows his bangs. "But by the way, where did you get that t-shirt?"
Ha Yun looks at her t-shirt. "Jb and i bought these last night," she smiles.
"But, Song Ha Yun. You should be careful when you stay with Jb hyung," Bambam's face is very serious.
Ha Yun stops eating and is ready to hear Bambam. "Why?"
Bambam's face gets a bit closer to Ha Yun. "He might find your underwears," then, his face is trying to not laugh.
"What is this? You're really ert!" Ha Yun throws a pillow behind her to Bambam's face. "I am eating here! I'm going to vomit!" she groans and eats with annoyed face.
But Bambam still laughs. "I'm just kidding," he hugs the pillow. "Do you have boyfriend?" he asks.
And Ha Yun shakes her head.
"You should be my hyung's girlfriend! He's single!"
"What are you talking about? I don't love him. Well, i like him but as a friend. And you're single too, huh?" Ha Yun finishes her kimchi jjigae.
"Of course, i'm not! I have girlfriend now! She's prettier than you. Should i introduce her to you?"
==At night==
Jb opens the apaterment door and finds Ha Yun watching TV. "I'm home," he closes the door.
"Jb oppa! Bambam said, he'll cook ramyun for you!" Ha Yun smiles cutely.
"Really? He never does that. I don't know he can be good," Jb sits next to Ha Yun. "Where is he?"
"He's at supermarket now. And he wants to cook ramyun for you because of truth or dare punishment."
"So, you're the one who give him the punishment?" Jb asks.
Song Ha Yun nods.
"But i want to cook ramyun together with you and Bambam, can we?" he smiles and his eyes aren't seen.
"That would be fun!" Ha Yun smiles back.
"By the way, what was Bambam's reaction when he met you at the first time?"
Ha Yun sighs. "We almost fought this morning. But, glad you phoned him so we cancelled our battle."
Jb chuckles. "Sorry for my little brother's attitude. He's funny but he's bad. You can see his bad side by looking at his fashion taste."
"I think you're too good for Bambam."
"Ha! I'm used for his attitude. Just do whatever he wants. At least, he doesn't sleep with his girlfriend," Jb looks at Ha Yun's face.
Song Ha Yun looks at Jb's face and nods. Then, her eyes are focusing on TV again. "This drama is good. What is the tittle by the way?" her finger points at the TV.
"Oh... This drama. The tittle is Master's Sun. Do you love it?" Jb asks
"Yes! What is Joo Joong Won's real name?" Ha Yun asks back. She feels free because she's at South Korea.
"It's So Ji Sub," Jb answers. Then, he continues, "Song Ha Yun... There's an empty room upstairs. We can't stay together like this so, i'm going to buy that room for you."
Ha Yun's eyes become bigger because she's very happy. "Really? Aaaaa!!! Thank you, Jb oppa! You're the nicest guy i've ever met!" she yells and jumps on the couch.
Jb laughs. "You're welcome, Ha Yun. I just do this because we can't stay together in one room. Hope you enjoy your new room."
Then, Bambam comes in. Ha Yun fastly runs to him and yells and jumps. "Bambam! We're going to cook the ramyun together to celebrate!" her hands are holding Bambam's arm tightly.
Bambam is very confused. "Celebrate what?"
"Jb oppa is going to buy me a new room upstairs! So, we'll cook ramyun together!" Ha Yun grabs the plastic from Bambam's hand and fastly runs to kitchen. She's very happy and prepares all of the indregitions to the table.
Bambam walks to Jb. "Wow, hyung. Do you have money to buy new room for Ha Yun?" he looks at Ha Yun who is preparing the hot water.
"Yes, i do."
==Ha Yun's apaterment==
The three of them go upstairs after eating ramyun. Song Ha Yun brings plastics of her clothes. Bambam and Jb are walking behind her. They can see how Ha Yun walks. Like a little girl running when she meets her mom. And she's counting the room numbers. "905, 906, 907! It's right here, right here! 907!" Ha Yun puts the plastics and looks at the key. "What is the password?"
"9079," Jb answers.
Ha Yun types the password and she can open the door. "Wow, how did you know the password?" she turns on all the electricities inside there. Then, she puts the plastics on the couch.
"Because i'm friend with the ex-owner. One day, he told me to babysit his daughter, so he also told me the password. He moved to China. Do you like it?" Jb and Bambam follow Ha Yun.
"What do you mean i like it? I love it! Look at the view!" Ha Yun stands up in front of the window. "Wow, Jb oppa! I've never seen this before! You're a rich guy, aren't you?"
Jb laughs a little. "Thanks to Bambam, he's a YouTuber! He covers some Kpop coreography."
"Kpop? What is Kpop?" Ha Yun who is from North Korea feels curious. Because at North Korea, she never hears Kpop.
"Jb hyung, she's from North Korea. She doesn't know Kpop," Bambam sits on the couch.
"Huh..." Jb stands up beside Ha Yun. "Kpop is all of South Korean girlbands, boybands, and singers," his explanation is very simple but Ha Yun can understand. "Oh yeah... Two days from now, you'll go to the same college like Bambam," Jb makes Ha Yun even happier but Bambam feels upset.
Song Ha Yun yells and jumps again.
But Bambam stands up. "I can't! My girlfriend will be angry if i'm together with other girl! We'll break up!"
"Then, you should break up with your girlfriend. I think she's using you, little bro," Jb laughs.
Ha Yun laughs too.
Bambam feels annoyed. Then, his upset feeling cools down. "Glad, you're ugly, Ha Yun. If you're beautiful, my girlfriend will gone crazy. Because my girlfriend will think i like you because you're beautiful," Bambam stands up beside Ha Yun too like Jb.
"Your girlfriend is scary. Jb oppa is right. Break up with her," Ha Yun keeps looking at Seoul view. She's very happy. Three of them aren't talking. Song Ha Yun can't stop smiling. But, she doesn't see Bambam's and Jb's face. They're not smiling like Ha Yun. Then, Ha Yun sees their faces through the window. "What happened, guys? I think you're sick or something. Maybe, you ate too many ramyun," Ha Yun breaks the silence.
Jb and Bambam are laughing fakely. "Nothing... We're not sick. We used to be like this," Jb lies.
"Hey, Song Ha Yun. You're right. I should break up and look for new girlfriend," Bambam says.
"I will pay tomorrow this apaterment. Don't worry, Ha Yun," Jb smiles.
Then, Bambam takes his phone from his pocket. He tries to take a picture of Ha Yun.
"What are you doing?" Ha Yun asks.
"Look at this, Ha Yun," he shows her picture.
"Delete it! I look awful!" she pouts.
"I will..." Bambam puts his phone back to the pocket.
Then, Song Ha Yun yawns. "I should go to sleep. You guys should go back," she says.
Jb nods. "Let's go, Bambam," Jb walks away and Bambam follows Jb.
==Jb's apaterment==
The two of them enter their apaterment. "You're not sleeping at your friend's house?" Jb asks and walks to kitchen
"I will sleep here," Bambam is ready to open the room door.
Hearing Jb, Bambam stops. "What?"
"Do you love Song Ha Yun?" he asks seriously.
"Of course, i don't. How about you? I think you have feeling to her," Bambam turns back.
"I don't know."
Bambam smiles. "Then, i'll go sleep now."
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Unspoken11 #1
new ready here . i'll waiting for it . Fighting !